Catch Me When I Fall

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by arashi-enkou

Thunder rumbled above them as the gray sky poured down its grief.

The casket was lowered into the rich brown soil.

Usagi held her umbrella until her knuckles were white. Makoto and Ami 
huddled together, holding each other as tears ran down their cheeks.

Haruka and Michiru had bowed their heads in a silent prayer. Setsuna 
held a weeping Minako. Hotaru gripped Chibi-Usa's hand, sniffling and 
wiping her eyes with a shaky hand. Chibi-Usa was no better, her eyes 
closed tightly while the little princess's shoulders shook with her 

Rei stood at the edge of the grave, her violet eyes dim and her hair 
plastered to her face.

Usagi saw Rei's lips form the word, "Grandpa." and she felt her heart 
break. "Oh Rei-chan." She whispered.

The priest finished the service and bowed to Rei, who bowed back. He 
then walked away, his robes flowing.

One by one, the Senshi began to leave quietly, Setsuna taking Chibi-Usa 
with her.

Then there was only Usagi and Rei.

The miko was as still as death, not moving from her spot near her 
grandfather's tombstone once. Usagi whimpered as a harsh, cold wind blew 
through the shrine complex, the chill biting at her cheeks and hands.


The hoarse whisper of her name, thick with emotion and husky with misery 
seemed to float through the air and pierce her heart worse than the wind 

"Yes Rei-chan?" Usagi answered.

"You can go home." Rei said. "You don't have to stay if you don't want 

Rei looked over her shoulder and gave a ghost of a smile that didn't 
reach her eyes. "I'll be fine."

Usagi's bottom lip trembled slightly as Rei turned back to the slab of 
concrete. She walked up and wrapped and arm around Rei's waist, 
shivering as the miko's soaked clothing pressed up against her own, 
effectively making her soggy as well. She held her umbrella over the 
both of them.

"I'm not gonna leave Rei." She murmured softly. "I'll never leave."

Rei made a choked sound in the back of her throat, then spun around and 
enveloped Usagi in her arms, sobbing against the moon hime's neck.

"Why'd he have to go?" she wailed. "I don't wanna be alone anymore 

"Shh," Usagi cooed, leading the miko to the shelter of the shrine. Once 
underneath a roof, she let go of the umbrella and wrapped both arms 
around Rei's shaking body. "You're not alone Rei-chan. I'm here."

Soon, the sobs dwindled to sniffles and hiccups.

"There now," Usagi giggled as Rei wiped an eye with the heel of her 
palm, "Feel a little better now Pyro-no-baka?"

Whatever Rei was about to snap out was lost in an adorable little 

Usagi giggled and stood up, helping Rei to her feet. "Let's get you out 
of these robes." She suggested, pointing to the completely soaked miko 
robes Rei wore.

Rei gasped over dramatically and put a hand over her chest. "Why Usa!" 
she gasped. "No first date? No flowers? You dog you!" With that, the 
miko giggled and ran to her room, leaving a shocked Usagi sitting where 
she was. "Wha-" Then it hit her . Blushing furiously, Usagi stomped over 
to the meditation room where the sacred fire crackled merrily. She sat 
down and simply enjoyed its warmth. The door slid open and Rei walked 
in, clad in an large T-shirt that reached mid-thigh, her hair blow-dried 
and flowing like black silk. The faint smell of jasmine followed her.

She sat down next to Usagi and sighed, leaning her head on the blonde's 
shoulder. "Hope you don't mind," she murmured sleepily.

Usagi smiled and curled an arm around Rei's waist. "Nah." She whispered. 
"Sleep tight Pyro-koi."

"Odango-koishi," Rei breathed back, falling asleep almost instantly.

It's funny...Usagi thought lazily as she too closed her eyes. 'We didn't 
say 'I love you' did we?'

"Pyro-koi?" Usagi asked.

"What?" Rei grumbled.

"I love you." Usagi confessed quietly. Rei sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Is 'at all?" Rei slurred as she wrapped Usagi in a loose embrace.

" 'Is that all?'!" Usagi asked offended. Her verbal lashing was cut off 
by Rei's lips meeting hers in a brief, chaste kiss. Rei snuggled closer 
to the blonde and sighed quietly.

" Love 'ou too," she muttered softly, already half way asleep, a 
delirious smile on her face.

"G'night Usagi-koishi."

Usagi held the miko clser and whispered, "Night Rei-koi."

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