"Eggnog and Secrets" ------------------------------------------------ It should be white, she decides. After all, everything around Christmas is white. Snow. Santa's beard. That may be only two items to prove that everything should be white around Christmas, but it must be true, or the author wouldn't have brought it up in the first place. But it is not white. First of all, it's slightly off-white. The kind of white that is called beige, but everyone knows is just a fancy way of saying dirty-white. The same color that the author looks at when he eyes the rim of his monitor or the plastic keys of his keyboard. Akane Tendo eyes the glass of Eggnog suspiciously. Why is it called Eggnog? First of all, there are little specks of spice floating around inside it. Eggs don't have little specks floating around inside them. These spices could be anything from cinnamon to fragments of a neutron star core, and she is certain no Egg has fragments of a neutron star in them, even if they WERE lucky enough to have cinnamon inside. This doesn't even touch on the subject that the volume of Eggs that go into making such a glass of liquid cannot possibly be greater than the volume of milk put into it. Why not call it Milknog? Even as thoughts of Milknog fly through her mind, however, she knows that is not the reason she is eyeing the glass of Eggnog suspiciously. She is trying to decide if this clear glass full of Eggnog is not white enough, or not beige enough. It may be a little too brown, and that would warrant the suspicion that Rum was added to this Eggnog. Nabiki is near by, so she shares a suspicious look from Akane that is divided between her sister and the glass of Eggnog. Rum in Eggnog is quite nice on a cold night by the fire, but it also can be a little too nice for Akane when she is trying to confess Secrets to Ranma. As anyone will tell you, too much of anything, even nice, is bad. Or at least, is not as good as just a little bit less than too much. Even as she thinks how badly she needs to avoid Eggnog and Rum tonight, the thought of drinking Eggnog appeals to her greatly, and in a rush, her mind agrees with her throat and mouth that the Eggnog must be white or beige enough to be perfectly safe. Though the mouth's scientific, biological name is not `hatch', Akane Tendo pours the contents of the glass (now perfectly safe in her own mind) down `the hatch'. Now, that is quite a deliberation for someone to undertake when they are doing something as simple as contemplating a glass of Eggnog, or Milknog, or NeutronStarCoreNog. But you see, there is yet another good reason for that horribly long introduction to a story who's predecessor would already have been into the heavy breathing and partial nudity by now. Tonight is the night that Akane Tendo decides she has to tell Ranma Saotome a Secret. Akane Tendo knows that if she isn't careful, that Secret could cause the new-found situation between her and Ranma to turn into a state known only as FUBAR. FUBAR is the abbreviation to the wonderfully colorful phrase: "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition" And Akane Tendo definitely does NOT want to Fuck Up Beyond All Recognition what she finally got through her thick skull she had with Ranma for almost 7 seasons of episodes and a few more movies than the two the author has seen. To FUBAR your One True Love is a very bad thing. Many other colorful phrases (that the author takes no shame in sharing, knowing that ONLY readers of 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER are reading this...) such as "Screw The Pooch" and "You Need A Cunt Stretched Over Your Head And Some Sense Fucked Into It" come to mind. (YNACSOYHASSFII is a personal favorite) But how on Earth, or perhaps even Pluto, could Akane Tendo FUBAR her newly admitted relationship with her destined One True Love? Easy. She could tell her One True Love her Secret, and/or she could drink Eggnog with Rum and later on tonight, change FUBAR into a VERB, and madly copulate with Ranma with little inhibitions! That by itself would not be a FUBAR thing to do. After all, she has been dreaming about it for some time now. Even if those dreams had been running in the Hentai theater next-door to her mind's eye, she knew they existed, even when she refused to give into curiosity and buy a ticket...not knowing that it is impossible for Curiosity of a movie to Kill a Cat. After all, who would give a cat a movie ticket? Not anyone the author is aware of. So why would copulating with extreme prejudice be a FUBAR thing to do tonight? Because tonight is Christmas Eve. No drugstore is open within a disturbingly large radius to the Tendo Dojo. That also means no form of contraceptive is available as of fifteen minutes to 6 PM...because nobody in their right mind would not use the excuse of a holiday to close shop early. Also, though the chances of this happening in real-life are only about 30 to 1, it is an Anime, and therefore, odds don't mean much; Akane Tendo is ovulating, and her body's natural reproductive systems are nearly screaming to be FUBARed