Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by arashi-enkou

Untitled Document

“Admit it Rei! You’ve hated me! You’ve always hated me!!” Usagi shouted.

Rei blinked and shouted back, “No you idiot! I do not hate you!!”

“Do to!”

“Do not!”

“Do to!”





Finally, Makoto cracked.

“I’m gonna hate both of you if you don’t shut the hell up!

The inner senshi flinched and backed up a few paces. Usagi and Rei had obviously quit shouting at each other in favor of grabbing each other in fear of Makoto’s wrath. Ami and Minako began to giggle quietly behind their hands.

Usagi’s arms were wound tightly around Rei’s waist, her head tucked under the miko’s chin. Rei’s arms were wrapped possessively around the blonde’s shoulders. Her lavender eyes glared at the other senshi. Suddenly the two girls noticed their position and sprang apart, blushing.

“Told you I didn’t hate you,” Rei murmured.

“…” Usagi just looked away, a rosy blush still adorning her cheeks.

Makoto grinned and handed the blushing duo a square package. Rei took it and eyed it with a wary glance.

“What is this?” she asked suspiciously. Makoto shook her head, grin still in place. Ami and Minako were desperately trying to stifle their giggles by clamping their hands over their mouths. Rei handed the gift to Usagi (who squealed happily, mind you) and stared at the Senshi of Ice with a long, cold stare. As planned, Ami began to sweat and fidget nervously. Rei smirked and did a small mental victory dance. Well, until Makoto pulled the blue haired genius out of the line of fire.

“Knock it off.” She growled. Rei shrugged and sighed as she saw Usagi rip open the parcel with the energy of a child on its birthday.

Then, quite suddenly, she completely deflated, a horrendous blush encompassing her entire face.

Rei blinked in confusion. “Usa-chan? What’s wrong?”

The blond immediately clutched the gift to her chest and shook her head.

“Usagi,” Rei warned. “Give me the box.”

Usagi shook her head again, clutching the box until her knuckles turned white.

Rei wilted in defeat. “A-alright Usa-chan. If you don’t trust me then…” A few sniffles escaped as the raven haired girl’s shoulders began to shake.

Ami, Makoto, and Minako lifted an eyebrow at the obvious trap.

Only an idiot would fall for---

“Oh Rei-chan!” Usagi exclaimed, rushing over and placing a hand on the miko’s back. “Onegaidon’t cry!”

Minako blinked then smacked her forehead. “Usa-chan gives us blondes a bad name…” she murmured. Ami giggled quietly, sill held protectively in Makoto’s arms.

Rei looked over shoulder, smirked, and grabbed the box out of the startled moon hime’s hand. Rei put one hand on Usagi’s forehead, effectively keeping her away while Usagi swung her arms wildly.

“N-no!” Usagi stuttered. But it was too late. Rei’s eyebrows shot up into her hair as she gazed at the two girls on the cover of a doujinshi.

It was her and Usagi.

Or, better yet, Eternal Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars. Then again, it wasn’t the fact that this doujinshi was a Moon and Mars pairing (there had been several other issues of doujinshi that featured them together that Rei had seen on the shelves of magazine racks). It was the way they were holding each other.

It happened to be the position that Rei and Usagi had found themselves in just a few minute ago.

Sailor Moon’s had entwined themselves around Mar’s waist (though one of her hands was a tad bit more south than Rei remembered) and Mar’s arms were wrapped tight around Sailor Moon’s shoulders. The Moon Senshi’s eyes were closed as were Mar’s. To complete the artwork, Eternal Sailor Moon’s wings surrounded them both. As did Venus’ Love-Me-Chain. The magical hearts were wrapped around the two soldiers, tying them together.

Though the romantic picture was interrupted with a large sticker exclaiming:


Rei felt her right eye twitch.

Those sick, perverted asses—

Rei’s inner rant was interrupted when she saw that a particular page was bookmarked. Gulping and taking a deep breathe for courage she took the book out of the box and opened it to the page.

There was a note (along with a very erotic scene involving the Venus Love-Me-Chain from the cover).

It read:

Rei-chan, we’ve decided to give you and Usa-chan an early Christmas present! This note, along with our manga, should tell you what we want for Christmas!!


Minako-chan, Ami-chan, and Makoto-chan!

P.S.: We’ve included a little something else.


P.S.S.S: Merry Christmas!!

Rei felt her eye twitch again as her stomach tightened in desire.


Slamming the book closed Rei crumpled the note and directed an angry glare to the other three Senshi, who were smiling quite impishly.

‘Reach into the box!’ Minako mouthed.

Rei grunted, but reached into the box…

…and pulled out a Venus Love-Me-Chain, still glittering with suppressed magic.

Rei’s jaw dropped as she blushed. Usagi picked up the doujinshi and opened up a bunny eared page. She felt her own jaw drop as she saw the very same erotic picture involving the Love-Me-Chain. She looked at the chain, then at the doujinshi, then at the chain again, before she dared a glance at Rei.

She was startled to see Rei staring at her with a strange gleam in her lavender orbs. She stared back.

Time seemed to tick away before…

“Rei-chan,” Usagi whispered. “I think I…”

“Yeah. Me too.”

Usagi squealed and threw her arms around the surprised miko. “Good.” She whispered, before sealing her lips over Rei’s. Rei made a muffled sound in the back of her throat, waving her arms wildly in the air.

Usagi broke the kiss and blinked. “I thought you felt the same!” she gasped in confusion.

Rei blinked as well and answered, “I thought that you were saying that you wanted to kill Mina-chan!”

Said Senshi ‘eeped’ and hid behind Makoto. “Why me?” she whined. “Ami and Makoto helped too!”

“I dunno.” Rei shrugged. “I guess it’s because you piss me off more than anyone else here.”

Minako made a disgusted sound and crossed her arms over her chest. “That is so sexist.”

Rei sweat dropped. “Mina-chan, I’m a girl too. That’s not sexist.”

Minako pondered, and then snapped her fingers in defeat. “But still! It’s not fair that you kill me and not Ami-chan and Mako-chan!”

Makoto tightened her grip on Ami. “Keep us outta this!” they both exclaimed.

Rei shrugged again. “Minako, isn’t this your Love-Me-Chain?”

Minako whimpered and hid behind Makoto again. “Crap.” She grumbled.

Rei chuckled and brought her gaze back down to the younger girl in front of her. The blonde sniffled once, and then began to move out of Rei’s arms.

“Whoa there Trigger,” Rei teased as she wrapped the Love-Me-Chain around Usagi’s waist. “Who said that I don’t love you?”

Usagi’s eyes widened. “You mean you—“


“Oh Rei-chan!”

Usagi pulled Rei into another kiss and (making sure the others didn’t see) Pinched the raven haired Senshi of Fire’s bottom. Rei jumped and looked at Usagi. Usagi simply waggled her eyebrows and grinned.

Rei got the message. “Usa no hentai!” she cooed. “You naughty little bunny you!”

As the grinning duo swaggered into the temple, Rei twirling the Love-Me-Chain around her fingers, Minako stared at their swaying hips.

“Oooooooo!” Ami started. “Mina-chan’s in trouble.”

“I’m gonna tell Satsuna on you!” Makoto said.

Minako paled at the mention of her green haired girlfriend. “No! Don’t tell Sats-chan! I’ll be sleeping on the couch for months!!”

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