Adjunction to Love (part 17 of 19)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Knight of L-sama

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Minako shook her head vigorously. “Anyone who is a relative of Sugao-manager is like family to me. Extended family. And if you don't mind, I'd like to get to know you better as well.”

You're in love with her, aren't you?” A soft whisper teased her ear.

Sugao sighed. Once she was out of earshot, he murmured, “Save Eika, Minako-chan. Please, please find a way to help her.”

I didn't ask if you needed to stay at the shrine. I asked if connection to the shrine keeps you from enjoying bodily pleasures, especially before marriage.”
“That... that... why do you want to know that anyway!”
Her manager sighed hopelessly. “Rei is your target this time then? Your technique must have gotten harsher since I last heard, to cause Minako-chan to flee...”

Rei looked around as she stepped out ahead of Eika. Seeing the lone person at the table, she frowned. She started to none too certainly walk towards the table anyway. Sugao immediately smiled and stood up as she neared.

“Rei-chan! Everything squared away? The bill has already been taken care of so...”

Rei's brows narrowed just enough to let others know that she was most definitely not happy. “Where's Minako?”

Sugao's smile faltered for just the slightest instant, but Rei still caught it. She ignored the presence when Eika came up behind her.

Sugao tried to casually laugh it off. “I remembered an early show offer that was still pending, and when I mentioned it to Minako-chan she said she didn't mind taking it on. So she's gone on ahead to her room to get a good night's sleep. She isn't nearly as cheerful in the morning if she doesn't have her precious beauty sleep after all. That said... I think we'll have to postpone the little 'sleepover' of sorts for another night, I'm afraid. So sorry about that.”

Eika smiled smoothly, though she'd been mildly surprised at Minako leaving while they were in the restroom. She didn't seem like the type to be so discourteous unless... Eika laughed privately at her deduction. So it had worked after all. “That's all right, Uncle. There's still so much time to be made good use of. Rei, would you like a ride back on my way home?”

Rei jolted, startled as she whipped around to look at Eika. “Why would you-?”

Eika's smile was gentle, as well as patient. “Minako drove you here, didn't she? And as Uncle Sugao stays here, it's hardly necessary to ask him to, a waste of gas, actually, when I drove here myself and I intend to drive myself back. And I wouldn't dream of letting you go home at this time of night without an escort.”

Rei's nose twitched. She inwardly cursed Eika's logical reasoning. She looked at Sugao, hoping for some sort of help.

“What a great idea! Eika-chan, you're as generous and caring as always, aren't you?” Rei's heart fell. So much for that idea.

Eika clapped a hand on Rei's shoulder, a pressure which was felt but not heavy. “I'll be sure to take good care of Minako's best friend, Uncle. After all, Minako's so much more to you than just someone whose time you manage, isn't that right?”

Sugao nodded sagely with an overtly serious thinking pose. “Indeed, you're right about that, Eika-chan. I daresay it's almost as if she's my own daughter.”

Rei tried to hide her urge to gag. How the heck would Minako have turned out if this guy was her parent, raising her, sharing DNA? Rei shuddered. I don't even want to think of it...

Eika smiled, looking at Rei from the corner of her eye. “Then that would make Minako my proverbial cousin, which makes Rei-chan here an important person that should be protected, no?”

Sugao nodded again. “Well then! It's decided! Shall we go? I'll walk you to the door.”

The door to the parking garage? And hey, wait a minute! I never agreed to this in the first place!

Rei looked over as Sugao started leading the trek out and the hand left her shoulder. Which was a bad move because Eika had lowered her head down to that level, supposedly to whisper something to her.

Their noses touched.

Eika smiled at Rei's frightened-doe impression.

And then kissed her nose.

“Don't be afraid of showing how you feel. It'll eat you up inside if you try to cage a beast like lust-colored love.” Almost as an afterthought, she added, “And Rei? I know it's too much to ask of you now, but trust me, alright? I'll guide you through this. Just in my own way.”

And with that, Eika placed a hand on Rei's elbow and nudged her to start moving.

Rei was still caught in the headlights.

Trust? Guide? Through what? Minako had left... and now Eika was taking her home...

They had reached the parking lot before Rei had realized they had said good night to Sugao. And then she found herself standing in front of a sleek dark blue vehicle with nice black leather interior.

She also found Eika watching her from the other side of the car. The woman grinned, noticing her change in focus. She opened her car door. “Ready to go?”

Rei limply nodded, giving up arguing at this point and opening the passenger seat door.

It was quiet at first, but in the silence of the ride, Rei's thoughts reached their peak insistence. She just couldn't hold it in anymore.

“How do you think of me?”

Eika blinked at the sudden question. She glanced over at Rei for a moment, but then smiled, her eyes returning to the road. “How do I think of you? How do you expect me to think of you?”

