Rainbow Reminiscence (part 7 of 18)

a Pokemon fanfiction by Nikolai Mirovich

Back to Part 6
Samantha stretched out her limbs, smiling happily as the warm softness 
of the enormous bed with its silken sheets and thick, fluffy pillows 
embraced her with a warm contentment that rivaled the splendor of a 
night in Erika's arms.

Opening her eyes, the soft light of the late morning sun filtered in 
through the wide windows, and a warm, fragrant breeze wafted in from 
outside. Glancing a warily about the room as her fingers reached out, 
soon finding the bed all but empty, Samantha frowned thoughtfully as she 
found Erika sitting at her dressing table. 

"You should have woke me," the woman said quietly, causing a small smile 
to cross Erika's lips as she brushed out her short dark hair.

"You had a busy night, dearest," her mentor replied, glancing up at her 
in the mirror and causing Samantha to blush, "Besides, I could not bring 
myself to disturb the natural beauty of your slumber for my simple 
selfish desires."

"But I enjoy fulfilling your desires, my Lady," Samantha teased, 
slipping from the warmth of the bed, trailing one of the diamphus<sp?> 
white bed sheets behind her naked body like a long silken cloak.

Erika closed her eyes, sighing gently and relaxing completely as her 
apprentice's fingers touched her shoulders, pressing against them 
lovingly before tracing a short distance down her back. "Oh, Samantha," 
moaned Erika softly, tilting her head to one side to accept a soft kiss 
upon her neck, "no one does that quite like you."

"Only the best for you my Lady," promised Samantha, her fingers pushing 
up the thin, pale green silk of Erika's nightgown.

"I told you to call me Erika," the woman sighed, shivering as Samantha's 
teeth dragged slowly across her skin, nipping her neck teasingly before 
her apprentice's lips kissed their way slowly up to her ear.

"But I like calling you that," whispered Samantha, the tip of her tongue 
tracing the line of Erika's ear lobe, causing the woman to set down the 
hairbrush all too firmly before reaching back to take Samantha's hands.

"You're not my slave," the Gym Leader chuckled, eliciting a small shiver 
from her apprentice, who gave her ear a gentle nibble before noticing 
the small glowing monitor on the table.

"No, but I enjoy serving you nonetheless," Samantha replied, kissing 
Erika just behind the ear before leaning closer to observe the image on 
the tiny black and white screen.

"I had two of the girl's take our guest in for a complete makeover," 
said Erika softly, tilting her head back as Samantha's kisses followed 
the curve of her neck before reaching the woman's chin, "I thought she 
could use the pick-me-up after the rough night she had."

"An amusing girl," Samantha commented, picking up the discarded 
hairbrush before standing straighter and pushing her fingers up through 
Erika's dark hair to tilt the woman's head forward, "But what's this 
about her having a bad night?"

"Nightmares," Erika said softly, her mysterious emerald eyes opening 
slightly as she looked up at the little screen through her midnight 
black bangs, "she tossed and turned all night. That's why I had her 
woken up early and pampered so."

"She's something of a troubled girl, isn't she?" inquired Samantha 
half-rhetorically, pushing her mentor's hair forward off her neck with 
both hands, for a moment idly admiring both the soft, vibrant strands of 
pure midnight as well as the tempting curve of Erika's neck.

"I was wrong in thinking she was simply a tomboy," the woman said sadly, 
sighing contentedly as Samantha's lips lightly touched the nape of back 

"I've seen you handle those before," Samantha pondered, brushing Erika's 
hair back and brushing it out at last, "Hm. This girl really does need 
our help, doesn't she?"

Erika nodded thoughtfully. "Definitely," the Gym Leader pronounced 
firmly, "So after breakfast let's take her shopping!"


