IN THE FIRST PART OF "RANKO, ABANDONED NO MORE," the Saotomes travel to Jookoji- shima, an island in the East China Sea containing the magical Nini-Quan-Qi-Niang ("Mud Spring of Abandoned Daughters"). Falling into the spring, Ranma learns that anyone who encounters Nini-Quan-Qi-Niang creates a female replica of himself containing the soul one of the thousands of girls sacrificed there. The replica Ranma is adopted by the Saotomes and named Ranko. Ranko works hard at being accepted by her family, ensuring all around her is well. This forces a confrontation with Shampoo. The Chinese warrior-maiden is soundly thrashed by Ranko after she tried to force Ranma and Akane apart. Here, we learn that those born of Nini-Quan-Qi-Niang possess considerable influence over Shampoo's clan; Ranko forces Shampoo to publicly forswear Ranma forever. **** **** **** Moving along now...ON WITH THE SHOW!!!! **** **** **** "So that is the whole story, eh?" Cologne sighs as she relaxes by the Saotome living room table with Genma, Nodoka, Ranma and Ranko. Shampoo sits by her great-grandmother, her damp cheeks speaking volumes. "Happousai tricked you into going to Jookoji-shima so that he could create a perfect love-slave...and Ranko is the result," she gazes at the newest member of the Saotome family. "That's right," Ranma nods. "Fortunately, Jiji fouled up the part about enslaving Ranko-chan to him." "Fortunately, indeed," Cologne nods. "If word of this ever got back to Juketsuzoku, Happousai's life would not be worth anything." "Why?" Genma blinks. "For that, I must go back four thousand years, to the time of Confucius," the elderly matriarch sighs. "When his teachings became accepted, the matriarchial-inclined clans in China were perceived as social abberations. When news of Nini-Quan-Qi-Niang's existence spread, daughters divined astrologically to be rebellious or too strong for their parents' liking...were drowned in the spring. "Expectantly, there were those who saw this trend as nothing short of state-sanctioned murder. Shortly after, the spring's special power was discovered. A small group of distraught mothers, determined to see their slain daughters avenged, created an army of female warriors to stop this. Those warriors were the progenitors of the Nyu-che-zuu. Since, we have fought to demonstrate to other Chinese that there is another way. Sadly, we have been unsuccessful; as Confucius' teachings spread to Korea and Japan, others saw the 'advantage' of Nini-Quan-Qi-Niang." "So your clan protects the spring, tries to prevent more daughters from being...disposed of," Ranma feels his stomach turn over. "Exactly," Cologne nods. "Eventually, those inclined to see the dark side of Confucius' teachings...Buddhists, Shintoists, shamanists and Taoists ...decided that a monitor team should be sent to Jookoji-shima to ensure that no one uses of the spring. Over the years...and as selective abortion became widespread," her mouth twists into a sneer, "...Nini-Quan-Qi-Niang lost its original purpose." The others nod. "Well, now we understand what's going on," Nodoka nods. "Thank you for telling us this, Cologne. At least in this way, Shampoo is free of any obligations she feels towards my son." Hearing that, Shampoo wails as she runs out of the home. "Aw, Mom, did you have to say that in front of her?!" Ranma sighs. "Shampoo sooner or later would have to accept what has happened between you and Akane, Ranma," Nodoka sighs, projecting an understanding look. "So will Ukyou and Kodachi. It's better if it happens sooner; who knows what could happen if they allowed their jealousy to build and build to the point where you'll never know a moment's peace. Besides, Shampoo and Ukyou have nice young men pursuing them in Mousse and Konatsu. Perhaps Kodachi does. We should do our best to facilitate those relationships, not impede them." "Here, I'll go talk to Shampoo," Ranko stands and heads out... * * * Sometime later, Ranko locates Shampoo under a tree, her head buried between her legs. Sobs burst from Shampoo as Ranko sits beside her, guilt flashing across her face on seeing how her actions have hurt the warrior-maiden. "Shampoo, don't be sad," Ranko sighs. "If anyone knows what's really going on in my brother's head, it's me. You have to accept that he wants Akane." "Why Ranma no love Shampoo?!" the Chinese woman demands. "Why he care for stupid tomboy Akane?! Shampoo love