Just in time for it to register that Minako was there, in person, in the flesh, right in her face.
The latter didn't truly register until she had tried to sit up quickly in her startled surprise...
And ended up getting retro CPR from a very wide-eyed idol.
Goodness knows, Rei's students were certainly surprised.
“Hey,” one whispered in the silence that followed, “I thought they said they weren't lovers?”
Minako instantly pulled away, turning to face away from everyone, her cheeks bright red.
Rei did the same, in a different direction, her hand clamped over her mouth.
Perhaps it wasn't a complete coincidence that at that moment, both Minako and Rei thought the same thing. Her lips are so soft... but that hurt my teeth.
“Rei-chan! I didn't know you and Minako-chan were so close!”
The blood quickly drained from her face as she recognized the voice, realizing that the owner had just caught her at the worst possible time. Never say worst, Rei; you're just tempting Fate that way. She bolted around, glancing at Minako on the way as she defended, “We aren't! It was an accident! Geez! Why is everyone barging into my room again! That's the second time today! Sakura!” The girl 'eep'ed. “I told you that key was only for emergencies!”
The girl looked like she was just about ready to cry. Rei didn't fall for it; when pressed, Sakura could fool almost anybody- besides Rei that is. “B-but... your friends are here... Rei-sama... and I didn't know where you were... we looked all over... and you weren't answering...”
“That's no excuse! M-makoto and Usagi have been here before. They do not go under the term 'emergency' unless one of them is somehow in extreme pain, and that does not seem to be the case here.”
Makoto had scooted the other students off and away before she came back, snickering. “Aw come on, Rei-chan, let off on the girl, huh? Today's Minako's Welcome Back celebration. Punishments and anger can wait until later, right?”
Rei was still red, more from embarrassment than anger. To be caught sleeping... while having those dreams... having that sort of wake up call... how could anyone expect her to just 'let it go'? She shook her head as she got to her feet. Absurd... absolutely absurd... why were Makoto and Usagi even meeting here of all places anyway? She hadn't been informed of this...
Rei flinched as Minako called her. The dreams were still vivid in her mind, despite the distraction. “Sakura. You're dismissed. Finish your assigned duties and then head home for the weekend.” Sakura eyes widened. Just before she could affirm it, Rei reassured her, “Make no mistake; when you and the others come back, you will be punished for this misdemeanor.”
Sakura bowed and quickly scurried away. Makoto whistled. “Geez, you sure are harsh, even now, Rei. Ever think of lightening up?”
Rei scoffed as she moved to fold up the futons so there was more room. “Who planned this anyway? Meeting up here?”
Minako smiled nervously at her and scratched her cheek with an apologetic look.
Rei glared at her. She then sighed and resumed her chore. At that moment, she realized that Usagi was being too quiet, especially for her, which prompted another head turn.
She didn't think it was possible.
Usagi was actively looking between Rei and Minako and actually appeared to be...
Dare it be said...
Thinking. Deeply.
Rei only wished she had chosen something else to think about. For the record, she wished she could think of something else, too.
Minako helped her put away the other futon and as they were leaving them in the closet, Makoto having simply leaned against the doorframe watching Usagi, the girl suddenly called out, “I got it!”
Her audience of three waited with trepidation.
“Minako slept over last night, right?”
The silence was deafening. Like an applause... except the exact opposite.
Makoto was the first to speak. “That was what you were thinking about all this time?”
“Ah... did you already know?”
Makoto sighed. “And here I'd been hoping for something revolutionary.”
Rei mimicked the action, adjusting the placement of the table. “That's Usagi for you. Sees two futons, already knows students aren't even allowed in here, knows none of the others have been here recently, and takes ten minutes to come to that conclusion. Stop hanging around the door and giving students peeping shields. Come sit, and lock the door behind you. I'll make some tea. What kind do you guys want?”
Makoto, suddenly remembering, held up her occupied hand. “Oh, that's right! I brought pastries! I think they'll go best with... hmm... Rei-chan, do you have green tea still?”
Rei looked at her stores, found the container for aforementioned green tea, and looked inside. “Umm... one more round only. Geez, I thought I'd gotten enough of that...”
Usagi bounced around the room, as it had been all of four months since she had last been inside Rei's room, and she was eager to see if she could exploit any other secrets- said action being the reason why most meetings had kept to the living room area before today.
