Oscir portion provided by Matthew Lewis who is also editor of The Other Cheek from which this story is a part of. The Other Cheek is in turn a sequel to The Butt, of which Gary Kleppe is the editor of. C & C welcomed. ------------------------------------------------- Oscir looked into the pool. (S)He hummed and hahed for a moment or two, squishing and squirming hes (hir?) facial features into a perplexed and rather more unappealing arrangement. "Make senses," Oscir said out loud, by the scrying area. Oscir was alone, of course. No other being approaching divinity really ever wanted to be near Oscir, not even with a ten foot pole and a HazMat suit. Such things were simply not done. Well, okay, there was Nietzche in back, reading a magazine, but he was just waiting. "After all, shouldn't me get entry into own contest?" Oscir mused. Oscir obviously wasn't one of those beings known for their high moral and ethical qualities, and in fact had only a passing familiarity with them such terms, or other terms such as grammar, or spelling, or taste, having decorated the pool with pink plastic flamingoes. Don't ask what the flamingoes were doing to each other, please. "So, here my entry be!" ------------------------------------------------ Japan... Chibi-Ranma looked hard. Nope, no bulge there. "You really don't have one." "I told you so," Chibi-Ukyo nodded, and pulled her pants back up. "I told you I was specialer than you." "Are not!" Ranma denied emphatically, trying to think of something to prove it at the same time. It was true. He and his pop had 'it'. Ukyo said her father had one too. That made up nearly all the people he knew. Ukyo must be special if she was different, but there was no way he was going to admit defeat so easily. "It's because I'm a girl and you aren't," Ukyo said, knowingly. She first asked her father that while he bathed her a year ago. He had gone all red in the face and finally asked a lady customer to tell her. "Girl? I think my mom's a girl," Ranma said. His pop was forever telling him how he was going to grow up to be manly and not girlish. If they stayed with Mommy, she would have made him a girl. Something like that. "Well, see! Which one do you like more? Your mommy or daddy?" "Mommy," Ranma said without hesitation. It occurred to his young mind that if he had said his pop, he would have won this argument. He won't make that mistake ever, ever again! "And girls get to eat as much as they want and anything they want." Ukyo wasn't entirely sure if that was true, but she didn't care. She had him on the ropes. Food, she learned was Ranma's biggest weakness. "What!?" Ranma was outraged. His pop and him only got to eat maybe one meal a day if they were lucky. One time he asked for candy, his pop said no. He knew there had to be a reason. "I want to be a girl too then." "You can't. You're a boy. Boys marry girls that they like," Ukyo said quickly. It wouldn't do for Ranma to be a girl. She couldn't marry him then. It was just that she couldn't beat Ranma in a fight, so she had to resort to other ways, like claiming girls were better than boys. Ranma scrunched his face up in thought. He had no idea what 'marry' meant, but it seemed to be important to Ucchan and there was no way he was going give up on that privilege to gain another. He wanted both. It didn't take him long to figure out a compromise. "Girls can't marry girls?" She had only heard her father say that if she liked Ranma she can marry him. So if a boy can marry a girl and a girl can marry a boy, then a girl can marry a girl and a boy can marry a boy. She mulled that thought in her mind for a second. It sounded right. "I think girls can marry girls." "Good, then. I'll find a way to become a girl and then marry you, okay?" Ukyo was going to have her father ask Uncle Saotome about marrying Ranma before they left, but it seemed like she didn't need to do that anymore. "Deal! But, how will you become a girl? You need a mommy for that." "Pop said that we'll see Mommy again soon. I just have to make sure he doesn't make me manly before I see her again." "Okay, remember your promise," Ukyo said and held out her pinky to which Ranma encircled with his own. "I will. First thing I do when I become a girl," Ranma pledged as solemnly as he could, which meant he didn't cross his fingers. * * * * * "I never want to listen to him again!" Ranma cried into the lap of Nice Old Lady. "But, he's your father. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you," she said and patted the young boy's head. It had broken her heart when she had heard the mewling cries of the boy at her doorstep. She had made Genma wait outside in the rain more as punishment than meaning what she said that his presence would hurt Ranma's recovery. "He's going to make me into a manly man again. I don't want to be a boy anymore. I want to be a girl. When can I go home to Mommy?" Ranma asked drowsily to the Nice Old Lady. She could see Ranma was beginning to become delirious with sleep. She sighed and wondered what the man outside had done to his son's mind. He wasn't a bad man, she could tell. His eyes wouldn't have look so worried, his bare feet wouldn't have been so bloodied with running, and his voice wouldn't have sounded so broken, if he was. * * * * * China... Ranma blinked. He had breasts. She had breasts. He was a she. "Thank you, Pop! I don't know how you did it, but I knew you wouldn't let me down!" Genma blinked. His MANLY son had been pestering him for months about some operation a doctor had said once, but he had kept putting it off, hoping that Ranma would get rid of this fixation when he married one of the Tendos. Genma knew that the boy did have a real healthy interest in girls and after a few nights as a man with them, he should have been normal. Genma felt faint as his new daughter started to check if 'everything' was all there. * * * * * Shampoo got up and quietly dusted herself off. The laws were quite clear on the matter. A foreign woman that defeats an amazon is to be given the Kiss of Death. Although, she had never actually given it or killed a person before, Shampoo had been taught to deal with these situations. Ranma gave the other girl, named Shampoo the guide had said, a worried glance. The Chinese girl had been fighting all day as her recent win in the finals of the tournament showed. That meant fatigue would be affecting her effectiveness. Ranma hadn't wanted to take advantage of this, but she had seen no other way to pay for the food she and her pop had eaten. The fact that the amazon had a body that made her mouth water had nothing to do with her feelings of concern at all. Shampoo walked up to