A Meeting of Minds (part 5 of 15)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by SoftRogue

Back to Part 4
---The Present---

Standing underneath the Torii at the Hikawa Shrine, I gaze up at the 
night's sky and look at the waxing moon. Shaking my head, I walk 
towards the family portion of the shrine. Several days have passed 
since my talk with Mamoru and since then an opportunity that might be 
beneficial to our future Queen has arisen.

"Ah, Meioh-san. It's good to see you again." an old; yet vibrant; voice 
called to me softly from the shadows of the porch.

"Hino-san." I return the greeting politely.

"You know, that shine maiden position is still open. I'm sure that I 
have a set of robes that would fit you."

"I'm sorry, but I must decline. My job up takes too much of my time as 
it is." I reply smoothly, considering that every time I've come to the 
Shrine as a normal person would he would ask me the same question.

"Ah, well. I take it you're here to see Rei and her friends? There 
inside in their usual place, go on in."

Bowing my thanks, I head inside. Pausing to open the screen, I look 
inside and see what I basically expected to see. With mid-terms 
approaching, the Inner Senshi were getting together regularly for study 
sessions. Rei, Ami, and Makoto were all sitting quietly studying. 
Watching Ami for a moment, I smile fondly at an errant memory of one of 
the many times that Pai and I had spent at the Royal Library. I shake 
myself mentally and look at the other two and what I see doesn't 
surprise me in the least.

Minako was also engrossed in a textbook, which she had propped up on 
the table. However, from this angle, I could clearly see that hidden in 
the book was one of the latest fashion magazines. Usagi, though, was 
currently using her textbook as a pillow. Even from outside the door, I 
could clearly hear the soft sound of her snore.

Removing my shoes, I carefully slide open the screen and step inside. 
Quietly, I creep in and stand behind the sleeping girl. Resisting the 
urge to smile, I clear my throat.

"Tsukino Usagi. Wake up." I say with authority.

The other girls all look up with startled expressions, but I pay them 
no heed. The real show that I'm looking for is happening in front of 

"GAH! The Meiji Era! 'To be or not to be'! Francisco Franco! 42! 78 
electrons and 117 neutrons! 350 degrees for 30 minutes!"

"Hum...History, Literature, Political Science, Math, Physical Science, 
and Home Economics. Not bad." I mused while Usagi regained her senses 
and the others watched perplexed. "But aren't you missing a subject?"

"French. Which is what Usagi-chan is supposed to be studying." Ami said 
with a shy smile and a slight blush as she met my eyes.

"Um...le noir, ce mot designe depuis une époque lointaine le nom du 
destin?" Usagi said automatically.

"Thank you, Ami-san." I nodded slightly towards the blue haired girl 
while inside, my stomach tightened and I fought down my own blush.

"Huh? Wha? Setsuna-san! Don't DO that!" Usagi said as she turned to 
look at me with a pout on her face.

The other girls giggled for a few moments before Rei said, "It's your 
own fault, Odango Atama! If you would have been studying like you're 
suppose too..."


"Here we go again..." Makoto sighed.

"So what brings you to our elbow of the dessert?" Minako asks, ignoring 
out of shear habit the fight brewing between Rei and Usagi.

I have live for a very long time. I've watched humanity crawl from the 
wreckage of the Silver Millennium. I have seen Empires rise and fall. 
I've witnessed great inventions being created. I observed the secrets 
of the Universe itself.

And yet, with all that, I still can't make heads or tails of Minako's 

"Mina-chan? I believe you meant 'What brings you to our neck of the 
woods.'" Ami translates for all of us.

"That's what I said."  Minako said with a perplexed expression.

"So, why are you here Setsuna-san?" Rei asked, deciding to ignore Usagi 
the moment.

"I need to speak with the Princess." I state simply.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense, only to be broken by 
Usagi. "Noooooo. Not now! Why do the bad guys always attack at the 
worst possible time! I hardly see my Mamo-chan as it is with mid-terms; 
now I'll never see him!"

