Aftermath (part 3 of 6)

a Read or Die fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 2


A muffled noise disturbed the silence of the room. Yomiko Readman 
groaned sleepily, turned over and reached over to a buzzing pile of 
books sitting by her mattress. She gently shifted a few aside, 
revealing a alarm clock, which she promptly silenced. She groggily sat 
up in bed, disturbing a few books that had been lying on top of her 
covers, then got up to do her morning preparations.

Dressed in her typical brown vest, black skirt, red tie and shoes, she 
walked carefully through the piles of books around her room, down the 
book lined hallway, and then out onto the street. She shaded her eyes 
from the sun, adjusted her square, black horn rimmed glasses and shook 
out her frizzy, long black hair.

She hit the ‘secret’ bookstore first, she knew they had an item she 
was looking for on behalf of the agency. She hit the elevator keys in 
the proper sequence, swiped her card, and descended into the store. 
She cheerfully scoured the shelves, stopping to admire many of the 
titles, until at last she found the one she wanted. As she reached up 
for it, she smiled to herself remembering when she had first met the 
mysterious Miss Deep. The woman’s hand had brushed hers as they both 
went for a book, and she had turned to look into Miss Deep’s surprised 
eyes. They had argued, and Yomiko had left with the book clutched in 
her eager hands.

Later, she had found herself remembering the woman, and when they had 
met as agents assigned together, she had wanted to know everything 
about the mysterious lady. Miss Deep had kept things all business at 
first, but as the mission continued, she had let her guard down a 
little, revealing to Yomiko her name: Nancy Makuhari.

Of course, Yomiko reminded herself, it hadn’t been her true name. 
Nancy had been a double agent, and had betrayed her and Drake to the 
enemy. It wasn’t until Nancy discovered that Yomiko was going to be 
killed that she turned on her master to save Yomiko.

Yomiko shuddered, as she remembered the clone, the machine pistol 
pointed at her face, then, out of nowhere, Nancy had saved her. And 
another memory, the sad look on Nancy’s face as she ghosted out of 
Yomiko’s hand, staying behind of the ascending rocket.

Yomiko sighed a little, remembering the hospital visit she had made 
after that difficult adventure. The woman they said was Nancy’s clone 
had seemed so innocent, childlike even, when they talked, and still 
Yomiko had felt the almost painful stirring in her heart when she 
looked at her. Unable to bear it, she shaped a piece of paper into an 
origami butterfly, and sent it fluttering into the sky to Nancy’s 
great amusement.

She paid for the book at the counter and made her way off, nose buried 
between the pages. She sighed happily, a slight flush to her delicate 
cheeks. It wasn’t quite the same, after Nancy, but she still found 
pleasure in a good book. Dragging her case behind her, she 
absentmindedly dodged traffic and made her way to one of her favorite 
book stores.

She walked in, getting a cheery wave from the young lady at the till, 
and made her way carefully into the back of the store. From the corner 
of her eye, she noticed a young woman sitting and reading, and smiled 
happily to herself. She always liked seeing someone enjoying a good 
book. She looked around intently, then grinned as she saw the book she 
was looking for. It practically glowed in her vision as she reached up 
for it.

She tried to grab it, but the bookshelf was just beyond her reach. She 
growled softly in the back of her throat, then a slightly taller 
figure moved up beside her and gently pulled the book down. Yomiko 
quickly turned to protest, only to have the words die in her throat. 
Nancy was dressed the way she had went they first met, a sweet smile 
on her beautiful face. Still smiling, she gently placed the book in 
Yomiko’s outstretched hand.

“Haven’t we done this before?” Nancy asked Yomiko, breaking into a 

“Nancy-san!” Yomiko cried and threw herself at Nancy. The taller woman 
caught her and hugged her fiercely. “It’s you, the original you!”

“Yes, Yomiko,” Nancy sighed happily, holding the young woman close to 
her, “It’s been a while.”

“But, I thought you were dead!” Yomiko cried out, surprised. She burst 
into tears, and Nancy held her gently, saying soothing nonsense words.

Nancy smiled down at her, drying Yomiko’s eyes gently. “Why don’t we 
talk about it somewhere a bit more private?” She suggested. Yomiko 
looked up at her a moment, her cheeks red, then nearly dragged Nancy 
up front, bought her book, and headed outside.

Yomiko asked Nancy softly “Would you like to go home with me?”

Nancy looked at her, surprised. “Even after what happened?” she asked, 

“I believe in you, Nancy-san,” Yomiko said to her steadily.

Nancy looked at her, tears in her eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered to 
her softly. 

Onwards to Part 4

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