Among warriors, a weakness should remain hidden, or it will be exploited. But what is weakness? What one calls a weakness, another will see as a source of strength. Aisha Clanclan, a proud warrior of the Catarl Catarl, has her own ideas of weakness and strength. Shaped by a fierce and arrogant society, her beliefs influence all of her actions with others. She presents the image of a strong warrior while keeping her fears inside. What do you do when a warrior's spirit is just not enough? HEAVENS VENGEANCE OUTSIDE BLUE HEAVEN "Professor Khan?!?" Mere hours ago, the assassin known as Twilight Suzuka and the Catarl Catarl warrior Aisha Clanclan entered the base of the criminal known as 'Heavens Vengeance' hidden in the asteroid field around the space station Blue Heaven. After reviving Suzuka, who had run out of oxygen on her suit, the two women encountered a dozen combat robots sent to stop them. The robots proved to be less of a hindrance in their path and more of a good warm-up. In the depths of the base, they had found what appeared to be a laboratory, inside was someone they had assumed... well, not dead exactly, but definitely no longer in the physical realm. "A pleasure to see you again my dears, yes, yes a pleasure." Suzuka frowned at the scientist. "Skip the pleasantries Khan. What are you doing here? Gene said you were in the Galactic Leyline's library." Khan smiled and nodded. "Yes, yes. The library, that was it. So much information there, but no way to test the new ideas I had, no, no way at all. So I returned to this place and Gabriel was kind enough to allow me the chance to experiment if I aided him a little, yes, yes that is it." Kahn smiled at the two women and nodded his head to Aisha. "Speaking of him, Gabriel expressed an interest in you my dear. Said he was quite looking forward to meeting you, yes, yes he was." Aisha growled and narrowed her eyes, "I don't think so. The only way I'll meet him is when I take him in for our bounty." Khan nodded, unsurprised at the woman's response. "I thought as much, as much as I distain the use of violence," An electric click sounded through out the room and two devices on tracks in the ceiling slid into view. The bottom opened and a cylinder, capped by a dish, swung out to point at the two. "If you cause no problems, you shall not be harmed." Aisha hunched down and growled deeper, preparing to launch herself at the scientist. The ends of the weapons snapped to focus on her, arcs of electricity going down their lengths. A part of her mind noted them, but she was confident Khan had nothing that could hurt her. Just before she lunged, however, a white blur ran in front of her. The devices changed targets and fired. Bolts of dark purple lightning slammed into Suzuka, throwing her back into the wall with only a soft, surprised gasp from the assassin before she slumped to the ground. "Suzie!" Aisha twirled back to Khan and lunged, just as pain exploded along her body as the lightning guns fired at her. Claws scraping the floor platting, Aisha tried to get to her target though the lightning storm. As her vision finally faded, she vowed to make the man pay for hurting Suzie. Khan looked at the two women thoughtfully before turning to the lightning projectors. "Hmmm...the Catarl took a much higher voltage then was anticipated, yes much higher." He looked at Aisha with raised brows before shaking his head, "A shame I will not get the chance to run tests on her now." The scientists sighed in resignation as two combat robots entered the lab, each taking a woman in a different direction. Khan smiled to himself as they left before heading after one. *** "So this is the great Twilight Suzuka?" "Yes, Master." The words slowly made their way through the stuffiness within Suzuka's head as she became aware of her surroundings. "She is said to be the greatest sword-wielder in known space?" "Yes, Master." She focused on the voices without giving any sign that she was conscious. One, the one who was actually speaking, was male; gruff and deep with a touch of madness. The other was a great deal softer and distinctly feminine. Quite a pleasant voice, she thought if she would say more then two words that is. "I will defiantly look forward to killing her with my blade." "Yes, Master." That will be the day, Suzuka thought, just keep talking fool, I will wipe the floor with you. However, there was the sound of footfalls on steel, followed by the hiss of a door opening and closing. Suzuka's eyes opened to an empty room, steel walls unbroken except for a door and two small vents. Suzuka easily slid into a seiza and contemplated her situation. There was no sign of Aisha, her sword