Secret Letters from the Rose Garden (part 7 of 8)

a Rule of the Rose fanfiction by Kathryn K Williams

Back to Part 6
As promised Wendy appeared at the window that Tuesday afternoon and took 
Jennifer's letter gratefully, before disappearing as she always did. 
Within four more days Wendy yet again returned with another letter. The 
two exchanged letters in this manner for then next two months and they 
became Jennifer's only means to stay alive. 

27 November From W to J
<i> "My Prince in need of rescue,

It was a pleasure to meet you, my dear Prince. What a wonderful 
encounter! Yes... I only wish there was a world for just you and I: the 
Prince and the Princess...
Don't worry. I'll set you free."</i>


29 November from J to W
<i> Dear Wendy
Will you truly? I sometimes wonder if I am ever meant to be free. You 
are the first good thing to happen to me in a long time. It feels almost 
like some kind of dream.</i>


1 December from W to J
<i> My dear Prince, 
I am not a dream and I will free you. I mean it. I can only see kindness 
every time I look into your eyes. We shall flee together somewhere safe. 
Just you and me.</i>


10 December From J to W
<i> Thank you Wendy.
I want to fly away from this room and run with you in the fields... but 
the man is so lonely, so sad. I can't just leave him alone.</i>


13 December From W to J
<i> My Prince,
You are so kind to care about that man. He does not deserve you. He is 
cruel to keep such beauty locked away like this. He will pay for the 
harm he did to you. When you are free of this place I will care for you 
and make sure no one ever harms you again.</i>


16 December From J to W
<i> You are sweet. It hurts so much being trapped down here. I'm so 
tired Wendy. I think I have taken ill recently. It is so cold down here 
at night and I shiver under the blankets, but he will not give me more. 
I got a chill and cough and now he won't even let me out of the house 
for fear that I will get more sick. So I'm stuck down here in this tiny 
room, all alone.</i>


19 December From W to J
<i> My poor sick Prince,
You should stay in bed and get some rest. He is right about you staying 
indoors. I would not know what I would do if I lost my prince so soon 
after finding her. I tend to get sick myself and it is horrible. I wish 
you well and see you soon.  </i>


23 December From J to W
<i> Ohh Wendy,
Tears filled my eyes just reading over your letters. I wish that man 
would let me go to you. Wish he would free me from this place so I could 
be with you. I hate it here and the longer I stay the greater the pain 


27 December From W to J
<i> My Prince, 
I too want to hold your hand and hug you. One of these days it will come 
true, you will see. I will rescue you my Prince. Very soon.</i>


1 January From J to W
<i> Rescue me? How? Please Wendy be careful. I could not live with 
myself if you were hurt trying to help me escape. Please do not do 
anything rash.</i>


3 January From W to J
<i> Do not worry my sweet Prince, 
I will be careful. I do not think he suspects that we are talking for he 
still greets me when we pass on the trail. He will not even be aware 
that you have gone.</i> 


6 January From J to W
<i> Be careful my dear Wendy, 
He is not what he seems and has a weapon. He may seem kind at first, but 
he is capable of horrible things. Please do not angry him just for 


9 January From W to J
<i>...Oh my poor, kind Prince.

You're worried because that man sometimes seems crazy, right? Well, 
don't worry. I know where he hides that awful thing of his. So, let's 
run away, together. You can leave it all to me. Everything will be all 

 14 January From J to W
<i> Thank you Wendy, my kind and fair Princess.
Is there something that I can do for you?</i>


   20 January From W to J
<i> My Prince,

Please don't worry. I'll do anything for you. Just... pledge your love 
for me.
That's all I ask.</i>


24 January From J to W
<i> I, Jennifer, pledge to the fair Princess Wendy:

 True love,
 I am yours. </i>

27 January From W to J
<i> Thank you, my eternal Prince.

Tomorrow night, I shall unlock your shackles. Let us live together 

true love,
i am yours. </i>


To be Continued . . .

Onwards to Part 8

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