The Cruelty and Fairness of Fate (part 25 of 29)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Crawlspace

Back to Part 24
	The meeting had been thrown together hastily, but there had been 
no complaints from the Ainos when he’d requested the schedule change.  
The Senator was glad for this and how accommodating they were 
attempting to be, especially given the circumstances that had brought 
them together.  As they sat, the wife moving to poor tea for the three 
of them, he made a point of telling them of his appreciation.
	“Not at all, Senator,” replied Minako’s mother as she put the 
teapot back on the tray and sat beside her husband on the couch.  “We 
understand the demands placed on your time.  We’re just pleased you 
took the time to come and speak about this with us at all.”
	“Particularly after the brief encounter I had with you father-in-
law,” added Minako’s father.  “His lack of concern in all of this is 
troubling to me.  Even more so since I’m certain that’s where Minako is 
at the moment.”
	The Senator took a sip of his tea as they spoke to him.  Setting 
the cup down on its saucer, he nodded thoughtfully.  “I spoke with Rei 
yesterday, though it was more simply touching base than really talking.  
She mentioned your daughter not coming home, but didn’t elaborate, and 
I’m afraid I haven’t spoken to her grandfather since all of this 
started.  There’s some unpleasant tension between he and I, you 
understand, as a result of how my marriage ended.  We usually find it 
easiest to communicate through Rei.”
	“I sympathize,” said Minako’s father.  “But, if you’ll forgive my 
bluntness, you are your child’s father, and you should be the one 
handling her in all of this.  I imagine this situation is even more 
troubling to you than it is to us.  Your father-in-law has obviously 
taken a come-what-may stance, and, just to give you an example of how 
out of control all of this has gotten,” he went on as he stood and 
walked over to a small curio and opened one of its drawers.  He took 
out a folded set of papers he’d received early that morning and handed 
them to the Senator before sitting back down.
	Senator Hino looked carefully at the papers he held.  A court 
summons, obviously, the date to appear set as March 25th.  So this was 
what Rei had meant.  At that moment, he wasn’t sure if he should be 
proud of her for her nerve or pity her for her foolishness.  The 
Senator refolded the papers and laid them on the table in front of him.  
“I’m sorry,” he said, sounding as apologetic as he could.  “I didn’t 
realize things had gone this far.”
	Minako’s mother nodded, then said, “It’s because we spoiled her.  
She’s always gotten her way until now.  Though I doubt this was all 
completely her idea.”
	“Minako has never been what I would term a problem child,” picked 
up her father.  “A bit flighty at times, perhaps, but she’s 
considerably more intelligent than she has a tendency to appear.  In 
the past, the few times she’s really wanted something, Minako has 
resorted to some very creative ways to get those things.  Until now, 
there’s been no issue in letting her have her way.
	“I can’t place all of the blame for this on Minako, either,” he 
went on.  “She obviously has to take responsibility for her part, but 
we also have to for ours.  She knows this is a lifestyle we don’t 
approve of or want her indulging in.  However, I feel we may have given 
her mixed messages by allowing her to socialize with certain groups of 
people.  It was foolish to believe she would only pick up the more 
desirable traits of those people and not be influenced by the rest of 
what they do.”
	“You shouldn’t judge yourselves harshly,” said the Senator 
consolingly.  “Or Minako, either.  Teenagers are so easily influenced 
by what they see and hear, trying to figure out who they are and where 
they belong.”
	“True enough,” replied her mother.  “But she’s had enough of her 
friends’ influence to last us all several lifetimes.  From here on out, 
we’ll be the ones helping her find the definition of who she is.  And 
that will start by getting her away from here and into a more proper 
and stable environment.”
	“Once she’s back home, we plan on sending Minako to boarding 
school,” elaborated her father.  “Telling her when we did was a 
mistake, because I’m sure that’s what prompted her to run away in the 
first place.  But we had hoped to give her a choice and keep her close 
to home.  After all of this, though, I don’t see how that will be 
possible.  She did well when she was in England, and her English is 
more than passable, so we feel that’s now the best solution for her.”
	“Aino-san, forgive me, because I mean in no way to question your 
decision as a parent, but don’t you think that’s just a bit drastic?” 
asked the Senator.  “To send her so far away from you and her home 
could cause more problems than it will solve.  I speak with the 
experience of someone who has put such a distance between himself and 
his daughter, and I can say honestly that it is not an easy distance to 
	“I’m aware she’ll be angry with us,” answered Minako’s father.  
“She already is.  But, in time, I think she’ll come to understand we’re 
doing what’s best for her.  This way, Minako will have a chance to put 
this incident behind her, and the distance will force her to find a new 
path and start over.  If all goes well, she’ll be able to attend 
University over there, as well, and when she comes home, we can all get 
on with our lives.  I’m not naive enough to believe it won’t take time, 
but I won’t lose my daughter to this.”

	An hour later, after more conversation and a light meal, the 
Senator left the Ainos’ apartment complex.  He nodded brusquely to his 
driver as the limo door was opened for him and slid tiredly inside.  
Loosening his tie, he said to his assistant, “That was more annoying 
than I thought it would be.  Why in hell do I do these things?”
	Kimiko looked at him deadpan and answered, “Because you’re a 
power hungry, self-centered egomaniac who needs to cover his ass.”
	The Senator’s hand paused on the top button of his shirt as he 
gave her a stony stare.
	With a shrug that said she couldn’t care less, Kimiko returned, 
“I’m sorry.  I meant to say it’s because you’re a selfless individual 
who’s trying to make the world a better place for your fellow man.  I 
keep getting those two mixed up.”
	Ignoring her sarcasm, the Senator said, “When we get back to the 
hotel, you and I have some phone calls to make.  Rei and her girlfriend 
are grasping at straws trying to keep that girl from having to come 
back here, and I want to know who’s holding them.”