the outsider boldly. Every eye in the village upon her. To make a mistake would endanger her position within the village. She leaned forward and turned the girl's face to the side. Ranma could see the lips coming and immediately turned her head so that Shampoo's lips landed upon hers. Just a day as a girl and she was already getting lucky! She had had acquaintances before, but they had all been after her male side's body. She felt a quiet thrill knowing that she was being looked at because of her new gender. Shampoo was afraid to move. She felt the silky wetness of the lips that held her own in place. The Kiss of Marriage! She had accidentally given the vow of marriage rather than death. It was not as common, but amazons did have the option of taking a female for a consort. A great portion of the village was female after all and almost a quarter had this type of union. Her eyes widened as she felt a slippery warmth slither into her month. It was not wholly unpleasant. Nor was the hand that was resting on her shoulder and the one on her round bottom. She found her own hand unconsciously move towards the other girl. She had not been planning on having a wife, but at sixteen and no members of either sex, excluding Blind Boy, interested in her, her hormones had decidedly taken enough. She could find a husband later. Ranma felt herself suddenly yanked away from the Chinese bombshell. Her father had grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder. The guide was not far behind translating something about Kiss of Death. Shampoo sat there stunned at the sudden feeling of loss. She caught a glimpse of the redhead being carried over the shoulder of the panda. The look on the girl's face looked equally sad. "What are you still doing here? Chase after your wife!" Cologne yelled out as she came out of the house from where she had seen the match and the following result. While she had hoped that her great-granddaughter would find a man one of these days and bear healthy children, a strong and obviously well trained wife was infinitely better. If they ever found a man, twice as many children could be born. * * * * * Nerima... Ranma gasped for breath. She hadn't expected this warm a welcome. "Ooh! He's cute," Nabiki said and meant it. His face was real cute. Very bishonen to the point of actually looking like a girl. Maybe, she'll take this engagement off of her sisters' hands. Soun blinked tears out of his eyes as he hugged the boy to him. It was then that he noticed the boy in question had quite a large chest. He decided it was a good time to faint. Ranma was at first surprised to see the family glad to see her. She had been told that they were expecting a boy to be engaged to. Her fears were confirmed when the father fell flat on his face. A girl with short cut hair that had been smiling at her suddenly scowled. Ranma felt a tinge of regret. One down, two fiancées to go. She had wanted to go back to China and ask if that was really the Kiss of Death, which Shampoo had given to her, because it definitely did not feel that way. Her father had convinced her of their family honor to the Tendo family. The plus was that she had three girls to choose from. Anything to uphold the family honor was what Ranma always said. It was then she felt her breasts being poked by the scowling girl. Maybe Ranma was wrong about this girl. * * * * * "He told me he had a boy!" Soun cried out. "There, there father," Kasumi said as she handed him another kleenex. She wanted to go over the girl in question, though. Ranma looked so vulnerable sitting there under Nabiki's glare. It wasn't the poor girl's fault that she wasn't a boy. In truth, it made Kasumi slightly relieved. It was true she wasn't interested in younger men as she had said before to provide herself with an out for this engagement business, but that actually held true for any size or age man. Women, on the other hand, brought a different feeling. She wondered if the engagement was still valid even if Ranma was a girl. "Does she look like a boy?" Nabiki asked much too loudly, covering the tension in her voice. Her hands poking into the girl chest again. She had not imagined it the last time. Ranma's nipples were hard and pointing straight at her. Nabiki shuddered as she looked into the girl's eyes. They seemed to say, 'I don't mind'. Her ire at losing a potential fiancé was starting to diminish rapidly. Ranma conspicuously moved forward slightly. This caused Nabiki's fingers to graze across the budding tip hidden by her silk shirt. There was no way in hell she was going wear anything but silk shirts, she vowed silently. She brought her hand up to Nabiki's wrist as if trying to push her away. In reality, her fingers prevented the other hand from moving from its place. "I'm sorry for causing you trouble." Akane watched the squirming girl under Nabiki's hands. Ranma must really be upset about this whole fiancée business. Her sister wasn't helping matters. "Nabiki, leave her alone. Hi, I'm Akane. You want to be friends?" Nabiki frowned as Ranma jerked away and her fingers lost contact with that divine softness. Akane was ruining everything. The meekness in the Ranma's voice had brought an unexpected new thrill in Nabiki. She had half expected the girl to stop the ministrations. Instead, Ranma seemed to push against her hand just like the first time. "No, I'm the one that should be sorry. You want to be friends?" Nabiki asked, hopefully in the same warm voice as her sister. She was used to manipulating people to do what she wanted, but never by something so simple such as asking politely. Ranma couldn't believe her senses. A musky aroma of recent exercise came from Akane as she leaned forward and smiled. Two little dimples formed on each side of her face indicating an easy smile about her. She looked cute when she smiled like that. The unmistakable smell of a female coupled with that dazzling face caused a slight blush to Ranma's face. Nabiki also has the very nice smile. It was a most beguiling smile. It appeared crooked on her face as if not deciding whether to remain a smile or a grin. It was the eyes that drew Ranma's attention. She felt that it looked as if Nabiki would eat her whole. *Maybe a few weeks in Japan and then off to China,* Ranma thought, totally forgetting a small matter with a friend named Ukyo in the process. * * * * * Nabiki watched with interest at Ranma's moving 'bouncy' form. The pigtailed girl obviously had no concept of wearing a bra. Life on the road must not have taught her some basic female necessities. Nabiki promised to make the life of the person who told Ranma about undergarments a living hell. "This