Ranma!" "I'm sure you do," Ranko sighs. "Look, Shampoo, for a very long time, Onii-chan was confused about his feelings for anyone. Papa and Tendou-oji-chan forced him into the engagement. Of course, there was Akane-onee-chan's many shortcomings. But as he came to understand his feelings better, he discovered that yes, he does love Akane-onee-chan. And...he does care a lot for you." Shampoo blinks. "Ranko..." "But, because Mousse is around, Onii-chan believes that if anyone deserves your hand, it's him," Ranko concludes. Contempt flashes in Shampoo's eyes. "Hmph!! Mousse no beat Shampoo in battle! Why Shampoo should care for stupid Mousse?!" "Because Mousse has always been there for you, idiot," Ranko sighs. "Because he does care for you! And maybe, he comes from a part of your clan which abhors that rule about defeating a woman to claim her as a fiancee. In all the time Onii-chan's known Mousse, he has NEVER once heard him speak about winning your love in that fashion. And if you can't see that, Shampoo, then you're a coward!" Shampoo's eyes flash as she bolts to her feet, grabbing Ranko by her shirt. "What Ranko say?!! Take that back!!! Shampoo no coward!!!" "Hey, you can deny it all you want, but believe me, I understand where you're coming from," Ranko gently guides the other's hands away. "Onii-chan couldn't face his feelings for Akane-onee-chan; that made him as much a coward as you! He's faced up to it. Why can't you?!" Shampoo jolts as the words hit home. Tears flowing down her cheeks, she sinks into Ranko's embrace. "Shampoo...Shampoo no know what to think anymore..." she sobs. "There, there, Shampoo," Ranko gently kisses her forehead. "It'll be okay. Let it out." Moments pass as the warrior-maiden vents herself, gently rocked by this woman who, while standing firm on who Ranma will marry, is willing to understand and help Shampoo accept the inevitable. Ranma was gone. A good friend and fighting partner. Nothing more. Finally, Shampoo wipes her eyes, smiling. "Shampoo...happy Ranko understand what Shampoo feels about Ranma. hard for Shampoo to accept what happened to Ranma and Akane." "Of course it is," Ranko nods. "Life's never easy, Shampoo." * * * Sometime later, Ukyou learns what happened. "So because Ranko comes from this Jookoji-shima place, everything she says, you have to accept?!" the okonomiyaki cook blinks, gazing at Shampoo in disbelief. The two now relax in Ucchan's. "I never thought I'd ever see you give up on anything, Shampoo, most of all Ran-chan!" "Shampoo love Ranma," Shampoo admits. "But...if Ranma love Akane, Shampoo's efforts do no good. Ranma's mother right; soon, we all have to face reality...and let Ranma go." Ukyou looks down. The idea of finally losing Ranma to Akane, even though his feelings for the younger Tendou were blatantly obvious now, still was too much to take. "I think our pride's getting in the way of what we see," she sighs. "Ukyou right," Shampoo nods, giving her friend's hand a squeeze. "Shampoo try to help?" Ukyou shudders as tears begin to flow. "Thanks, Shampoo." Suddenly, the door opens, followed by a storm of black rose pedals flying into Ucchan's! "IS THIS TRUE?!?!?!" an incensed voice barks. Shampoo and Ukyou turn to see a VERY mad Kodachi Kunou standing at the door, her combat ribbon twirling menacingly around her. "Hi, Kodachi," Ukyou sighs. "C'mon in. Want something to eat?" "Don't avoid the subject, Kuonji!!!" Kodachi races up to stare Ukyou right in the eyes. "What's this about Ranma-kun actually loving that tramp Akane, actually going along with that moron's agreement their idiot fathers forced them into?!! Well?!!" "It's true," Ukyou sighs, then gazes quizzically at the rhythmic gymnast. "Wait a sec!! Why are you so uppity about this now?! You were there when Ran- chan's and Akane's dads tried to get them hitched!" "Of course I was!" Kodachi snarls, then hopefully turns away. "But when my poor, precious Ranma-kun said he wanted to wait, I felt that a chance was still there to claim him for myself!!" Her body then quakes as heat boils from her skin. "Now, that red-haired she-demon Ranko has the audacity to state that poor, sweet Ranma-kun actually loves Tendou!! I will NEVER stand for this!! Never!!!" "Ranko told you, eh?" Ukyou sighs. "I guess she'll be coming here to give me an earfull soon enough!" Kodachi gazes at the others. "I don't believe this!! You're just standing there doing