Dark Skies, Bright Heavens (Prologue)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Immora

I'll be your dream, 
I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy, 
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, 
Be everything that you need, 
I'll love you more with every breath 
Truly, madly, deeply do, I will be strong, 
I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on 
A new beginning, 
A reason for living, 
A deeper meaning, yeah, 
I want to stand with you on a mountain, 
I want to bathe with you in the sea, 
I want to lay like this forever, 
Until the sky falls down on me...

--From the song "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden

Author's notes:

This is a story I've had up in my head for awhile, and I finally got 
around to typing it up. I'm a huge fan of Haruka and Michiru, and always 
wanted to write the "ultimate story" about them. This huge piece of work 
you see here is only the first part of what will be a much larger story.

I intend to write about them from birth to death. That's a lot of 
writing. It will go through everything in the anime, without changing 
the events, merely expanding upon them and adding more backstory, and 
then going beyond the end of the series. The chunk you're viewing right 
now is from birth to SMS. That's pretty small compared to how big this 
will end up being!

I'm not positive, but I think that you should be able to follow the 
story even if you haven't seen the show or really don't know much about 
these characters. Please note that the odd hair colors are still 
considered "natural" since this _is_ based on an animated series. It may 
seem silly to point this out, but I consider indigo to be the deepest 
shade of blue; some people think it's purplish, but I don't. The 
Japanese terms might confuse people, even those who watch BSSM, so I've 
included some here. In case you are wondering, I just prefer to use some 
of the Japanese terms to English ones, and in some cases, the 
translation just doesn't seem as interesting, y'know?

bento = basically it's a nice lunch box with assorted foods, kids 
commonly bring them to school. The presentation is very important and a 
lot of work goes into them. It's considered very nice to share it. 
fuku = literally "clothing," used here to refer to the Senshi's outfits. 
ginzuishou = "silver crystal;" a magical item, explained later. 
henshin = transform(ation). 
Goban Yobi-ko = "Fifth Street Preparatory School," a school I made up. 
Mugen Gakuen = "Infinity Academy;" it's the name of a school that will 
appear in the story; where Michiru and Haruka go in SMS. 
Hikawa Jinja = the Shinto shrine Rei lives at; it's mentioned at the 
senshi = soldier/warrior. 
tyourei = morning meeting at school, where everyone has to line up in 
attention and listen to speeches and whatnot. 
There are different words for "I" depending on whether you are male or 
female, and some words are used exclusively by males/females. I won't 
use them here, but be aware of that. 
no suffix on a name = depending on the person, it can either show great 
intimacy or contempt. Used between family members and lovers. 
sensei or -sensei = teacher; mentor. 
-chan = usually used with children only, or girls; usually a familiar 
term [not with people you barely know]. 
-san = a term of respect for someone older than you, or that you've just 
met. Can be used with the first or last name. 
-kun = usually used with boys older than you or close guy friends. It 
can also be used to refer to someone in a lower position. 
sempai or -sempai = used by students [I think only them] to refer to an 
older student; respectful. 
onii-chan/onii-san = older brother 
onee-chan/onee-san = older sister 
okaa-san = mother 
otou-san = father 
oba-san = aunt 
obaa-san = grandmother 
ojii-san = grandfather 
Note on names: In Japan, last names are put before first names, so I 
will write them in this format, _however_, there are two characters in 
this story with English names, and I will write theirs in the first name 
first format we use.

Again, please note that at the time this was written I hadn't seen all 
of the episodes, so sorry for any inaccuracies. I am not entirely 
certain how the Japanese school system is structured [I'm doing the best 
I can based on a write up on Japanese schools I found on a web page; 
forget which]. If I understand it correctly, junior high begins 7th 
grade and high school begins 10th. It's a little tricky for me to figure 
out what age people are at certain times though; the school system 
starts in April and ends in March, but I'm not sure what days... I will 
be taking some liberties with Mugen Gakuen since I'm assuming it 
wouldn't be quite like a normal Japanese school. Any other inaccuracies 
relating to the Japanese culture I greatly apologize for; I'm not an 
expert on Japan. I'm pretty certain they don't have vans... but I'm 
including them anyway. I put in honorifics at the end of names in the 
dialogue, but I may be a bit off with which ones should be used for what 
situations. Also, note that the house Michiru's parents own is 
_incredibly_ Westernized. 