time for real!" Akane yelled and charged at the elusive girl. Ranma was amazingly fast. She read all of Akane's moves with precision. It was exhilarating fighting a top martial artist of this caliber. Suddenly, Ranma disappeared as Akane's fist ran through to the other side. The girl was above her. Ranma made the mistake of looking down as she sailed high over the stunned girl. While not as big as herself, Akane was nevertheless one fine figure of a girl. Her mouth hung open, anticipating what it would feel like to maul one of those small, round melons of a... Akane crashed to the ground as the redhead landed atop her. Ranma must have slipped up while she was in the air. How, Akane had no idea. She felt a slight sensation over her right breast for about half a second. Ranma had landed very strangely over her chest. "Are you okay?" Ranma quickly closed her mouth as Akane spoke. Her mouth dried suddenly from the dryness of Akane's gi. But it had not been so thick that she could not feel the mass of flesh beneath it. "Yeah, I think I'm alright." Nabiki's eyes picked up everything. It wasn't fair. Akane got all the guys' attentions and now she was getting Ranma's. Nabiki decided to step in. "Ranma, I think Kasumi would appreciate it if you took a bath before going in for dinner." Ranma jumped back guiltily from Akane. The memory of her trouble with other girls in the past came back to haunt her. She couldn't help herself though. She loved girls and she liked being one. She had long since tired of the idea of manliness her pop was so fond of. Being a boy was just not something she liked to do. Nabiki didn't appear to be mad though. "Okay." "You go right in first. I'll be right behind you. I need a bath too," Nabiki said before turning on her heel and heading up the stairs to her room before Ranma could say anything. She needed layers of clothes and lots of them to strip off slowly one at a time. Where did she put that thong bikini she got for Kasumi as a gag gift for her sixteenth birthday? Akane smiled at Ranma. "I need a bath too. Let me get the things. You wait inside for us." Ranma felt her body temperature rise at the thought of Nabiki _and_ Akane scrubbing her back. The warm water cascading down his back. His back. Warm water. Ranma suddenly felt very religious and prayed as she glanced up the stairs where Nabiki and Akane had headed. If she could only avoid hot water, during that time. Yeah right! * * * * * Kasumi didn't know what possessed her to change into the bikini Nabiki had gotten her. She wore it only on special occasions, when she needed to get away from the nice Kasumi image everyone knew her for. When she put it on, she felt a naughtiness she hadn't felt since her mother had passed away. Knowledge of the new girl below in the dojo increased thrill of doing something forbidden. Her mother had been the only one that knew her to be different. When she had played doctor as a girl, she had preferred to play it with other girls. As she got older, those feelings increased to the point where she couldn't bathe with her sisters anymore. It wasn't sisterly to feel such excitement. She slid open the door the furo and stepped in, undressing quickly. She would have about a half hour before the food would be ready. She had deliberately cooked a stew so that she didn't have to watch it. Her sisters and Ranma should be just finishing their sparring in that time. Akane really was a tribute to the family as the only sister able to fight and carry on the Tendo legacy. Kasumi hoped that Akane went easy on Ranma so that they spent as much time as possible together. Kasumi hoped to spend a little time herself with Ranma. The poor girl was alone for all they could tell and would need all the friends she could get. <Splash> "Man, I've got to hurry. If I finish fast enough, they won't notice anything." Kasumi heard the sound of Ranma's voice behind the screen that separated the room. The fight must have finished faster than Kasumi had predicted. What could the girl be hiding? Now that she came to think of it, Uncle Saotome had not yet shown his face. Could it be that he had been beating her? Kasumi carefully walked over to the screen and peaked around the corner. A full body blush enveloped her. Ranma was currently very nude and splashing large amounts of cold water across her flawless, slightly tanned backside. Her figure was much 'fuller' than her size would give her credit. Kasumi was at a loss of what to do. It wasn't proper to stand there like some wanton staring after a girl, a younger girl than she, with lust filled eyes. It was then Ranma turned around. Kasumi wondered if she might have a nose bleed as her face became flushed with blood. Ranma was perfect. From the fullness of her breasts to the small jutting nubs upon them. From the flatness of her stomach to the swell of her slender hips. They flared in such a way that seemed to accent a very interesting triangular shaped area. Those deep dark recesses disappeared all too fast as she turned around, preparing to dunk into the hot water. Kasumi decided it was time to show herself, lest she be caught later and in an even more precarious position. She needed a splash of cold water badly. Ranma heard the splish splosh sound of feet along the tile floor a second too late. His body, now male, stood in all its glory in more ways than one, staring at Kasumi. It was then that two other Tendo sisters came in. He didn't see anything after that, seeing as how a sink was now draped over his head with Akane attached to the other end of the basin. * * * * * Ranma sat cross-legged beside his pop as they explained things. The girls were all giving him looks that would have killed him three times over. His father was still bemoaning about the tragedy of it all. His pop changing back into human form was the only thing that saved him from further punishment. "I'm Saotome Ranma. Sorry about this." "Well, Ranma have you decided?" Soun asked the young man in front of him. A great deal of relief came to him after his friend had revived him and informed him of the their curses. The boy was surely as manly as Genma claimed. Already taking initiative with his three girls. "Um, can I speak to them alone?" Ranma asked. He did not want anyone, especially his father hear what he was about to say. "Of course. Genma, how about a game of shogi. You will have to go easy on me old friend. I haven't played in years." Soun and Genma were soon gone from the room, clamoring about their past lives together. "I guess you all hate me right now. I am a boy in the sense that I was born one," Ranma admitted. "You deliberately tricked us. Didn't tell us