Downstairs in a large, sunlit room, what seemed like a veritable army of 
young women all but swarmed around Miranda as she leaned back in a 
comfortable reclining chair, designed specifically for the situation the 
courier now found herself in. As one lifted her head and brushed 
recently cleaned her long dark hair over the edge of the headrest, two 
others snatched up Miranda's hands and began the process of manicuring 
her chipped, uneven nails. But as two others advanced upon her naked 
feet, the courier's eyes widened and she gulped down her sudden sense of 

"Um, this really isn't necessary," she stammered, receiving only amused 
smiles in reply as the two girls bravely set to work upon her recently 
washed feet, "Besides, I- I really don't think I'm meant to be this 

"More tea, Miss?" was her only reply as yet another of Erika's 
kimono-clad assistants appeared from seemingly nowhere with a freshly 
brewed pot.

"No, it's- it's okay," the courier replied, wincing as the girl behind 
her yanked out a knot of hair a little too harshly and quickly 
apologized, "But, what I would really like are my old clothes back."

"They're still in the laundry I'm afraid," responded the one on 
Miranda's right hand, filing down her nails and blowing away the tiny 

"Besides," added the one on the left, "You're much too pretty to wear 
such boring old clothes."

Miranda blushed, closing her eyes and trying not to think of the number 
of times she'd heard that since leaving her room accompanied by the two 
who'd been there when she'd woken up. The girls had insisted that 
Miranda wear the same purple and black kimono she borrowed the day 
before, and even now her sense of dread was building as a middle-aged 
woman with a warm smile and gentle hands used Miranda's measurements for 
one of the courier's own.

After what felt like an eternity of nail filing, measurement taking and 
having the girl combing out Miranda's hair leave with her arm in a 
sling, the group crowding around the courier finally let up and gave her 
a moment to breathe.

For a time, Miranda simply lied still, her skin tingling from all the 
attention, despite the fact that she'd finally managed to calm the 
embarrassed feeling it had all given her. 'I hope my Mother never finds 
out about this,' the courier mused, smiling at the woman sunlight that 
shined in through the large windows to warm her, 'she might expect me to 
start acting like a girl or something!'

Sometime later, Miranda's ears caught the ever so slight sound of 
rustling fabric pierce the still quiet of the room. Listening carefully, 
the girl frowned a little, trying to perceive just what it was she had 
heard, only to suddenly feel a soft, warm hand upon her forehead. 

"Feeling better?" came Erika's quiet tone, the woman's voice almost a 
whisper as Miranda jumped a little in surprise.

"I- I've been worse," the courier admitted a little shyly.

"Good, good," her hostess replied in a more pleased tone, "I was told 
that you had a fretful night, so I thought I'd show you as much 
hospitality as possible." 

Miranda sighed heavily, nodding as she recalled the dreams. "I have 
these dreams a few nights a week," the girl replied warily; turning her 
head to stare out the window, out over the sprawling sea of flowers, 
"The same hazy images."

"Would it be inappropriate to inquire?" said Erika diplomatically, her 
small, delicate seeming hands resting upon the arm of the chair.

The courier shrugged. "I wasn't there when my Father died," Miranda 
explained, her averted gaze missing the subtle change in Erika's 
expression to one of dismay, "But from what little I was told, and the 
images my mind has conjured up, it's almost like being there sometimes."

"Your nightmares are of his death then," the woman said said 
rhetorically, her tone careful.

"Not always," Miranda replied, turning back to look up into the sea of 
emerald that made up Erika's calm, all knowing eyes, "Sometimes I just 
see him. I talk to him for a while, and then something will happen and 
he's always taken away from me before I can tell him I love and miss 
him. I dunno... I guess I'm just being obsessive."

"No," said Erika, her voice soft and soothing as her hand touched 
Miranda's shoulder, "You just miss him. He was taken from your life by 
forces beyond your control, and it makes you feel helpless."

"Always the student of human nature?" inquired Miranda with a small 

Erika shrugged. "I can't help it," she confessed, "I've spent a long 
time observing life, and studying the subtleties of human communication. 
Sometimes you can say more with a look than you can with a thousand 

Miranda smiled, shaking her head thoughtfully. "If it weren't for words 
I think I'd have been institutionalized by now," the courier replied 
mirthfully, causing Erika to give her a subtly concerned look.

"Oh?" she inquired, "Do tell."