"There is no enemy to fight, Princess." I calmly tell Usagi before she 
could work herself into a frenzy or worse.

As soon as the words left my mouth, the tension in the room vanished. 
Usagi graced me with a bright smile and said, "Oh, ok! So, what did you 
want to talk about?"

"I'll tell you on the way home. I've already called your mother to let 
her know that you'll be late."

"AAAHHHH! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" Minako suddenly exclaimed. "I 
gotta go! My mom's going to eat puppies!"

A blonde whirlwind tore through the room as Minako grabbed her things 
and raced out of the room with a hastily spoken 'goodbye'. I watched as 
the others recover from the hasty departure of 'Hurricane Mina' and 
begin to gather their things.

"So, what do you want to talk to Usagi about?" Rei asked with 

"Yea? So what's up, Setsuna-san?"

I give Usagi a mild look of reproach and answer her in my own way. 
"Patience, Princess. I'll tell you in the car."

Blinking twice, Usagi looked at me with confusion. "Car? You have a 

"I borrowed Haruka's car. I doubt that she'll mind."

"Ooohhhh." Usagi exclaimed.

"Ahem. Excuse me, Setsuna-san?" Ami asked hesitantly with eyes 
downcast. "I was wondering, if possible, if you could give me a ride 
home as well?"

My heart clenched at the thought of spending time in the small confines 
of Haruka's car with Ami. My first instinct is to tell her no, however; 
no matter what my personal feelings might be; my duty to my future 
Queen comes first. The fact is having Ami's calming presence will help 
me a great deal with talking to Usagi.

"Of course, Ami-san." I answer with a nod.

"Could I get a ride too?" Makoto asked hopefully.

My knee-jerk reaction is to turn and glare at the tall brunette, but I 
stifled that urge and simply clench my teeth. While I hold Makoto no 
ill will, the simple fact is it's sometime more difficult to spend time 
with her that it is to spend time with Ami. It wasn't her fault...at 
least not directly. The first time I met her; or should I say I her 
pervious incarnation; we got off to a bad start. What happened wasn't 
her fault; given the circumstances; yet I couldn't help but to blame 
her. Between that first meeting and several things that happened later, 
at the time I couldn't help but feel resentful towards her. And 
although; like with Ami; I know that she isn't her reincarnation, I 
can't help feeling how I feel.

---Silver Millennium---

What had started as a normal visit to the Lunar Palace to spend time 
with young Pai had turned into a complete nightmare. Going to Airi's 
lab to find young Pai, I had found the blonde Senshi in a total panic. 
It had taken me a few moments to find out what was wrong, only to wish 
I hadn't. Airi's words had caused a cold lump to form in my stomach and 
had sent me racing through the halls of the Palace.



I vaguely recall seeing faces of members of the Palace staff and of 
minor nobles that were sent scurrying out of my way as I rushed towards 
the medical wing, but I didn't care. My Pai was hurt. She needed me.

Arriving at my destination, I ram the closed door before me with my 
Staff, causing it to slam open and rebound off the wall and slam shut; 
but I'm already inside the waiting room. I barely notice the occupants 
of the room...two young woman in aquamarine and blue tense up 
suddenly...an older woman dressed in pure white holding a black 
object...a young girl in red comforts another young girl in white...a 
tall girl stands in the corner...these facts reach my mind but I don't 
understand them; they don't matter. None of them are my Pai.

A voice says something...I don't understand it...it sounds 
familiar...something about a room...a room number! I don't remember 
moving, but I suddenly find myself standing in front of another door. 
With my hand shaking, I carefully open the door and step inside. What I 
see causes an almost physical pain to shoot through me.

Lying on a bed, with medical equipment hooked up to her, was young Pai. 
I haltingly approach her when I notice something on a nearby chair, 
something I recognize immediately. A Senshi uniform, in the color of 
Mercury, was draped over the chair. I cringe at the condition it was 
in; rips and tears and scorch marks and blood stains. Red and green 
blood stains.

