Taking Care
Do you have anything to say to your fans?
I like you, the reddish blob said. Ive got to leave, but
(squishy) take these 28 Tower cards (squish.) Ill (squish) see you
around. With that, the demon and its friends disappeared into the
spooky halls of the old school.
That was smooth talking, Maya-san, Baofu said.
And great timing, Ulala added. Were too hurt to win a battle
right now.
Lets just get out of here, Katsuya urged his companions. We need
to heal up. We probably ought to get new weapons, armor, and items as
Im interested in new personas, Maya stated as the small group
emerged from the drab, imposing school building. The sun was hidden
by mist, but the light still made them blink. Most demons seemed to
prefer dim places for their haunting, probably because of their dark
natures. These past few days had been the gloomiest that the
black-haired reporter could remember. But the scarce light wasnt the
only thing; the killing they had to do and the searching for the
mastermind behind the Jokers was very tiring. Maya was grateful for
anything that made her smile. She was glad that she hadnt forgotten
The four adventurers got into Katsuyas car. So whos up for a visit
to Aoba Drive? the detective asked.
Not me, Ulala said.
The other three hunters turned to her in puzzlement.
I know its selfish; I know we should keep fighting; but we all need
a rest. Just one day, please, before we lose our minds.
That sounds good, Maya agreed.
Im for it, Baofu added. Ive got contacts to check and taps to
When and where should we meet? Katsuya asked.
1700 tomorrow at the Kismet lobby, Ulala suggested.
When Maya and Ulala arrived at their apartment building, they found
two people waiting for them. Anna-chan! Noriko-chan! Ulala hailed
the two girls.
Is anything wrong? Maya asked quickly.
Konnichiwa, Amano-san, Anna said. No, nothings wrong. Noriko and
I wanted to offer our help and our thanks. We
I couldnt possibly accept your help, Maya said firmly. It is far
too dangerous.
But we owe you! Noriko said. I dont like owing anyone.
Maya, Ill talk with them, Ulala offered. Why dont you head down
to the armory and get that new protective suit you were talking about?
Leave everything to me.
Okay, Maya agreed. She got into her car.
And you two come with me, Ulala said, leading the two students into
the building. You are right. So is she. We all owe Maya something.
However, you cannot help us fight our battles.
There must be something we can do, Noriko pressed.
Have a seat. Do you want tea?
Yes, please, Serizawa-san.
Yes, maam. Ill make it, Anna volunteered.
Soon, the three ladies were sitting in the living room, sipping their
tea. Maya and I are just taking a bit of a break. But that is where
you can help. I wanted to do a few things for her, but I can only do
so much. What she needs is relaxation, you see. Could you help me
with that?
Even before she finished the question, Ulala could see Anna blushing
and Noriko turning her eyes to the ground in embarrassment. This was
just as shed expected, and she allowed a hint of a smile to appear on
her face. Yes, they would help.
O-of course, we will help, Noriko stammered.
What do you need us to do? Anna asked carefully.
Dinner is very important, the pink-haired woman answered. Does
either of you know how to prepare Korean bulgoki?
I do, Noriko replied cheerfully.
Good, thats her favorite dish. Ill help you get started, ne.
Please, make enough for the four of us. She showed the dark-haired
girl around the kitchen and set out the ingredients for the meal.
Now Anna and I will get started on another task, but Ill be back,
Ulala promised.
Whatre we doing? Anna inquired of her tall hostess.
Were going to clean the place and then get it looking, sounding, and
smelling like somewhere a person can unwind. Lets get started.
They cleared the floor and washed the laundry. You know, from the
way Norikos acting, Id say she has a crush on Maya. Have you
noticed anything like that?
Annas face turned a bit pink and she nodded. Id say some of those
feelings are present. Maya and you three saved her
Although the room had looked awful, Ulala and Anna got it cleaned
rapidly. Great, Ulala pronounced. Now were ready for the next
step. Here are some candles. The pink-haired woman quickly
explained how Anna should continue setting up the apartment, then she
went to check on Noriko.