until we were all in the furo!" Akane yelled out. She was feeling very betrayed at the moment. All boys were jerks! Nabiki really didn't know what to feel. At first she had been interested in the boy, then disgusted at the girl, back to being interested in the girl, and then finally disgusted at the boy. Her feelings were not used to being on such an emotional roller coaster. One thing for certain was that she was not feeling neutral about this whole matter. When was the last time someone had made her _this_ confused? Kasumi only looked at Ranma's face. He had the same dejected look she had seen when he first arrived and later in the furo. This had been the secret he had wanted to hide. "Why?" Ranma noticed that the girls seemed to settle down with Kasumi's gentle question. He flashed her an appreciative smile. "I was born a boy, true. Ever since I traveled with my pop, I've been taught the virtues of being a manly man. Well I just grew sick of it. There is nothing about being a man that I like. I've only met maybe one boy I didn't mind having as a friend, but that's not nearly enough to make me want to be one. It might seem like a silly thing to you, but I like being a girl. Even before I was cursed, I've only felt at home around girls. No, not always interested in that way." Seeing that they still didn't understand, Ranma struggled to come up with another way of saying that indescribable feeling he had. "Right now, in this form, I feel uncomfortable. After one day, one hour, no, one second as a girl, I knew I could never go back to being a boy. My girl form fits me. When I'm in that body I never feel trapped as I am now." "You're a... what do you call that?" Akane stopped before saying pervert. She couldn't think of a name that described Ranma's situation. "I'm a girl," Ranma said and promptly upended the glass of water Kasumi had passed to him over his head. "I don't know how else to explain it. This body feels comfortable to be in, like my clothes. I may have been born a boy, but I'm definitely all women." Ranma struck a pose in her new transformation to emphasize her point. The three sisters sat in stunned silence. That was definitely different. Different, was really the only word they could come up with to describe the situation. "It doesn't mean I like guys. I still like girls. I just prefer to be one also. Look, I can understand if none of you want to be engaged to a 'freak' like me. I'm kind of sad about it myself. I mean, it's not everyday, I get engaged to three cute girls," Ranma smiled winsomely at each of them. Three sisters nearly collectively fell backwards at the smile. Akane felt guilty and refused to look Ranma in the eye. They had walked in on Ranma in the furo and if they hadn't none of this would have happened. To think badly of someone because of their gender just wasn't right. It was strange to feel that way after all that she had been through with the trouble at school, but it was true. Ranma was not acting at all like the boys at school. What must Ranma think of her? Akane had always been able to make friends and the thought of being hated for a misunderstanding did not sit well with her. She just had to make it up to this very mixed up boy. Nabiki's thoughts finally settled themselves. The boy was good looking as a boy. The boy was good looking as a girl. Nabiki had not minded to being engaged to a boy at first and he was one. She later felt her old desires resurface and wanted the girl. Well he was that also. A win-win situation. Nabiki loved win-win situations. She gave the girl another cursory glance. Ranma really was cute. Kasumi couldn't really think of anything. Her thong bikini was starting to ride up the crack of her ass. It didn't help that the look Ranma gave her whenever they made eye contact made her squirm. Ranma edged backwards a bit. While the girls were all smiling at her, there was a very unwholesome glint in their eyes. She found that she had nothing to worry about though. They spent the rest of the night just talking and getting to know one another better. * * * * * Soun put a liberal amount of paste on his toothbrush. He paused as he put it in his mouth. His thoughts were on the boy, Ranma. The boy was obviously interested in his girls. His own eyes held that same desire when he first saw his wife. The problem was not the boy, he finally concluded. For some odd reason, his girls wanted the engagement to be put aside for a later date. He expected them to object, true, but he had the feeling that none of them were objecting, just protecting the boy. He had wanted something definite to ease his mind and that was not happening. Maybe he could have Ranma accept an engagement to all three and he could decide which he wanted later. "Hi, Mr. Tendo. Good morning," Ranma said cheerfully, stretching out, walking into the bathroom. It had been a nice work out with Pop. She had managed to dunk him twice this morning and that was one more than what he had done to her. Soun stared, his neck jerked suddenly to the side lodging his toothbrush in his mouth. Ranma was female and wore no shirt. * * * * * "Ranma, don't you have any feminine modesty?" Akane asked exasperated. She quickly grabbed Ranma's shirt, still wet from the morning dunking in the koi pond, and draped it over her. A long night of 'girl talk' with Ranma and her sisters, removed whatever doubts she had about the girl before. Akane was a strong believer in helping those that needed help, even if they were really a boy. She could still remember her teacher droning away at the insecurities of puberty and growing up. Ranma needed help. Ranma hung her head in shame. "No, not really I guess. I might feel like a girl, but I was raised a guy. Taking my shirt off was no big deal back then." Of course, that act had brought her quite a few admirers in those days, but Ranma didn't think she needed to mention that. "Kasumi, the cup is full enough," Genma said, immediately getting up so that none of the spilt tea landed on him. Kasumi blushed, taking her eyes off of the smooth back of Ranma, before curiosity overwhelmed her and she risked another small glance, hoping to catch the other girl put on her shirt. Kasumi was rewarded with a view that made her catch her breath. The sun seemed to glint off of that flawless skin. Ranma had turned to the side just so, so that the sun's bright rays illuminated the soft outline of her full breasts. "Kasumi!" Genma cried again and jumped to avoid the splashing tea on the table. *That girl was very empty headed,* he thought to himself. *But a good cook,* he hastily revised his judgement as he drank some of his soup. Nabiki closed her mouth, slurping