Only one creature in the solar system has green blood; Youma. My 
knuckles creak as I clench my Staff in anger; an anger that dissipates 
as I turn to look at young Pai. Carefully, I draw nearer to her, my 
heart pounding in my ears. I lean my Staff against the wall and reach 
out and gently caress her face.

'So pale.' I think.

At thirteen, young Pai was on the verge of womanhood. Her soft, gentle 
face; normally graced with bright blue eyes hungry for knowledge that 
peaked over a slight blush; was now ghostly white. I can't help but 
remember how, only a week ago, how melodious her laugh sounded as she 
told me how the princess and Myung had gotten in trouble over a late 
night raid of the kitchen during a break in our discussion of imaginary 

"I here now, child. Don't worry, everything will be alright," I whisper 
to her as I brush her hair from her forehead with my fingers.

I stay bent over her prone form; speaking softly in reassuring tones; 
as I caress her light blue hair for several minutes before I hear 
someone else enter the room.

"What happened?" I ask, my voice devoid of emotion.

"She was returning from Io when the ship she was on was attacked by 

I slowly look over to the foot of the bed and see Queen Serenity 
standing there; the depth of her sadness reflected in her eyes; petting 
Luna. Glancing at the other side of the bed and see the princess in a 
chair, holding young Pai's hand with tear stained cheeks. Behind her, 
Myung stood; a hand on the princesses' shoulder lending silent support.

"And that?" I demand, perhaps too harshly, jerking my head at the 
ruined uniform.

"Lady Pai was acting in her position as the future Senshi of Mercury." 
Luna said haughtily.

"Not now, Luna." Serenity, apparently sensing my mood, warned the 

I glared at the Mau advisor hard for a moment and wondered if she knew 
that the only reason she wasn't currently a grease smear was because of 
who was holding her.

"Please, tell me." I softly plead. "How...how did it happen?"

Looking at me with kind and understanding eyes, my friend answers my 
question. "It was supposed to be a routine diplomatic mission. Pai 
actually approached me and asked if she could go. I believe she 
mentioned something about 'not wanting to be dragged into some 
harebrained scheme' or something." She said with a small smile.

Glancing across the bed, I see Myung looking around the room in a poor 
effort to avoid suspicion. The princess, however, blushes and looks 
down at her lap in guilt and sniffles softly.

"Pai insisted on wearing the mantel of Mercury." My friend said in a 
soft voice filled with pride. "You should have seen her, Iria-chan. She 
looked so joyful and proud wearing the uniform. She told me she wished 
that the mission could have been pushed back a few days so you could've 
been the first to see her in it."

I blink back my tears and smile. In my minds eyes, I could see the 
image my friend painted me. Young Pai standing there, wearing her 
uniform; her eyes shining with an inner light and a slightly 
embarrassed look on her face as she showed me what she looked like.

After a moment, my friend continued. "Everything was going fine until 
after her ship left Jupiter's orbit. Youma swarmed over the ship." She 
sighed before pressing on. "Pai was able to evacuate everyone and 
covered their escape. She held the Youma back until Uranus and Neptune 
were able to respond to the ships distress signal. There...there were a 
lot of Youma, Iria-chan. A lot of Youma."

"I see." I said carefully. "Why did she go to Io in the first place?"

"She went because of Rion, next Senshi of Jupiter."

A movement by the open door caught my eye. Looking over, I saw a tall 
girl whose age I guessed at about fourteen. As I looked at her, she 
straightened up and met my gaze.

'It's because of her my Pai was hurt.' I think to myself as my gaze 

The girl, Rion, met my eyes for a moment, before she flinched hard and 
wilted back. I felt a grim satisfaction as turned back to look at young 
Pai, my gaze softened as I again stroked her cheek.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to see you in your uniform, child." I 
whispered softly.

