As they entered the small, poorly lit cellblock, the three human's and their pokemon could hear James' quiet muttering echoing off the gray painted stone walls. But, as they approached, their footsteps echoed as well, causing the prisoner to halt his quiet sobbing as he realized that he wasn't alone. "There he is," commented Frank, idly motioning to the third of the six cell lock-up, causing James to stand up and come to see who his visitors were. "I won't tell you anything!" the Rocket promised, holding one of the iron bars as he clenched his other fist, shaking it in defiant melodrama, "You won't get anything out of me! I am not a number!" "Not even in exchange for leniency?" inquired Miranda, stepping forward and giving him a dark look as Frank muttered something about, "Be quiet #6.". "Never," replied James defiantly, folding his arms and turning away, "I won't betray my friends." "Some friends," chuckled Frank, soliciting a chuckle from his growlithe. "You'll see!" announced James turning back to the group and rattling the bars of his cell again, "Jessie and Meowth will get me out of here; just you wait!" Both Miranda and Nezumi shook their heads in dismay as the Rocket began laughing in what was supposed to be a sinister manner. "Ra. Rattata, nez," commented Nezumi, leaning back on his haunches and shaking his little head dismissively. "What?!" demanded James, glaring at the rattata with sudden irritation, "What did that little rat-fink say about me?!" Miranda folded her arms across her chest and smirked. "Only that you really have to work on your maniacal laughter," she commented, not bothering to hide her contempt for the organization the man belonged to, or the evil they represented, "He said he's heard better villain laughs out of slowpokes." James glared angrily at Nezumi for a moment before stepping back and taking a deep breath. "I'll show you!" he exclaimed before filling the room with his off-key, rather unconvincing laughter. "Has he always been this way?" inquired Frank as Bow did her best to cover her ears and let out a long whine. Misty nodded. "From day one, I'm afraid," she explained in dismay, "I'm not even sure why he bothers." "Why do I bother?!" demanded James, breaking off his laughter to glare at the girl angrily, "How dare you insult me like that! I have a perfectly good villain laugh!" "I've heard better," replied Miranda skeptically as the others nodded in agreement. James gave them an imploring look for a moment before finally giving up. "Oh, you're right," the man muttered, sliding his hands down the iron bars as he sank to his knees, "I'm just no good at this..." "Hm. Then perhaps we can make a deal," said Miranda thoughtfully. "Oh?" responded everyone in the room, their collective surprise nearly taking on a palatable quality. Miranda nodded carefully, and took out a black and gray pokeball. "Yes," she answered, choosing her words carefully as the ball expanded from it's storage size to active status, "If your willing to give us some information Kathy Forester." James cringed visibly, his eyes betraying a sudden fear. "Her?" he asked weakly, a touch of hysterical laughter entering his voice, "Why would you want to know anything about her?" "Because it was HER pokemon that busted up MY car!" growled Frank, soliciting a bark of agreement from Bow, and causing James to fall backwards before crawling back across the floor to escape their sudden animosity. "That too," agreed Miranda, "But my reasons are my own. That machoke was Tashiro, registered to Dr. Katherine J. Forester of Team Rocket. Just tell me where I can find her, and her partner, and I'll have my gast- Err, haunter teach you to laugh properly." James's eyes went wide with disbelief as a meek grin crossed his face. "Really...?" he inquired sheepishly. Miranda nodded, glancing at Misty. "Can we trust him to keep up his end of the bargain?" she inquired. "No way," she responded, shaking her head and glaring at the prisoner, "I've never seen him keep a promise in his life!" "That's not very fair," pouted James, looking imploringly up at Frank, "Shouldn't you arrest her for slander, Officer? Listen to what that little twerp's saying about me!" "I really don't think so," chuckled Frank, smiling in amusement as Misty quickly grabbed Miranda's arms from behind, holding her back from doing anything rash. "Twerp?!" the courier demanded, her anger flaring at the insult, "How dare you?! You wanna be bishonin!" "Now that's just mean," replied Frank with a smile, trying not to enjoy the banter too much. "Yeah!" agreed James, nearly on the verge of tears, "I'll have you know that I went to the very best evil bishonin school in all the land! The fact that I flunked out not withstanding..." "Irregardless," replied Misty, relaxing her grip as Miranda calmed down a notch, "I think it's better that you tell us what we want to know first." "And why should I trust you?" inquired James, jumping to his feet and glancing suspiciously at his old adversary. "Um, because we're the good guys?" offered Frank. "Oh, well that's true," sighed James, contemplating the floor at his feet, "Very well them, she's going to be a the of 'Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue'." "That