The song is called "Outside" and is sung by Staind. I dont own the song nor Sailor Moon. AN: I don't do these often anymore. I think they take away from the story if you do. I ask that for those of you want to know whats going on with m writing then to check out my bio. I use that for my personal bullitan board. Thanks. Makoto growled as she punched and kicked at one of the trees at the back of Rei's temple. Sweat poured off her body as she hammered on the poor tree that was just slightly larger round than her own body. Rei stood on the back walkway of the temple, watching her friend with concerned eyes. It had been only a week since Makoto had changed back. And in the first twenty four hours of "waking up", Makoto had recived a few shocks. One, she had woken up naked and dirty in a warehouse. There she found Rei watching over her. Rei had told her Minako had just left moments before. Makoto had tried standing and thats when she noticed she had wings. Rei gave Makoto her jacket and the blanket she had brought with her to allow Makoto some type of clothing. Not knowing what to do with her newly aquired wings, Makoto took the coat and blanket from Rei and hid them and her naked body best she could and the pair left the building to go to Rei's car. From the warehouse to Makoto's loft, Rei explained to Makoto all that had happened. At the mention of Yung Hu's death, Makoto seemed to space out. She remained silent the entire trip to her apartment. Makoto quickly exited Rei's car and ran inside the building, thankful it was early morning on a sunday and no one saw her. Makoto quickly made it into her apartment, thankful it was unlocked. She knew Minako must have left it open for her, but she wasn't sure how Minako would take to seeing her. Makoto hadn't been all that sure of wanting to see Minako after runnung out on her after her changed back. Makoto had seen Minako on the way to the bathroom after coming out of the bedroom with clean clothes. Makoto had showerd and sometime during the shower her wings had disappeared allowing Makoto to put on clothes without having to rip holes in the back for her wings. After her shower, she packed a bag with a weeks worth of clothes, took her car keys and left for Rei's temple. And thats where she had been for a week, doing nothing but training. The crisp coolnight air stung Rei's cheeks as she continued to watch her friend. Makoto's hands and shins had finally aquired brusies and cuts from the tree, despite the fact Makoto had wrapped a rope tightly around it. Rei knew Makoto well enough to know why she was putting herself thru such painful training. She was thinking about what had happened the night she transformed and blamed her self for Yung Hu's death. She was also thinking about the situation with Minako and Ami. Rei couldn't help but to groan at the situation herself. Ami has really messed things up for Mako-chan, Rei thought. "Mako-chan," Rei called out gently. "Why don't you call it a night?" Makoto grunted and hit the tree one last time. Rei could have sworn she heard something crack as she did so. Makoto then limped sorely away from the tree and up the stairs of the temple's back deck. Makoto nodded to Rei a goodnight and as she passed the Shinto Preistess, Rei stopped her by placing a gentle hand on her arm. Rei felt Makoto's body tense at the contact. "Mako-chan, why don't you take a hot bath to soothe your acheing muscles? I know they must be hurting you terriably." "I'm fine," Makoto said after a moments pause. Makoto then left the raven haired girl outside alone. Rei sighed and looked up at the stars. Things had been so hard on Makoto the past month or so. Rei knew Makoto loved Minako terriably, but when Rei had asked Makoto why she didn't try to get Minako back, Makoto had said she refused to force Minako into something; that she wanted Minako back when she was ready. There was no doubt in Rei's mind Makoto wouldn't wait an eternity for Minako. She had already been doing it when they had met. And then there was the problem with Ami. Why was she acting so strange? First she didn't want anything to do with Makoto, then she's throwing herself at the amazon. It wasn't making any sense to the fire senshi. Rei gently rubbed her temples in a way so her head would stop hurting. The motion only made it worse. Rei, deciding she had been thinking too long and hard about this, turned and walked inside the temple. As she walked past the spare bedroom, she peeked inside and saw