*            *            *

	“Getting back to normal,” murmured Minako as she opened the 
bedroom door.  Her lawyer had told her that was what she needed to do, 
to establish a new routine that made them look as normal and 
responsible as the presiding judge was going to expect them to be and 
then some.  And part of that included going back to school.  So Minako 
had spent her evening keeping Makoto company and having her friend 
catch her up on all the things she’d need to know when she went back to 
school on Monday.
	But it wasn’t really going back to normal, Minako continued to 
muse as she left her bag on the floor and went to look for Rei.  They 
couldn’t go back, not with everything that had happened.  And while a 
routine had begun to set in, there was something just… different about 
Rei.  Since that morning with her father earlier in the week, she had 
been too quiet, though none of that quiet had been peaceful.  There was 
hostility and anger in everything she did now, be it sweeping the paths 
hard enough to rub away the stone or the overly curt manner in which 
she’d taken to addressing everyone.  Yet, there had been no real, 
focused outbursts.
	Minako had an idea of where she would find Rei, so the first 
place she decided to check was the fire room.  When she got there, she 
saw Yuichiro standing outside, looking in through the partially opened 
doorway.  Pushing aside the bit of awkwardness she still felt around 
him, Minako went and stood beside him.
	Yuichiro looked down at Minako for a moment, then back at Rei as 
she sat in front of the fire.  “She always sits too close,” he said 
quietly.  “She should at least tie her hair back so it doesn’t get 
singed.”  Then he turned back to Minako and offered a small, somewhat 
sad grin before leaving her alone.
	Several moments passed before Minako stepped into the room and 
closed the door behind her.  She walked up to Rei’s side, her bare feet 
making no noise against the floor.  Slowly, she sat facing Rei.  To her 
right, the sacred fire raged, its flames licking out angrily, but never 
quite touching its mistress as the waves of heat washed over both of 
	Rei’s face was flushed and showing the effects of her time here.  
Wisps of her hair floated loose and danced close to the promise of the 
fire.  Minako reached up and behind her head to undo the red ribbon 
that held her hair up.  She could tell Rei knew she was here, her 
concentration obviously not as focused as it normally was.  So Minako 
sat forward on her knees and carefully gathered Rei’s hair, using the 
ribbon to tie it back in a ponytail.
	Several minutes passed with nothing but the crackle of the fire 
and the steady sound of Rei’s breathing.  Then, gradually, the flame 
began to calm, and Rei opened her eyes.  Keeping her focus straight 
ahead rather then acknowledging Minako, Rei reached down beside her and 
lifted up a piece of paper.  She held the corner so the fancy 
stationary unfolded in front of her, the neat writing visible but 
unreadable in the flicker of the fire.  Minako watched silently, 
growing more and more worried, as Rei moved forward until the paper 
touched the fire, igniting and burning as Rei stared at it, 
	A frown of concern appeared on Minako’s face as the paper burned 
quickly in Rei’s grasp.  “Rei,” she said cautiously as black ash fell 
at Rei’s knees, the flame centimeters from where her fingers held the 
paper.  “Rei, drop it!” cried Minako as she quickly reached forward and 
forced Rei to let go just as the fire started to touch her fingers.  
That was when she saw the almost empty shoebox that sat next to Rei and 
the small pile of dark ashes in front of her.  “Oh, Rei, you didn’t,” 
she whispered.
	“As far as I’m concerned, he’s dead,” said Rei, her voice hard.  
“I’m only making it the way it should have been to begin with.”  
	As if to confirm her words, the fire flared, giving off an extra 
blast of heat.  Rei took a deep breath as the warmth hit her, then 
pulled away from Minako and reached for the last photograph in the box.  
She held up the picture of her parents embracing, her frown deepening 
as she did, and began to reach forward.
	“Stop, Rei,” said Minako, her hands going back to Rei’s and 
pulling it down.  Ignoring the glare this earned her, she went on, 
“You’ll regret it later.  Please don’t, because I don’t want you hurt 
any more than you already are.”
	Her jaw set, and her grip on the photo tightened, crushing the 
edge she held.  “How could she be so stupid?” asked Rei harshly.  “Did 
she really think he was capable of loving her at all?  Then she forced 
me into it, as if everything was just perfectly normal and okay.  Like 
he wasn’t already on the edge of leaving us.  How could she be so 
stupid and blind?”
	Minako could see the glisten of tears in Rei’s eyes, and she 
heard the real question in Rei’s words.  Keeping her voice soft, she 
replied, “I don’t think anyone is stupid for loving someone.  And we’re 
never really blind when we do, because Love isn’t blind, Rei, it’s just 
willing to overlook a whole lot for the sake of that love.  That’s why 
it hurts so much when we reach the limits of how much we can ignore.  
Because we’ve seen everything with a crystal clarity that no one else 
has.  Your mother loved him because of all the good things loving him 
allowed her to see and in spite of all the bad things that didn’t 
matter to her.  And because she was able to do that, I have you, so I 
can’t judge her harshly at all.”  Taking hold of the picture, Minako 
tugged lightly until Rei released it.  Then she set it off to the side, 
away from Rei’s reach.
	Taking a shaky breath, Rei closed her eyes again.  For a moment, 
her features seemed to crumble, but then set again, refusing to show 
anything other than the anger she was carrying.
	Minako reached for her and tenderly pulled Rei against her until 
Rei’s head rested against her shoulder.  She whispered softly to her 
until Rei began to relax, her hand moving in broad strokes against 
Rei’s back.  When she felt the warm moisture from the silent tears that 
had begun to trail down Rei’s cheeks, Minako swallowed down her own 
tears and held her, promising to be there for as long as Rei needed.

*            *            *

	It felt odd to Minako to be back in her classroom and acting as 
if it was just any old Monday morning.  On her left, Usagi was trying 
successfully to catch up on the sleep coming to school had deprived her 
of.  In the classroom, people were walking around, talking or 
desperately trying to get answers for the homework they hadn’t 
finished.  A few people had stopped her and said hello or asked how she 
was doing as she came in , but aside from those acknowledgements, it 
was just another morning.  Except their group had been one person 
	Rei had sat on the edge of their bed, watching as Minako dressed 
for school.  All the usual jokes she would have made about Rei leering 
were left aside because of the look in those violet eyes.  For Rei, 
this was just one more reminder or something she had lost, something 
that meant more to her than most people realized, and Minako felt 
almost guilty about leaving her behind.  But Rei had brushed it off, 
practically pushing Minako out the door and saying she had her own 
batch of school work to do, not to mention all the stuff at the shrine 
that needed to be done.  It was forced, Minako knew, and that last bit 
she’d seen of Rei made her want to pick up her things and go home 
before school had even started.
	“Hi, Minako.  Welcome back,” said Yukari cheerfully as she took 
her seat in front of the blonde.  “We were starting to get worried 
about you.”
	Minako grinned at the brunette and the girl who stood beside 
them.  Yukari was almost a better gossip than she herself was, and an 
easy person to make a friend of.  Aika was more reserved, but still 
easy going, and she ran the drama club with an unmatched efficiency.
	“Hi, guys,” replied Minako.  “Didn’t mean to worry anyone with 
that extended vacation I was forced to take.”
	“How’s everything going?” asked Aika as she leaned against the 
desk behind her.  “Are you doing okay with all this… stuff that’s been 
going on?”
	“We’re getting through it,” answered Minako.
	Yukari grinned hugely.  “’We?’  So it’s true, then?  You and that 
girl you’re always with from TA?”
	Minako’s cheeks reddened just a bit under Yukari’s gleeful 
scrutiny.  She noticed Aika roll her eyes at Yukari’s lack of subtle 
tact, her sandy-colored ponytail swaying as she shook her head in 
	“Yes,” answered Minako, a smile forming as she did.  “She’s been 
my girlfriend for awhile now.”
	“How long?” pressed Yukari, her dark eyes shining at the prospect 
of new information.  “Were you seeing her during the play?  She’s the 
one who kept sending you all those roses, isn’t she?  Oh, how terribly 
romantic, just like something out of a movie,” she practically 
squealed.  “A secret love affair between best friends.  I knew it all 
	“You did not,” declared Aika at her friend’s exaggerations.  
“Over break when you saw her getting into that red sports car, you 
thought that was the guy she was seeing.  Then when you found out he 
was Tsukino-san’s boyfriend, you were certain they were having some 
secret rendezvous.”
	“You were secretly seeing my Mamo-chan?” asked Usagi suspiciously 
from beside them.
	Minako looked over to see Usagi with her head still down, but one 
eye opened to peer at them.  “No, Usagi, I swear,” said Minako with a 
laugh.  “He’s not really my type.”
	“I don’t know,” returned Usagi as she sat up.  “Tall, dark, and 
really good-looking.  And Yukari did see you together.”
	Aika laughed at that.  “Yukari also thinks she saw the Emperor’s 
nephew’s son drive up in a yellow corvette to pick up Hideo-sensei 
and take her out to dinner.”
	“I do not,” said Yukari, looking supremely insulted.  “It was a 
Porsche, not a Corvette.  Don’t you ever listen when I talk to you?  
Besides, everybody knows that’s just a silly rumor because Hideo-sensei 
is really having an ultra secret, highly scandalous affair with Kume-
	Usagi stared at her classmate slack-jawed in shock.  Minako bit 
her lip, trying not to laugh outright, while Aika groaned.  “I can’t 
take anymore of this right now,” said Aika.  “I have to get to class.  
Yukari, just no.  That’s all I can say.  That, and I’ll see you at 
lunch.  Minako, our last club meeting is Friday, and I’d like to see 
you there.  It’s the last chance I’ll have to talk to everyone together 
before graduation.  I want to be able to say goodbye to all my 
underlings properly,” she teased.
	Minako promised to be there, then turned her attention back to 
Yukari and Usagi as the pre-homeroom gossip mill continued to turn.