As her question was given room for answering, Rei elaborated, a rush of pent up confusion tumbling out. “You don't normally treat strangers this way, right? We've only just met today. And yet, you, every time we do meet, every time you get the chance, you... you... it's absurd! Normal people don't do things like that out of nowhere!” Rei stopped. “Especially if they aren't drunk or under any influence.”

Eika couldn't help it. She laughed. She laughed for longer than Rei could ever remember her laughing, though it wasn't unbearably long. “I'm sorry, but I was wondering how long it would take for you to say something like that. But you see, you more than anyone should know this. Normal people are only people who have solid masks to hide behind. Boring masks. But everyone wears one mask or another. If, for no other reason than to avoid publicity. You have a secret like that, too, don't you.”

Rei froze, remembering the times she had nearly been found out as Sailor Mars.

“I'm just speculating of course,” Eika added, which reminded Rei that she did that a lot, which incidentally made Rei rat herself out, which was bothersome. “Like I said, everyone has a mask to hide their secrets. And that's perfectly alright with me. The only thing is, my mask is different than the normal person's. And it shows in everything related to me. That you might observe, at least.”

Eika paused, trying to remember exactly how Rei's question had been asked. “But you're right, I don't normally treat strangers like this. Not even in front of the store. But that's because to me, you aren't really a stranger. This is just the first time I've met you in person. But I won't lie to you- I have taken a liking to you. But I have someone in my life that I hold above you, and when it comes down to it, this hobby of mine won't make me stray past simple flirting. I honestly do want to see you with your Minako.”

Rei flushed, shrinking in on herself. What did one say to that? “Who's your... someone?” It was a long shot but she guessed, “Your uncle?”

Eika let out a bark of laughter. “Hino-chan! Please! I love him dearly, but he really is my blood uncle. Why would flirting have anything remotely to do with him?”

Rei's flush grew deeper. “Ahm, yeah... sorry. You're right. So... who is it?”

Eika smiled. “That's a secret. But it's not important for you to know, so it's better left at that.”

But something told Rei it could be very important. She straightened in her seat. “Hold on! You love this person, then, right? In a romantic way?”

Eika paused. Reluctantly, she admitted, “Yes. Why are you so curious?”

Rei continued on, as if she were a detective assistant that had finally found somewhere to one up the detective she worked under. “Do they know?”

Eika sighed, guessing ahead of time why Rei had asked. “As a matter of fact, I have. A long time ago.”

The fire in Rei simmered down, almost disappointed. “Oh... and they don't mind your hobby?”

Eika laughed lightly. “Actually, come to think of it, they disapprove of it quite a bit. But not in the way you think. Can we drop this now?”

Rei was suspicious at that. “Why?”

Eika sighed, the car rolling to a stop. “Because we're here.”

Rei looked out the window, and sure enough, there was her shrine. She looked back to Eika.

“Do you still want to visit me the day after tomorrow?”

Rei hesitated. “What would you do then?”

“If you visit me?” Eika considered it before answering, “Little tidbits here and there. Mostly just talk with you. I'm not really allowed to do much else in the store because other customers do sometimes drop in then. Why, are you worried?”

Rei hesitated again. “With you, I'm not sure what is most worrisome for me...”

As if beckoned, Eika leaned over and kissed Rei's ear, which made her start and jerk away. Eika smiled softly, tucking a strand of hair behind Rei's ear. “Whose touch scares you more? That of the one you love who doesn't know it yet, making you afraid that you'll give yourself away in a bad light... or that of a stranger, someone you don't know, but someone who has the same traits as the one you love, but you don't doubt would accept your affection?”

Rei looked at her, startled, at this admission. “You... you expect me to... to... return... it?”

Eika closed her eyes for a moment, moving down to lean her cheek against Rei's shoulder. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't haven't added that. Don't fall in love with me. No one wants that to happen. I pray to the gods that you don't. I just want to help you. Get you used to the feel of doing something you're not used to for the sake of the one you do love.”

Rei was quiet. “If someone sees us together, what am I supposed to call you?”

“I told you, you can call me Eika.”

“Not that.” Rei frowned, bothered and yet not bothered by the feeling of Eika's head on her shoulder. It actually reminded her of that one night... so long ago... She shook her head. “Mutual or not, friends don't flirt with each other, as you say. And I can't say how I really met you, so there isn't much of a reason...”

“Does everything in this world require a reason?”

“Of- er... well... it makes things easier,” Rei finally settled upon.

Eika smiled softly. “I guess that's true. Acceptance makes things easier too. Of things that have no real reason.”

Rei leaned her had back against the seat. “Are you planning on staying here all night?”

Eika's eyes were still closed. “I'll let you in on a little secret.” She paused, as if for emphasis. “After a certain time in the course of 24 hours, I start to get really sleepy. Not tired, so much as I just want to curl up and sleep.”

Rei paused, her mind wrapping itself around the idea.

“Ne, Hino-chan... you're alone in the shrine for tonight, aren't you? Since Minako isn't staying over anymore?”

