CRASH! An enormous bolt of lightning struck the air and illuminated the dark, night sky. Umi jumped and shivered, hearing the storm. She loved storms, but tonight it just seemed…inappropriate. She felt very anxious and needy, like there was an itch that was impossible to scratch. She rose from her bed and, slipping on her fuzzy blue slippers, made her way slowly across her room. As she walked past her mirror, she stopped, and looked at it. Her reflection stared back, blue-eyed and not at all sleepy for this time of night. She then fully faced herself (…) and observed her image. Long, slender legs, leading up to rounded hips…perhaps a tad bit too rounded? No…they looked right…then to a slim waist, full breasts and small shoulders. Long, blue hair spilled over them, flowing down her back and chest, like waves in the sea. The blue-haired girl slowly reached up with her hand to her shoulders, letting the straps of her small, sheer nightie fall down, and allowing the gown to slip down her body unhindered, pooling at her feet. She smiled. She was beautiful, and she knew it. But…why was she so…anxious? Tracing her finger slowly upwards form her bellybutton, visions filled her head. Cephiro, Clef…Ascot…Caldina, Lafarga, and the other…her finger traced between her breasts….Fuu, and Hikaru…fighting together…bleeding and crying together…tracing around her breasts now…always by each others sides…softly rubbing a nipple causing a slight moan to escape…Fuu, Hikaru….Hikaru…rubbing a bit harder now, more pleasure, it felt good…Ah, that’s it…both nipples now… Umi sighed loudly as she felt wetness spread though her private area, and she smiled. Yes, now she knew what she wanted…and she’d get it soon. ------------------------------------------------------------ The three girls giggled as they lied on Umi’s bed in their pajama’s, snacking on popcorn and gossiping. Umi tried to get Fuu to tell her how far she and Ferio had gotten, and Fuu just blushed and stalled. "C’mon Fuu! We all know where you go every night when you’re there! So, tell us!" she urged, poking Fuu in the ribs. Fuu proceeded to turn several shades of crimson. Hikaru blinked as she lie on her stomach, munching crackers. "What do you mean, what do they do, Umi-chan?" she asked innocently. Fuu giggled and Umi slapped her forehead. "NOTHING Hikaru, nothing…" she said impatiently. Hikaru just blinked. Umi turned back to Fuu and smiled. "So Fuu-chan, tell me…what have you and Ferio-san been up to, huh? Huh?" she asked excitedly. Fuu blushed again. "W…well, I uh…um, we ah…" she stuttered. Hikaru shrugged and rolled over onto her back., staring at the ceiling. Umi had such a pretty room, she thought, looking around. The walls were painted a creamy off-white, and the borders of the walls were painted with intricate wavy blue lines. All over the walls were pictures of the three knights and the people from Cephiro, family members, other friends, etc. Her light fixture was iron molded to look like waves in the ocean with pretty little mermaid girls in it. Her bed was a canopy bed with a blue curtain, and a blue comforter with white, blue and gold pillows. On the opposite side of the room was a desk with a computer and blue chair, papers, books, more pictures, stuffed animals, and things like that. A big soft chushiny chair sat in the corner with a big brown teddy bear sitting in it. She smiled, she loved teddy bears. "Come ON Fuu! Tell me! You gotta tell me!" Umi’s pleas intruded into Hikaru’s chain of thought. Her eyebrows met in an annoyed fashion and she glanced over at the arguing girls. Umi’s hair was pulled back in a long pony tail tonight, and Hikaru thought it looked really cute. And Fuu-chan’s hair was French braided and fell down her shoulders, stopping there. She had taken her glasses of, which was strange…seeing Fuu’s eyes and not her glasses, Hikaru thought. It was just…weird. Not to say Fuu looked bad with them off, quite the opposite, she looked very cute, pretty with them off. ‘Fuu-chan would look even cuter if her hair were a bit longer…’ she thought to herself. Maybe like her sister. Oh well, she thought. Her normally braided, kinky hair was now straight and soft (well… straight and soft as you could get it) and flowing down her back. She liked it better braided but Umi insisted she let it hang loose. "Well…" Fuu began nervously. She blushed, again, and looked down. Umi blinked and stared. "…well?" she prompted. "What? Did you too…ya know…fuck!?" she said loudly. Fuu looked up, shocked at Umi’s boldness. Her voice caught in her throat. "N-no! No of course not!" she replied, huffed. Umi giggled. "I was just kidding, Fuu-chan…sorry…but anyway, so did you…" she got closer to Fuu to talk more softly. "Did you…and him….get together, without…clothes?" Fuu blushed. "And I don’t mean sex," she continued. "Just…you know…huh?" She looked at Fuu, who was blushing SOME MORE . She nodded. ‘WHAT!!!!" Umi cried out. "You did! Fuu! That’s great!" she exclaimed, grabbing her hands. "Oh, Fuu, you naughty thing!" she said. Fuu smiled and sat up. "Well you know, it’s to be expected, he is pretty hot after all…" Umi and Hikaru both looked up, wide eyed. Fuu blinked. "What? He is." Hikaru blinked, and Umi burst out into uncontrollable laughter. Fuu seemed t get a bit annoyed. "What’s so funny? He is!" Umi giggled and replied. "No, no, no, it’s not like that…it’s just…not something…I’d…ever thought…I’d here you…say!" she said…then