Miranda gave her a curious look for a moment and smiled. "In my 
backpack," she explained with a newfound respect for the woman, "You'll 
find a large, hard-bound book with claw marks scratched into its black 
cover. To be honest, though, I'm a little surprised you didn't find it 
on your own."

Erika shook her head, her tone serious. "As much as I prefer to keep 
myself appraised of what goes on in my Gym," the woman explained, "your 
personal belongings are not mine to pursue, dear."

"I appreciate that," Miranda replied, patting the hand that touched her 
shoulder lightly before sitting up and feeling a little lightheaded, her 
hair indeed longer, even with its split ends snipped off, but having 
been washed three times that day, it felt surprisingly lighter than 

"They got all the tangles out, I see," her hostess commented, the woman 
running her fingers through the dark silky locks and smiling to herself. 

"They did?" came Miranda's surprised exclamation, reaching back with 
both hands to run her fingers through it, surprised to find that they 
could fall easily through her wavy locks without getting caught up, "Oh 
my... I hope that girl who sprained her wrist brushing it out will be 

Erika nodded. "It'll be good practice for her," she assured, "Now, then. 
Would you mind if I took a look at your book?"

"It's just poetry," Miranda responded with a dismissive shrug.

"But they're your words," insisted Erika, "They're your thoughts. Your 
feelings, and as you say, your way of staying sane after so much has 
happened in your life."

The courier nodded slowly, pondering for a moment. "There's at least one 
for every major emotional event in my life," Miranda explained, her gaze 
distant as Erika touched Miranda's hand lightly, "There's a few in there 
that I'd like to tear out, but I suppose that'd be too much like denying 
my mistakes. It's better that I live with them."

"And learn from them."

"If you'd like, there's quite a few I'd be willing to give you copies 
of," Miranda offered, suddenly sitting up and slipping out of the chair.

The woman smiled, taking a single graceful step backwards, her deep 
emerald eyes thoughtful as the courier brushed out her kimono. 
"Actually, I was hoping that you'd consent to reading one aloud to some 
of my students."

Miranda blinked, her hands shaking a little as she stared at her hostess 
in disbelief. "You- you mean in front of an audience?" the girl 

Erika nodded, holding out her hands to take the courier's with a gentle, 
reassuring smile. "One of the things I teach here are various styles of 
poetry," she explained, slowly stepping backwards and leading Miranda 
away from the chair, "as well as public speaking. I'd be curious to see 
what you could teach my students."

The courier glanced away nervously, her pale cheeks reddening at the 
thought. "But you don't even know if I'm any good," she replied, "For 
all you know my poetry's just a collection of adolescent angst ranting-"

Erika silenced her by placing a single finger against Miranda's lips. 
"Shhh," she chuckled, her mysterious eyes once again looking deeply into 
the depths of the girl's soul, "I can see the weight of your emotions 
weighing heavily upon you, deary. And I've listened to the way in which 
you articulate your words. If you write as I know you do, pouring out 
your heart into that book of yours, then your poetry must be as 
beautiful as your nightmares are terrifying."

Miranda closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she nodded. "Is there 
anything in particular you'd like me to read about?" she inquired 

Erika stopped, releasing the courier's hands and letting Miranda step 
into her arms. "Something sad, something beautiful, something 
thoughtful, something about you."

Miranda smiled, letting herself be drawn against the softness that was 
Erika and finding comfort in the woman's arms. "I'll have to go through 
and find something good then," she promised, resting her head on Erika's 
shoulder as the woman's fingers moved affectionately up and down her 

"Which ever you thing sums up your feelings as of late would be best," 
the Gym Leader requested, "I'd like to show the students an examples of 
a more heart felt work. Most of the recent authors seem to have written 
for profit as opposed to appeasing their muses. It would be a pleasant 
surprise for them to hear something by a true author."

"Stop it," breathed Miranda, holding Erika so tightly she half-worried 
that she'd crush the woman in her arms, her face feeling as though it 
were on fire with embarrassment, "I- I'm not that good."

"That's what I intend to discern," Erika replied thoughtfully, her smile 
as mysterious as ever...

Onwards to Part 8

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