I think its coming along really well, the slim girl said. She was
practically glowing with pride.
Hai, youre doing a terrific job, Ulala said as she moved nearer to
the stove. Youre Annas good friend. Does it seem to you as though
shes a little
in love with Maya?
You are really perceptive, Noriko said quietly. Yes, she is. Who
can blame her?
Wow, Ulala said, raising her eyebrows.
I-I didnt m-mean that the way it sounded, the young lady hastily
Yes you did. Ulala gently lifted Norikos chin, smiling into her
eyes warmly, embarrassing her even further. Its all right. Im
glad that you and Anna are here. I really want you to help me
revitalize her. Shed never let on how exhausted she is. Shes a
strong, giving person. I want to give back to her tonight. You will
help me take care of her, right?
Of course we will.
Maya entered the apartment. Her eyes widened. This didnt seem like
the right place. But there was Ulala, beckoning her forward. She
stepped into the living room.
May I take that bag youre carrying? Anna asked a little shyly.
Maya hadnt expected to see the athletic girl still here. She nodded
and handed over the garment shed bought.
I invited them to eat with us, Ulala explained. Ne, this is
supposed to be like a small vacation. How about letting others take
care of you for a change?
Noriko stuck her head out of the dining room. Dinner is waiting,
the genki girl announced. Was Maya imagining the pretty blush on her
Lets eat, Ulala said, guiding her friend toward the prepared
The four women seated themselves at the low table. No talking about
work, Ulala said. No personas or demons, either. Just normal
Normal? Maya said hopefully. Id like that. First, Noriko-chan,
this is excellent food! You are a wonderful cook.
Norikos cheeks blazed, but she held Mayas gaze. Its nothing. I
just wish I could do more for you.
Thats very sweet, Maya responded. The place looks great, too. Is
that your doing, Anna-chan?
Most of it was Serizawa-san
Nonsense! Ulala protested, brushing her red bangs away from her
golden eyes. I just helped a little.
Arigatou gozimasu, all of you, Maya said warmly, looking at each of
her friends in turn. I appreciate it greatly.
Ive been hoping for a conversation with you two. Noriko-chan, I
understand that you and Anna-chan are on the track team at Seven
Shes a lot better than I am, the girl with the long black hair
demurred. Its fun. I really enjoy running.
Did you ever do it? Anna asked.
We were both in gymnastics, Maya said, pointing her thumb at her
best friend. With her martial arts training, she was a natural. She
was team captain for three years.
And we had a lot of good times, Ulala added. Once, when we
competed at Nagoya
The four ladies talked, ate, and laughed until the food was gone.
Mm, that was delicious, Maya purred, stretching her arms above her
We havent even begun yet, Ulala stated. She rose from the table.
All three women were watching her, wondering what she had in mind.
Were going to make you look shiny and feel new. First, you need a
nice hot bath.
One of the best things about the apartment was its giant bath. Ulala
ran the water and added the bubbles while Maya changed into her robe.
As soon as the violet-eyed reporter had left, Ulala told Anna and
Noriko to change into two robes that shed laid out and to wait for
her in her room. The girls suspiciously agreed. A minute later, Maya
came back to the bath.
Hop in, Ulala urged. Ill be back shortly.
Nani? Maya asked, but Ulala was already halfway to her room.
Heres the plan, the tall, red-haired woman said as she quickly
changed into her robe. Well make this just like a spa. Were going
to wash her, dry her, give her a pedicure, and just plain pamper her.
The students blushed to their soles. But they followed Ulala without
Maya heard the doorknob and turned in surprise. In a flash, Ulala
strode into the room, with Noriko and Anna close behind her. Hey!
What are
Relax, Ulala soothed. I said we were going to take care of you.
All you need to do is lie back and let us spoil you rotten.
Maya didnt argue. She did enjoy spas, and pretending to have one in
her own home was an irresistible offer. She waited to hear Ulalas
Noriko-chan, get in and wash her hair. Anna-chan, youre in charge
of her feet.