or an obvious way out. The assassin smiled slightly, she had been in worse. As she was running plans through her head, the door opened, revealing a poorly disguised Melfina. Suzuka blinked in honest confusion before realizing the girl just looked a lot like the shy navigator, with the exception of the shock of red hair on her head. The girl wore little more then a gold bikini with slippers on her feet. She hesitated on seeing the assassin awake before entering the cell. "You're already awake? The Professor said you would be out for more then an hour." Suzuka raised a brow a coldly regarded the girl. She fidgeted nervously under her gaze for several seconds before speaking again, this time in a rush. "Please you must help me leave here. I am a Security agent of Blue Heaven. I need to get back and report my findings." "And the reason you can't do this yourself is...?" The girl winced and lowered her head, shame coloring her cute features. "I'm supposed to be one of his almost mindless sex dolls." Suzuka nodded, her face expressionless, as she ruthlessly pushed down her sympathy, at lest for now. "And the reason you are not?" "We thought something like this would happen, two of the incidents connected to Gabriel involved brainwashed civilians." The redhead looked at Suzuka, tears glistening unshed in her eyes. "I received hypnoses before taking the job, once I was inside and 'converted', I would be just like the others until I saw a way out. At that point, the hypnoses would restore my mind to me and I was to escape." Suzuka's eyes focused intently on the girl's for several seconds before she nodded. "Take me to my sword and my partner." *** Suzuka followed the girl, who finally introduced herself as Inspector Rashel, through the maze that was the upper level of Gabriel's base. After reacquiring her bokken, the dark-haired woman felt a great deal more confident on their chances of success. Now all she had to worry about was getting Aisha. "Through here." Rashel said, opening a door and waking the assassin through. She nodded and stepped into the room, and saw that she had been set-up. The man was not terribly tall, about the same as Gene's friend Fred, but he was very well muscled. As was evidenced by his lack of a shirt, just a leather strap holding a sword sheathed to his back. Fur lined leather boots had a simple pair of black pants tucked into them. The man's smile was wide and his green eyes sparkled with insanity. "I have brought her as you requested Master." Rashel blandly spoke, the life that was in her voice before gone. He smiled at the girl and nodded, as though to a pet that had pleased its owner. "Very good 23. Leave now, and have this recorded." He commanded her be for giving Suzuka a wink. "I may want to watch this again." Suzuka watch Rashel leave from the corner of her eye before focusing on the man in front of her. "A very convincing story you had her tell." Suzuka said, mentally reading herself. Gabriel's smile widened. "It wasn't a story," he informed her. "She really is an inspector for Blue Heaven. The only part that was false was her 'release key.'" Suzuka frowned as Gabriel drew his blade, the light reflected off the polished steel of the European-style long sword. She raised her bokken and slid a foot forward, facing him and waiting. The door slid shut behind Rashel as Gabriel started to circle his prey, the metal blade lazily spinning around him. "I have heard of you, Suzuka." He told her pleasantly, "You're the best assassin in the business and master with a blade. I have wondered how long you would last against me." "Not too long I'm afraid," Suzuka smirked, "You probably won't even be a decent work-out." The smile vanished from the terrorist's face as he charged forward with a snarl of animal fury. Suzuka stepped back and brought her bokken up to parry the uncontrolled blow. She shifted their still locked blades left, overextending his reach. Suzuka spun as fast as she could while dropping to one knee, bringing her bokken cutting across the man's exposed stomach before jumping back. Gabriel grunted, a thin line of blood appearing, and brought his sword back into position before thrusting at the just landed woman. The wooden blade slapped the steel one off-target but Gabriel was prepared this time, as his momentum carried him closer, he lifted a knee into Suzuka's side, knocking the air out of her. Leaning with the blow to try to minimize the damage, Suzuka staggered back, deflecting another blow from the sword as she retreated. Gabriel allowed her to back away with a smirk as he twirled his sword. "It seems this 'work-out' is a bit much for you. Not as easy as you thought