*            *            *

	Minako stood inside the charm booth, leaning against the counter 
with her chin propped on her hand and a small charm dangling back and 
forth in front of her eyes.  She counted the number of times it swung 
until it slowed and stopped.  A quick puff of breath set it going 
again, and again she counted.  Bored to tears, Minako looked down at 
her watch.  Three minutes since the last time she’d looked.  But, on 
the plus side, in seven minutes she could close up, and, once Usagi got 
here, they could all leave for Makoto’s.
	A distant rumble of thunder made her lean forward and out the 
window so she could look up.  The sky was grey, though not really dark, 
but the threat of a storm was keeping people home.  Without anyone 
around to try and make a sale to, this job was absolutely no fun for 
her at all.
	She pulled herself back inside and went back to playing with her 
charm until she saw Rei coming around from the other side of the 
building.  She stood up straight in her best employee stance, hiding 
the charm behind her back and smiling innocently.  But before Rei could 
say anything to her about playing with the merchandise, they heard 
their names being called as Usagi came rushing up the steps and over to 
	“You’re late,” said Rei crossly as she set the box she was 
carrying on the ground under the window.
	Usagi, bent over and leaning against her knees trying to catch 
her breath, shook her head.  “Uh uh,” she puffed out.  “I’ve got five 
minutes until you close.”
	“You said you’d be here a half hour ago,” retorted Rei.
	“I said that so I wouldn’t be late,” answered Usagi with a grin.  
She straightened up and continued to explain, “See, this way, I knew 
I’d be on time for you closing so we wouldn’t be late leaving.  But if 
I’d said I would be here when you were closing, we’d have been late 
getting to Mako-chan’s.”
	“That makes no sense, Usagi,” returned Rei.  She reached for the 
broom that sat against the side of the building, intent on finishing 
up.  “Next time, just be on time and get here when you say you will.”
	Usagi’s grin wilted as Rei turned away from her.  It has seemed 
like such a good idea when she’d thought of it.
	“I think it makes perfect sense,” said Minako as she came around 
from inside the booth.  She smiled at her friend.  “That was pretty 
smart thinking, Usagi.”
	“Thanks,” answered Usagi.  Then she brightened a bit.  “Are you 
ready to close up?  I can help.”
	“All right.  I’ll take these inside,” said Minako as she began to 
gather the papers and trinkets from the display outside.  “Pull the 
screen closed for me so I can lock it.  Just try and keep it even when 
you pull it across.  It likes to stick.”
	Usagi moved forward and reached inside the open window until her 
fingers found the screen.  She grasped the middle of the wooden edge 
and began to pull it slowly and carefully across its track.  She got it 
two thirds of the way over when sudden resistance made her freeze.  A 
small, concentrated frown appeared on her face right before Usagi gave 
the screen a quick, experimental tug.  Yep, it was definitely stuck.
	“Need help?” called Minako from around the corner of the small 
	“No, I got it,” called back Usagi.  She stood on tiptoe, reaching 
for the top corner that had jammed in the track.  Her fingers were just 
able to grasp it, but she couldn’t get the leverage she needed to pull 
it free.  So Usagi hoisted one knee up onto the open part of the 
counter to gain height.  When she did, her free foot dangled for a 
moment before finding solidity on the box Rei had left sitting there.
	With one foot braced against the box and a knee against the 
counter, Usagi took hold of the top of the screen and pulled.  Once, 
twice, and nothing.  She took a deep breath and held it for a few 
seconds before releasing it in a huge puff and pulling with everything 
she had.
	The screen held firm, but Usagi didn’t.  Her fingers slid along 
the smooth frame, her balance thrown off and backward.  For a moment 
she flailed, and all of her weight shifted onto the leg that rested 
against the cardboard box.  The box gave Usagi the purchase she needed 
to stay upright, and she breathed a sigh of relief as she regained her 
balance.  Relief that was short lived, however, as the corner of the 
box her weight still rested on shifted and collapsed.  The accompanying 
crunch and crush of breaking glass under her shoe was very loud and 
very noticeable.
	Usagi jumped back from the broken box, an apology on her lips.  
The words died before ever being spoken, though, when she saw the look 
on Rei’s face.  True anger painted Rei’s features and turned her hold 
on the broom into a death grip as she stared at the blonde.
	“Damn it, Usagi, can’t you do anything right!” snapped out Rei.  
“She told you to be careful.  How hard is it to do what you’re told?”
	Usagi began to stammer out an apology, but Minako stepped in and 
stopped her.  “It was an accident, Rei,” said Minako calmly.  “She 
didn’t mean to do it.  We can clean it up.”
	“Don’t make excuses for her!” shot back Rei furiously.  She threw 
the broom down to the ground, the wood hitting sharply, and stalked 
over to the window.  She climbed onto the counter and began hitting the 
jammed edge with the heel of her palm.  “Everyone’s always making 
excuses for her.  When she breaks something, she should be held 
responsible.  But everyone says it’s not her fault.  When she says 
she’s going to show up and doesn’t, everyone says that’s just her and 
don’t be upset about it.  She can’t help it.  Just give her one more 
chance.  Well I’m sick of it, damn it!”
	Rei’s hand rammed up hard against the screen’s frame as that last 
sentence was expelled, but in the haze of her rage, her aim was off 
center.  Her hand grazed off the outside of the frame and pushed 
through the paper screening, breaking off several of the thin, wooden 
supports in the process.  The jagged edge of one broken support caught 
against her skin, tearing into the outside of her wrist as her hand 
moved forward.
	With a hiss, Rei jerked her hand back roughly and clutched it 
against her.  As blood stained the white sleeve of her dogi, Rei’s eyes 
squeezed tight against the sting of the wound.  She slid off the 
counter, and the second her feet touched the ground, she felt a hand 
