*now arriving in Tokyo, please keep seats in upright position with tables up for landing* Michiru jumped slightly as the electronic voice announced their arrival. Taking a quick scan of the cabin she was in, it looked as if there were only a few passengers left to get off. ‘I’m here…I’m safe…’ she thought with a small smile, the first she’d smiled since the friendly man beside her had gotten off on one of the intervals. She’d forgotten which one. ‘Dad used to be like him…’ the aqua haired girl thought sadly, gripping the arm rests of the chair as the plane descended quickly, causing her ears to pop painfully, despite the gum she was chewing. *All passengers please leave the aircraft, I repeat, this is the last stop, Tokyo, 3:45 hours, Tokyo time. All passengers off* Michiru smiled softly as she stood, picking up her light suitcase before exiting the plane. A few people exited before her, most being greeted by sleepy looking friends and family. She frowned, wondering if her father had noticed her absence. She’d left a note in her dresser drawer by their picture, telling him not to worry, that 16 was old enough to take care of ones self. ‘sorry daddy…but you wouldn’t listen…’ Brushing the tears from her eyes, she shouldered her way past the small groups of families, exiting the massive airport before anyone could really take notice of her. She didn’t need anyone identifying her. There weren’t many 16-year-olds around with bright aquamarine hair. A row of taxies were waiting at the bottom of the stairs, causing her to trot down the marble steps toward the last open taxi. “Wait! Wait please!” she cried, a feeling of foreboding rushing through her system as the offending taxi pulled away from the curb, speeding away. The others followed, each carrying a cargo of sleepy, yet excited people to their destinations. “No…this can’t be happening…” she whispered, sitting heavily on the cold marble steps. She sat for a long time, looking up only when a light hand touched her shoulder. “hello miss, may I give you a ride?” a husky voice asked, causing her to jerk her head up to stare at the man. He extended his hand as she gave him a wary look before accepting it slowly. “the name’s Derek.(AN: ^_^ not yet ppl) and yours?” Derek asked, watching the wariness slowly slip from her gaze as she realized this would be her only way to get to a motel for the night. “Michi-Michelle. My name is Michelle” She whispered, standing from the cold steps toward his car, parked some ways away. She felt an uneasiness somewhere inside her, the same feeling she often felt when she knew her stepmother was coming home before her father was. “you know, I think I’ve changed my mind abou-” she let out a yelp as she turned at the bottom of the steps, seeing the dark haired man so close behind her. Before she could do more, his hand shot out, wrapping around her mouth with a harsh force. Her suitcase clattered to the ground as Michiru struggled like a hellcat to get away from the man. “shut up you little slut, or I swear I’ll kill you.” The man grated as Michiru tried to remember the name he’d told her. She felt fear swell in her soul as he drew a long blade across her throat, shoving her forward, into a darkened ally between the airport and a large art gallery… Haruka sped along the inner streets of Tokyo, glad for the light traffic after her strained meeting with a new magazine. It had ended later then expected, and had ended on the remark that she would need to find a new girl for the beach edition. ‘at least I won’t have to deal with Sarah anymore…’ she thought with a slight smile, enjoying the feel of wind blowing through her hair. She slowed for a red light, glancing around to see where she was. Teal eyes widened slightly as she saw a expensive looking suit case lying on the steps of the airport, narrowing again as a dark figure dashed out of a dark ally to the right before it slipped into the waiting car, speeding off in the opposite direction. “what the hell?” Ruka whispered, resisting the urge to go speeding after the other car to pull up to the steps, checking out the bag before abandoning it when she heard a soft moan of pain coming from the ally. “hello? Hey where are you?” the blond called, easing herself slowly into the moonlit ally. She gasped slightly, running forward as she spotted a figure lying across one of the steel crates, her shirt ripped open with her jeans halfway down her legs. Haruka closed her eyes for a moment, reaching her hand down to feel for a pulse. It was weak, but there. Withdrawing her hand, she gasped in shock, looking down at her hand. It was covered in blood. From the woman. Someone had cut across her neck…
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