“Hey so Minako, when exactly did you come back?” Makoto leaned forward with a grin.
“6:23 last night if Usagi's clock was right and it was a live broadcast.”
Makoto and Minako blinked. Minako whispered, “Rei-chan you... you paid attention to a detail like that?”
Even Usagi had stopped to listen to Rei's answer.
Rei sighed as she turned around from her mini fireplace that was now boiling water. She noticed where Usagi was. “Usagi! What are you up to now!”
The girl squeaked, much like Sakura had, and slipped into place beside Makoto, who lightly papped her on the head with her knuckles.
The fire priestess exhaled deeply, leaning against the dresser behind her. “Don't get any ideas. Usagi made me stay until the program was over and I was glancing at the VCR clock every so often anyway when the interruption came on.”
Usagi pouted, remembering. “They didn't even rewind... I missed the good part!”
Rei rolled her eyes. “It was about Minako coming home! Are you saying that some stupid TV show is more important than our own idol?”
Minako felt a strange sensation tickling at her sides at the sarcastic question. She grinned. “Rei-chan thinks I'm that much more important then? I never would have guessed...”
Rei glared at her, though without really trying. “You of all people know how annoying I find TV.”
Minako nodded, as if she had expected this. “But then why did you let Usagi talk you into staying?”
As the tea kettle called to her, Rei was unable to stop the fiend in time before it (it being Usagi) answered, a finger pointing upwards in tune with her grin, “Ah, that's because I said Rei-chan could use my TV to watch her new Minako Aino music video!”
And just like that, Usagi clapped both hands in front of her mouth. “Oops! I forgot I wasn't supposed to say anything! Sorry, forgive me, Rei-chan!”
Rei sighed, returning to the kettle, knowing it was already too late. She'd been had.
“Rei-chan, why didn't you tell me you were a fan?” Minako pouted for a moment, and then she knew what it was. “Oh come now, it's not that embarrassing to you, is it?”
“No comment.”
Usagi grinned like she knew a secret that everybody else didn't, and Rei caught it before Usagi could hide it. “U-sa-gi. Open that big mouth of yours again like that and I'll be sure to throw something extra hot into it.”
“Rei-!” Usagi pouted, and then sulkingly nodded. She then remembered, “Pastries! Give it here, give it here!”
“Hold on, Usagi! Ami said she'd be right over!”
Rei blinked, somehow having forgotten Ami's absence as she was almost as hard to grab hold of for long as Minako. “Ami's coming?”
Makoto nodded. “Yeah. Oh, Rei- are all the students going home tonight?”
Rei slowly nodded. “That's what they always do...”
Makoto affirmed, “So it's just us here, right?”
Again, Rei nodded. “They usually clear out by six. Why?”
Makoto whistled innocently. “Oh, no reason, really.”
Usagi whined, “Food...?”
“Just a little longer!”
“Well, the tea's ready anyway.” Rei set the tray on the table. Everyone took the cup nearest to them, adding sugar as desired, which, for Usagi, meant three, four teaspoons at least.
Minako prompted, “So anything interesting happen that I haven't heard about?”
Usagi instantly fell into place. “Ooh, ooh, Minako-chan, did you know? My neighbor's cat had kittens and I got to keep one!”
Minako blinked. “How's Luna taking it?”
Usagi grinned. “I think she's jealous since I'm paying more attention to the kitten than her.”
Makoto raised an eyebrow. “Really? Last I heard, she said it was a relief that you don't spin her in circles anymore.”
Minako blinked, her hand unconsciously moving to her mouth. “Usagi-chan... you're spinning a living breathing kitten around in circles? Doesn't it scratch you for that?”
Usagi chuckled nervously. Rei shook her head. The girl was hopeless. Period. There was just no helping it.
All of a sudden, Rei's private line went off. She stood up and walked over to answer it.
Rei noticed the discreet movement of Makoto perking her head up.
“Is Makoto there by any chance?”
“Um... yes... was there something you wanted to talk with her about?”
“Yes, actually. Can you put her on for me?”
“I guess... Mako-chan! Ami wants to talk to you.”
“Thank you, Rei-chan.”
Rei shrugged as she handed Makoto the phone, sitting back down next to Minako.
“What's up, Ami?”
“Ahm... I'm kind of held up at the moment...”
“Are you going to be later than you thought?”