touch her shoulder.  Her eyes opened enough for her to see both Minako 
and Usagi standing beside her, mixed expressions of worry and comfort 
on their faces.
	Fighting hard against the tears that suddenly filled her eyes, 
Rei pushed both of them away.  “Leave me alone!” she yelled.  “Just 
leave me the hell alone!  I don’t need you always trying to fix other 
people’s mistakes!”
	Minako took a step back without meaning to, the venom in Rei’s 
voice scaring her for a moment and leaving her unsure of what to do.  
Usagi looked on the verge of tears herself, obviously wanting to resist 
Rei’s refusal of help, but afraid of making things worse.  Then Minako 
noticed someone else had seen all of this, too, and he was coming 
closer, unafraid of Rei’s wrath.
	Grandpa stepped up to them slowly.  Keeping his eyes on Rei, he 
addressed the other two.  “There’s a first aid kit in the kitchen.  I’d 
like you two to go and get it, please.”
	Minako nodded, then grabbed Usagi and hurried off.
	Touching Rei carefully, Grandpa tugged her down so she was 
sitting with her back against the wall of the charm booth.  “Here, 
now,” he said gently as he knelt beside her.  “Let me see what’s 
	Refusing to look at him, Rei reluctantly gave over her injured 
arm.  She winced as he pulled the sleeve back away from the cut, a few 
of her tears finally escaping.  She reached up and swiped harshly at 
her eyes just before she felt a hand begin to stroke her hair.
	“This hurts, I know,” said Grandpa as he pulled a handkerchief 
from his pocket and placed it carefully over the cut.  “A few tears are 
nothing to be ashamed of.  But it’s not so bad that we can’t get it all 
fixed up and better.”
	“It’s just a stupid cut,” said Rei crossly through a sniffle.  
“Stupid Usagi for causing so much trouble.”
	“She’s your friend.  She only wanted to help you.”
	“I don’t need that kind of help!” shot out Rei, her head snapping 
around to meet her grandfather’s gaze.  Tears she couldn’t control any 
more began to roll down her cheeks as she continued to lash out at the 
one trying to help her.  “I don’t care what her intentions were, if she 
couldn’t do it, she shouldn’t have said she would.  All that happens 
when she does is things get broken and people get hurt.  And if she 
isn’t going to show up when she says she is, then she shouldn’t say 
she’s coming at all.  Damn her!  Damn both of them!  They shouldn’t 
make promises they aren’t going to keep!”
	Rei’s body began to tremble from the combination of anger and 
hurt, everything she’d kept pent up flowing out of her in a river of 
tears and harsh words.  She cursed her friends, her parents, and her 
own existence.  Then, when her grandfather reached for her, she clung 
to him, sobbing into his chest like a frightened child.  He rocked her 
and whispered to her, the way he had when she was little.  The same way 
he had his own daughter when her fate had finally overtaken her.  And, 
in the process, he wound up wiping away a few of his own tears, as 
	After a time, Rei’s cries quieted into a few unsteady hitches.  
Her fingers loosened their grip on her grandfather’s shirt, but didn’t 
let go completely.
	Grandpa, sensing the worst of things had passed, patted Rei’s 
back lightly and said, “How about we get that cut taken care of now, 
hmm?  Your friends left the first aid kit for us, down there on the 
step.  I just have to get up and get it.”
	Rei nodded against him, then sat back so he could get up.  A 
moment later, he was back beside her, fussing over the shallow wound 
along her wrist.  When he finished taping off the bandage, he said, 
“That should do.  It’s going to be sore for a few days, though.”
	“I love you,” replied Rei, that sounding more appropriate than a 
simple ‘thank you.’
	Grandpa smiled at her and patted her cheek.  “My little Rei.  I 
love you, too.  I always have.”  He closed up the first aid kit and 
stood.  “I believe your friends are over on the main steps.  That’s the 
direction I saw them go off in.  If you still think you’re going to go 
visit your other friends, the three of you shouldn’t wait much longer.  
I don’t know how long this storm is going to hold itself off.”
	“Okay,” answered Rei.  As her grandfather headed for the main 
house, Rei stood a bit shakily.  She took a few deep breaths to calm 
herself and wiped her eyes against her sleeve.  In the back of her 
mind, she wondered if she looked as bad and worn out as she felt.
	A few minutes later, Rei found Usagi and Minako sitting several 
steps down at the entrance to the shrine.  When they heard her coming, 
both of them stood cautiously.  Minako walked up to her, with Usagi 
trailing close behind her.
	“You gonna be okay?” Minako asked worriedly.  Her hands moved 
nervously over Rei, tucking her dark hair behind her ears, then running 
over her shoulders and down her arms until she reached the bandage 
around Rei’s wrist.
	Rei gave her a tight smile that she suspected wasn’t as 
reassuring as she intended.  “I’ll be okay,” she answered, then held up 
her wrist and smirked.  “But I can’t help wonder what people are going 
to think about this.”
	“I’ll get some regular Band-Aids tomorrow on the way home from 
school,” said Minako.  “Then it’ll be less noticeable.”
	Rei nodded in thanks, then looked over at Usagi.  She moved in 
close, stood staring down at the nervous blonde, and then suddenly 
pulled her into a tight hug.  “You’re such a silly klutz, and you have 
no sense of time whatsoever.  I’ll never know how you got to be my best 
	Usagi smiled even though she could hardly breathe because of 
Rei’s grip.  “And what about you, with that terrible temper?  I don’t 
know how I’ve put up with a best friend like you for so long.”
	The beginnings of a real smile on her lips, Rei looked over at 
Minako, then reached out and pulled her into the embrace.  She held on 
to her friends as tightly as she could, able to feel the love and 
caring they had directed at her.  The sense of that pulled at her 
heart, erasing some of the darkness that enveloped it, making the guilt 
just a little worse, but mostly making her feel secure and stable.  As 
they stood there, a few drops of rain falling and signaling the start 
of what would be a larger downpour, Rei thanked the higher powers for 
giving her these people so she would never be truly alone.

