Desperately Searching (Prologue)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by kazeko

Time: Six years after Sailor Stars, immediately before "Kazeko"

Haruka watched her lover sleep, amazed at the serenity on Michiru's 
still features.  The blanket had slipped down, revealing her perfect 
round breasts, and Haruka watched the moonlight play across her light 
skin as she breathed.  She marveled that such a perfect woman was hers, 
heart, body, and soul, and she reached out to touch Michiru's cheek.  
The aqua-haired stirred, leaning into the caress, reaching for 
In this world, there are many kinds of spirits.  Some are good, some are 
bad, but most are either curious about mortal life or desperate for a 
moment of fun.  It just so happened that on that night, as Uranus and 
Neptune rose in conjunction, one light in the night sky, that a group of 
the last type of sprites was having a party and began to wonder just how 
powerful the red string of fate was.  It could bring together two souls 
even if both were female, but what if they were so different that they 
could never be together?  Could Destiny survive that?
So a small number of the curious sprites went into Tokyo, listening, 
searching for that special brilliance that meant true love.  They found 
one incredibly strong bond in a spacious house near the edge, the more 
masculine of the lesbians leaning over her mate, kissing her as the sea 
woman woke, her passion rising to meet the wind woman's.  The sprites 
realized that they had found the perfect couple, and they decided to 
extend their experiment to those directly linked to the pair.  They 
laughed as they wove their spell, perfecting it as the women peaked 
together, and their cry of passion and love bridged the gap between the 
old world and the new.

Onwards to Part 1

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