Anna took off her robe and climbed into the huge bathtub, positioning
her legs on either side of Mayas legs. Noriko slipped out of her
robe and sat right behind Maya. The violet-eyed woman immediately
leaned back against the younger girls chest. Swallowing, hoping that
Maya wouldnt notice how stiff her nipples were, Noriko began washing
Mayas shoulder-length black hair. Anna was trying hard to focus on
Mayas feet, but Noriko and Maya looked so beautiful together, and
Maya looked so carefree, leaning back with her eyes closed. Anna felt
a twinge of envy before she started working her soothing magic on
Mayas feet.
Soft orchestral music and lilac incense drifted through the air;
Ulalas doing, no doubt. The tall redhead threw three towels into the
dryer and set out for Mayas bedroom, double-checking all her
preparations. At last, she returned to the bathroom.
The girls were almost done with Maya. They were doing their jobs very
well; the young reporter looked very content, almost ready to fall
Arigatou gozimasu, Maya murmured. I cant thank you enough. This
is all too much, but I really needed it.
Its our pleasure, Anna replied.
And nothing is too much for you, Noriko added.
Ulala enjoyed watching the scene, but it couldnt go on forever.
Besides, there were more parts to her plan. Are you ready to come
out? she asked after several moments.
I think so, Maya answered drowsily. The girls looked rather
grudging, but Ulala knew they wouldnt stay upset for long. She
fetched the towels, which were now quite warm, and helped Maya out of
the tub when she returned. Ulala dried Maya carefully, noting Anna
and Noriko practically beside themselves with jealousy. The
fortuneteller wordlessly wrapped Maya in the large, fuzzy towel and
led her to the bedroom, motioning for the two students to follow.
Ulala had Maya stand in front of the mirror. How are we doing so
far? she kidded. Its not over. Anna, could you brush her hair?
Noriko, would you help me apply this skin treatment to her body?
Noriko was as red as a beet, but she followed Ulalas lead, rubbing
the crème into Mayas skin. Someones self-control is bound to falter
any second, Ulala thought gleefully.
Maya was in bliss. Four hands were slowly massaging her body while
two were gently brushing her hair. She thought she could stay this
way for hours. She became aware of desire subtly building within her.
Once she noticed it, she could tell that she wasnt the only one
becoming aroused.
Ulala was proud of her two young protégés; they both grew aware of the
situation and acted simultaneously. Anna leaned in and kissed Mayas
ear softly; Noriko planted a kiss on the center of Mayas ribcage; it
was almost as if they had choreographed it. A sigh escaped Mayas
lips. She kept her eyelids shut.
We love you, Maya-chan. Ulala was only whispering, but all three
women heard her low voice. Let us make love to you.
It was as though she had spoken a powerful enchantment.
Noriko and Anna shed their towels. Maya eased Ulalas robe off her
broad shoulders. The four womenthe four loverspulled each other to
the bed. No one said a word. Mayas luminous purple eyes showed her
delight as the three enamored young ladies delicately, sensually,
hypnotically, carefully loved her. All of her, every bit. Their
kisses and caresses brought her to the edge and then way past it. She
called each of their names many times. Nothing had ever prepared her
for this. Nothing compared to this. Im not a lesbian, a tiny part
of her mind told her as she neared her fifth climax.
I am now, the rest of her mind yelled back.
After a long while, Maya was able to reciprocate. She turned her
attention to Anna. Noriko and Ulala followed her lead and the
short-haired girl was soaring in a mist of ecstasy in moments.
Eventually, Noriko became the center of attention. Then it was
Ulalas turn. Then Maya was the focus again. At some point, the
lovers began pairing off. No one was thinking anymore, just feeling,
just following their urges, giving free rein to their instincts,
letting their senses guide them. The sun had risen before they
finally fell asleep, entangled with each other, feeling pure
You two look refreshed, Baofu remarked when he and Katsuya met Ulala
and Maya.
A day can make all the difference, Ulala said with a lascivious
Maya turned red.
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