in the verb sense. She thinks about this as she drinks the rest of her Eggnog. The internal battle between the past-tense and present-tense FUBAR definitions wages on as she tries to decide of which one will occur tonight. Carefully, she decides to examine the facts. She is very proud to remember to do this. Ten years of watching dubbed Scooby Doo re- runs have paid off after all. Fact 1: During those ten years of Scooby Doo re-runs, she never got laid. Not even during a commercial break. This was due to mainly a lack of a sex drive. After all, not many 10 year olds can boast an active sex life. Oh, and a lack of interest in male sex organs. Who would bother becoming interested in something one did not own anyway?? Fact 2: After those Scooby Doo re-runs, for the nine additional years of her life, Akane Tendo refused to get laid. Even during the commercial break. This time, it was due to a lack of her One True Love being available. That, and the fact she would probably copulate with Scooby Doo before she would think of copulating with most guys at her school...who gave new meaning to the acronym: YNACSOYHASSFII. Fact 3: Now that she has found her One True Love, ditched the men who Need A Cunt Stretched Over...well...you know..., and put to rest her well-hidden Scooby Doo fetish, Akane Tendo is horny has hell. Nineteen years of sex-drive is a lot of revving up to do. Fact 4: If Akane Tendo gets pregnant from tonight's encounter with Ranma Saotome, all hell will break loose. Too much hell to ignore, and way too much to experience on Christmas Eve. Who would want to go through hell on Christmas Eve? Fact 5: Akane has some added options. Though Ranma Saotome is her One True Love...he is not like most other One True Loves. After all, if he WAS normal, the Ranma 1/2 series would really suck. And that is where Akane gets her Secret. The Secret she has to either keep a Secret, or tell her One True Love. The eggnog is now gone, replaced with air from the surrounding atmosphere. Akane ponders what would happen if the air did not replace the eggnog as she drank it, and the cup imploded in her hand. Perhaps that would give her something more to do, and let her avoid the Secret for a few more minutes as she contacted the Discovery Channel in regards to the amazing imploding eggnog glass. Now, Ranma Saotome also has a Secret. He has a few, actually. The least of these is the fact he loves to watch Akane Tendo drink eggnog. Why is it called eggnog? Who gives a shit. As long as Akane Tendo, his One True Love is drinking it. As you can tell, the Male mind is much more efficient. Instead of cluttering up thought with needless thoughts about neutron stars and imploding cups, it dives straight into the good stuff. Sex. Though some may think it perverse to think of Sex so often in one given day, others will realize it actually is a very helpful tool to keep the mind focused on the task at hand. (The Author wonders how many people will recognize the unintentional masturbation euphemism in that last sentence...then moves on.) By focusing his thoughts to how Akane Tendo drinks eggnog, and filtering them through an erotic light, Ranma hopes to be able to take his mind off of how badly he wants Akane Tendo to come to his room later on that night, become naked, and FUBAR him until morning. Unfortunately, watching Akane Tendo drink eggnog is surprisingly erotic. Though very efficient, focusing one's mind on sex has the sometimes forgivable side-effect of heightening one's sexual awareness. However, this is not one of those times. Instead, this is a time for a cold shower. Akane, Nabiki, Soun and Genma all blink curiously as Ranma jumps up, bows quickly, and runs head-first down the hall with the intent to take such a cold shower. "What's with him?" Genma asks, but because he is in Panda form, it sounds more like "Grrwooorrooophh?" "I don't know." Nabiki shrugs, understanding what "Grrwoorrooophh" means because she has heard it so many times in the last few seasons and movies. Akane wishes her eggnog had rum in it. It would also help if she had some eggnog in her glass before it imploded and she would have to focus her attention on calling the Discovery Channel instead at how Ranma Saotome was gazing at her all night over the steaming turkey and stuffing and pie and potatoes. Akane also smiles, however. If all goes well, she'll at least be able to tell her One True Love a Secret or two tonight. Back to poor Ranma. "Man," he says. Actually, now he is a she, because of the cold shower. That is his other Secret, though it is only a Secret to stupid people who Need A Cunt Stretched Over Their Head and Some Sense Fucked Into It. Akane Tendo, his One True Love, knows about THAT secret. THAT Secret is not a Secret to them. "I need a cunt stretched over my head and some sense fucked into it." She sighs. Ranma reaches over to the shower-taps and turns the tap marked "C" to only half, and the tap marked "H" on to full. A moment later, he is a he again. All his genitalia in place because of the cold shower he just took as a she. It's not