NOTHING?!?! You're actually going to allow that she-demon to dictate our love-lives?!!" "Ranko know better than anyone what Ranma feel," Shampoo sighs. "Ranma want Akane. No place for Shampoo, Ukyou or Kodachi." Kodachi snorts, looking away. "Then that means you don't love Ranma-kun at all!" The others glare at her, the air ablaze with their fury. "You got some nerve, Kunou!!!" Ukyou's eyes flash. "My love for Ran-chan is just as great as yours!!! I'm taking this as hard as you!!! We've lost; let's admit it and get on with our lives!!!" "I will NEVER admit that!" Kodachi vows. "Then Ranko beat Kodachi into pulp!" Shampoo sighs. "We'll see!!" Kodachi snorts, looking away. "I'll bet 'Ranko' is actually my poor Ranma-kun forced to speak such filthy thoughts when he becomes a girl! Turn him back to a boy and we'll see!" Ukyou and Shampoo gaze at her. "Kodachi know about Ranma curse?!" the latter blinks. "Well, admittedly, it took me some time to understand what was going on," Kodachi shudders. "After all, that red-haired demon and Ranma-kun were never in the same place at the same time. And...someone recently told me about Jusenkyou." "Who?!" both prod. "A friend of yours," Kodachi gazes at Ukyou. "Tsubasa Kurenai." "Tsubasa?!" Ukyou gasps, then looks down. " is he?" "He's all right," the former admits, fighting to keep her face from turning red. "I've had the chance to get to know him recently." "In a more than friendly fashion, I see," Ukyou muses. Kodachi flushes. "Certainly not!!" she angrily snaps, then looks embarrassed. "Well...I admit that he is...attractive...but he's nowhere near Ranma-kun!" "Hey, I thought the same thing when Tsubasa came after me," Ukyou places an okonomiyaki before Kodachi. "Relax and have something to eat. We're all moping our loss today." "Hmph!!" Kodachi looks away. "I still think someone's trying to force Ranma-kun into Tendou's clutches!! As a matter of fact, I'll go out and prove it tonight!" "Your funeral," Ukyou sighs... * * * "You're going to Jusenkyou?!" Ranko blinks. Ranma and Akane nod. They have tea in the Saotomes' apartment. "That's right," Akane sighs. "Ranma wants to find some way to rid himself of his curse. We just heard from the guide that after the fight on Hoo-oo-san, Jusenkyou's ponds magically reformed. Now's the best chance for Ranma to get rid of his...other half." Ranko looks down, feeling chilled. "Hey, we didn't mean that!" Ranma places his hands on her shoulders. "Look, we'll be gone a week and then we'll be right back. Don't be scared. Mom and Dad are going on their second honeymoon. Akane's dad and sisters'll still be around." "I...I hope so," Ranko sighs. "I...I know you have your lives ahead of you and I don't have any right to intrude...but it would be nice to have someone stay with me." "You'll find someone soon enough," Akane smiles. "If you want, go after Kunou. Nabiki might want to take Ken'nosuke-san." "Ugh! No thanks!!" Ranko shudders. "Well...have a nice trip. Please don't get into trouble." "We'll try not to," Ranma smiles... * * * That evening, Kodachi slips over the wall of the Tendou home, sneaking her way toward the front door. Her eyes inspect the new addition, remembering that Ranma's parents now wanted to live with their child. She icily smiles, then melts into shadow as Kasumi, Nabiki and Souun return from the bathhouse. "Hope Ranko-chan's not going too nuts being alone," Nabiki sighs. "I thought those Guardians said she wasn't supposed to be isolated." "Relax, Nabiki," Souun chuckles. "I'm sure Ranko-chan will be fine. Besides, she'll have to get used to being alone sooner or later. Best to do it now while she's still young." "Let's hope there's no trouble," Kasumi muses as they head inside. In shadows, Kodachi boils with rage. "How dare they?!" she hisses as her mind re-runs what she heard. It was bad enough that whenever her precious Ranma was made a girl, they referred to him as "Ranko," but to actually plot to abandon him? Is that all Ranma was to them: a toy to be used, then discarded?! Indignant rage boils from her heart as Kodachi slips toward the Saotomes' wing. *Hang on, my love!* she vows. *I'll save you from this madness!!