*            *            *

	Makoto lay propped up on the bed while Ami sat beside her, cross-
legged and feeling around carefully on Makoto’s exposed belly.  Ami was 
in doctor mode, and the complete concentration on her face as she tried 
to find the baby’s back the way her mother had told her had Makoto 
grinning.  The stethoscope around Ami’s neck only added to that image 
of future doctor, as well as to Makoto’s amusement with the whole 
	Finding the spot she was searching for, Ami rubbed the end of the 
stethoscope to kill the chill, then put the other ends to her ears 
before placing the flat of it against Makoto’s stomach.  A triumphant 
smile appeared on her face when she was rewarded with the sound of her 
son’s heartbeat.
	It was a given that Makoto would eventually ask Ami to share, so 
while she waited her turn, Makoto fingered through the small paint 
cards that were scattered beside her.  They’d gone through all the ones 
they’d picked up at the store, and she’d narrowed it down to the few 
she liked best.  Now she just needed to make up her mind about which 
one was going to end up on the baby’s bedroom walls.
	Picking up the two she, Ami, and Usagi had spent the most time 
staring at earlier, Makoto held them up for Ami to see.  Without any 
words being spoken, Ami immediately tapped the one with varying 
gradients of blue.
	Makoto smirked, then waved the yellow card.  “Usagi liked this 
one a lot,” she said, her voice teasing.
	“Blue,” was Ami’s response right before she put her finger to her 
lips to shush Makoto.
	“But that’s so predictable,” went on Makoto, wanting to twick Ami 
just a bit and perhaps get some information out of her at the same 
time.  “Nobody would expect yellow from us.  And then, oh, I don’t 
know, maybe we could go buy some stuff to match it.  Because, at the 
rate we’re going, unless we empty out one of our sock drawers, Bug 
isn’t going to have anyplace to sleep.”
	Very slowly, Ami removed the stethoscope from her ears.  Looking 
pointedly at Makoto, she said, “Your son says to tell you he likes the 
blue best, and that whatever you choose for him to sleep on will be 
just fine, because he trusts your judgment.”
	“Oh, really?”
	Ami nodded, a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.
	With one edge of her mouth turned up and her eyes squinted 
appraisingly, Makoto said, “I know why you guys won’t let me buy 
anything for the nursery.  You’re planning someth…”
	One of Ami’s fingers landed against Makoto’s lips, effectively 
stopping her from saying any more.  “I told you to hush, or you won’t 
be able to hear anything,” she said quietly.  Then she took the 
stethoscope from around her neck and placed it on Makoto’s.
	When Makoto was situated and quiet the way she wanted her, Ami 
moved the flat of the stethoscope back to Makoto’s belly.  She watched 
happily as Makoto caught the first rapid thumps of the tiny heartbeat, 
closing her eyes to better listen.  She also saw the quick flash of 
relief that passed over Makoto’s features as she heard the sound.  It 
was the same thing she herself always felt for that first second 
whenever she was given a tangible sign of the healthy and strong life 
that was growing there, right before joy and contentment would settle 
over her.
	Makoto opened her eyes a few minutes later and smiled at Ami.  
She took the stethoscope from her ears and put it back around Ami’s 
neck.  Settling back against her pillows, she picked back up on what 
she had been saying before Ami cut her off.  “Even if we don’t go 
shopping on Sunday, I want to do something Rei likes.  The last two 
weeks, she’s been… well, not her.  I’ve only seen her twice since all 
this stuff with her father started, and it feels like she’s getting too 
closed off from us.  Especially after what Usagi said happened at the 
shrine tonight.  You know, I feel like I’m the one who started this 
whole mess.  Maybe I should go over there tomorrow, endless steps or 
	Ami shook her head as she reached for the hem of Makoto’s 
nightshirt.  As she pulled it back over her belly and smoothed it into 
place, she said, “No, I don’t think that last part would be a very good 
idea.  Minako is with her, and, for now, I think she’s the best one to 
handle things.  Rei is likely feeling somewhat embarrassed over the 
whole thing.  We should give her a day to gather herself together 
before forcing any of it back on her.  So, I think while the rest of 
you are redeeming yourselves academically on Saturday…”
	“One math test, genius girl,” cut in Makoto.  “I only failed one 
math test.”
	“Then, while you’re making up that one math test,” went on Ami, 
“I’ll go spend the afternoon with Rei.  I can check on her, make sure 
she’s ready for Monday’s tests, and see if there’s anything in 
particular she’d like to do Sunday.  Perhaps I can be the one to help 
her talk about things this time instead of the other way around.”  Ami 
nodded, confirming for herself that this sounded like the best plan.  
“It will take some time, but Rei will be okay.  We’ll make sure.  No 
matter what might happen, we’ll take care of her.”
	Makoto smiled warmly and gave Ami’s hip a little poke.  “Hey, you 
know what else Bug was saying?”
	“What?” asked Ami with a grin.
	“He was saying how much he loves you, and how glad he is that 
you’re his Ami-mama,” answered Makoto as her fingers played with the 
edge of Ami’s pajama top.  Then her smile turned into a self-conscious 
grin.  “He was also saying that he’s kinda hungry right now, and he’ll 
love you heaps more if you’ll take pity on his poor mama, who’s finally 
managed to get comfortable after being achy and cranky all day, and 
maybe make us a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”
	 Ami giggled at that.  “More of my son’s love.  That’s such a 
hard offer to say no to.”
	“Isn’t it?” returned Makoto playfully.  “And his mama will be 
your best friend forever if you cut it into triangles and take off the 
crust.  And maybe throw in a glass of chocolate milk, too.”
	“Okay,” answered Ami as she started to rise from the bed.  “But 
only because my Little Bug asked me so nicely.”