like he didn't LIKE watching Akane Tendo drink Eggnog all night, but the problem is that he had to focus on OTHER things than that tonight, or he would FUBAR Akane, and end up becoming a parent if the laws of Anime had anything to do about it. That was something he wasn't quite ready for. Even if it was with his One True Love. He had to force his mind to focus on something else tonight. Perhaps getting drunk so fast he passed out before any heavy petting occurred. The only problem with that was that Ranma has Spooky Anime Powers, and would be able to raise his Blood Alcohol Level to Fifty Percent before he passed out. Such a feat would be impossible for anyone in the real world...unless they were related in some way to half of the Betty Ford patients combined. Ranma Saotome decided it was probably best if he stayed a She tonight. Keeping true to his promise, before he heads out of the bathroom, he turns on the cold water one more time. "YEAAAG!!!" he screams, because that is what one screams when hit by horribly ice cold water. Akane Tendo finds Ranma Saotome in his/her room, getting dressed in a white shirt and black pants that could, in an emergency, be very nice clothes for either a man or a woman. Ranma has learned to shop smart over these last few seasons and movies, and therefore, much of his clothing is instantly adaptable to either sex. Ranma turns around to see Akane standing there, as that is what she was doing. "Ahh! I didn't see you standing there." She says, finishing doing up her pants. "Well, I was just wondering if you were okay." Akane smiles slightly and leans suggestively against the wall. "Are you okay? Do you need help with anything?" Ranma just noticed Akane's leaning (and very damn sexy leaning, I might add...) and gets a lump caught in her throat. Actually, medically, it's not a lump, however, Ranma still feels it. "Uh...actually, I'm good..." Akane nods. "Why did you change into a woman, then?" This is a very good question. After all, normally Ranma enjoys having the ability to pee standing up, and does NOT enjoy having breasts to interfere with his/her punches. Now, Ranma was JUST about to say "Because if I were still a man I'd grab you, throw you onto the bed, and FUBAR you far into the morning with the only interruption being to open Christmas Presents, and then return to FUBARing you." HOWEVER, because he is now a she, SHE does not have the straightforward-thinking-male-mind working at perfect capacity. So, instead, all that comes out as: "Because you looked very beautiful tonight, and I didn't want to embarrass myself like...last time...in front of everyone." That's actually a very valid reason, so Akane is fooled by it. "Really? That's very sweet." She blushes and smiles. "You know, for a minute there, I thought you were going to say it was because if you were still a man you'd grab me, throw me onto the bed, and start FUBARing me until we had to open presents the next day." Ranma develops a rather large sweat drop on her forehead. "Who me? I'd never think a thing like that!" Ranma has just proven the fact that although all Men are Liars, all Women are Hypocrites. Hehe. "Well, come on downstairs." Akane says. "The rest of the family are going to bed, and we can talk as we finish up supper." Of course, any romantic evening has to be set up with long moments of planning to be truly romantic. Though Akane was very brief in her request that they go downstairs to finish dinner, that was just a casual front to what she had really planned. With the holiday season coming up, there was nobody using the dojo. Considering some of their nicest...and ONLY...bonding moments had been while fighting, attempting to fight, or arguing...it seemed an ideal romantic spot. The lights were dimmed, a table erected in the center of the mat, and the soft, flickering glow of candlelight filled the room, making the large, open space seem much more comfortable and cozy. Before you think that this is a little too stereotypical for a romantic scene, think how many romantic conquests have begun in the back of an alleyway amidst rodents and garbage? See? I thought so. Knowing full well that neither of them will be hungry after the first portion of supper, Akane has arranged for only a plate of snacks and a very large bottle of wine to be present on the table. While a bottle of wine can make someone feel quite nicely indeed, there were, after all, two of them. That was a very important component of the night's activities, so obviously, with the number of occupants fixed, the alcohol had to be changed. Ranma, upon seeing this arrangement, is very confused. Not because he is especially dimwitted, of course. After all, ignoring a beautiful woman that has a strong will, a strong heart, and a stunning smile for several seasons and a movie happens ALL THE TIME to smart men too!! Don't believe me? Watch the X-Files. Back to anime, however, Ranma is confused simply for the fact that He is currently a She, and is being pulled into a romantic evening by Akane, who is most definitely (determined by the shape of her