fancy-shmancy restaurant that's opening?" inquired Frank, glancing at Miranda who nodded. "Yes," she agreed, glancing over her shoulder at the bemused Pokeforce Officer, "The prize for winning that poetry contest we were in was dinner for two opening night." "That's right," added James sadly, his head bowed, "a free dinner for two at the fanciest, classiest, most overpriced restaurant this side of Saffron City. I was going to go there with Jessie... We haven't eaten properly in weeks! It's just so unfair, Officer. I could have been a contender!" "Yeah, whatever, but it's still no excuse to steal some poor guy's pikachu," replied Frank sternly, almost behaving like a real cop for once. Misty cringed a little at the mention of the 'poor guy' and his pikachu, but managed to keep her voice level as Miranda held up Wraith's peculiarly coloured pokeball. "You can trust us," promised Miranda with a smirk, "It's my pokemon I'd be afraid of." James turned pale and fell backwards onto the floor once again as the pokeball split down the middle and the dark image of a haunter shimmered into existence just above it. "Oh no..." he stammered, fear creeping down his spine and clawing at his heart, "Not again..." Wraith, however, didn't seem interested in the incarcerated man; instead he turned to his trainer with a proud smile, and held his hands before him. "Haunt!" he exclaimed happily, spinning his disembodied palms in the air for Miranda to inspect. "They're lovely," replied Miranda sweetly, taking one of her haunter's hands in her own and turning him around slowly so that Wraith faced James, "But right now I need you to do me one more little, tiny favor." "Haunt?" inquired Wraith, one of his eyes moving around to the back, independent of the laws that governed corporeal beings and stared at Miranda curiously. "Teach this man to laugh manically," his trainer instructed, making the haunter burst out laughing. "No, no!" chuckled, not noticing as Misty took a few steps back, Bow let out a low whine, and Frank kept his eye on her ghostly pokemon, "Not like that, like you do when you REALLY want to scare someone!" "Haun, wra!" agreed Wraith, nodding as best he could as his eye swiveled the rest of the way around and he began to float towards James with an evil grin. "What-? What does it want!?" demanded James, cowering against the far wall, shivering at the thought of getting to close to Wraith. "He just wants to communicate with you directly," Miranda explained as though it were nothing, "When you feel his mind touch yours, just let it in. Don't worry, though, he's not a true psychic, so human minds are still pretty alien to him. Your thoughts will still be your own. Wraith's just going to talk in your mind for bit." From her shoulder, Nezumi chuckled at the comment, before catching James's eye and giving his own sinister grin. "Raaaaa!" the rattata exclaimed, doing his best ghost impression as he stood on his hind legs and reached his forepaws into the air dramatically. "Nooo!" shrieked James, his back pressed against the far wall as he felt something dark press against his mind. Somewhere, beyond his actual range of hearing, the Rocket could hear a quiet voice whispering over and over again. "Just don't fight it," ordered Miranda sternly as Wraith passed through the bars of the cell as though they weren't even there, "he won't hurt you. You're not the one responsible for what happened to my family." One of Wraith's eyes swiveled around to look at his trainer again. There was a curious sympathy in the single, strange looking eye, and Miranda could only smile lovingly back. 'Before you, I had no one to chase away my nightmares,' thought Miranda in response to the gentle touch she felt against her mind, 'Thank you, dearest.' The haunter pursed his lips for a moment, almost blushing as both eyes turned to focus on James. "Haunter!" he ordered in a loud voice, an ethereal wind suddenly stirring up all around him, and blowing the human up against the wall even harder. "Alright! Alright!" pleaded James, fighting against the wind only he could feel, covering his ears against its sinister howl that only he could hear, and shutting his eyes against horrible images that only he could see, "I'll let you in, just make it stop!" "Stop?" inquired Frank, blinking loudly and trying to figure out what the borderline hysterical man was babbling about. "Illusions," explained Misty with a shudder as she crept back up behind Miranda and peeked around at the scene, "Wraith's illusions must be stronger since he evolved." "Indeed!" replied Miranda, her tone that of a proud mother, "Wraith is certainly extraordinary." "Ra," commented Nezumi indignantly, causing Miranda to laugh and reach up to scratch the top of his head with her index finger affectionately. "But you're still my favorite," she promised, making the rattata smile happily as he leaned against her neck and gave a contented sigh. "Grow? inquired Bow a hint of jealousy in her voice as she glanced up at Frank, The cop sighed and leaned down to scratch his growlithe's ears. "You really are a pain, you know that!" he told her, trying not to laugh as she licked his face. "Gee," commented Misty, deciding not to watch what the haunter was doing, "Makes you wonder who the trainer is." Miranda laughed in agreement, reaching behind her to take Misty's hand. "We all have our own ways of doing things, love," she replied with a reassuring smile, glancing over at James as he tried to laugh once more. "I know," responded Misty reluctantly, slipping her fingers through Miranda's as she stepped closer to the growlithe, "I'm just not sure that I'm totally comfortable being so close to Wraith in such a confined space right now." Miranda nodded keeping half an eye on Wraith as he covered his eyes and rotated his body from side to side in lieu of being able to shake his head in dismay. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to," the courier offered, feeling deeply guilty for making Misty feel uncomfortable. "No, no," her beloved assured, kneeling before the growlithe and holding out her hands, "It's okay. Hi there, Bow. Feeling ignored, are ya?" Miranda nodded and turned her attention back to Wraith and James, concentrating on the task at hand. "See the problem?" she inquired, and Wraith nodded in agreement. "L-look," stammered James, "maybe this isn't such a great idea." "Just relax," commented Miranda in an annoyed tone, "and just listen to what Wraith has to say. I'll be right here to keep him from doing anything... Rash." Wraith turned back to James chuckling. 'Don't you feel it, human?' he inquired directly into the man's mind, 'the urge to laugh? To shake loose the cobwebs in your mind and soul? The need to fill the world with your thunderous laughter!?" James desperately wanted to take a step back as the ghost hovered closer, but the cold stone wall bared his path. "I-! I-!" he stammered, feeling what could best be defined as Wraith's hot breath upon his face, yet he wasn't entirely certain as to how that was even possible, "I do! I really do! Just leave me alone!" Wraith grinned malevolently before letting loose with a deep, thunderous laughter so maniacally sinister that it even made Miranda jump about a foot in the air and clutch her heart. Behind her the courier heard Misty scream and Frank curse as Bow started barking and Nezumi fell off her shoulder, grabbing hold of her ponytail just in time. "Wraith!" she exclaimed, breathing heavily as she tried to slow her pulse. "Haunt...?" replied Wraith meekly, turning around and floating over to his trainer with his hands together in front of his face in a gesture of meekness. "Ap-Apologize to Misty!" was the only thing she could think of to say as the ghost hovered a little lower and looked up at her, his eyes going wide in an attempt to look cute. "It- it's okay," stammered Misty as Miranda turned to face her, "I- I think he could probably use that as a new technique!" "Yeah!" agreed Frank, laughing as the primal fear exited his mind, "That was great! It was like the ghost version of the 'Roar' technique!" "Lithe," muttered Bow in reluctant agreement, glaring up at the ghost with little flames dancing along her bared teeth. "Wra?" inquired Wraith peeking around Miranda as his disembodied hand phased through his trainer's torso and took gentle hold of Nezumi. "Absolutely!" assured Frank, petting Bow to try to calm her down, "Ms. Lilcamp, you do have quite the ghost. Just try to tone him down a little." Miranda nodded as Wraith deposited Nezumi back on her shoulder. "Are you both okay, though?" she asked, glancing at Misty and the rattata. "I'll be fine," responded Misty, taking a deep breath as Miranda walked over and took hold of her shoulders, "I'm just not used to him yet." "I guess it's a Lav'Brat thing," Miranda commented as Misty stood up and hugged her, "I'm sorry, though. I really hate scaring you." "It's fine, it's fine," repeated Misty, looking up at Miranda before reaching up to pet Nezumi, "And you're okay too, right?" The rattata grinned sarcastically and nodded before turning to Wraith and shaking a small claw at him. In response, the haunter looked even more downcast, yet smiled just enough for Nezumi to notice. "Alright then," said Miranda with a wary sigh, "Let's get back at it. Wraith, wake up James and try again." The haunter chuckled, as he turned to the unconscious human. 'Wow!" he thought with grim satisfaction, coupled with amazement, "Did I do that?! Dang, I'm good!' James suddenly felt insatiably hungry, more so than he had in days. With an unhappy grumble, he stretched out and rubbed his eyes. "Another day, another lost pikachu he muttered, opening his eyes to the sight of Wraith hovering before him with one of his strange dark hands missing, "Ah! Oh no! It's a nightmare!" 'No actually,' chuckled Wraith in his mind, suddenly drawing his missing hand out of James forehead, 'Those are much more tasty!' With a look of disgusted horror, the man curled into the fetal position at the sight of what Wraith held in his hand. "Ah! Put it back! Put it back!" he cried as the haunter held what appeared to his brain. The ghost merely chucked, poking at the gray matter with his free hand, and giggling as James stopped feeling hungry, and started feeling positively euphoric. "No!" the human pleaded giddily, "Not there!" "Wraith, knock it off," ordered Miranda, not having to see the illusion to know what her ghost was up to. Wraith gave a pouty look and tossed the chimerical brain over his shoulder, causing it to shatter into small fragments of coloured light. 