*            *            *

	Physics was an evil thing.  From the person who had postulated 
the first theory, right on down to the one who had set the type for the 
textbook she was now staring at, the subject was a wretched and evil 
	Rei closed her eyes and rubbed her hands into them.  Too much 
studying was making her vision blurry and her head hurt.  But she’d 
already missed three weeks of school, and with everything else that had 
been going on, studying for finals hadn’t been one of her top 
priorities.  Making this round of studying even worse was that her 
entrance exams for 10th Street were also riding on her getting this 
damn chapter of her physics book right.
	“Maybe we should have actually studied while Ami was here,” 
mumbled Rei sarcastically to herself.  She sighed and looked up, ready 
to voice her complaints to Minako, only to find herself still alone in 
the bedroom.  That just wasn’t right, thought Rei as she glanced over 
at the clock.  Minako had excused herself to use that bathroom almost 
45 minutes ago.  She shook her head as she stood, wondering how she had 
let that much time slip away from her.
	After slowly approaching the bathroom door, Rei knocked lightly.  
Hesitantly, she called, “Mina, sweetie, are you okay?  You’ve been in 
there a long time.  Do you need me to get you anything?”
	Suddenly, the door opened just enough for Minako to stick her 
head out.  “Now that’s love,” she giggled.  “Don’t worry.  I’m okay.”
	Rei looked at her disapprovingly, then reached up to pull a shred 
of red construction paper from Minako’s bangs.  “What are you doing in 
	“None of your business,” answered Minako through her smile.  “I’m 
only in here because this is the one place a person can do anything 
privately around here.  Key word:  Privately.  Now, shoo, so I can 
finish up.”
	Rei leaned forward and tried to see over Minako’s shoulder into 
the room, but was blocked by the door nearly slamming against her nose.  
With a huff, Rei said, “Fine, you can have your privacy.  I’m going to 
go call Ami.”
	She had taken two steps when the door opened again.  “She’s not 
home,” said Minako as she stuck her head back out.  “She and Mako-chan 
have class tonight.”
	“Ami doesn’t have cram school on Saturday.  Besides, Mako-chan 
never goes to class with her.  Unless Ami’s decided we aren’t good 
enough babysitters,” answered Rei with a smirk.
	“Not that kind of class.  It’s a Lamaze class, so Mako-chan has 
to go with her or it would be kind of pointless.”
	A slightly annoyed expression crossed Rei’s face at that.  “Ami 
didn’t say anything about that when she was here this afternoon.  How 
come you know about it and I don’t?”
	Minako shrugged.  “She didn’t really tell me about it.  She just 
mentioned it last week when Usagi asked what we were going to do to 
celebrate the last make-up Saturday of the year.  It’s why we’re doing 
stuff tomorrow instead of tonight.”
	Rei frowned, looking thoughtful for a moment.  Then she turned 
and started walking away.
	“Hey, where are you going?” called Minako as she hurried after 
	Rei didn’t answer, instead just allowed Minako to follow her into 
the den.  There, Rei picked up the phone and dialed a number.  “Hello, 
Tsukino-san,” she said pleasantly when the other end was answered.  “Is 
Usagi home?”  There was a pause as Rei waited, then, “Usagi, do you 
know anything about this class thingy Ami and Mako-chan are at 
	Minako grinned and moved closer to Rei so she could lean in and 
hear.  Rei tilted the receiver for her as Usagi answered, “A little.  
Mako-chan told me about some of the stuff they do when I was over there 
Thursday night.  Sounded like it might be fun.”
	“Do you know where it is?” asked Rei.
	“Yep.  The hospital at six o’clock.”
	Rei looked down at her wristwatch, then nodded.  “Okay, we’ve 
still got time if we hurry.”
	“Time for what?” asked Usagi curiously.
	“To get to class with them,” answered Rei, as if that was the 
most obvious thing and why would anyone even need to ask.  “I’ll get 
Yuichiro to drive.  He’s faster than Grandpa.  Be ready when we get 
there, Usagi.”
	The call concluded and Rei hung up.  She turned back only to see 
the silly grin on Minako’s face.  Crossing her arms over her chest, Rei 
said, “Don’t give me that look.  You’re the one who’s always saying 
he’s ‘our baby.’  And we’re all going to be there when he’s born, 
right, so we need to know what it is we’re supposed to do.”
	“Did I say anything?” asked Minako innocently.
	Rei gave her a quick, crooked grin and was starting on her way 
out when Grandpa walked into the room.
	“Excuse me,” he said, perplexity on his face, “but do these 
belong to either of you?”  He held up a red, construction paper heart 
and a white crayon.
	Minako blushed and went over to him, claiming back the objects.  
“Sorry, Grandpa.  I’ll clean it up right away.”
	Grandpa voiced his approval right before Rei said, “Five minutes, 
and then if you’re not done, I’m leaving without you.  So you might 
want me to help.”
	“I can get it on my own, Miss Nosey,” threw back Minako.
	“You’re going somewhere?” asked Grandpa.
	“To the hospital,” answered Rei.  “I was just coming to tell you 
and then go find Yuichiro to take us.”
	Grandpa looked suddenly concerned.  “Has something happened to 
one of your friends?  It’s not Makoto is it?  I know it’s too soon for 
the baby.”
	“No,” said Rei with a shake of her head.  “Everyone’s okay.”
	“We’re going there to learn how to have a baby,” explained 
Minako, her expression all smiles.
	Grandpa started to voice his relief that everyone was well, and 
then Minako’s words really hit him.  He froze, all the color draining 
from his face.  For a moment, he stared at the bright smile on Minako’s 
face and the smirk that was forming on Rei’s.  Then he mumbled to 
himself about it all just being a phase and the kami’s way of testing 
him, before slowly turning and leaving the room.
	Minako, more than a little confused, started to go after him to 
ask what was wrong.  Rei stopped her, though, and laughed the first 
real laugh Minako had heard from her in weeks.  “I’ll explain it to you 
later,” said Rei.  “Now go clean up.”

*            *            *

	Usagi was ready and waiting when the car pulled up.  She hurried 
out to meet them, a small backpack over her shoulder and one of her 
mother’s round throw pillows in her hand.  A smile on her face, she 
quickly slid into the back seat with Minako.
	“Hi, guys,” she said as she arranged herself and her belongings.  
“Thanks for picking me up, Yuichiro.”
	Yuichiro smiled into the rearview mirror at her in 
acknowledgement, then started to pull away.
	“What’s with the pillow?” asked Rei, fighting with the seatbelt 
as she turned around in her seat to face the girls in the back.
	“Mako-chan said they have to bring their own pillows to get 
comfortable with.  And, since they’re not expecting us…” she drawled 
out, her grin getting bigger as she took the pillow and shoved it up 
under her shirt.  “So we look the part in case we have any trouble 
getting in.”
	Minako giggled while Rei rolled her eyes.  “I’m almost afraid to 
ask what’s in the backpack,” quipped Rei.
	Usagi reached for her bag and started to rummage around inside it 
while she explained, “Well, like I said, they aren’t expecting us, so I 
figured they probably won’t have enough snacks for everyone.  I didn’t 
want us to get left out.”  As she said this, she began to hand items 
out to show what she had.  A can of orange soda, bag of grape gummies, 
and a box of Pocky were handed to Minako, and a can of cola along with 
a small, black snack bag were handed up to Rei.
	Rei held the bag in front of her and gave it a shake, causing the 
white puffs inside to jostle and resettle.  “Popcorn?  We’re going to a 
baby class, Usagi, not a picnic.”
	“I know that,” answered Usagi.  “But Mako-chan said tonight was 
movie night.”

