Am I Not Good Enough?

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Siya-chan

Chapter One - The Truth of Mamoru

Usagi sat up, drenched in her own sweat. She looked at her husband, 
laying next to her, peacefully sleeping. Usagi's heart thumped. 'What a
horrible nightmare...' She slipped her slender legs out of the bed, put
on her slippers and walked down the long stairs.

"I've gotta clear my head...but I must tell Mamoru...I mean Mamo-
chan..." Usagi shocked herself. She never called Mamoru by his first
name. She shrugged it off and wrote a little note saying that she was
just going out for a bit and would be back soon.

Usagi got changed into a pure white dress, some sandles, and with that, 
she walked out the door.

"What was that dream about? Why can't I think straight...I mean, that 
was 5 years ago...I wonder where he..." She stopped in her tracks.
"No...she." Usagi corrected herself, "I wonder where she is."

"You wonder where who is?" Usagi looked up.

"Oh, Haruka-san!"

"You aren't usually up this early. Anything wrong?" Usagi shook her 
head, looking to the ground. Haruka's soft hands touched Usagi's cheek,

"There is something...I can see it in your eyes." Usagi couldn't resist 
the look that Haruka always gave her. She smiled. "First, let's get


Haruka ate the last bit of toast rather quickly, and then began to 
speak. "Princess, what is it?"

Usagi cupped her hands around the mug that was in front of her, "I
think...I'm in love with Seiya."

Haruka choked on her toast. "Are you sure?! What about the Prince?!"

Usagi looked to the floor. "I..I know. But I don't think I've ever felt
like this before, not even with Mamoru."

"Well...would you like to come and live with Michiru and I for a while? 
Just to clear your head."

Usagi nodded and smiled. "Hai, arigatou."

Haruka winked. "No problem. You gonna get some clothes from your house?"
Usagi nodded. "Good, and I'll be at yours in about half an hour." Haruka
stood up and slipped her hand into Usagi's, walking her out of the small

Usagi blushed,"H...Haruka-san?"

"Hai, Princess?" 

"Um...what's it like?" Haruka looked puzzled,

"What's what like?"

" know..."


Usagi blushed, "Yeah..."

Haruka lifted her hands above her head, and smelled the air, "It feels
great. Just knowing you've got someone there for you, and you share the
same things, same clothes sometimes. Not in Michiru's and my case
though!" Usagi giggled. "Why? Were you thinking of turning?"

Usagi blushed again, "Uh...well I don't know if I can...I mean I've been
with Mamoru since forever! It's not possible to change to girls like it?"

"I think your type are bisexuals. You like men, but you like women too."
Usagi nodded. All this infomation was so new to her. Maybe she could get
some tips from Haruka later. 

"Well, I better go now. Thanks for breakfast!" Usagi ran off down the 
street. Haruka laughed to herself,

"Kawaii Odango-atama..."


"Youkoso. Where did you go?" Mamoru put his arm around his wife and 
kissed her lightly.

She resisted. "I...I just went for a walk. And I had breakfast with

Mamoru looked at Usagi in a wierd way. "Okay..."

"Would you like some breakfast?" Mamoru pointed towards the sink. "I've
already had mine."

Usagi nodded. "G...gomen." There was an awkward silence, untill Mamoru
coughed and began talking again.

"What were you and Haruka talking about?"

"Nothing much. But she invited me to go to and stay in their house for 
a while. Is that okay with you?"

Mamoru sighed, "I guess."

"I'll be going in a short while...and I've left some..."

"Usagi, is this because of the arguments we've been having?" Mamoru 
blurted out.

"! It's just I need some time to..."

"To get away from me?!"

Usagi began to well up. "No! It's not like that! Onegai! Mamoru!"

"Lies! All lies!" Mamoru threw Usagi down to the floor and punched her. 
Her lip began to bleed. She began to cry.

"Mamoru Onegai! Stop hitting me!"

"No! Ever since you had an abortion with my child, you've been acting 
like the whole damn place is yours!" Mamoru picked up a knife from the 
kitchen side. Just as he was about to cut Usagi, Haruka came rushing 
through the door. She kicked Mamoru from the side, twisted his jaw, 
making him unconcious. As soon as Usagi saw Haruka, she cried even more 
and ran into Haruka's arms. 


"My poor Princess!" Michiru cried.

"I know...I don't understand how she could of kept something like this 
from us." Setsuna frowned.

"How long did you say she was beat up for?" Michiru asked. 

"3 years. Usagi had an abortion because she didn't want any children, 
but Mamoru did. Usagi had her eggs removed, just incase she were to get 
pregnent again. This made Mamoru depressed and angry, making Usagi his 
punch bag." Haruka looked at the floor, with her hand clunched up. 
Usagi awakened in a soft bed. She could tell she wasn't in her normal 
bed. She opened her eyes and saw she was in a Green and Blue room. 

"I'm at Haruka-san and Michiru-san's house..." Just as she said that, 
the door opened slightly.

"Princess? Are you awake?" It was Setsuna. Usagi smiled.

"Hai. Owww..." Usagi grabbed her arm in pain. 

"Don't move too much. You broke your arm and damaged your sholder." 

Usagi frowned. "Where's Mamoru?"

"He's in Prision for attempted murder." Usagi could feel tears dropping 
down her face. Setsuna sat beside her and held her close,

"Gomen naisai, Princess. It's a good thing that Haruka came when she 
did." Usagi cried into Setsuna's chest.


"Would you like to go and see Seiya?" Setsuna asked. Usagi blushed and 

"Hai. I'm a little nervious." Haruka smiled,

"We'll be there with you, there's nothing to be nervious about." 

Michiru was playing and brushing Usagi's hair. It was down for a 
change, and she looked absolutly beautiful. She was wearing a white 
dress. Michiru put in two clips by her fringe for finishing touches. 

"There." The outer senshi 'ooo'ed and 'ahh'ed. 

"You really do look like a Princess!" Haruka laughed.

With that, they all went outside and the outer senshi henshind'. When 
they had done so, they all held hands and transported to where Princess 
Kakyuu was.


Wow that was a long one! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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