Makoto laying on the bad, one arm draped over her eyes. Rei couldn't help but to feel badly for her friend. Sighing once again, she headed to her room for the night. Rei awakened the next morning to the sound of Makoto out back practicing her moves once again. Rei sat up in her bed and looked out the window to watch Makoto. Rei shook her head. "She's going to kill herself if she doesn't stop this," she said out loud to herself. Rei stood and dressed for school. She gathered her school bag and walked out towards the front of her home. As she reached the stairs, she saw a familiar blonde walking up them. "Morning, Mina-chan," Rei said. "Morning," Minako called back. "Is Mako-chan here?" Rei nodded. "But i wouldn't recomend going to see her right now. She's training. You won't be able to get a word in edge wise while she's punching at that tree." "Can't I at least try?" Rei shook her head. "I wouldn't push it right now, Mina-chan. She's under a lot of stress and she has a lot on her mind." Minako stood there a moment before nodding. "You're right, Rei." Minako turned and smiled slightly. "I'll see you later. Ja." Rei watched her friend leave and dissappear around the corner before she herself began to trot down the temple's stairs and headed off to school. Crickets chirped loudly around Makoto as she sat under a tree near Yung Hu's grave marker. Her over sized leather jacket was fastened around her due to the chilly spring night air. In her hands, she sat strumming her guitar. Her breath bellowed out in puffs of smoke as she sang... And you Bring me to my knees Again All the times That I could beg you please In vain All the times That I felt insecure For you And I leave My burdens at the door But I'm on the outside I'm looking in I can see through you See your true colors 'Cause inside your ugly You're ugly like me I can see through you See to the real you All the times That I felt like this won't end It's for you And I taste What I could never have It was from you All the times That I've cried My intentions Full of pride But I waste More time than anyone But I'm on the outside And I'm looking in I can see through you See your true colors 'Cause inside you're ugly You're ugly like me I can see through you See to the real you All the times That I've cried All this wasted It's all inside And I feel All this pain Stuffed it down It's back again And I lie Here in bed All alone I can't mend But I feel Tomorrow will be OK But I'm on the outside And I'm looking in I can see through you See your true colors 'Cause inside you're ugly You're ugly like me I can see through you See to the real you "Nice song." Makoto turned and glared at the girl behind her. "When did you get here Ami?" "Just when you started singing," said the blue haired girl. "You have a beautiful singing voice." Makoto sighed heavily in an annoyed sort of way. "What do you want?" "You." Makoto turned and her look became deadly. Ami blushed and toed the ground. "Well, I want to say that anyway. I came by to tell you that I'm leaving next week." Makoto shrugged. "So?" "I wanted to tell you," Ami said. "No one else is going to know." "What makes me so special," Makoto demanded. "I love you," Ami said. Makoto finally snapped. "LOVE ME!? Ha! Girl, you only want me because you know you can never have me! And after what happened between me and Minako because of YOU!? You're lucky I don't kill you here and now. She won't even TALK to me because of you!" Ami looked down in shame. "I'm sorry." Makoto groaned and shook her head. "Get away from me. Now. I don't care that you're leaving. I. Don't. Care. About. You." Ami stood there a few moments before turning and leaving. Makoto sighed to get her temper under control. She began to strum a few more chords when she heard a twig snap. Growling she turned and yelled, "AMI! I TOLD" No one was there. Makoto blinked and turned bck around and jumped when she saw the person who had stepped on the twig in front of her. "Chibi-Usa! Don't DO that!" Makoto gasped. "Nearly gave me a heart attack." The small pink rabbit smiled weakily at Makoto. "Gomen, Mako-chan." The amazon settled back down and looked at the child. "What are you doing out here? Its past midnight." Chibi Usa kicked the ground slightly. "Usagi told me today you had...woken up. I wanted to come see you." "Why didn't you do that during the day?" "I heard Rei said no one should see you because you were working out. She thought it'd be a bad idea." Makoto nodded. Prolly