Mizuno Ami was in a bad mood. She didn't really know why, but she was. At first, she hadn't even realized it, of course. Such emotional states were certainly not the norm for her. Her first clue was when she ordered extra hot fudge on her sundae. The second clue came when she realized that, even though she'd read the passage in question three times, she had no idea what it was she was reading. Since reading without comprehension was clearly a waste of time, Ami lowered her textbook and looked around the room. She sat in the ice cream parlor that had served as a secondary clubhouse (along with Rei's temple) for her and her friends since junior high school. Unfortunately, she sat alone this afternoon. Rei had duties at her temple, Usagi supposedly was in class, and Minako had volleyball practice. Strangely enough, it was only when Ami pondered the location of Makoto (at the gym) that a feeling of loneliness hit her. Being alone was nothing strange for Ami, but loneliness was. Thinking back to when it had started, she could only recall that brief conversation she'd had with Shinozaki Kenjo, Makoto's friend. 'I wonder why Makoto never mentioned that her friend was in town,' Ami considered. 'Actually, I wonder why she never mentions him much at all. She wouldn't keep it a secret if they were dating, would she?' For some reason, this line of thought was making her feel even worse. "Ami-chan, do you mind if I join you?" There are few things more jarring than to have a friendly voice interrupt one's contemplation of their solitude and this was no exception. Especially disconcerting to Ami was the fact that she recognized the voice immediately and it was no one she had ever expected to see. "Ryu-kun! When did you get back to Tokyo? Your school isn't on a break," Ami noted. Urawa Ryu took a seat across from Ami in the booth, setting a bowl of ice cream down in front of himself. "Can't a guy check in on one of his best friends when she's feeling a little down?" "But, I'm not...well, I wasn't feeling down until just this afternoon. How could you..." Ryu laughed, "You haven't forgotten that I'm a psychic, I hope! One of the benefits, aside from the good grades, is that I can be there when my friends need me." Ami's voice grew a bit stern. "You promised that you weren't going to use your powers to improve your grades!" she admonished. "I haven't been, I was just saying it was one of the benefits. 'Was', Ami-chan, not 'is.' Now, do you want to tell me what's the matter?" As Ami began to describe her day, in an attempt to pin down the source of her discomfort, Ryu couldn't help but lose track of her words. She was so very beautiful. The picture he kept in his wallet did her no justice whatsoever. Though he'd had girlfriends at college, those relationships never worked out, and Ryu was smart enough to know that it was because none of them could stand up against his image of Ami. Though he'd tried over the years to resign himself to the fact that Ami was only interested in him as a friend, it was still difficult. Ever since she'd saved his life, so long ago, he'd felt a bond to her. He knew that she felt comfortable with him and considered him a close friend, but still, he always sensed she held something back. More than anything, he wanted her to open herself to him completely, to share the feelings that he felt for her. Even though she'd told him in no uncertain terms the last time they had met that she did not want anything other than friendship, he never gave up that hope that he could convince her to return his feelings. When the vision of her, sitting alone in this place with an expression of exquisite melancholia, had come to him, he'd boarded the next train back to Tokyo. Somehow, he'd known that this was a turning point in both of their lives. Besides, some opportunities were too good to pass up. Focusing back in on what she was saying, Ryu noticed that she apparently had no idea why she was sad. However, she kept mentioning her friend Makoto. "Maybe I just feel hurt because Makoto did not trust me enough to tell me that her good friend had come back to town," Ami suggested. "It could be that you're feeling left out," Ryu replied gently. "After all, Makoto is with that Kenjo fellow. Usagi is all but married to that Mamoru guy, right? And didn't you say that you hardly ever see your friend Minako because she's always out on dates?" Ami looked uncertain. "I've never associated happiness with boys. You know that. I suppose it would be nice to have someone special, to share my life with, but I've always assumed that when the time was right, it would happen." "Well, you're getting older now. Your friends seem to be moving into that phase of their lives. Maybe that time is approaching for you as well." Ami did not reply immediately. Instead, she let her mind wander, toying with this idea of sharing herself completely. It would be nice to come home after a long day at school to someone who took joy in her presence, to share a meal, tell about each other's day, relax in the safe, comfortable arms of someone you loved with all of your being. Ami blushed as her daydream drifted further, beyond comfort, to the realm of tight embraces, hot kisses, shared passions... Though he could not read minds (he was a psychic, not a telepath!), Ryu sensed that Ami was beginning to warm to the idea of a boyfriend. Now, all that was left was to insert himself into that role. Suddenly, a searing pain in his temples, a flash of light, and another vision. ***Ami stood on a balcony, looking out at the night sky. Stars glittered dimly, almost completely obscured by the reflected light of the city below. Over the rooftops, the moon hovered, almost full. Though it was cool, she felt warm inside, completely at peace. Someone approached her from behind and gently slid their arms around her waist, leaning down to rest their head on top of hers. With a contented sigh, she leaned back against the one who was truly the source of her contentedness, her peace, her joy and happiness. Slowly Ami's head came to rest on the soft, warm chest of her dearest love.*** Ami did not notice Ryu tense up as his vision hit. She was truly lost in the realm of her thoughts, as she lingered in this fantasy of shared love and happiness. Still, these strange memories kept interrupting. *A month ago, sitting with Makoto in her living room, watching television together: Ami dozes off and Makoto leans over to wrap her in a blanket. The scent of Mako's perfume and the clean blanket surround her as she senses the gentle touch of her friend's fingers sliding it around her shoulders.* *Seven years ago, at a school dance: the touch of Makoto's hand as Ami pulled her out onto the dance floor. Chills run up her arms and down her spine as she considers exactly how special and beautiful this woman before her is.* A sharp gasp from Ryu brought Ami out of her reverie. "Oh my! Are you all right?" Ami asked with great concern, noting how pale her friend had become. "Fine," Ryu replied, catching his breath. "I'm fine, just a head rush, probably from eating my ice cream too fast." It wasn't him. He didn't know who it was, but he did know it wasn't him. Ryu certainly was not the most muscular of young men, but his chest had never been soft like that one had been. He could still feel the sensation. 'I don't think any man has a chest that soft,' he mused. Needing time to regroup, he stood up. "I'm sorry, Ami, I'm probably on the wrong track. You're a smart, independent young woman, what do you need with any kind of relationship. I must have confused you with those silly airheads back at school. You're probably just worried about exams." Ryu laughed, he hoped convincingly. Ami smiled wistfully, "I suppose you are right. I do feel better now. It certainly was sweet of you to come all this way just to cheer me up. We didn't even get a chance to talk about you." "That's fine, we'll catch up later. I'll be around for a few days, but I'd better get going. Got some stuff to take care of." Ryu bowed slightly and headed out. After he left, Ami picked up her textbook, but almost immediately set it back down. True, she was no longer feeling lonely, but she did have a lingering air of melancholy. Out of habit, she wondered what time Makoto might be done with her workout, before recalling that she was probably with Shinozaki Kenjo right now. That thought brought a sudden pang inside of her. 'Mizuno Ami,' she thought, 'none of this is doing you any good. If you are lonely, you should seek out a friend. If Makoto is busy, then you certainly have other friends who are _not_ busy with secret boyfriends. I'm sure Rei is available.' With that thought in mind, Ami gathered her things, paid her check, and headed out to see Rei.
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