* Deftly, the rhythmic gymnast slips to the bathroom window, boosting herself up to glance inside. The sounds of water splashing around confirm someone is home. Glancing through the window, Kodachi blinks on seeing Ranko soap herself down. "There you are, love," Kodachi sighs. Even now, it was hard to fully accept that this red-haired she-devil before her and her precious Ranma were one and the same person, alterable with a simple dousing of cold or hot water. However, Tsubasa had been thorough in explaining what Ranma lived through, a fact of life Shampoo herself experienced as she demonstrated in Ucchan's earlier. Cold water brought on the demon, hot water her darling Ranma. Kodachi smiles as Ranko finishes soaping down, then stands to immerse herself in the steaming hot tub awaiting her. Ranko sighs as she plunges in, allowing the soap to wash off her before surfacing. Laying back, she sighs. "I hate being alone," she blinks, gazing at the ceiling. Then, her sixth sense flashes a warning. Ranko looks at the see Kodachi staring at her, hanging from the window-sill. "Kodachi?!!" she gasps, bolting to her feet. "What are you doing here?!!" Seeing that her precious had NOT transformed, the rhythmic gymnast vaults through the window, snap-drawing her whip as she takes a ready pose. "I don't know who and what you are, she-demon, but you'll not possess my precious Ranma- kun anymore!!" Kodachi snarls. "Prepare for the justice you've long deserved!!!" Ranko blinks, confused as to why Kodachi would barge in here and accuse her of possessing her own brother. "Um...what are you talking about, Kodachi?" she wonders. "Onii-chan isn't here! He's gone to China with Akane-onee-chan!" "What?!!" Kodachi screams. "How dare you address my dear Ranma-kun as your brother, you witch?! Prepare to receive divine punishment for your many sins against him!!!" Ranko shudders, then notices she is standing in hot water. Staring at Kodachi, Ranko realizes that somehow, the rhythmic gymnast knows of Jusenkyou. "Wait a moment, Kodachi," she steps out of the tub, reaching for a towel. "Before you fly off the handle, you know that if I was Onii-chan...Ranma...I'd turn into a guy when I stepped in there, right?" she points to the tub. "Of course I do!" Kodachi nods. "I finally understand the level of suffering you put my sweet Ranma-kun through, ever since his idiot father took him to that cursed spring place in China!! You've taken over him every time he's been doused in cold water! Now you're trying to take Ranma-kun away from me, force him into the clutches of that witch Akane!! And I will not tolerate it!!!" "Alright, then," Ranko takes off the towel. "Then if I am Ranma, I should turn back into a boy when I do this!" With that, she steps into the tub and submerges herself. A second later, she bursts free, gazing at Kodachi. "Well?!" Kodachi blinks. " didn't...change...!" "That's right," Ranko nods. "I'm not Ranma Saotome. You can call me Ranko. I'm a double of Ranma's, created from a magical mud spring on Jookoji- shima sometime ago. In effect...I'm Ranma's sister." Silence falls over the bathroom as Kodachi absorbs what has been said. She then remembers Ukyou and Shampoo telling her about a female doppelganger of Ranma who had forced the latter to publicly renounce her engagement that morning. But by then, Kodachi had become so incensed over Ranko's interference, she had not clearly understood what others were trying to tell her. "Where is Ranma-kun?" she demands. "He left today with Akane-onee-chan," Ranko reports. "They're going to Jusenkyou to find a way to undo the curses. Now, if I was the she-demon you imagined me to be, would I allow Onii-chan to do that?" ", I guess not," Kodachi muses, scratching the back of her head embarrassingly. "So...I...oh, dear..." Ranko smiles. "Here, let me dry off and I'll be happy to tell you everything," she rises from the bath... * * * Sometime later, Ranko and Kodachi relax in the living room. The rhythmic gymnast stares forlornly at the koi pond in front of the apartment, still reeling from realizing that despite the recent failed wedding, Ranma, the first man she had truly come to care for, was indeed in love with Akane Tendou. Ranko relaxes beside her, allowing Kodachi the chance to think. "You okay?" the lost girl wonders. "I...not really," Kodachi sighs. "All this time, I've allowed my passions to blind me so much, that when this came, I was caught off guard. I feel as miserable as Ukyou and Shampoo." "Hey, think of how Onii-chan feels," Ranko muses. "I mean, he still likes you girls; it's just that he's finally decided to come to grips with his