it would be, hmmm?" Suzuka glared at the man before snapping her blade diagonally up, sending a shockwave at the sneering terrorist, and following in its wake. Gabriel held his sword up allowing the wave crashing against its length without effect, then dropped into a thrust stance. The blade flashed golden before a sphere of energy slammed into Suzuka, sending her tumbling to the sound of Gabriel's cold laughter. "What's the matter Suzuka? I thought you were the best." He continued to laugh as Suzuka picked herself up. Her eyes narrowed, Suzuka studied Gabriel briefly before smiling. "It's been awhile since I've had to use the advanced techniques mother taught me," she thought. "Time to show this arrogant male the full power of the Dark Blade school." Suzuka stood tall, her blade pointing at the ground beside her and a small smile on her lips. Gabriel stopped laughing and blinked in mild puzzlement. With a deep roar of displaced air, Suzuka ran at him, covering the distance in a heartbeat. Suzuka slashed upwards at close to the sound barrier, fully expecting to see Gabriel fall over on both sides. However, the steel blade intercepted the wooden blade, forcing Gabriel back several feet, but leaving him unharmed. The swordswoman frowned briefly before starting an attack at the same speed as the previous one. As each strike was blocked with increasing ease, Suzuka felt a cold ball settle within her. There was another flash of gold, and suddenly Suzuka found herself on the defensive against attacks that moved even faster then hers had. She pulled back, hoping to get some breathing room when a thrust broke her guard. Pain flared in her arm as Gabriel's sword pierced it. Taking advantage of his opponent's lapse, Gabriel lashed out with a vicious kick, throwing her back against the wall with a resounding crack before she slumped to her hands and knees. Through pain-blurred vision, Suzuka saw Gabriel walk toward her, his blade still red with her blood. It took her several seconds to realize her was speaking. "...ka, Suzuka, Suzuka. What a disappointment, but don't take it too badly, your skills were very impressive." He smiled condescendingly at her, "But in the end, they just weren't enough. Unsurprising really, after all," Gabriel held his blade before him and smiled at it, "you don't have a weapon like this." Suzuka's eyes went wide as a golden light enveloped the blade, seeing it and finally noticing it, she gasped. "A Soul Edge?" Gabriel looked impressed as he nodded. "Quite. I am very surprised that you know how to tell, the last Soul Edge vanished more then two hundred years ago." The whimsical smile retuned to his face, "It is very fortuitists that the Professor learned how to make them where ever it was he was at." Like a switch, his smile vanished and he raised the blade. "Enough talk! Twilight Suzuka, now you die." Golden light filled her vision as the blade descended. *** Aisha opened her eyes slowly and gently shook her head to try to relieve the pounding. Focusing on her surroundings, she was surprised to find herself on the Outlaw Star just outside of the bridge. A deep hum, felt more then heard, filled the passageway, telling her the ship was traveling through sub-ether. She entered the bridge to find Gene, Jim and Melfina piloting the ship. "Hey guys!" She called, "What's going on?" Silence answered her as the other three continued as though she had said nothing. "Um... Gene?" Aisha waved a hand an inch from the pilot's eyes with no response from him. "Say Gene," Jim started, "You never did say what you wanted done with Aisha's stuff." Gene looked up from his controls and shrugged. "Space it. It's not like we need them." Aisha blinked and looked at Gene in shock. "What?! Hey that's my stuff!" Jim nodded. "Gotch ya. It sure is nice around here without her isn't it?" "Jim?" Aisha looked at the boy in disbelief. "No kidding," Gene nodded. "That stupid animal was quite the pain. Maybe now we can get our jobs done correctly." "H-hey..." "Yes," Melfina agreed cheerfully, "And now I won't have to worry about buying new dishes whenever she ruins them with one of her so-called 'meals.'" "Mel? Wha...?" "So Jim," Gene asked, "What is this major job you got for us anyway?" Jim turned around and gave the red-haired man a wide grin. "Oh I think you'll like it." He told them, "We get to hunt down the Catarl Catarl race. Galactic Senate placed a bounty on every member; soon the 'great Catarl Catarl Empire' will be nothing more then a bad memory." "Alright!" Gene pumped a fist. "We're finally getting rid of the damn cats." The three laughed and returned to their jobs with new cheer as Aisha stared at them, her