
a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Akimei

Note: The credit for the idea of this fic goes to Maya Nazumi and 
Armor King! But, I've got a sequel planned for it, Which is my idea... 
ALL MINE! ^_^;


  Rei sighed as Usagi sat down on the futon next to her own. She 
turned around to see the girl let down her hair from odangoes as she 
begin to brush the seemingly endless tresses, her pink night shirt 
crinkling a bit as she shifted so that her legs were sprawled about 
her, hips together. Rei watched her intently. She was so... 
  Once the girl was finished, She smiled brightly at Rei as she pulled 
the sheet up to her knees, sitting straight. She placed her palms 
against the futon to her sides, leaning onto them.
  "Rei-chan, Thanks for letting me spend the night!" Usagi said 
cheerfully. Rei turned away to hide the smile that crept up onto her 
  "Yeah... Just go to sleep Odango Atama." Rei said, and she heard 
Usagi sigh from behind her.
  "I've been wondering... Why do you call me Odango Atama?" asked 
Usagi, "I mean, I know I wear my hair in odangoes, and Mamo called me 
that first but... Why do you have to?"
  "I don't know... It's... cute..." Rei responded. Usagi smiled and 
layed down.
  Silence stretched for at least a few moments before Rei sighed. "Um, 
Usagi... There's something I've been wanting you to know about..." Rei 
said. She heard no response, So she took this as the oppurtunity to 
  "I know about your destiny to be with Mamoru and build Crystal 
Tokyo... And I know how ChibiUsa is supposed to be born... But... I've 
been... thinking about you alot." she swallowed a lump in her throat. 
'Please don't hate me Usa-chan...'
  "And, When I first met you, I think... I felt something. Something 
I've never felt with anyone before... It scared me..." she said and 
sighed, "I was going to tell you about it, But... I seemed to find 
arguing with you a better idea. It helped me get out my frustration of 
the odd feelings I was knowing."
  Rei hesitated. "I... started arguements with you to annoy you. I 
dated Mamoru for a few days because I thought you liked him... That's 
why I ogled Tuxedo Kamen sometimes, But only when you were around... 
Later, I figured out what the feelings were, and started fights for a 
different reason, To hide those feelings..."
  The miko sighed, as she looked downwards at her futon. "It... hurt 
when you thought I hated you... I didn't mean for it to come out that 
way... I'm sorry and..." Rei gulped again.
  "And, The feelings I felt for you was... love... I was in love with 
you... I thought you could never return my love, I thought you would 
hate me... It's why I've kept my feelings in for so long... I pray 
that you don't hate me for telling you... I know that--" Rei spun 
around to see Usagi's sleeping face, her lips parted as light breaths 
escaped her lips...
  "You're... asleep?... You've been... asleep? All this time?... 
Through my whole confession!? I... I told you how I felt! Do you know 
how hard it was for me to tell you that I'm in love with you!?" Rei 
managed to keep down her voice, and managed to not wake Usagi up. She 
stared at her for a moment, then smiled.
  "Gods, Usagi... Why can't I stay angry with you?" Rei reached over 
and brushed a strand of golden blonde hair from her secret love's 
face. She pulled the covers up to Usagi's neck, and leaned in, 
planting a gentle kiss on the girl's forehead, before settling down on 
her own futon and closing her eyes to go to sleep...

  'Hmm...' Usagi thought, opening an eye. 'She... loves me... 
Rei-chan! She loves me!' The hime felt her heart flutter. 'I love you 
too Rei-chan! I can't... believe it...' Usagi smiled and blushed. 'I 
hope she meant it and wasn't just saying that because she was 
half-asleep... Oh Rei... I'll ask you about it sometime... Sometime 
soon.' And with that, Usagi's eye closed and she drifted off into a 
real sleep, Rei's confession staying on her mind...

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