started to giggle again. Fuu sighed. "Well, what about you and Ascot-kun? Have you two hooked up yet?" she said calmly. Umi shook her head. "Nah…I just don’t think it would work...I mean, he’s cute and all but, I just can’t think of him like that." She said thoughtfully, twisting a few strands of hair between her fingers. Fuu sighed. "But…" Umi continued. "I’m still looking for love…I hope I can find it soon." Hikaru sat up. "I miss Lantis." She said suddenly. Both Umi and Fuu turned around. "Lantis-san?" Fuu said. "I thought you said you were just friends?" she asked. Hikaru shook her head. "I thought we were but…" she replied. As she thought back to the second time they were in Cephiro, she remembered how Lantis acted with her, so comfortable and not as cold and rigid as he was around others. His smile was so warm, and the feel of his lips on hers made her tingle still. "..but…" she continued. "I think it’s become more than that…" Fuu patted Hikaru’s head and kicked her legs over the side of the bed. "Well, Hikaru-san, I’m sure that when we return to Cephiro again you’ll see him. We’ll all see our friends. So cheer up!" she smiled sweetly and picked up a bowl of popcorn. Umi kept her gaze on Hikaru, the fiery knight. Something in her stirred… ------------------------------------------------------------ Umi yawned loudly and rolled over onto her back. "Guys…" she said sleepily. "I think maybe we should be getting to bed, huh?" she asked, looking at her friends. Fuu rubbed her eyes and nodded. Hikaru just grunted and got up shakily. It was almost midnight, way too late for Hikaru. She wasn’t much of a nightowl, she was a big morning person, which annoyed Fuu and Umi sometimes. Fuu gathered her blankets and pillows and carried them into the next room. "I think I’ll just sleep here Umi-san…I’d prefer to have my own bed tonight over sharing one with you…besides, I’m a cover hog." She joked, smiling. Umi nodded. "Ok Fuu, but are you sure you wouldn’t rather sleep in my room? It’s more comfortable." She said. Fuu looked at the bed and then into Umi’s room across the hall, then smiled. "Sure Umi-san, why not, we’ve had to do it for 2 years now, right?" Umi patted Fuu’s back. "Ok, let’s get some sleep Fuu-chan!" she said happily, gathering Fuu’s blankets for her. When Umi entered her room, she eyed Hikaru warily, who had already made a little cocoon of blankets for herself. Umi sighed. Fuu climbed into bed next to Hikaru and fluffed up her pillow. Umi collapsed onto her bed, making Hikaru jump slightly. She growled, opened one eye slightly to see what woke her up, growled again, shifted her weight and closed her eyes. Umi smiled. That’s what she always did. Umi wrapped her blankets around her and switched off her bedside lamp. She looked over at Fuu and yawned. "G’night Fuu-chan." She said sleepily. Fuu yawned also and turned over. "Good night, Umi…" Umi’s eyes popped open. Umi? No –san? She blinked. That was the first time Fuu had ever referred to Umi as anything other than Miss. Fuu was always so proper…oh well. She closed her eyes and smiled. She’d have to tease her about it in the morning. ------------------------------------------------------------ A loud crash shook Umi from her dreams. She looked around the room and, hearing the sound of light pattering at her window, looked outside to find that it was raining. ‘Raining again! That’s the fifth time this week!’ Umi thought sleepily. She yawned and turned over to look at her clock. ‘3 a.m…’ She groaned and turned over to face her friends sleeping beside her. She could feel the bed shaking slightly as Hikaru tossed and turned and could here Fuu’s soft moans as she dreamt. ‘Probably about her and Ferio wildly getting it on’ she thought. She let her eyes adjust to the darkness and could make out the outline of Hikaru’s small sleeping form. She saw little jagged tufts of hair jutting out of a lump that she assumed was a head, and them another lump from with frilly things poked out, and that must have been her shoulder and frilly pajamas. Umi smiled. Leave it to Hikaru to wear frilly pajamas. Her smile grew wider and she giggled sleepily. Frilly Pajamas. Just those words seemed to make her laugh. Frilly….pajamas. Umi’s giggling turned into choked snorting. The bed shook and the other girls stirred. Umi sighed and shook her head. Sometimes things just got into her head and totally made her lose it. She had no idea why the phrase Frilly Pajama’s sounded funny… Umi suddenly felt a hard thump on her face and for a minute saw several bursts of bright color. She had been hit by something! As soon as all the colors had faded and the pain stopped coming in bursts from her face, she looked over to see Hikaru’s hands inches from her face. Umi growled. Hikaru must have been tossing and accidentally whapped Umi in the face, but good. She pushed Hikaru over harshly with her palm. "Hikaru move over!" she grumbled. Hikaru groaned and threw her arm back over Umi, nearly strangling her. She had her in a death grip around her neck her leg kicked up over Umi’s and hugging very closely to her. Umi sighed and tried to wake Hikaru up. "Come on Hikaru! Wake up! You’re cuddling on me! Get off! Hikaru!" She knew better than to try to wake Hikaru up. The red haired knight was a very heavy sleeper. She could sleep through a parade of fire trucks, and did when she was last at Fuu’s house.
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