*            *            *

	There were several people milling around the front lobby of the 
hospital.  Most sat in chairs, waiting or reading magazines.  A few 
were browsing the gift shop or snack area that was off on the side.  
The woman who sat behind the large desk at the far end of the lobby 
easily ignored all of those others, however, and concentrated solely on 
the three girls who were standing near the entrance trying not to be 
	Eri watched as the girls studied the directory on the wall beside 
the front door.  The blonde with the red bow, who reminded Eri of her 
own granddaughter, ran her finger down the list of offices, stopping 
about two thirds of the way down.  Having found her target, the 
blonde’s finger gave a double tap against the glass.  Eri smiled to 
herself as the girls then turned her way, newly determined expressions 
on their faces.
	The girls made their way across the lobby and finally began to 
move past the desk towards the elevators, each of their steps 
deliberately casual.  They avoided looking her way or making any sort 
of direct eye contact, and, just to amuse herself, Eri let them get 
halfway by before stopping them.
	“Do you girls know where you’re going?” asked Eri pleasantly, 
causing all three of them to stop mid step.
	The girls turned as one to face her, each affecting their own 
version of an innocent smile.  The brunette, who seemed to be their 
leader, was the one who addressed her.  
	“Yes, ma’am,” answered Rei politely.  “We know which classroom 
we’re looking for.”
	Eri thought for a moment, recalling fairly clearly that the only 
class tonight was the childbirth class.  These three didn’t really look 
like that was somewhere they belonged, but she’d seen stranger types at 
these sorts of things, Mizuno-sensei’s daughter being the most 
unexpected in her recent memory.
	“All right,” replied Eri, still a bit unsure, but with no real 
reason not to let them go.  “But watch out for the third floor.  Those 
classrooms are fairly well hidden from everything else.  So when you 
start to feel like you’re lost, just keep going straight until you 
can’t anymore.  That should at least find you a sign to follow.”
	Rei smiled at the woman and thanked her, then hustled Usagi and 
Minako towards the elevators.
	After a brief ride, the elevator doors opened and left the girls 
at a small waiting area.  Swinging doors led to a hallway that broke 
off into three directions.  A sign on the wall pointed them to the 
right corridor, so right they went.  They passed the nurses’ station 
and a string of rooms before reaching another set of doors and an 
overhead sign that instructed them to proceed forward.
	There was a different feel to the hallway behind the doors.  
There were no rooms or windows, only white walls bordered in a dull 
green.  The lighting was subdued, leaving the corners of the hallway 
shadowed.  All signs of life had seemed to disappear at the doors, and, 
as they turned another corner, the only sounds they heard were those 
from the ventilation system.
	Usagi inched a bit closer to Minako as they traveled through the 
maze of corridors.  “Creepy,” she whispered, though the word still 
sounded unusually loud because of the silence.  “Are we almost there?”
	“We have to be.  This place isn’t that big,” whispered back Rei.  
A moment later, they came to another split, and around the corner, Rei 
literally saw the daylight at the end of the tunnel.  With a self-
satisfied smile, she said, “See, just like I said.”
	Finally entering a hallway with windows at each end to let in the 
sunlight, things seemed to come back to life.  Doors lined each side of 
the hall, each with a letter pasted on it.  Through a small window in 
the door, they could see a light on in one of the rooms.  The sound of 
people talking and moving things around filtered out into the hallway, 
as well.
	“Classroom B,” said Minako as they approached the door.  “That’s 
the one we want.”
	Rei looked into the rectangular window on the door, searching for 
her quarry.  The class looked to be getting underway, with a dark-
haired woman standing at the front happily addressing everyone, her 
hands doing half her talking for her.
	“There they are,” announced Rei when she spotted Ami and Makoto.
	“Are you sure?” asked Minako as she squeezed in beside Rei so she 
could see.
	Rei frowned at her in annoyance.  “Of course I’m sure.  Would I 
have said it if I wasn’t?  They’re right there, plain as day.”
	“I want to see, too,” chimed in Usagi as she pushed in close and 
stood on her toes to see over the other girls’ shoulders.
	Most of Usagi’s weight went forward onto Minako, but enough hit 
Rei to knock her to the side and off balance.  The hand she had resting 
on the doorknob gripped tight out of reflex to keep her upright, her 
sudden sideward motion turning it just enough to release the catch.  
With all three of them leaning against it, the door swung open hard, 
effectively removing the only thing keeping them on their feet.  As the 
door slammed against the wall, all three girls tumbled into an 
undignified heap on the floor.
	Minako let out a startled gasp, and Usagi yelped as she landed on 
her friends.  Rei winced as she hit the cold floor, some part of the 
other two on top of her.  She heard a few gasps from their audience as 
well as Minako, and a few chairs scraping across the floor as she 
presumed people were standing in sudden shock from their entrance.  One 
of her eyes opened just enough to see the startled looks of a roomful 
of strangers.  Then her sight landed on the two who weren’t strangers.  
Ami was staring at them, her face bright red.  Makoto had a hand 
covering her eyes, her head shaking slightly in denial, as if that 
would somehow make it all go away.  Rei thought that sounded like a 
good idea, and closed her eye again to see if it would work.  Then Rei 
heard voices, one of them actually claiming them as friends.
	“They’re our friends,” answered Ami when the woman in charge 
questioned who they were.  “I do apologize for the disturbance, Himura-
	“You guys okay?” asked Makoto from overtop of them.
	“That pillow didn’t help at all,” complained Usagi as she was 
helped to her feet by one of the kinder bystanders.  “I think I broke 
my Pocky.”
	A round of snickers could be heard then, and Rei sighed, 
internally refusing to move.  Maybe if she willed it hard enough, she 
could disappear into the floor.  Then Minako’s weight was lifted off of 
her, and she could sense someone kneeling down in front of her.
	“Rei?” asked Ami.  “Can you get up?”
	Rei opened her eyes and looked up at her friend.  “I don’t 
suppose you have some nifty, magical item hidden away that comes with a 
rewind button for these sorts of things?”
	Ami smiled in gentle amusement and held out a hand.  “It’s really 
not that bad.  Well, perhaps it is,” she reconsidered.  “But you have 
the honor of being the one to make the night that much more 
	“I’d rather be dull and boring,” said Rei as she was pulled to 
her feet.
	“What are you guys doing here?” asked Makoto as she brushed off 
Minako’s shirt.
	“We need to know what to do, too,” answered Minako.  “So Rei said 
we should come to class with you.”
	“We brought our own snacks,” added Usagi, holding up her 
backpack.  “Though they might be a little crushed.”
	“Your support system, Kino-san?” asked Himura-san as she walked 
up to them.
	“Yes, ma’am.”
	Himura-san smiled at them.  “Well, I think we have enough room if 
they’d like to stay.  Grab a few chairs and we’ll get back to business.  
All right, everyone,” she continued, addressing the whole class, “as 
soon as everyone’s settled, we’ll start the video.”
	Usagi seated herself happily between Makoto and Minako and 
quickly began setting out the goodies she’d brought with her.
	Makoto, a slightly confused look on her face, leaned over and 
whispered, “You really brought food with you?”
	Usagi nodded.  “Sure.  What fun is a movie without any snacks?”
	“Uh, Usagi, I really don’t think this is the kind of movie you’re 
going to want to eat through.”
	The question on Usagi’s face was blacked out as the lights were 
turned off and the TV flickered to life in all its uncensored glory.