body underneath her blouse) also a She. That would not be so strange if she had a kettle of hot water to change the situation, but there is none in sight. Unless of course, the wine is warm, and she intends to pour it all over his body and clean it off with any means possible. Ranma blinks at the mental image and his heart skips a beat. Akane notices Ranma's small, happy grin on his/her face and raised an eyebrow. "What???" "Oh...nothing..." Ranma snaps out of it, and they move over to the table and sit down on their knees, facing each other across the candles, wine, and snacks that the Author is too lazy to name. The wine is cold (to the slight disappointment to Ranma's fantasy) and very good. So good that they are on their second glass before the small-talk has come to the latest Sailor Moon Seven Knights episode, and how weird it was. "So," Akane smiled, taking a candy cane from the plate of goodies. "What did you wish for Christmas?" Ranma pours herself another glass of wine and shrugs. "Mmm, I kinda wanted a plane ticket to China..." she pauses when she sees Akane's eyes roll. After all, that's about the only thing he's been wishing to have for the last few years. "But..." she continues, surprising Akane "I saw a really nice sweater down at Yen Mart the other day." Akane tries not to show how happy she is to hear this, especially since it would give it away Ranma would get that precise present tomorrow, compliments of her noticing how he was looking at the sweater through the window last week. "I'm sure Santa will keep that in mind." She nods. "How about you?" Ranma smiles. "There must be something you want." Akane takes a long, deep breath. "I want to tell you a secret." Ranma blinks, knowing that secrets are not usually advertised in the Yen Mart Christmas Catalogue. Even if they were in there, poor Ranma probably wouldn't be able to afford them anyway. Secrets are usually either very cheep, or very...VERY...expensive. Even just the plain, gray-colored ones without the felt insert to keep you cozy on a cold, winter say. "What do you mean, a Secret?" she asks, ignoring the way Akane is gently unwrapping her candy cane with the tips of her delicate fingers. After all, she is not a he, and does not normally notice things like that unless he has male genitalia to urge his mind to focus. Though, of course, not even changing sex could save him from noticing how her tongue came out and began to caress the very tip of the candy. "It's a very strange Secret." Akane says, after licking the candy cane for a moment. "One that I'm not sure you'll like." Ranma is dazed by the way her tongue is glistening in the candlelight, and barely nods. Her hand comes up and quickly pours herself another glass of wine, that is swallowed in one gulp afterwards. "Do you remember the day I found out about your...Secret?" Akane asks quietly. There is no need to be quiet, though, since the dojo is quite obviously sound-proofed as to not disturb the residents during classes. Ranma is not lost on this fact, and deducts that she must have something very important on her mind. Despite what some women think about men, they are more than capable of putting emotions and thought ahead of sex. He...rather She...is now listening intently to his/her One True Love. "Yes, of course!" Ranma nods. "What's this Secret, anyway?" "I don't know if I should tell you." Akane admits. "I'm not quite drunk enough to not know if I should or not." She smiles sadly. "I wanted to just tell you, but even now, I think back to other times...and I don't know if you'll like it, or not like it." Ranma is now worried. "Please." She begs. "I promise that even if I don't like it, I'll never hold it against you." "What if I want you to hold it against me?" Akane smiles, gently pushing the candy cane into her lips, greeting it with the pink tip of her tongue. Despite himself being HERself, Ranma makes a quiet, whimpering noise. "Akane..." Even while trying to remain focused on telling her Secret, Akane feels a shiver run up and down her spine at her One True Love's little noise. "Sorry..." she smiles sweetly, putting down the striped candy. Ranma pours and slams back another glass very quickly in order to remain calm. "So, please..." she hiccups. "Continue...don't worry. I promise I will like your secret." She smiles...but even then, she's not so sure anymore. "Okay." She sighs, reaching over and fills her glass, downing it in the same fashion as her dinner companion had been doing. "First of all, though, I want to tell you something else. It's not really a Secret...just something that I wouldn't tell anyone else." "Not even P-Chan?" "Not even P-Chan." Akane nods. Ranma smiles. This must be important, then, and she's telling me! JUST me! Secrets are even better when shared between One True Loves. "Okay. Tell me this Semi-Secret first." "You remember last night, I hope." Akane smiles and blushes. She blushes because of all the wonderful physical and emotional sensations she felt that night...but also because of the ones she knows she helped Ranma feel as well. "Of