Rei, calming after she reminded herself that she had mentioned that this afternoon, murmured, “Well... yeah...”

“Would you put me up for the night? Rinka, she takes night classes, you know. She's not available right now. And I don't ever drive after it hits me... I once- no, twice if you count the smaller one- got into an accident because I tried to push it back. So... could you?”

Rei paused. “Just the roof? Not in the same room or anything, right?”

Eika chuckled. “Yes, just a roof. I'll leave in the morning.”

Rei wrinkled her nose. She really was getting used to this presence. “... Why did you offer to drive me back if you knew when you'd get... sleepy?”

“I don't know. It's a two-hour range, generally. I thought I'd be able to make it back alright... but...”

Rei sighed, unfastening her seat belt. “Well, I suppose it was nice of you to volunteer to drive me back like that, so I guess a night couldn't hurt. It isn't as if I haven't done that... a lot.”

Eika smiled, slowly getting up into sitting position. “Thank... you.”

Rei watched as Eika lethargically got out of the car, and then suddenly found herself acting as a crutch as Eika swayed before getting to the stairs.

Eika's smile came and went, but it came frequently. “Thank you. And I really am sorry for the trouble.”

Rei shook her head. “It's... it's all right. Like I said- it's not like I haven't done this sort of thing before. Come on, stay awake a little while longer at least. I swear, I'm almost tempted to call you a child.”

Eika chuckled softly. “Only 'tempted'?”

Rei muttered, “Almost. But... but I know someone else who's older than me, but turns in early like that too.”


“Mm?” Rei glanced away from the stairs. “What?”

Eika smiled, tilting her head to touch Rei's. “You... you're really soft.”

Rei nearly tripped. “What?”

Eika shook her head. “Your skin. It's really soft. And you're perfect for hugging.”

Rei's eyes narrowed. And then she realized that in the process of swinging Eika's arm around her shoulders, Eika could clearly feel her body, as she was wearing a thin, sleeveless shirt. Rei flushed a little. “Um... thanks?”

Eika chuckled. “Are we there yet? I can't really...”

Rei looked up. “We're sort of almost there.” She adjusted her grip. “Are you sure you're not drunk?”

Eika smiled. She says that to me too. “Yes I'm sure.”

There was a bit of silence. Rei wondered if Eika had drifted off to sleep, but dismissed that since Eika was still bringing her feet up to climb the steps.

But as they leveled off to finally go up the walkway, the footfalls were noticeably slower. “Ei... Eika?” Rei paused. “Are you awake still?”

The head moved a little, the eyes having long since closed, allowing her to be completely guided by the priestess. “Steps finally over with?”

Rei chuckled. “Yeah, steps conquered. I'll take you straight to the closest room, alright?”

“Mm... yes... thank you.”

“Um... you might want to open your eyes so you don't somehow get lost on your way out?”

“Which way is your room?” Eika opened her eyes obediently.

Rei pointed with her free hand. “Over there, near the kitchen.”

Eika looked over... and nodded deeply in fair recognition. She then somewhat lucidly controlled her steps as Rei led her to the side, the main building that wasn't the holy shrine itself.

They had just reached the door to the room Rei had chosen, when Eika suddenly slumped, catching Rei offguard as she tried to find balance again. “Oi!”

“I'm... I'm sorry... my legs just gave out on me. I'll... Just give me a moment...”

Rei shook her head. Under her breath she muttered, “I swear, it's almost as if you're crippled or something.” Despite that, she put more of Eika's weight on herself and slowly brought the visitor in. Then, carefully, she eased Eika against the wall and went to set out the futon, as Eika obviously wasn't in any shape to walk let alone do anything that required energy.

Eika looked through lidded eyes at Rei, watching her. She would have said more, but words were wearing her down as well. She shouldn't have talked so much in the car.

Rei held out a hand to her as she finished, even folding back a corner of the blanket to make it easier for her to get in. Eika smiled, slowly accepting the gesture, but she could barely stand up to cross the small distance to the bed. But, with Rei's help, she managed, and before too long, she was safely tucked in.

Rei sighed as she leaned back. “Well, that's that. Rest well, okay?”

Eika smiled. “Thank you, Hino-chan.”

Rei sighed again, softer. “Stop thanking me, it's not that big a deal.”

But Eika was already sound asleep.

Rei shook her head hopelessly. She watched Eika for a few minutes, making sure she really was 'sound asleep' and thought about how the day had unfolded. All too fast for her liking. But... Rei chuckled softly.

Maybe she's a missionary from Kami-sama. Sent to kick me off my comfortable bum.

She leaned down, unclasping Eika's hair clip and setting it to the side so that it wouldn't hurt when she rolled over. Eika continued to sleep.

Rei stood up, and with one last look, closed the door behind her. I guess it's true what they say; people resemble angels most when they're sound asleep.

Onwards to Part 18

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