feelings. And they...are now guiding him to Akane-onee-chan. It doesn't mean he won't stop being your friend, Kodachi. He'll be there if you need help. So will I." "Thank you," Kodachi's mouth twitches. " much of you is Ranma- kun?" "Everything up here," Ranko indicates her mind. "Plus, this body was constructed when Onii-chan was in his cursed body. Fortunately, I wasn't magically slaved to Jiji when he tricked my family into going to Jookoji-shima. Other than that, there's not much more to explain." Kodachi sighs. "Well, I've taken enough of your time, I guess," she rises. "Thank you for your...hospitality. I better go home." Ranko blinks. "Won't you stay a while? Mama and Papa are off by themselves, so I...I'm alone tonight." The rhythmic gymnast feels herself quake as Ranko projects a very friendly smile. "Well..." Suddenly, both tense as the faint whiff of alcohol assaults their noses. "So, there y'are, y'nosy tramp!" a drunken voice slurs. Ranko and Kodachi turn to see a flush-faced Ukyou and Shampoo standing by the door. "Ukyou!! Shampoo!!" the former rises. "What are you doing here?!" "Stupid Ranko-spirit no know when t'leave enough alone!" Shampoo snarls, staggering toward the lost girl. "Ranko-spirit team with Akane t'take Ranma away from Shampoo! Now Ranko-spirit team with Kodachi! Shampoo teach Ranko-spirit lesson she deserve!!" "Phoo!!" Ranko's nose wrinkles as she slowly backs away from the inebriated would-be fiancees. "You're drunk! Get out of here!! Mousse and Konatsu are probably worried sick about you two!" "Don' bring them in this, y'slut!" Ukyou snarls, drawing her combat spatula. "We'll teach ya ta stick y'nose inta our business!!" Kodachi sighs. "I think you two need to sleep this off," she reaches to her side, then fires two black roses at Ukyou and Shampoo. Thanks to their intoxication, both are unable to dodge the drug-laced flowers. A powder explodes from the pedals, sending both down like marionettes with their strings cut. As faint snores flutter from their mouths, Ranko and Kodachi relax. "I better call Mousse and Konatsu to get these lushes home," the former turns to the telephone. "Thanks, Kodachi. I appreciate it." "You don't realize how much I sympathize with them," Kodachi sighs, gazing concernedly at her once-rivals... * * * "We are so sorry this happened, Ranko-san," Konatsu repentantly bows, holding the sleeping Ukyou in his arms. "I lost track of Ukyou-san when she and Shampoo went out this evening. I...wish I could've done something to prevent this from happening." "Well, Kodachi-chan was here to keep things calm," Ranko smiles at Kodachi. "But...I suppose this was expected." "Forgive me for asking, Kodachi, but I'd expect you'd be joining Shampoo and Ukyou in mourning," Mousse gently cradles his drunken would-be wife. "Why aren't you?" "Admittedly, I would," Kodachi smiles. "But...I'm allergic to strong alcohol. I can barely tolerate wine, much less sake. I...guess I'll mourn in my own way." "Let's hope it's not violent," Ranko hums. "Given all our skills, we could wreck this place just as fast as aliens tear apart Tomobiki." Everyone laughs, then Konatsu and Mousse depart with their sleeping would- be wives. Ranko and Kodachi sigh, then face the other. "You sure I can't talk you into staying with me tonight?" the former projects a friendly smile. "I won't bite." Kodachi bites her lip, then warily smiles. "Well...I suppose I could stay...Ranko-chan." "Great!" Ranko gently guides her guest inside. "It's a relief, actually. I...I just don't like being alone." Kodachi breathes out. Coming from a same-sex high school, she knew a student's curiosity concerning her sexuality could provoke some very intimate situations. On several occasions, Kodachi had taken a classmate into a private corner to "alleviate one's headache." It was quite enjoyable if you maintained your perspective...and if you were not caught; the administration at St. Bacchus frowned harshly on these liaisons. She did not believe herself a lesbian; her attraction to Ranma and Tsubasa proved that. Given Ranko's origins...she was Ranma permanently trapped in a woman's body...Kodachi concluded that if the right set of circumstances presented themselves, she could obtain a version of her dream...if she was willing to take a great risk. But she did not consider herself THAT brave! "Um... Ranko?" Kodachi stares at her host. "Have you yet...given thought