About the separation within chapters: I use the * to indicate 
scene/setting shifts, three blank lines for... well, I just feel like 
it. I switch perspectives somewhat during the story... and I may 
accidentally switch tense (of course, if it's a flashback or vision, 
that's intended)... so sorry if that bothers you. I will usually tab 
over flashback/vision segments. I will also tab over the first paragraph 
for scenes that switch between short focuses on Haruka and Michiru. Some 
dream sequences are all over the place--you'll understand later. It's 
just for effect ^^; Please excuse some of the obviously random line 
breaks; for some reason, this program (Cetus CWordPad) likes to throw 
them in after I spend all the time trying to get rid of them.

If you have a website of your own and like this story or my others, feel 
free to post them on your page, as long as you credit me. I appreciate 
being e-mailed to let me know that you're posting my story, that way I 
can come check it out! :)

Tons of thanks to: Sailoreagle, Haruka Tenoh, Ana G., Bronwyn, Lorraine, 
Sheryl D'Silva, Voodo Monky, Tenshi Keonia, Willy Tang, Melissa 
Rodríguez, Haruka Mulder, Hotaru Tomoe, Tiger, and Vasiliki Papaioannou 
for being prereaders. Soraya Jaojaroenkul for her comments and 
absolutely _wonderful_ artwork based on this story. She's gonna be 
famous, I tell ya! Jessica Donald for comments and catching lots of 
spelling problems as well as some flaws in character portrayal (namely 
Michiru) Jackie Chiang and Tim Nolan for convincing me not to release 
this in chapters, because they said it is "hell." Really. Oh, and 
Jackie-onee-chan's a total sweetie and Tim supposedly makes good food, 
aside from being really nice and having all sorts of fun conversations 
with me :D Jon Carp for being a nut, telling me I'm a good writer, and 
trying to push me to release it as chapters. Sorry Jon, but I can't do 
that :D The great Greenbeans for at least joining my mailing list, even 
though I don't think she ever read this :P Ah well, she's been really 
nice to me anyways, yay Beanie-chan! Sean Gaffney for lots and lots of 
C&C and suggestions to get me out of writer's blocks, being an amusing 
pervert, and a good friend. Trinity Ice for being a very kind wacko 
^____^ I mean that in a good way! She's given lots of support and 
comments, as well as wuvvin' friendship. Ingrid, Laura, and Tanin, some 
of my best friends, who've always supported me and my writing. Thank 
y'all so much! ;.; Blitz Amanda, the most kawaii beaver plushie in the 
world, who didn't contribute but oh well, his influence is felt.

Well... enough with that babble for now. Enjoy the story!




A tall, thin woman with short, dark blond hair stood on the roof of a 
gorgeous two-story house, silently letting the night-time breeze blow 
around her. Her dark teal eyes lifted to the sky, where the stars 
twinkled brightly. She spent many nights up here in contemplation, 
enjoying the simple caress of the wind blowing against her. Today was 
not an average day, however. She had just returned from watching three 
friends leave forever following her own and other friends' death and 

She sensed more than saw or heard someone join her on the roof. A 
slender woman of average height with long, wavy, sea green hair came 
over to stand next to her, her own eyes, blue in color, lifting to the 
sky as well. "I love watching the stars," she mused in her smooth, mezzo 

"It's very relaxing," the first replied in her warm, deep voice. "It's 
good to know that they are back home in them now."

Their hands unconsciously clasped each other's, and they sat down on the 
roof, wrapping an arm around the other while leaning their heads against 
each other's.

"What have you been doing up here?" the seagreen-haired woman asked.

"Thinking, mainly... remembering... everything really."

A soft hand reached up to caress the other's cheek. "Everything? Are you 
sure you _want_ to remember all that has happened to you, especially 
after what just happened?"

"I can never forget what's happened, whether I want to or not," was the 
immediate reply. "Besides, despite all the bad times, I've had some 
rather good ones as well... mostly because of you, actually."

"Hmmm... I can easily relate to that, Haruka. I don't think either of us 
really had much before we had each other."

"No, we didn't, Michiru. We certainly didn't."

Haruka gathered Michiru closer, Michiru resting her head against 
Haruka's chest. "Do you think things were made worse when we became 
Sailor Senshi?" Michiru asked softly. "All the sacrifices, the blood 
staining our hands, was it really worth it?"

Haruka tilted Michiru's head up towards hers. "If we hadn't become 
Senshi, we might not be together," she whispered softly, her voice 
shifting into a purr as she said, "Anything I've endured in the past is 
worth being with _you_, my love..."