mouth open as she slowly backed into the corridor. As the doors closed behind her, Aisha turned and ran to the back of the ship. She found Suzuka sitting at the galley table, nursing a cup of tea. "Suzie! Please tell me you can hear me!" The assassin did not respond with words, but she did look up at the catwoman with a raised eyebrow. Aisha almost fell over in relief. "You gotta help me," She ran to the table and grabbed her arm. "The others are talking crazy and are pretending they can't see or hear me!" Suzuka looked at Aisha in silence for a few seconds before turning back to her tea and finishing it. She rose to her feet and walked to the sink, Aisha watched her with a sinking sensation. As the tall woman rinsed her cup out, she finally spoke. "Of course they can't hear you Aisha. You are dead after all." "Huh? Dead? How?" "Like this!" Aisha turned around at the voice to see Gene, his Caster pointed at her and a small black sphere just in front of it. The sphere shot forward at Aisha and black lightning wrapped around her form. Aisha screamed as she felt her body pulled in to the orb. The pain suddenly ended and she staggered back as her vision cleared. Gene was standing by the door, Caster on his shoulder and a satisfied smile on his face, he stood there for a few more seconds before turning around and leaving. Suzuka followed him, but turned at the door to look at Aisha once more. "What? Did you actually think any of us could love something like you?" Aisha feel to her knees, absently noting that she could see through her body, as thought she was a hologram... or a ghost. Suzuka gave the fallen warrior a final, contemptuous, glance before leaving the galley. Aisha held out a shacking hand to her retreating form. "Suzie? Suzuka? Please don't leave me!" A change in the ships hum, the rising of her neck hairs and the sudden sense of dread, was her only warning as the walls of the Outlaw Star vanished, replaced by blackness. A blackness cut by a single cold and unforgiving voice. "Aisha Clanclan." She slowly turned her head in the direction of the voice. As she turned, the darkness pulled back. High walls of stone, going up more then a hundred feet with long tapestries of the eighteen Clan's sigils surrounded her. Before the walls were tiers seating her people, all of whom were gazing at her without expression. At the far end of the hall, before a great statue of the god of the Catarl Catarl, stood an imposing podium of bloodstone, the Great Sigil of the Empire carved into it. Gazing at her over crossed hands was a blonde male Catarl Catarl warrior in the robes of a Judicator and blue tattoos on his face similar too... Aisha gasped as she looked above the man to the statue behind him, a statue of him. "Aisha Clanclan," Rio Larga, God of the Catarl Catarl said again, "You have come before me to petition the worthiness of your life." Aisha swallowed and rose to her feet, determined not to show any weakness. "Oh great Rio Larga, god of the Catarl Catarl. I have lived by the path you have set for your children and the way of the warrior for my life..." "Liar!" Aisha started and looked into the tiers for the voice. Rio Larga lazily turned his head and acknowledged the speaker. "Speak Sylven Greenpath." The tall woman stood and bowed to Rio Larga before turning a glare to Aisha. "You claim to have followed the way of the warrior, and yet you allowed yourself to be seen thusly?!" She waved to the entrance behind Aisha and a large image of Aisha in a waitress' uniform appeared. The crowd began to mutter, disapproval plain to hear. Aisha looked around as she tried to be heard. "I had no choice! The worlds outside Catarl Catarl have no respect for our abilities or status; I needed money to attain what I required!" "And so you served the weak Humans food?" Sylven sneered, "Did you offer them other 'services' as well?" Aisha flushed as she glared at the warrior. "No, I did not! What would you've had me do?!" She demanded. Sylven adopted a mock thoughtful expression. "Oh, I don't know, maybe something like what this one did?" The image changed again, to one of Suzuka walking out of the bounty collection office. "I believe she traveled with you quite a bit recently. Any reason you left the warrior's work to her?" Aisha flushed harder but was unable to come up with a reply. "Time after time," Sylven continued, "you have allowed this human to show you up. A HUMAN! Some representative of the mighty Catarl Catarl YOU turned out to be." The muttering in the tiers became louder. "Tell us Aisha, why did you let this woman surpass you?" Aisha opened her mouth, but nothing would come out. She tried again with the same