to... whether or not you'd want a...lover?" Ranko blinks, then puts the kettle on for tea. "Why would I care about that now?" she wonders. "Yeesh, Kodachi! Let me get my life together before worrying about a girlfriend!" Kodachi feels a light tremor shake her bones. Either Ranko had not yet fully accepted in her heart that she was a girl...or else Ranko had accepted it, but decided she did not want a man. If so, things around Ranko could become very, very interesting... * * * "Ranko..." a dreamy voice tickles the lost girl's ears. Ranko's eyes flutter open, then they go wide as she finds herself facing a nude Akane, drifting toward her, her hands out and reaching for Ranma's sister. "A-akane!!" Ranko gasps, trying to back away, sweating on seeing the inviting look on her future sister-in-law's face. "Akane-onee-chan, what are you doing?!" "I want you, Ranko, my love," Akane intones. Her hands fall on Ranko's shoulder as the youngest Tendou drifts into the latter's waiting embrace. Ranko then realizes she is as nude as Akane. Her assault on Ranko's senses paralyzes the lost child as Akane fixes her with a determined stare. "Akane, I can't..." Ranko feels tears sting her cheek. "I can't be the one for you. I...I can't be the man you want." "Silly girl," Akane breathes on Ranko's ear, her hands drifting to the latter's buttocks, forcing their hips together. Ranko nearly drowns in the resulting burst of pleasure. Without invitation, their lips lock, their tongues playfully duelling as their embrace tightens to the point where it seems they cannot breathe. "You see," Akane smiles. "It's you I love. The outside doesn't matter. It's what's on the inside that matters..." * * * "Ran-chan..." a dreamy voice tickles the lost girl's ears. Ranko's eyes flutter open, then they go wide as she finds herself facing a nude Ukyou, drifting toward her, her hands out and reaching for Ranma's sister. "U-u-chan!!" Ranko gasps, trying to back away, sweating on seeing the inviting look on the okonomiyaki cook's face. "U-chan, what are you doing?!" "I want you, Ranko-chan, my love," Ukyou intones. Her hands fall on Ranko's shoulder as Ukyou drifts into the latter's waiting embrace. Ranko then realizes she is as nude as Ukyou. Her assault on Ranko's senses paralyzes the lost child as Ukyou fixes her with a determined stare. "U-chan, I can't..." Ranko feels tears sting her cheek. "I can't be the one for you. I...I can't be the man you want." "Silly girl," Ukyou breathes on Ranko's ear, her hands drifting to the latter's buttocks, forcing their hips together. Ranko nearly drowns in the resulting burst of pleasure. Without invitation, their lips lock, their tongues playfully duelling as their embrace tightens to the point where it seems they cannot breathe. "You see," Ukyou smiles. "I love you, silly. The outside doesn't matter. It's what's on the inside that counts..." * * * "Ranko..." a dreamy voice tickles the lost girl's ears. Ranko's eyes flutter open, then they go wide as she finds herself facing a nude Shampoo, drifting toward her, her hands out and reaching for Ranma's sister. "Sh-shampoo!!" Ranko gasps, trying to back away, sweating on seeing the inviting look on the Chinese warrior-maiden's face. "Shampoo, what are you doing?!" "Shampoo want Ranko to love," Shampoo intones. Her hands fall on Ranko's shoulder as the warrior-maiden drifts into the latter's waiting embrace. Ranko then realizes she is as nude as Shampoo. Her assault on Ranko's senses paralyzes the lost child as Shampoo fixes her with a determined stare. "Shampoo, I can't..." Ranko feels tears sting her cheek. "I can't be the one for you. I...I can't be the man you want." "Silly girl," Shampoo breathes on Ranko's ear, her hands drifting to the latter's buttocks, forcing their hips together. Ranko nearly drowns in the resulting burst of pleasure. Without invitation, their lips lock, their tongues playfully duelling as their embrace tightens to the point where it seems they cannot breathe. "Ranko understand now," Shampoo smiles. "It's Ranko who Shampoo loves. Outside no matter. Inside matters more..." * * * "Ranko, darling..." a dreamy voice tickles the lost girl's ears. Ranko's eyes flutter open, then they go wide as she finds herself facing a nude Kodachi, drifting toward her, her hands out and reaching for Ranma's sister. "K-kodachi!!" Ranko gasps, trying to back away, sweating on seeing the