Their lips met in a warm, tender kiss, opening their mouths to each 
other as they gently probed inside with their tongues. Michiru wrapped 
her arms around Haruka's neck, drawing the two of them deeper into their 
embrace. The sweet taste of Haruka's lips intoxicated Michiru, causing 
her to almost roughly tighten her arms around her lover's neck and pull 
her down to lie on top of her on the roof. Haruka buried her mouth 
deeper against Michiru's, overwhelmed with passion, her tongue dancing 
along Michiru's as they struggled to keep in control of the raging 
warmth spreading through their bodies. They slowly, almost regretfully 
pulled away, closing their mouths against the other's until just their 
lips touched before drawing back.

Haruka gazed into Michiru's eyes, sparkling brightly as she looked up at 
Haruka in a semi-daze. Michiru smiled gently up at her, a faint blush 
forming on her cheeks. "You're wonderful, you know that?" she breathed, 
lightly brushing her fingers across Haruka's wet lips.

Haruka reached her hand up to gently hold Michiru's. She kissed her palm 
gently and smiled faintly. "Not really, but you are."

Michiru chuckled faintly, and Haruka hugged her tightly. Michiru rested 
her head on Haruka's shoulder, her cheek pressed against Haruka's hair. 
She closed her eyes and sighed. "We didn't get a last kiss, you know... 
that more than makes up for it."

"Mmmm, that was nice, wasn't it?" Haruka nuzzled her neck a bit.

"Haruka... Do you have any idea how scared I was today?"


Michiru looked down at her wrists, imagining the large gold bracelets 
still there. "Trying to fool Galaxia like that... God, the most powerful 
Senshi ever!... I was so terrified of what might happen... and..." she 
closed her eyes again, "when we lay there, dying..."

"Hush, love. Don't think about it. Everything's all right now. Galaxia's 
good now, like she was before Chaos possessed her. We're all alive 
again. The Starlights have gone back to their home galaxy."

"Still... It was only a few hours ago. It's still fresh in my mind."

Haruka pressed her finger to her lips, whispering, "We've both had a lot 
of pain in our lives... but we won't anymore. Everything will be fine 
from now on."

Haruka gently kissed her cheek, and Michiru smiled, sighing as she 
rested her head on Haruka again. She opened her eyes wide in surprise as 
she saw that they weren't alone on the roof after all.

"You finally noticed we were here, I see," a rich, calm voice scolded 
them. A breath-taking woman stood there with her arms crossed. She 
almost as tall as Haruka, with a deep tan, long, dark green hair pulled 
into a small bun with her loose hair falling to the backs of her knees, 
and dark red eyes. A short, pale-skinned girl with shoulder-length black 
hair and wide, purple eyes was standing next to her. "You really don't 
pay attention to anything when you're busy with other things, do you?"

"Haruka-papa, Michiru-mama, is it all right if we stay up here too?" the 
soft, gentle voice of the girl asked.

Michiru stared nervously at her best friend standing beside her and 
Haruka's foster daughter and blushed faintly, realizing the two standing 
here had seen everything. "Oh... all right, Hotaru-chan. So, 
Setsuna-san, what brings you two here?"

Hotaru smiled and sat down, Setsuna taking a spot next to her. Setsuna 
answered Michiru, "Just checking up on you two. What are you two up to?" 
Setsuna's eyes crinkled with amusement.

The two in question both coughed into their fists. Haruka said, "Well, I 
came up here just to sit and reminisce about things."

"And I came to check on Haruka."

"It seems you two found something else to do instead," Setsuna remarked, 
drawing another faint blush from Michiru.

"C'mon, Setsuna-san, stop teasing us," Haruka scolded, lying back again 
and drawing Michiru down with her. "We're grown women and we can do 
whatever we want to do. Besides, it was just a kiss, it's not like we 
were having s-"

Michiru pinched her arm lightly. "Haruka..." she growled softly, "watch 
what you say when Hotaru's around. She doesn't need to know about that, 
or that we have it together."

Setsuna chuckled and Haruka blushed brightly. "Tsk tsk," Setsuna said in 
a mock scolding voice, "you wouldn't want to discuss such things at 
Hotaru's age, would you, Haruka-san, so why bring them up?"

"Oh hush, both of you," Haruka mumbled, trying to hide her blush.

"_Setsuna-mama_," Hotaru groaned, "I'm not a _child_..."

"Oh really?" Setsuna smiled slightly.