*            *            *

	She knew how things worked.  She wasn’t that naive or even that 
innocent.  But knowing it in an abstract way was very different than 
having it openly presented to you in full visual detail.  Usagi 
shuddered as those details flashed before her mind’s eye for the 
umpteenth time since they’d left the hospital.  Then Rei’s hand was 
suddenly waving in front of her unfocused eyes, and Usagi looked up 
from the bus stop bench she and Makoto were sitting on.
	“Quick, Usagi,” said Rei, much more amused than Usagi liked.  
“What’s short, pink, and really likes to annoy you?”
	Usagi’s eyebrows knit together in confusion.  “Chibi-usa?” she 
	Rei laughed, and standing beside her, Minako smiled widely.  
“Well,” said Rei, “if we can all remember the kid, she must not have 
been traumatized too badly.”
	Usagi stuck her tongue out at Rei and ignored the humor everyone 
seemed to find in all of this.  Then she turned to Makoto.  “Are you 
really going to do it like that, Mako-chan, with no drugs at all?  
Because that looked like it would *really* hurt.”
	Makoto nodded quickly, a confident smile on her face.  “Yep, 
that’s how we’re going to do it.  I’ve battled every kind of youma the 
universe could throw at us.  I’ve had my heart ripped from my chest, my 
dreams physically violated, and I’ve died *twice*.  After all of that, 
I can handle anything, including giving birth.”
	Recalling what had been said during class and how important she’d 
been told her roll as part of the support system was, Usagi answered, 
“If that’s your decision, then I support you completely and will offer 
all the loving encouragement you need.  But I still think you’re 
crazy.”  Then she looked up at Ami.  “When I have to do that, I want to 
be unconscious.”
	Ami grinned and held back a giggle.  “I promise I’ll remember 
that, Usagi.”
	Things got quiet for a few minutes while they all waited for the 
bus.  Feeling a bit impatient and antsy, Rei stretched her arms up over 
her head and blew a puff of breath through her lips.  “So, we’re all 
just going to go home now, huh?”
	Makoto glanced quickly up at Ami, then took advantage of the 
opportunity Rei’s mood presented.  “Actually, me and Ami have made a 
sort of habit of stopping for dessert on the way home.  We were just 
going to go to a place by the apartment and get something to take home, 
but if you guys want, we could all go get something together.”
	“There’s a good place about a block from here,” chimed in Ami.  
“It would likely be less crowded than the Crown tonight.”
	“I wouldn’t mind missing the Hell Week crowd,” replied Rei.  “How 
about it, Minako?  Mind if we stay out for awhile?”
	Minako smile and shrugged.  “Sounds like a good idea to me.”
	Unanimously decided, the girls left the bus stop and made the 
short trek to the ice cream place.  With the night pleasant as it was, 
they decided to find seats outside.  So while Makoto and Usagi saved 
spots at two small tables, the other three went inside to place the 
	“And could you put a few extra cherries on the chocolate one?” 
asked Rei as the girl who was fixing their order topped off Makoto’s 
milkshake with a hill of whipped cream.
	The girl nodded, and both Ami and Minako grinned at Rei.
	Rei sighed, disliking being so obvious in her actions.  “I 
snapped at Usagi pretty badly the other day,” she said quietly.  “I 
need to make it up to her a little, even if it was partly her own fault 
for being so klutzy.”
	Minako leaned in discretely against Rei’s side.  “I think it’s 
sweet,” she said, her voice low.  If there hadn’t been a small crowd, 
she would have kissed Rei’s cheek.  She was still very tempted to, just 
to see what would happen.
	That train of thought was interrupted as the girl behind the 
counter set the last of the milkshakes in front of them.  “Okay,” she 
said as she wiped her hands on her red and white striped shirt.  
“That’s one strawberry, one chocolate peanut butter, one chocolate with 
extra cherries, a cookies and cream mixer, and a root beer float.  The 
fries will be a few more minutes.  Is there anything else I can get for 
	“That’s it, thanks,” answered Rei.
	Minako reached for the milkshakes and set them on a tray with 
some straws and napkins.  “I’ll take these outside if you guys want to 
wait for the rest of it.  But someone’s gonna have to get the door for 
	“I’ll get it,” said Ami.  She took a quick sip of her float, then 
slid off her stool to help Minako.
	As Rei watched them, she noticed something from the corner of her 
eye.  Over at one of the booths, a group of boys sat, most of them 
talking animatedly.  One, however, was distracted, his eyes following 
Ami and Minako as they walked towards the door.  Not liking the idea 
that some guy was staring at her Minako was beside the point, because 
he very easily could have been staring at Ami.  Her dislike was mainly 
in the way he was staring.  The look on his face wasn’t the look of 
someone sizing up a potential date.  It was more serious, more focused.  
Then he abruptly turned away, back to his friends.  It was because Ami 
had started walking back, Rei realized.  He didn’t want her to notice 
	Ami slid quietly back onto the stool beside Rei and began poking 
at the ice cream in her root beer with the long, plastic spoon she’d 
been provided with.  A few minutes had passed with very little talking 
when Rei noticed those eyes again.  She could practically feel them 
staring holes right into their backs.  Ami must have noticed it, too, 
because she was getting progressively more tense.  Finally, Rei just 
couldn’t take it anymore.
	“What the hell is your problem?!” she snapped at the boy as she 
turned around.
	The boy jumped, startled by her outburst, and stared at her like 
a deer caught in headlights.  One of his friends turned and looked like 
he was about to say something back, but quickly changed his mind and 
tried instead to refocus his friend on their own conversation.
	Heedless of the looks she was getting from a few bystanders, Rei 
started to say something else just to let him know how much she was 
annoyed by him.  It was Ami’s hand landing lightly on her arm that 
stopped her.
	“Please, Rei,” said Ami softly without turning around in her 
seat.  “Just let him go.  It’s not a big deal.  He just does that 
	Rei looked at her in disbelief.  “You know him?”
	Ami nodded.
	“What is he?  Some kind of weird stalker?  Because something like 
that is a big deal.”  Ami looked as though she wasn’t going to answer, 
so Rei pushed forward.  “Come on, Ami.  I spilled my guts to you this 
morning.  That means you’re not allowed to clam up on me now.”
	“That’s him,” answered Ami, her voice barely above a whisper.
	Rei didn’t need to ask what that meant, she could see it in Ami’s 
eyes.  Curiosity prompted her to really look this boy over and wonder 
what it was Makoto had seen in him.  Short hair with dark eyes to 
match.  Cute enough, but not something you’d see on a boy band poster, 
this Satoshi was plain, simple, and seemingly unassuming.  Perhaps that 
in itself had been the appeal, Rei mused.
	She turned back in her seat and focused on Ami.  “Look, I 
understand not wanting to start anything here, but if he’s been 
bothering you, you need to say something to someone.”
	Ami concentrated intently on her float as she answered, “It isn’t 
like that.  He doesn’t do anything, and he never speaks to me.  But 
sometimes, he stares.  As soon as he realizes I’ve noticed, he stops.  
I don’t know why he does it.  I just think he wishes I would disappear 
as much as I wish he would.  That way, we could both forget.”
	Rei fidget in her seat, the let out a frustrated sigh.  “There’s 
got to be something you can do about him.  You don’t need to be dealing 
with this.”
	Ami shook her head.  “I already requested a class transfer for 
next term,” she admitted.  “I couldn’t tell them precisely why, and 
Itoh-san thought it was because I was feeling burned out and 
overwhelmed.  He said they could help me with that, but he couldn’t, in 
good conscience, put me in another class.  He felt it would be a step 
backward academically, especially since our class is the only one 
running the advanced sciences program.”
	“You should have told him the truth,” insisted Rei.
	“No,” replied Ami.  “Don’t you understand?  If I’d even hinted 
that a male student was making me uncomfortable, they would have been 
obligated to investigate.  Questions would have been asked that none of 
us want to answer.  Mako-chan is finally comfortable with the idea of 
people knowing about our life.  But even that has its limits, and I 
don’t want to do anything that will disturb that or put any more stress 
on her than there already is.  Besides, you know what she would do to 
him if I told her any of this.”
	Rei reluctantly agreed with that last statement.  She also agreed 
just as reluctantly not to say anything to anyone.
	“Thank you,” said Ami.  “I can deal with it, Rei, I promise.  
I’ve never liked being around him, you know that, but it won’t be for 
much longer.  And then I really will be rid of him forever.”

Onwards to Part 26

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