up the small pool of drool collected in the lower half of her mouth. She hadn't been aware how long she had stood there, staring. Silently, she thanked whatever gods had blessed her with Ranma. Such a body had to have been granted by the gods. "Ranma, are you ready for school? I can take you there with me." "School? That sounds like something fun. I've gone to school a few times when Pop and I made longer stops along the journey." Ranma could already imagine the number of girls her own age that would be there. Sixteen years old. The bloom of womanhood. Her body involuntarily shivered in anticipation. Soun walked out of the bathroom once he sure that Ranma had dressed. "Look here, son. Your father and I have decided that you will be engaged to all three of my daughters until you decide which one you want. Is that okay?" "That sounds fine!" Nabiki quickly looked over at Akane and Kasumi. They were looking at her also. Which one of them had said if first? Ranma nodded, afraid to speak. She might awaken from this dream otherwise. Thoughts of a four-way plagued her throughout the rest of the morning breakfast. * * * * * It hadn't been hard to convince Pop and Mr. Tendo the need to register as a girl. Hot water was harder to obtain, while an errant rainfall could spell disaster for Ranma if she was in boy form. Her only regret was that she could not wear a dress. As hard to come by as hot water was in situations, the threat of turning into a guy and wearing a dress and panties was enough for her to choose pants. She was brought out of her thoughts as she and the two younger Tendo sisters suddenly stopped before the school gates. Akane rushed forward and was immediately assaulted by all manner of boys. However, before Ranma could do anything, Nabiki stopped her with a hand. "Don't worry. This happens everyday. Akane can take care of herself," Nabiki said, drawing near to Ranma. She was in no hurry to meet the rest of her classmates. It was too bad that she was a year older and would not see Ranma as much as she would like. "Everyday? Why is that?" Ranma asked, curious. Akane could handle herself quite well. A high kick on Akane's part made her skirt fly dangerously high, nearly breaking Ranma's neck as she craned to get a better look. It took her a moment to remember Nabiki was beside her and that she was ignoring one sister to look at another. She looked down guiltily. Though, Nabiki's expression was neutral, inside she was hurt, Ranma could tell. It had always been a problem in the past whenever she met a group of girls. Her obsession with them made conscious thought nearly impossible. Nabiki pointedly looked away. The girl was messing up her senses. Her control was slipping through her grasp. How did she let that happen? She was usually calm and clear headed about these things. Just as she was about to pull away, she felt Ranma draw near. Her hand tentatively grabbing Nabiki's elbow. Another shiver shot through her. The attraction she was feeling was undeniable. She was beginning to believe that thought, reason, and control were highly overrated. Somehow she found her voice. "A classmate of mine has a crush on Akane. He set up a rule that said anyone that wanted to date Akane had to defeat her. Somehow this got the interest of the entire male population of Furinkan and Akane has been attacked everyday since that day." Ranma nodded absently and stepped closer to look at the carnage, causing her curvaceous form to mold against Nabiki from behind. "Boys are a bunch of jerks, aren't they?" Nabiki tried to answer, but found that she couldn't work her mouth properly. Her throat had gone dry. All she could think of was the feeling of a nice, big, comfy, pillow-like feeling pressing against her. "Who's that?" Ranma asked. She pointed at the new boy that appeared, which caused her body to grind itself against Nabiki's for a moment as close as they were together. He didn't seem to be as useless as any of the boys in the melee. He moved with a certain confidence and grace that spoke volumes of skill in the art. "K-Kuno Tatewaki," Nabiki finally stuttered out. She forced herself to move away from Ranma so that she could think clearly. To the sidelines she could see her two aides taking the standard bets. They were looking in her directions. Sighing, the few moments of bliss had to end sometime. "He's the guy that has a crush on Akane. The bell is going to ring soon and I have some business to take care of. Don't worry about registration. I've handled everything, so you just have to follow Akane into class." Ranma tried to hide the disappointment that was on her face, but failed miserably. *Maybe later after school,* she thought as she watched Nabiki walk towards a group of girls. The slight swaying of her hips as she walked reminded Ranma all too painfully of them being so close just seconds before. She turned and found Akane easily beating the kendoist. This Kuno was not trying very hard. Akane finished the morning 'practice' by kicking Kuno into the tree. Honestly! When will they ever learn? She turned and came face to face with Ranma. The girl smiled that innocent looking wane smile of hers. *Anyone with a smile that cute could not be human,* Akane thought and blushed, wondering what gave her that idea. "Um, sorry about this. They do this every day. Let's get into class before the teacher scolds us for being late." "What do you have to be sorry for? We still have plenty of time. Besides, it's not your fault that the boys are so stupid," Ranma assured her. Akane blinked. Ranma's statement had been said with such an honest face, she must have really believed it. Although, Akane did not like most boys, she did not think they were all bad. Her father and the good doctor were wonderful examples of those that she thought highly about. She felt that Ranma, even though she claimed to be female, should have more positive feelings to the male gender she had been born into. It just wouldn't be right otherwise. Akane resolved to take Ranma to see Dr. Tofu, so that she could at least begin to see that they were not all bad. "Who is this vision I see before you and what is her relation to you?" Kuno asked Akane as he finally got up from the tree. His durability had remarkably improved because of Akane's daily thrashings. "Saotome Ranma, her fiancée," Ranma replied before her friend could. She had stepped cautiously in front of Akane, worried that the kendoist might actually go all out this time. So worried, Ranma wasn't aware of exactly what she said. "What!?" A collective gasp of shock could be heard throughout the entire yard. "This is a travesty! I won't allow it," Kuno said