inviting look on the rhythmic gymnast's face. "Kodachi-chan, what are you doing?!" "I want you, my lovely Ranko," Kodachi intones. Her hands fall on Ranko's shoulder as the youngest Kunou drifts into the latter's waiting embrace. Ranko then realizes she is as nude as Kodachi. Her assault on Ranko's senses paralyzes the lost child as Kodachi fixes her with a determined stare. "Kodachi, I can't..." Ranko feels tears sting her cheek. "I can't be the one for you. I...I can't be the man you want." "Silly girl," Kodachi breathes on Ranko's ear, her hands drifting to the latter's buttocks, forcing their hips together. Ranko nearly drowns in the resulting burst of pleasure. Without invitation, their lips lock, their tongues playfully duelling as their embrace tightens to the point where it seems they cannot breathe. "You see," Kodachi smiles. "It's you I love. The outside doesn't matter. It's what's on the inside that matters..." * * * "You can't love anyone else, Ranko," Akane smiles. "You can give us our hearts back, Ranko-chan," Ukyou coos. "Ranko no can love boy," Shampoo purrs. "Ranko only love girls." "Come to us, dearest Ranko," Kodachi huskily intones... * * * "YEAAAAAAH!!!!" Ranko exclaims, bursting out of bed. She pants as her eyes register the contours of her small bedroom. Her eyes then turn right to see Kodachi peacefully sleeping beside her, protectively curled on herself. Ranko feels her heart thunder as the rhythmic gymnast's unclothed body becomes visible. She then glances at herself, only sheathed in boxer shorts loaned from Ranma. A moan escapes Kodachi's lips as she uncurls, stretching herself, then she stares quizzically at Ranko. "Ranko, are you all right?" she wonders, slowly sitting up. Ranko shudders as Kodachi's well-exercised body comes into view. "I...I just had a dream, that's all." "It must've been some nightmare," Kodachi muses. "Are you sure you're all right?" "," Ranko looks down shamefully. "Kodachi...I...I dreamt of making Shampoo...even to Akane-onee-chan." Kodachi jolts, her arm reflexively moving to cover herself. "I...please don't think I'm a pervert or anything like that, but..." Ranko pauses, shaking her head, "...I really don't know where that came from." " might be a girl twenty-four hours a day from now until the day you die," Kodachi lightly smiles, "but deep down, you're still Ranma. Ranma-kun has needs, just like you do. Because you were a boy in body and spirit until sometime ago, you're used to thinking about girls as potential lovers. Added onto that, Ukyou, Shampoo, Akane and I constantly threw ourselves at you, did everything we could to get your attention. That left a mark that'll be with you for a long time, Ranko-chan. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Given your situation, I could say that's quite normal." Ranko feels herself flush. "Thanks, Kodachi-chan," she reaches over to squeeze her guest's hand, "...for understanding." "You're welcome," Kodachi smiles. "Now, Ranko..." "What?" "Isn't it a little unfair that I'm nude and you're not?" Ranko blinks, then stares at herself. "I...guess so," she rises, then slips off her shorts, tossing them aside. Slipping back into bed, she relaxes...then stops. "Kodachi...?" The rhythmic gymnast is now facing her, a hauntingly familiar look on her face. "What is it, Ranko-chan?" "What are you doing?" " know about those needs I mentioned." "Yeah?" "I have them, too." Ranko blinks. "Are you a...?" "Truthfully, I don't know. But...does it matter?" Silence falls. Ranko gazes at Kodachi. A woman who, despite her maddeningly annoying way of showing friendship, her desire to dominate her situation, the frighteningly warped demeanor she normally presented to others, had given her heart to Ranma Saotome without coercion or some prior arrangement between their parents. A very desirable woman, when you ignored the superficial impressions. A woman Ranma himself could have desired if he was not then distracted by a million other problems. But Ranko had no distractions. "It doesn't matter," she reaches over to draw Kodachi into an embrace. "Not between us." Kodachi reaches up to undo her side ponytail, then they drift into a tender kiss. "Mmmmm..." the rhythmic gymnast purrs as their tongues trace the other's teeth. "I actually might come to like this." "So will I," Ranko meows... * * * To be continued...
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