results. Sylven sneered at her, disgust clear in her eyes. "I shall tell you why." The blue-haired Catarl Catarl looked at those around her, "Honored Ancients, great Rio Larga, the one known as Aisha of the House Clanclan feels an attraction to the human woman." Aisha stood dumbfounded as the room erupted in arguments. Numerous Houses turned on the representatives of the House Clanclan and demanded how they allowed such a weakness to enter their bloodline. As her own family denied her, withdrawing their support and casting her from the House, Aisha dared to look at Rio Larga. Her god was watching her, paying no mind to the clamoring Ancients. Finally, Rio Larga struck the stone podium, the crack echoing throughout the chamber, silencing the others. As the last fell quiet, the blonde god spoke. "Aisha, the charges against you are grave indeed." Aisha winced, noticing the lack of family name. "How ever, you can redeem your honor." He leaned forward, fixing Aisha with his gaze. "Deny all ties to these humans, cast them from your heart and embrace the superiority of the Catarl Catarl race once more." Aisha lowered her eyes, remaining silent for several seconds. When she raised her eyes, tears shimmered within their emerald depths. "During my time with them, I have witnessed many amazing things and I have been part of epic battles. Their lives have been entrusted to me on more then one occasion. Just as mine has been in theirs. I can not just let these memories go. I apologize, oh great God of the Catarl Catarl, but I can not do as you say." Dead silence followed in the wake of Aisha's speech as all eyes turned to Rio Larga, awaiting his decision. His face expressionless, Rio Larga nodded. "You have made your choice Aisha, and I respect your commitment to it. But by that choice, you have forsaken the ways of the Catarl Catarl." He stood, followed shortly by the rest of the hall. "This is the final decision of this court. Aisha, formerly of the House Clanclan, you are here by... forgotten." With that, Rio Larga turned and left, not once looking back. "Forgotten... forgotten... forgotten." The voices of the Ancients echoed around her. "Forgotten... forgotten... forgotten." Everyone Aisha had ever meet appeared before her to speak that one word, until finally, only four remained. "Forgotten..." Gene left. "Forgotten..." Jim left. "Forgotten..." Melfina left. Suzuka stepped forward and gazed impassively at Aisha before she nodded and turned away, her voice hanging in the sudden emptiness around her. "Forgotten..." *** "Forgotten..." Professor Khan glanced up from the display he was watching. The Catarl Catarl woman was responding well to his treatments. The neural interrupt band blocked all sensory data and motor functions save for what he allowed. He adjusted the settings slightly and began to move to stage two. The main personality has been driven into submission, now all he had to do was make a shell identity to satisfy the crude barbarian he was allied with. For now anyway. A panel chimed for his attention, one that should not have gone off. Khan walked to the display, mild curiosity was soon replaced by his full attention. "My, my. This is a surprise. Yes, yes a surprise." It looked like the partnership would be ending sooner then first expected. Khan began typing, moving all of his work onto the computer of the small craft keep in the launch bay. Through out the base, the remaining combat robots stopped their assignments and started to put as much of the resources as the ship could hold on. On the table behind him, Aisha continued to experience nothing as, without the command, stage two never began. *** There was a flash of golden light, followed by thunder filling the room. Gabriel was used to this, it had happened when he killed others with Excalibur. So used to it was he, that he didn't see the impossible at first. His grin slowly slipped off his face to be replaced by total bafflement. "This is not possible." The Soul Edge Excalibur, it's golden shine of full power bathing the room, was being held fast by the flat of a simple wooden bokken held by an assassin. Suzuka smiled coldly, her eyes glittering viciously. "Surprise." She surged to her feet, pushing Gabriel onto his backside. Suzuka watched as he scrambled backwards, standing straight and proud. "You said it yourself," She told him as he finally got his feet under him. "The last Soul Edge vanished more then two hundred years ago." Gabriel rose to his feet slowly as Suzuka reached into her kimono. She pulled out a small disc with a hole in the center just about the size of... Suzuka smiled as she saw the faint glimmerings of understanding in his