course..." she nods with a smile and a blush. Had their physical appearances been the same, their exactly same expressions would have made it look like Akane was staring into a mirror. Luckily, this was not the case, or the Author would go crazy with the mental images and how to separate them. Akane continues. "After I went to bed...I..." she looks up...directly into Ranma's eyes. "I touched myself." Ranma's jaw nearly dropped...but couldn't even if it wanted to. She was stunned, looking into the beautiful woman's beautiful eyes as she told him/her that she masturbated for hours due to the brief contact they had that night. How she had to remove her undergarments before they got too wet, only to find taking them off was making things worse. How she eventually filled the aching need to hold something by wrapping herself around one of her pillows and rubbing herself up and down the silky fabric's edge. How the teasing and the eggnog and the near-dreamlike state she was in let her imagine that the pillow and her fingers were Ranma. How, later, she was so close to the edge of an orgasm, that she had to stop before she passed out...only to start again a few minutes later as her fingers wandered lower on her body, curious to see if she was still as wet and hot as she felt. How, finally, with her mind's eyes filled with him, and her fingers helping to fill elsewhere with thought of him, she had the most earth-shattering orgasm she had ever dared reach in her life. Ranma watched her lips speak these words, and would not break away, even if World War Three was going on behind them. "When..." Akane was almost red now, "...I finally woke up...everything was soaked, and I was still hugging the pillow like I thought it was you in my dreams." She smiled shyly, looking away from the bead of drool that had formed from Ranma's lips. Now, this was an interesting development, Ranma's brain whispered to his heart, mind and body. You seem to have wet your pants, Ranma! "Shut up!" Ranma whispered to his brain. "Pardon?" Akane asked suddenly, breaking his inner dialogue. Ranma snapped out of it and quickly, embarrassed, wiped the drool from her lips. "Sorry...I...I'm just not...used to..." "Me talking about how I came like the Earthquake of 1997?" Akane whispered. Ranma nodded weakly. "Yes." She had to look away, but upon noticing the dark patch of wetness between her legs, forced herself to look back. "I...I'm not used to hearing how people fantasize about me." Akane blushed. "Oh, in that case, I have a few more Secrets to tell you." "What do you mean..." Ranma swallowed hard. "...a FEW?" She nodded shyly, all of a sudden. "Well...the last few Seasons and Movies have been very lonely, Ranma. Even though we weren't like we are now, I still knew in my heart that I was attracted to you." She blushes again. "VERY attracted to you." Ranma was smiling like an idiot, and Akane had to laugh. She laughed back. "Well, sorry...I just thought everyone thought I was a freak." Akane's smile fades into a look of adoration, just like the one she had last night, between the bouts of sexually charged gazes. "Akane?" Ranma asks, because she wants to ask a question. "Yes?" she replies, because she was asked to. Ranma raises an eyebrow. "Why did you tell me all that? About your night last night?" she blushes. "I mean, I'm flattered, but I'd like to know why you told me." Akane nods. "It's very important." She nods again, as if to seem serious, but because of the wine, she looks rather cute with her exaggerated head movements. "Hehe." "Hey!" she giggles. "Don't laugh. I am being serious." She recomposes herself and nods less comically. "It's proof." "Proof?" "Yes." Akane moves over on the table, leaning into it, gazing at Ranma's face. "It's proof that, no matter what, I find you a very attractive man. Proof that, when we can, I am going to make love to you all day and all night. Even if we have to get a loan from Nabiki and get a room away from here so we're not interrupted. I will personally make you the happiest man on Earth." Ranma's drool threatens to make a return as she gazes at this woman who is now informing him that this may be a very VERY happy new year. "And Ranma?" "Yeah...?" she whimpers. "I already have the reservations." She smiles as Ranma nearly passes out. "Oh god..." Akane nods, suddenly getting her serious face again. "Do you know why I told you this?" "Your Secret?" Ranma asks weakly. "I haven't told you my Secret yet." Akane smiles. Ranma's mind informs itself that there is NO WAY IN HELL that being in the exclusive company of Akane with the intent to FUBAR would be bad in any way...so notices that all that stuff about Masturbation and Hotels had not yet come onto what the Secret was. "Please..." she says quickly. "...Akane...you've made your point...and if you don't tell me soon, I'm going to go insane..." Ranma admits. "I'm not going to be able to understand what you're saying if I can't help watching your...god...lips move like that." Akane blushes again, but does not smile. This is still serious. "Very well." She