Hikari slowly woke up. As she did, she found herself resting against a feathery; silky bed that made her felt relaxed. Her blue silky hair circulated around Nozomi's fingers, she felt her heart sink in another state of bliss. When she looked down, she realized she was semi-naked. She felt her body tremble as she watched and felt Nozomi touch her delicately. The redhead's hands gently massaging the bluenette's breast as her thumb rubbed around the edge of her nipples. She didn't really know what to say, she was speechless as she felt the love from Nozomi. The room was dark, but enough light to see her eyes glistening at her. "You have a nice place here Nozomi," She said as he stroked the redhead's cheek. "It looks familiar, it reminds me of that room where you helped me with my hair." "It does a little," Nozomi agreed as she remained in a white vest, and when she looked near her crotch area and couldn't tell if she was wearing any underwear or not; either way it looked pretty nice in her opinion. She felt Nozomi was showing Hikari the world in her eyes, what mattered to her and how much she meant to her. That time many years ago when Nozomi combed her hair. It was one of the first time she felt goosebumps in a good way. That special vibe that she could trust Nozomi and that sign she was going to be more than just a good friend. A small memory from a tender age, but precious like the sparkling pearls clinging on Nozomi's ears. "This is gonna sound cheesy," Hikari mumbled. "But thank you, Nozomi... you've touched me with your love a lot." "That's kind of cheesy," Nozomi said, "but more cute." "Did you enjoy that dance?" Hikari asked Nozomi. She looked into her eyes and hugged her again. "You made me feel like a princess on that dance floor." "You made me feel awesome." "You did too!" It was so early in the morning, but the night still maintained it's youth. The two girls were still enjoying themselves in their own silly, yet intimidate conversation. They could have both ended the night with sweet facts that they already knew, but it was ended with a touch much mightier than words.
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