defiantly, picking up Ranma to drive in his point. He would have needed to be blind to not notice the jiggling motion in front of his eyes as he shook her. Ranma noticed that Kuno had suddenly gone quiet. She shrugged out of his grasp and noticed that he was staring at a particular area on her. "Pervert!" Kuno's last thoughts as he again collided with the tree were something to the effect of, 'You may date me' and 'I will turn you from this perversion with my manliness'. Akane slapped her forehead. There had been rumors going on about her affiliation before as she never went out with anybody, but this had just confirmed it. Oh, well. At least this would mean the boys probably wouldn't chase after her tomorrow morning. She was not as mad as she thought she might be, which was strange in a way. Dreams of two women would later be on the minds of every boy that had caught the sight of Ranma holding onto Akane's hand as they headed into the building. Needless to say, the next morning would see nearly all the hormone crazed male population of Furinkan ready for the battle yet again. A few girls had also had paid particular attention to Ranma's entrance. * * * * * "Ranma!" Yuka said as she passed the baseball towards the girl. Oops, she had thrown it much too high. A trail of drool nearly escaped her mouth as Ranma jumped for it. Nabiki hadn't been the only one that would curse the person that told Ranma the existence of a bra. The thought of that part of the body no longer heaving at the slightest movement was too unbearable. Akane was happy to note all her friends had taken an instant liking to Ranma. She had been worried at first that Ranma's quick popularity with the boys might be a negative factor, but her two best friends, Sayuri and Yuka, had voiced their support and things went smoothly. She smiled at Ranma. She seemed to be having a good time. The constant actions Ranma were engaged in had pulled her T-shirt from her gym shorts, revealing a whole lot of skin, almost up to the undersides of her breasts, Akane noticed after a full minute of unconscious staring. <Whack> * * * * * "Are you okay, Akane?" Ranma asked from her stall. She had taken to changing in the toilet stall, because she knew that Akane was not yet comfortable with the boy form. "Yeah, I really should have paid more attention. I can't believe I didn't see that ball heading my way," Akane said quickly. She was too embarrassed to say that she had been looking at the girl. Akane didn't want Ranma to think her to be a pervert. But, Ranma said that she liked girls, so she wouldn't say that, would she? "The girls are done showering, right?" Ranma asked, stepping out in a towel. She needed cold showers and couldn't risk being splashed with anything warm. Fortunately, the class was the last of the day, so she could take her time and spend some time waiting until everyone had left. Akane stared, forgetting to answer Ranma's question. She had let her hair down. Her fiery red hair flowed down over her shoulders. It had an halo effect that brought attention to that beautiful face. Her blue eyes were so deep. Her cheeks had a rosy blush to them from the recent gym class. Her little stub of a nose. Her full lips that formed a pout that was just waiting to be kissed violently hard. "Just what is going on in here?" Akane jerked her head guiltily from Ranma as Nabiki burst in. Something was strange about her older sister. "Nabiki, why are you all wet?" "I spilled soup over myself in Home Ec.," Nabiki lied with practiced ease. Since she had seen Ranma's time table, she knew exactly when the girl would finish with gym class. "The teacher said I can come down and use the showers. Is everyone gone?" "Yeah, I waited until they left before I went to use the showers," Ranma nodded and proceeded to take her towel off. Nabiki's jaw dropped. Had her attention not been focussed entirely on Ranma, she would have noticed her sister's knees nearly buckle also. A real _redhead_. Nabiki's only thought was to get naked and fast. She quickly shucked her wet clothes off to the ground, not even bothering to put them away in her locker. Less than a minute later, she was following Ranma's naked beauty in to the showers. Akane was a little shocked at the speed in which Nabiki moved. Was she interested in Ranma? No, it couldn't be. Ranma turns into a girl and Nabiki likes guys. Sounds of giggling came from the other room. Well, at least Akane had always thought so and there had been some boyfriends around at odd points. More giggling and this time some splashing sounds were mixed in. *I hadn't taken my shower yet,* Akane suddenly thought irrelevantly. Her clothes lay beside Nabiki's a moment later. * * * * * "Mind if I join you guys?" Ranma pulled away automatically from Nabiki. Her fingers still burning from the touch on Nabiki's hot skin, which was strange since the water was cold enough that it did not reverse the curse. Nabiki flashed Akane a glare. She was ruining the mood again. Nabiki had been having such a good time splashing and horsing around in the water. She imagined that Ranma's hand prints could still be seen on her skin. The girl had been pressing those slender fingers hard on her skin. Akane pretended that she did not see the red shape that flared on Nabiki's ass. The quickness of Ranma's retreat from her body had told Akane all she needed to know. A inexplicable gnawing feeling grew in her mind. She was surprised to find that what she felt was anger. Anger at Nabiki. Ranma looked away guiltily from both Nabiki and Akane. Nabiki wore a mask of indifference again, so different from the openness in her face just a second before. Akane's dimpled smile was not on her face and that also told Ranma something was up. She had not expected any of her fiancées, much less two of them, going after her. They did know about her awful secret true form. Akane couldn't stand the awkwardness of the situation anymore. How didnshe get into this in the first place? Sharing the same shower with her female fiancée who was also engaged to her sister was not exactly the thing she could have ever dreamed of. "Hey, that's really not fair. You're breasts are bigger than mine." Ranma was caught off guard by the sudden speech in the room. She flinched at the words but then she saw the twinkle in Akane's eyes and heard the mock tone of anger in her voice. "Yeah. It's a little embarrassing. I wouldn't mind so much if I was a little taller, like Nabiki." Nabiki was relieved as the tension between the three of them ebbed. She did not know what she would have done if an argument had started. While she knew that she was attracted to Ranma, she did not