concedes. "I mean, it's not like I have to call the Discovery Channel up to tell them about imploding eggnog glasses or anything." She takes a deep, shaky breath, puffing out her chest and clenching her fists. "Ranma...I want you to make love to me tonight." Ranma nods, then stops. Something isn't right, here. Akane sees the instant of confusion and closes her eyes. "Now. Like this." Slowly, the math centers of Ranma's mind begin to churn with the equation: FR + FA + (NC) = XXX Where, FR = Female Ranma, FA = Female Akane, NC = No Conception, and XXX = Fun. This makes sense, after all. They don't want to have a child yet. Not yet, anyway. They both want XXX right now, that much is clear by the feelings swimming around in both their bodies...and a Female Akane and Female Ranma satisfy the equation. Wait a moment? Female RANMA? Ranma finally looks up at Akane, locking onto her eyes. "Oh my..." She nods with a half-smile. "Oh my." Ranma repeats herself, noticing that she is still a she. "Oh...my..." Akane takes a deep breath and gently takes Ranma's shaking hands into hers. "What I didn't tell you about those Few Other Secrets is that sometimes, I'd wonder what it would be like to make love to you while you were a woman." Ranma can only blink. "I told you the stuff before because I want you to know that I will still and forever love you as my MAN." She smiles weakly. "But, I also want you to know that, even when you're like this...you are still my One True Love." "Akane...please...I..." Ranma tries to figure out what he/she is thinking, but it's a lot more difficult than it sounds. Fear is evident in Akane's eyes. "I'm sorry..." tears begin to swell in her eyes, to the dismay of Ranma. "I knew you were always so proud to be a man, and you hated being a woman most of the time...I just hoped that I could show you that...I loved you as both." To Akane's surprise, Ranma reaches over, grabs the wine, tilts the bottle to her mouth, and drinks. And drinks. Finally, with most of the wine gone now, Ranma puts the bottle down, slightly calmer. "Akane..." "Yes?" Before another word is said, Ranma leans over the table, takes Akane's chin in her hand, and brings her closer for a kiss. Their lips collide in an instant, deep, passionate kiss, and Akane's balance is lost. She falls over backwards, causing Ranma to smack her face into the table. They both regain balance and sit at their opposite sides of the table. Akane is blushing. "I suppose this means my Secret was a good thing." "Sorry." Ranma hiccuped with a sudden grin. "You..." Akane paused. "You don't mind?" Ranma clears her head away of wine-induced thought enough to give Akane an affirmative nod. "I was thinking about this last night..." she smiled "...though, I obviously wasn't having as much fun as you were, I did decide that this little..." she pointed down at her breasts "...problem had to come up sooner or later." "Oh?" "Yes." Ranma continued. "The only real problem I had while being a woman was thinking you wouldn't be attracted to me. That you'd think of me as just the Female Ranma, and not Ranma." That's a lot of Ranmas to keep track of, but she continues without a pause. "Really?" Akane's sweet, sexy eyes lock onto Ranma's. "Really." She replied, gently taking Akane's hand and kissing it like a knight in shining armor would do...only with breasts. Akane couldn't help but notice her One True Love's lips were softer right now, more like her own. Though she enjoyed the other set more, these ones were hardly unpleasant. For a moment, Akane was worried that tonight...by the way Ranma was now kissing her wrist and moving up her arm slowly...was going to just make her want HIM more. Then again, what was so wrong with that? She shivered slightly as Ranma began to use her tongue to trace a line along the underside of her arm, tickling her, but also keeping her captured in the sensation. "Ranma?" she whispered. "Uh, the table..." CRASH! Ranma kicked it out of the way without a second thought. After all, she was on a mission now. Actually, He was on the mission, just with a borrowed female body structure. This mission started with her arm. Smooth, soft skin that she could feel tense slightly with toned muscles under her kisses. Then, to the shoulders. Though adjusting how close she had to be because of her chest, Ranma managed to maneuver herself behind Akane and start to kiss her shoulders and...oh yes...neck. Whatever worries Akane had about Eggnog and Secrets were completely lost from her mind, right about the time where Ranma began to gently lick along her neck and just behind her right ear. She let out a soft whimper despite her strong resolve, and Ranma knew she had found the right spot. Another light, wet nuzzle, and a honey-sweet cry came from Akane's lips. "Let me help you with that..." Ranma whispered, reaching around Akane's stomach and letting the smaller-female-hand-advantage begin to pop open the tiny buttons on the milk-white blouse Akane had on. Akane only nodded, letting her own soft, delicate hands come up and guide her lover's. "Is this part..." Akane