Admiration: Zoicite's thoughts
Why do I get crushes so easily?
I have a boyfriend. I've been with him for several years and I
love him very much. He means everything to me.
Yet for some reason, I -always- seem to get crushes on girls I
spend time with!
I've known for awhile that I'm bisexual, so falling for a girl
does feel natural to me. But so many?
Just how many girls have I got crushes on? Let's see...
Ami Mizuno, the blue-haired genius I've known since before we
were even friends.
Haruka Tenoh, the boyish-looking blonde racecar driver.
Caroline Anders and May Oak, 2 of my best friends who also
seem to have a thing for me.
CereCere, the fun-loving, pretty magician.
Mimete Kenshin, who I always talk to when I'm depressed (Other
than Malachite), and vice versa.
Ann, the girl of Majiku origins with whom I became fast
friends when she and her boyfriend Eil moved in...
And now Lead Crow, a beautiful redhead who just recently
started working at the coffeehouse.
Wow...that many...
Ann, Caroline, and May I can understand, since they're my best
friends and they seem to feel the same way about me...especially Ann...
Mimete and I have a common bond. We both lost someone very
important to us (But then again, plenty of us have been there
before...), we both enjoy music and writing, and we play the piano.
CereCere is just the kind of girl you love to hang out with,
she's just fun and playful and cute...all of the Quartet are...
And plenty of girls like Haruka-sama. I certainly don't blame
them. There's just something about her...
But Ami and Lead Crow? I don't have all that much in common
with them...we're friends, but not as close as, for example, Mimete
and Viluy or the 4 Kings...why do I feel the way I do about them?
Ami's so smart and gentle and sweet...and Lead Crow's tough, fearless,
but at the same time has such a soft side for Aluminum Siren, the
other new girl and the one closest to her...
Maybe what I'm feeling isn't a crush on them...more like...
Yeah...after all, there's more than one way to have a crush on
someone, and admiring them for their cool qualities is definitely one
of them...a good one...
Everything makes sense now. least that. Now, if I could juuust figure out what
the meaning of life is...*giggles*
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