“Yes... but on the plus side, I already stopped by at Uncle's place like you wanted me to. I'm bringing your favorite one.”
Makoto grinned. “The big one?”
Ami chuckled on the other end. “Yes, Mako-chan. 'The big one.'”
“Okay. Anything else?”
“Umm... is there enough room for a sleepover? What about the students?”
“Still worried about that? The rooms are all free- students go home for the weekend apparently. When do you think you'll get here?”
“I see... I guess there's really no helping it then. Let's see... it's almost two now... there was a big accident so there's a lot of sudden patients... I'll call again when I'm done?”
“Okay. We'll be waiting.”
“Ahm... for Usagi's sake, you can start eating without me. Just... if she eats them all...”
Makoto grinned, whispering into the phone. “I know, I know. We'll arrange the usual if that happens.”
“Okay then... I should get going.”
“Mmk. Bye, Ami-chan.”
As they both hung up, Makoto set the cordless phone on the table. “Well, good news and bad news. Ami-chan's gonna be really late, but we can start eating.”
As Usagi cheered, Minako and Rei finished exchanging glances. Minako grinned.
Makoto nervously opened the bag, the fresh smell wafting out, straight into Usagi's awaiting nose. “What's with that look?”
Minako fixed her elbow on the table, setting her chin in the palm of her hand. “You know, I don't think I saw that when I was here last.”
Rei confirmed, “It wasn't there then.”
Makoto watched them watching her, suddenly very uncomfortable. She presented food to Usagi as a visual distraction. “What are you talking about?”
Minako, once-vessel for the Senshi of Love, smiled mysteriously. “You ever notice how there's a softness in her eyes when she talks to Ami-chan?”
Rei nodded seriously, fighting a grin of her own.
Makoto was trying to deny it. “What are you talking about? Ami-chan's my best friend! Geez, what are you trying to imply to a married woman?”
Minako continued, apparently not caring. “Come now, Mako-chan, we've all known each other for a long time, right? Fought monsters and doomsday prophecies together. It won't even have to leave this room.”
Rei nodded again.
Usagi was in heaven, munching on a strawberry cream puff.
Makoto shook her head vigorously. “You're imagining things. Drop it!”
Minako paused to consider it, and then shrugged. “Your move, Kino. Now then, Rei-chan... just how much of a fan are you of me really? I suddenly have the feeling you're my number one fan.”
As the spotlight abruptly changed course, Rei cringed. Usagi pouted. “I'm Minako-chan's number one fan! I claimed it first!”
Minako giggled. “Okay, Usagi-chan. Rei still seems high up on that list... isn't the shampoo in your bathroom the very one I personally endorsed?”
Rei cringed again, taking a gulp of her tea as she fought down a blush. She couldn't deny it... she knew she'd forgotten some little detail or something...
“I bet the reason you always turn down my offers for free merchandise is because you already have it, don't you?”
Rei grumbled, “I told you I'm not into the media, or TV, or merchandise, or any of that stupid stuff. That shampoo just happens to smell good.”
Minako blinked, and then grinned. “How do you know I really endorsed that shampoo?”
Rei blinked, realizing she'd been tricked again. She lamely explained, “Usagi said so in one of her rants... and I saw it in the store.”
It wasn't a lie... just not the whole truth either.
Hours passed like so, tossing in random current events, teasing of suggested affection, rumors courtesy of Usagi, political happenings via Rei, copied easy-1-2-3 recipes from Mako-chan's kitchen.
After a call from Ami saying she was on her way, they stopped once again on Mako-chan's more-than-friendly hints toward Ami instead of her husband.
They were quite obviously on a high sugar rush, as well as that of reunion-related euphoria, considering more than one round of Tickle Monster had been unleashed.
As Mako-chan went down under three bodies, six hands, sixty tickling fingers, she finally called out for mercy.
“All right, all right! I'll say it okay! I've fallen in love with Ami-chan!”
The tickling stopped... the three assailants looked at each other, not sure what to do. They hadn't actually expected her to say it. A part of each of them hadn't even believed it to be true.
Just then, they all heard it.
The distinct sound of footsteps at the door, fading away slowly... before seeming to pound against the wood, the owner running away from the scene.
Makoto's eyes widened, her lips whispering a single name before she scrambled up, despite being out of breath, running up to unlock the door and chasing after the distant silhouette.
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