gasped as Ranma's arms brushed against the sides of her breasts. "...P...part of the Saotome School of Anything Goes?" Ranma couldn't help but smile. She had actually thought of the exact response to that many nights ago. "If it's with you?" she whispered back. "Anything goes." Though a daunting statement, Akane found herself melting into those words. The words, and the way Ranma was now kissing her exposed back as he folded her blouse away from her skin. "Th..." she whispered, shaking in anticipation. "I...also dreamt of this..." she let out a tiny yelp of pleasure as Ranma skillfully managed to undo her simple, white bra with her teeth. "Me too..." she whispered back, gently undressing her entire top half with kisses and skillful hands. Ranma just let go at that point, and any inhibitions of female arousal were washed away. If this were some stranger off the street...some one night stand...someone he didn't love with all HIS heart, he would have thought differently. But hearing the pleasant, heavy sounds of Akane's sexual and emotional excitement was rubbing off on him...even though his Curse. He decided to enjoy it as well. Akane seemed to have the same idea, and when she leaned back into her lover's arms, kissing deeply, her own hands began to take Ranma's shirt off, bit by bit. Ranma's breath caught as he looked down along Akane's silk white skin and caught sight of her naked breasts. Oh yes. This was rather pleasant. Akane, without Ranma's lips to suckle on, decided to attach to the next best thing. With a careful roll, she was suddenly on top, and her hands lifted the remnants of Ranma's shirt off over her head. The cold, brisk winter air that was only hinted at inside the dojo was suddenly contrasted as Akane slid herself on top of her lover and pressed their breasts together. She had a sultry smile on her lips as Ranma gave out a happy little sound that was somewhere between a moan and a sigh. "So, Ranma, darling...?" "Uh huh?" she gasped back as their lips met in a hard, passionate kiss. "I forgot the mistletoe." She smiled. "Think we should stop and find it?" Her voice was barely a whisper...yet every breath was like fire against skin. Her short, blue hair was playfully messy, and a strand of it was stuck on the tip of her nose. Her eyes were bright, and fire lit them up in the candlelight, threatening to draw Ranma into them. Red, full lips that, even now, brushed up against her own and teased with a tongue that felt much too good to be true against her own. At that moment, Ranma had seen nothing more beautiful. She just shook her head. "We'll find it later..." Christmas was the Next Morning. After all, it couldn't be the Next Night, because then you would have skipped the Next Morning anyway, thereby acknowledge the existence of Next Morning anyway. And you couldn't go back to the Previous Morning and call it Next Morning, or Next Morning would be just about the time that Akane Tendo woke up and decided she had to tell Ranma Saotome her biggest Secret of all. That she was terribly attracted to him, even when Him was a She. And, if Previous Morning was called Next Morning, Ranma Saotome would still be fretting that he may have to FUBAR Akane Tendo that Next Night, and FUBAR their relationship by moving too fast into the family stages. So, because Akane Tendo only now had smaller, less dangerous Secrets to tell, it was most definitely Next Morning. And because Ranma Saotome had not needed to FUBAR Akane, even with their raging hormones, it was definitely Next Morning. But, the Tendo and Saotome families were short two people when it was time to open presents that Next Morning. Had anyone been more interested in finding those two missing people instead of opening their clock radios and fuzzy Rudolph sweaters, they may have found something interesting on their way past the Dojo. The soft, sweet sounds of Ranma and Akane's lovemaking. A soft cry, muffled by a heated kiss...one of many dozen from that night's activities. Both Ranma and Akane's cries of passion. After...perhaps even a content, tiny laugh and a long, satisfied sigh as each finally drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, covered only by a makeshift bed and their combined sweat. As Akane turned to Ranma, who was near sleep and exhausted from his first time reaching orgasm as a woman. A few times. She smiled to herself, looking at her finance. "Ranma?" "Mmm?" she replied, gently nuzzling into Akane's stomach, tracing little patterns on her side with her finger. Akane allowed herself a wicked smile. "What are you doing for New Years Eve?" Ranma's eyes shot open. ------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the use of vulgar acronyms. They were just to much fun to leave out, though. ^_^ Comments! ALWAYS! Criticism? Sure! Death Threats? Why not! Marriage Proposals? Send a picture first, ladies. A VERY special thanks to Dawson E. Rambo for his "Poptarts and Secrets" X-Files Fanfic, that helped inspire the prose in this one. <bows> Contact me anytime!
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