know if that would have been enough to make any kind of long term commitment. That did not mean though that she didn't want to have any fun with Ranma or that she would allow anyone else, including Akane, to touch the girl. "Tall too? That's just getting greedy." The duration of the shower was passed with giggling and with a companionable air. * * * * * Nabiki rolled her eyes, but followed after Akane and Ranma anyway. Her sister's plan to have Ranma see that it wasn't all that bad being a boy would have given her more faith is it hadn't been 'I hate boys' Akane doing this. Still it was some time they could kill before dinner. "Hey, look at that clown dancing in the streets with a skeleton," Ranma laughed at the humorous sight. Nabiki gave Akane a look. What did she expect? As nice as a guy as Dr. Tofu was, even he had his quirks. It was admirable that she wanted to help Ranma overcome her hatred for her own real gender. Nabiki didn't think it was possible given what Ranma told them last night about all the different things Uncle Saotome had done to make her a man. *If ever somebody deserved a panda curse, it was him,* Nabiki thought darkly. Akane sighed. "That's the doctor I was telling you about. Kasumi must have seen him today. She makes him go crazy just by being near him. I'll get this bruise on my face looked at tomorrow. It's safer to go to him when he's saner." "Actually, could we not go home yet?" Ranma asked, her nervousness apparent. She had not known how to ask the girls about something that had been in her mind since she had gotten her new body. The previous good humor was all but dispelled as she fidgeted under their gaze. "I thought that maybe we could get some um... you know... bras and panties for this body." "W-Who told you about them?" Nabiki's first reply shot from her mouth. She mentally kicked herself as soon as the words came out. Her eyes shot to the slow heaving of Ranma's chest that a bra could easily stop. "I knew about them from my girl... I mean, from my friends that I knew before I went to China. I just never had the time to get some after I got curse and my Pop isn't exactly the kind that wold listen to those needs." "Okay, Ranma," Akane agreed. Her first reaction had been to slap the boy-girl for being a pervert. However, the poor dear's uneasiness was clear. It must have taken a lot of courage for her to ask this request. It was the same uneasiness that had drew Akane to Ranma, asking to be friends, the first time they met. Ranma smiled. "I want to take good care of this body that was granted to me. I don't know much about it yet, so you'll have to show me what to get. I saw a place down the road from here when I arrived." "Er, Ranma? I know that place. It's a lingerie shop." "Akane, all girls need something special. I know that you have that blue little number hidden in the back of your closet for example. Anyway, I'm sure they have the regular kind there also," Nabiki interjected smoothly. The words lingerie and Ranma had destroyed the notion that containing those assets was a bad idea. It depended a whole lot on what the container was. It would be a shame to let a body like that sag er go to waste. Besides, there was no way she would not be there when Ranma modeled for her... them. *I meant _us_,* she quickly revised the thought and unconsciously slurped up the pool of saliva that had annoyingly again collected at the bottom of her mouth. Akane blushed. How did Nabiki find that out? Akane wondered if that black leather outfit she had put on the top shelf had also been found out. "Oh? I suppose you have one also?" "One?" Nabiki countered mischievously, giving Ranma a sidelong glance that suggested to her that if she was lucky she may get to see one of them soon. Ranma shivered again as the same delightful tingling feeling ran up her spine as she stood there under Nabiki's cool gaze. "Yeah, I would like something like that." Akane had to literally hold onto the fence to stop herself from walking over to the poor meek girl. Ranma was doing it again. What, being a tomboy, Akane lacked in traditional feminine skills of cooking, mending, and housecleaning, her natural inclination to nurture more than made up for it. It was this nurturing nature that screamed out at her whenever she saw Ranma in any sort of discomfort. Akane just wanted to go up the shorter, seemingly for vulnerable girl and smother her with affection and love. "Akane, you're twisting the fence," Nabiki sighed. * * * * * Nabiki looked around the little shop. She considered modeling a few items for Ranma. While not small in the chest department, she was more proud of her long slender legs. Stockings would accentuate her best feature in the best possible light. Her sister, on the other hadn't, could use the help of a bustier. Other than that, less would definitely be more. Akane's martial arts gave her a very nicely defined and toned body and the more skin she showed the better she looked. Ranma could wear nothing but a paper bag and she'd be sexier than the whole lot of them. "Very sexy, Miss," the sales lady, Misa, whispered. This was when it all seemed worth it. The reason she got this job instead of that teacher's position. She knew who would be replacing that wholesome Tendo girl, Kasumi, in her dreams tonight. The one that drove absolutely every store owner in the area wild. It was rare to have a stay-at-home girl of only nineteen years of age in the area since most went to university after high school. Nabiki raced to the back room where two chairs had been set up for them to view Ranma's selections. Akane was already there. Damn. She then took a look at Ranma. People years later would say that that was the biggest mistake Nabiki had ever made in her seventeen years of age and that had been the cause of her downfall. She somehow got herself to sit down beside Akane in the almost drunken stupor-like condition she had fallen into. Ranma blushed as Akane and Nabiki looked at her. None of them said a word. "Is this teddy too ugly?" Nabiki tried to speak, but found she couldn't so just gave up and shook her head violently. Akane seemed to be fairing no better at forming a reply. Ranma had knocked both of them out of their senses. She wore a simple white teddy. The material was so thin and so sheer, Nabiki would have sworn it was made from the proverbial material used to make the king's invisible suit in that story she had heard in English class. The pattern in the weave of the fabric lewdly drew one's attention to Ranma's perfect orbs, of which Nabiki could swear the nipples were visible. Akane tried wetting her lips with her tongue. She needed to get some, any