Hotaru raised her knees under her chin. "I can remember things clearly 
from before I di-... um, was reborn. I may have a young body but my 
memories are older. After we... After the recent events with Galaxia, my 
memory of my life a few years ago was completely restored."

Setsuna shifted uncomfortably. Everyone tried not to discuss with Hotaru 
her unusual age situation, since they might unknowingly reopen old 
wounds... and poor Hotaru never had a chance at a normal childhood. When 
she had lived with her birth father, she had died and been restored to 
life, but was possessed by an evil entity. She gave her life to save the 
world, and was reborn as a baby. This time, Galaxia had sped up her 
aging so fast that she didn't get to experience childhood more than a 
few days, going straight to adolescence.

"Um, Haruka-papa, do you remember what things were like when you were my 
age? That is, my physical age?" Hotaru, appearing to be twelve or so, 
looked at the tall blond quizzically.

Haruka winced slightly, and Michiru looked at her with a concerned face. 
"Yes, I do," she replied slowly.

"Were you happy, like I am?"

"Well, I... um, well, things could have been a lot better. Why don't we 
all go inside, it's getting cold out here, and it's been a long day." 
Haruka carefully changed the subject as everyone stood up, climbed down 
onto the porch outside Haruka and Michiru's window, and went back 

"Setsuna-san, why don't you tuck Hotaru-chan in? I need to talk with 

"All right. You two try to get some sleep for once. We're all exhausted, 
after all. And don't forget, Hotaru still has school tomorrow, and I 
don't want her to be kept awake for the next few hours because a certain 
couple decided to get intimate with each other."

"Setsuna!" Michiru gasped in a shocked voice. "A little _blunt_!"

Setsuna smiled faintly. "Sorry, good night," she said in a neutral 
voice, leading Hotaru from the room as she shut the door behind her.

Michiru turned at once to Haruka, hugging the silently crying woman 
tightly. "Haruka, calm down. Hotaru-chan didn't mean anything by the 
question. She couldn't have known."

"I know," Haruka choked out. "But it still... it hurts all the same. I 
always think I've gotten over it... but..."

Michiru led her to their bed, then gathered Haruka in her arms again 
with a sad sigh. "Maybe it _isn't_ good for us to remember all these 
things that have happened," she murmured, her mind wandering to her own 

Haruka sniffled slightly, then looked up at Michiru. "I never did like 
thinking about it," Haruka admits. "I don't know why I think about it 
when I know it'll just upset me, but I'd rather confront what happened 
than run from it."

Michiru kissed her forehead gently. "Always willing for a fight, aren't 
you?" She gently cupped Haruka's chin, tilting her face up to give her a 
short, soft kiss. Haruka noticeably calmed, sighing gently as she buried 
herself in Michiru's arms. "We just had the fight of our lives; why 
don't we try to get some well-deserved sleep?" Michiru murmured. "A 
little rest wouldn't hurt."

Haruka's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Are you sure you want to go to 
sleep? There are plenty of other things to occupy ourselves with. Death 
gave me a new hunger for life and... other things."

Michiru laughed as Haruka leaned her face towards her neck, trailing 
warm kisses across her throat. "I thought you were upset," she commented 
lightly, savoring the touch.

"Not anymore," Haruka chuckled. "Why be upset when I can be with you 

"Haruka, _really_. I'm just so tired from the battle. I want to get some 
sleep tonight, and like Setsuna-san said, Hotaru-chan has school 
tomorrow ... what a way to bounce back from death. Another time."

Haruka sighed with disappointment. "Oh, _all right_."

"Haruka..." Michiru teasingly pinched her. "You know I want you," she 
purred, "but we have a responsibility as Hotaru's parents to look out 
for her best interests... and one of those is getting a good night's 
rest so she can, too."

"Well, if you put it that way, it's ok." Haruka kissed her cheek 
lightly. "Sometimes I wish we didn't have the responsibility though," 
she said jokingly.

"When you're thinking with your hormones and not your head," Michiru 
said, lightly bopping the top of her head.



They changed into their pajamas and climbed under the sheets in their 
bed, loosely holding each other.

"Good night," Haruka whispered, kissing her lover's lips gently. "I love 

"I love you too... sleep well."

They both closed their eyes as their breathing slowed, but neither of 
them really went to sleep. Their minds were still whirling as they 
replayed the events of the years gone by, keeping them awake as they 
fought back tears. 

Onwards to Part 1

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