'Now then,' he instructed, pulling out his real hand, and ceasing his literal 'playing with James's brain', 'Listen up. For a really good maniacal laugh, you have to start with proper breathing. No, no, hold your stomach in, the vibrations come from your chest, not your gut. But that's where you have to feel it. Yes, that's it! Now, push it out in long waves..." James nodded, concentrating on his breathing for several moments, and almost hyperventilating in the process. "Like this?" he inquired, holding his stomach in as he went through the motions. 'Exactly!' cackled Wraith, rubbing his hands together with glee before looking down at them proudly, 'Oh, I don't know what I did without these! Now then, let's try it with the laughter.' James nodded, taking on a huge grin as he threw his head back and did his best to emulated Wraith's truly supernatural laughing ability. 'No, no, no! You're doing it all wrong!' hissed Wraith in irritation and reached his hand into James's chest, 'Here, I'll show you..." "What-? What are you doing?!" exclaimed James, panicking as usual. 'Look, you bag of bones,' he replied irritably as he stared directly into the man's eyes, and almost into his very soul, 'If we're going to work together, you're going to firstly, have to co- operate, and secondly, NEVER ask my that question. You probably don't want to know.' James nodded, trying to hold back his tears as Wraith looked to one side and began nibbling his tongue thoughtfully. 'Oh! Here we go,' he replied gritting his ethereal teeth as James felt something odd within his chest, 'Now, just trust me, and follow the feeling with your laugher. Now, as you do this, imagine your greatest moment of triumph! The columniation of all your dreams! See in your mind, all your goals achieved!' The man sighed heavily, abandoning all hope, but thankful that this ghost wasn't as bad as the others who'd used him as a chew toy over the years. After taking a deep breath, James slowly let his laughter build, all the while imagining a glass cage held firmly in his hands. Within it, was Pikachu. The lightning rodent looked up at him imploringly and with a happy grin, he opened the cage. With that, Pikachu leapt into his arms, making happy sounds as Meowth translated that he wanted James to be his new trainer. That he wanted nothing to do with the twerp who had forced him to hurt the one human he truly respected. Beneath him, James envisioned Ash screaming and yelling in betrayal, desperately ordering Pikachu to thunder-shock the three Rockets, but the pokemon would have nothing to do with it. 'Now,' whispered Wraith, 'Feel the laughter. BE the laughter... Push it up, one wave at a time. You're not just filling the air with sonic vibrations; you're telling the world that you, and you alone have done what no one has ever succeeded in doing before! You're the best, you're number one! Tell not just this world, but also the entire universe! Let your laughter ring through all the dimensions your mind can fathom and beyond!!!' James closed his eyes, filtering out all other distractions; the quiet murmur of the other human's, the oppressive cold of the concrete floor beneath him, the terrible rash his fire-proof, yet not non-carcinogenic Team Rocket uniform was giving him... Instead, he focused his mind on the image of finally being able to tell Augustus Giovanni that he'd finally captured Pikachu. That he'd finally proven to himself, to his boss, and most importantly to Jessie, that he was indeed, a true villain! The laughter started out as more of a quiet giggle, centered deep in his throat. The man could feel the odd tingling sensation slowly rising as he began, and he followed the feeling with his laughter as it rose through his throat. Louder and louder the crescendo of maniacal laughter became, rising and falling in waves as it exited his mouth and filled the room with it's echoing, satisfying quality, filling James with an as yet unfelt euphoria. 'That's it! That's it!' exclaimed Wraith excitedly, clapping his hands together, but only really succeeding in making odd, muffled squishing sounds, 'You see?! I knew you could do it, human! Way to go!' As the last notes fell from his lips, James leaned forward to catch his breath. He then pulled in his legs and hugged them against his chest as he wallowed in the feeling of deep satisfaction that filled his very being. "Amazing..." he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief, "I never knew I had in me!" "Rattata!" agreed Nezumi calling out loudly and causing James to look up at the onlookers. "Well I'm impressed," commented Misty with a look of honest astonishment as she politely applauded. "Thank you!" exclaimed James, leaping to his feet and bowing deeply, "Thank you all!" "This is so twisted," laughed Miranda, putting an arm around Misty and giving her half a hug as tears of joy filled the villain's eyes, "But I think I like it!" "Yup," commented Frank, shaking his head and trying not to laugh, "This almost makes getting my car busted up worth it. Almost..."
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