Looking at her face, I inhaled sharply when I noticed her lips begin to 
move slightly. I leaned as close as I could, my ear scant millimeters 
from her lips. Closing my eyes in concentration, I listen carefully and 
I hear her muttering something softly. Listening closely, I barely make 
out what she's whispering over and over.

Once I'm certain I've heard everything she was mumbling, I was out the 
door; my Staff in hand. Behind me, I hear Serenity call out my name in 
surprise, but I have more important things to do. Brushing by Rion, I 
make my way to the waiting room where I see Kei and Yuri; the recently 
Ascended Senshi of Uranus and Neptune.

"You two. Come with me."

"What?" the blonde haired Kei asked defensively.

In a flash of eldritch crimson light, the three of us were no longer 
here, but there. There was a dimension outside of the space/time 
continuum; the resting place of the Gates of Time. Technically, I 
shouldn't have brought the two of them here since my main duty is to 
prevent anyone from approaching and using the Gates. But they weren't 
here to use the Gates, so I was bending the rules slightly.

Frankly though, I didn't care.

"What the...?!" Kei exclaimed, drawing the Space Sword.

"Kei, wait." Yuri cautioned, placing a hand on the blonde's elbow. 

Ignoring the two of them as the stared at the Gates of Time in awe, I 
raise my free hand and embrace the Mana Stream. I then concentrate and 
before me, a scale model of the solar system appears. I wait a moment 
for the image to stabilize before I begin to do mental calculations. 
There were two things that young Pai had whispered to me, the first 
being spatial coordinates. Besides my charge, I was probably the only 
one alive who could figure these calculations in their head.

"It's beautiful." I hear Yuri say from my side as she and Kei join me.

"Here." With a thought, the image suddenly magnifies to a large 
planetoid in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. "Asteroid 

"What's so special about that rock?" Kei demanded.

"Hush." Yuri said, nudging Kei in the ribs.

"This is where the Youma that attacked the ship came from." I said, 
before continuing with the other piece of information young Pai gave 
me. "There is a Nexus here."

Only with supreme effort do I keep from snarling that last part out. If 
there is one thing I hate more than Youma, then it's Nexuses. A rift in 
dimensions, a Nexus is a portal between our world and the Negaverse; 
where the creatures of the Dark Kingdom dwell.

"How do you know?" Kei asked, with a trace of awe in her voice.

"Are you ready?" I ask, dismissing the image and Kei's question.

With a sudden, savage smile, Kei hefted the Space Sword. Yuri drew 
forth the Deep Aqua Mirror and nodded with determination, understanding 
what was to come. With a thought, we appeared on the surface of 
Asteroid P-358. Once there, I released the hold on the anger that had 
been brewing within me since I found out what had happened to my Pai. 
Eldritch crimson light began to dance around me as I stalked forward; 
causing the surface of the planetoid to powder into dust as it fell 
victim to the ravages of time.

45 minutes later, Asteroid P-358 no longer existed.

---Present Time---

"Makoto-chan," Ami's voice snapped me out of my recollection, "I'm sure 
that Setsuna-san would like to take you home, but remember that Usagi 
and I live on the other side of Minato Ward, remember? Besides, you 
know how cramped Haruka-san's car is. I doubt that all four of us could 
fit in it."

"Oh...Ok." Makoto said, disappointment clearly written on her face. 
"Well, I guess I'll see you guys later."

Gathering her backpack, Makoto left; taking one last look at Ami before 
leaving. With Makoto gone, I look around for Usagi, only to see her 
missing. However, I'm not the only one to notice her absence.

"Usagi? Where are you?" Rei called out.

A crash in the kitchen alerted us to her whereabouts. "Just a minute! 
Makoto left some of her brownies! We don't want them going to waste, do 

To Be Continued...

Author's Notes...
Well, I knocked this chapter off in less than six hours, so it might be 
just a little off.

As Always any C&C would be appreciated.

This fic and others can be found at my FF.Net account, which is 


Onwards to Part 6

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