would have been, she thought. "Why'd you want to see me?" Chibi Usa blinked then turned to look at Yung Hu's grave. "I miss him." "...I do too." "I wanted to talk to you about it because you're the only one who knew him like I did." Makoto sighed and unzipped her jacket. "You look cold. Come here, little princess." Chibi Usa walked over and sat in Makoto's lap. Makoto let Chibi Usa become comfortable before zipping the jacket over herself and the child and wrapping her arms around her as well. They sat that way for a while, Chibi Usa listening to Makoto's heart before she said anything else. "You're hard." Makoto blinked. "Excuse me?" "You're hard," Chibi Usa repeated. "And cold. And powerful. Possiably even cruel." Makoto shifted un easily in her spot. "But you're warm at the same time," Chibi Usa continued. "You're warm, soft, gentle and never needlessly cruel. You're too careing for that." Makoto blushed. "You're just like Yung Hu was." Chibi Usa sniffled and snuggled closer. Instintivly, Makoto pulled her closer. "I probably got that from him." "Do you hate me, Mako-chan?" Makoto blinked. "Why would I hate you?" "Because it was my fault," the child said quietly. "Yung Hu's death was your fault? Is that what you think?" Chibi Usa nodded. "No sweetie. I don't blame you because it wasn't your fault. You had no control over what happened." "If I hadn't left, there would have been no battle..." Makoto shook her head. "If you're gonna do that then blame Ami. Had she not kissed me and Minako had not seen that, you'd have had no reason to leave." "...So you blame Ami?" "I blame no one but Rubeus and he's dead now." Chibi Usa snuggled closer to Makoto. "Does anyone know you're here?" Chibi Usa remained quiet. "Um...princess?" Makoto looked down and saw the small child had fallen asleep. Sighing, but grinning slightly, Makoto carefully stood and held Chibi Usa with one hand. With her other she picked up her guitar and began to walk towards the temple. As Makoto neared the stairs, Rei came running out the doors. "Mako-chan! We have to find Chibi Usa! Usagi called and said she was-" Rei stopped when she saw Makoto smile. "I know." Makoto neared the light from the temple. Rei sighed, visably relieved. "How long have you had her?" Makoto shook her head as she climbed the few steps to the back porch. "Not long. Fifteen minutes tops." Rei nodded and slid the door open for Makoto. "Well lets get her inside. I'll call Usagi and let her know we have her." Makoto nodded and stepped inside the temple and Rei followed her, shutting the door softly behind them. Makoto walked to the room she had been occupying that week and unzipped her jacket. After setting her guitar down, Makoto gently took Chibi Usa and laid the child onto the bed then drew the covers up around her. Makoto smiled softly and left the room, Rei waiting for her outside in the hall. "I told Usagi. She's going to come get Chibi Usa in the morning." Makoto nodded. "Good idea." "Um, someone came by here to see you tonight," Rei said. Makoto's mood darkened. "I know. I talked to Ami when she showed up." Rei blinked. "I was talking about Minako. When was Ami here?" "Just before I saw Chibi Usa." Makoto sighed, letting her anger simmer down. "What did Minako want?" Rei shrugged. "Ask her yourself. She's out front." With that Rei left to go back to bed, leaving Makoto alone. Makoto stood there a moment before going towards the temple's doors leading to the front of the grounds. The only place visters were allowed to be. Out side, standing next to one of the colums holding the covering of the temple's walk way stood Minako, her breath coming out in puffs of smoke. "Morning," Makoto said. "Morning?" Minako asked, confused. "Its past midnight. Its now morning," Makoto explained. "I haven't been to bed yet so its still night for me." Makoto shrugged and leaned on one of the other colums. "What did you want?" "To aplogize," Minako said, looking at the ground. "For what?" "For acting like a total bitch. I should have let you explain what happened before I got upset." Makoto nodded her agreement. "Accepted." Minako looked up. "Excuse me?" Makoto smiled and looked over at Minako. "Apology accepted. I probably would have done the same thing myself." Minako walked over to Makoto and wrapped her arms around the taller girl and laid her head on Makoto's chest. In turn, Makoto wrapped her arms around Minako and held her tightly.
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