moisture to her dried mouth. How in the hell, Ranma got in to that, that... spider web, Akane really wanted to know. She could almost imagine herself touching it and the material would just fall away, leaving that impossibly luscious body in plain view. "I guess this is a bust," Ranma sighed at the non-response she was getting. "Oh well, onto the next one." Misa tripped over herself as she ran to the closet where she placed Ranma's other selections. Somehow she doubted that the other two girls that came with this girl would say anything on the next few equally sexy items. The poor girl would just has to try them all... Misa tripped again. * * * * * Misa sighed as she took the cushions off the chair. They needed to be cleaned. She was sure that none of the girls had brought anything into the store to drink. But she hadn't exactly been paying attention to the other two girls. * * * * * "Are you sure this is okay?" Ranma asked while she carried six bags of lingerie. Nabiki nodded enthusiastically, while groaning inwardly at the severe blow to her bank account. "Of course it is. You are a guest and my fiancée. Nothing but the best." "Our fiancée," Akane said automatically, "and it helped that the sales lady gave up half off on everything. She glowered darkly in remembrance at the overeager woman. "Ranma, I think we should have a talk about you and the room you share with your dad," Nabiki said, changing the subject. "I know that he changes you back into a boy every night. That can't be fun for you." "But, he's my Pop. I have to be with him. I've never slept by myself before. He's not that bad other than this manly thing he keeps going on about." "Oh, is that it? Well, look here. I'll sleep with you. _Beside_ you, I mean! I'll sleep beside you tonight and every night that you need until you get comfortable," Nabiki said quickly. She said it first. She smiled triumphantly at Akane. Akane frowned. "Ranma's not an ordinary girl. She's our fiancée. It's not proper to be in the same room. She likes girls remember. Even if it were proper it only be fair have us all sleep with, _beside_ her I mean." Nabiki frowned. "True. Seven days in a week. Three sisters. Me three, you and Kasumi two apiece, since I did make this suggestion. Only fair that the responsibility fall upon me." Akane frowned harder. "Better make it you three, me three, and Kasumi one. She has enough on her hands cleaning up after us." Nabiki thought for a moment, but before she could say anything, Kasumi appeared to greet them on the street. She was sweeping the walk and had apparently heard everything. "What was this I heard? Shame on you two. You three still go to school. I know how it will be. Staying up all night talking is not good for your health and grades. It would be best if Ranma stayed with me the three days and you two can have her twice a week," Kasumi said in a voice that allowed no rebuttal. "Yes, Kasumi," Nabiki said quickly and was surprised to hear Akane quick voice joining hers. Nabiki had never seen such a fierce look of determination on Kasumi's face. She glanced suspiciously at Kasumi as her older sister took Ranma's bags and started to talk animatedly with the redhead. Akane wondered what she did to deserve such a wonderful older sister. * * * * * Kasumi looked at her closet with a dismayed expression. This just won't do. How in the world did she manage to put every single pair of pajamas of hers in the wash? She didn't even have one to lend to Ranma. She wondered if she could borrow one of those new pieces of lingerie from Ranma. They would stretch terribly on her larger frame. Oh well. * * * * * Genma went to sleep that night on the cold Dojo floor. Couldn't they have given him a blanket? A moment later he was snoring soundly. Soun dreamt of meeting his wife and telling her of all the wonderful grandchildren they had. Nabiki went to sleep that night dreaming of slave girls doing everything that she wished. The strange thing was that each girl sported red hair tied back in a pig tail. Akane dreamt of perverted boys turning into girls. Good thing she had her trusty whip with her. Very bad, Ranma. Bad girl. She knew just the reward to do to wipe those tears away afterwards. Ranma took a full two hours to sleep with Kasumi's sleeping mat just inches away from her own. Kasumi had to have used magic to get that white teddy to fit. Ranma had to wear one of the two-piece lingerie she had recently bought, since there seemed to be a lack of pajamas around for her. She could have asked Nabiki or Akane, but the prospect of trying on the new items she bought had given her a naughty thrill. It was light blue so that her eyes would be brought out was what the sales lady, Misa, had said. The woman hadn't said anything about how useless it would be to cover her excited state though. One look at her and Ranma knew one could tell that Kasumi's nearness was triggering a strong arousal in her. Kasumi found she could just not sleep while Ranma semi-nude body lay just mere steps away. Kasumi should have known that this would happen when she took on the responsibility of looking after Ranma. The poor girl had taken awhile to settle down. It was sweet how she still needed her father, a very different version of a stuffed teddy bear. Kasumi watched as Ranma clutched the blanket closer to her body. The girl must be freezing. It was no wonder considering what she had chosen for sleep wear. Kasumi didn't know that the items that her sisters had bought would be so flimsy. Now that she thought about it, she felt a slight chill herself as the teddy she wore was obviously not in her size and thus offered no warmth. She came to her decision quite easily. She got up from her sleeping mat and walked over to Ranma's. There, Kasumi peeled the blanket off and quickly got in before she could get an eyeful, otherwise she might never get some sleep. Then she pulled her own blanket on top of them. It was much warmer than she had thought it would be, but more comfortable than before. Underneath the blankets, she moved her body slightly away from Ranma so that their skin did not touch each other. After Kasumi was satisfied with the arrangement, she settled down and tried to sleep. She had almost succeeded when Ranma's body shifted and flipped so that her body lay atop Kasumi's own. She was about to protest when she felt something warm and wet upon a very sensitive area. She sighed contently and decided that Ranma needed her sleep. It would be very bad to deprive her of that. Kasumi went to sleep dreaming of Ranma waking up and punishing her for being such a naughty hostess.
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