eyes before it was crushed by his insanity and denial. She calmly slid the tip thru the hole and down its length until the hilt locked into place. "A clan of assassins recovered it and swore to keep it safe for all time." The wooden sword began to vibrate, cracks appearing on its surface, a cool blue-white light emanating from them. -Rinbu Revolution, Shoujo Kakumei Utena- "For the last four generations, my family has succeeded in it's vow." Suzuka gave him a soft smile, "But I think my ancestors will forgive me this once." She held the blade above her head and the last of the wood exploded off. "Once more must Masamune shine in this universe." Icy light trailed from the polished katana as Suzuka once more assumed a ready stance. "Round two." Gabriel's breathing became loud and heavy as he wiped his mouth, focused only on Suzuka, he charged with a wordless sound of fury. Suzuka stepped aside and calmly slapped Excalibur away. The two Soul Edges meet with a muted thunderclap, a shockwave flashing outwards from the point of contact as jagged bolts of energy scored the ground. Gabriel continued for several steps before spinning and bringing his golden blade down in a strike that could cleave a starship's hull clean thru. Suzuka deflected it with Murasame and, as Excalibur bit into the station floor smoothly, brought it across his chest. The sword harness vanished in a burst of pale blue energy as she gave Gabriel a two inch cut. Suzuka frowned as she saw not blood, but golden light spill from the cut. The lores her family had on the Soul Edge said it would keep its wielder from harm as long as it had the energy to. She had expected the result, Masamune had already healed her own wound after all; but she had hoped Professor Khan's version was not as well made. It looked like she would have to do this the hard way. Reversing the blade, Suzuka blocked another stroke as she moved backwards. Gabriel pursued her, hacking all the while. Suzuka studied Gabriel's movements as she blocked each strike. A corner of her mind absently noted that the two of them were moving incredibly fast. The charred remains of Masamune's disguise was still falling from the air on the other side of the room. A fragment from the scrolls came back to her as she saw this. "The wielder of a Soul Edge moves with thought." An idea formed in the back of her mind. Suzuka jumped into the air, impossibly high, and moved across the room as soon as she willed herself there. Seeing the success of her idea, Suzuka turned and waited, every ounce of her attention on Gabriel. He was thrown off balance when she had jumped, but recovered by the time she turned. Spinning, he saw his target and yelled in frustration, Excalibur's glow brightening. Suzuka tensed. Gabriel held his blade beside him then thrust it forward, a sphere of golden energy flashing out of it. She moved. Almost a decade ago, her family took a student from outside of the family. Hitoriga proved to be quite adept at their style, and an excellent partner for a young Suzuka. As he trained, Hitoriga became obsessed with the beauty always facing him across the dojo floor. He envisioned claiming her and making her his, along with the school. One day, he followed her to a forest glade, there he saw his woman in the arms on another woman. His dreams crushed, Hitoriga wondered the forest. Hours later, he saw the other woman alone, and a red haze fell over his vision. As the red haze faded a little, he found himself back at the school, the blood of her family on his hands. When Suzuka discovered what he had done, she developed a single attack, designed to kill the one who killed her family. She found the chance to use it once, and her family was avenged. Now, she found another chance to use it. Boosted by Masamune, Suzuka ran by the blast and used Crimson once more. Her enhanced senses felt Excalibur try to heal Gabriel, but she was already moving again. Spinning and stepping forward, Suzuka separated Excalibur from it's wielder, at the elbow. No longer connected to a mind, the golden glow faded as Gabriel dropped, the life gone from his eyes. Behind her, several pieces of wood landed. *** Crouched among several storage containers, Suzuka watched as three combat robots loaded supplies into a small spacecraft. Judging by some of the other objects that had been loaded, the assassin guessed that Professor Khan was taking his leave of Heaven's Vengeance. While she didn't care if that was so or not, the old crack pot scientist was the only one who could take her to Aisha, as she would be damned if she let him do anything else first. The warning came a second before the shot, but with Masamune active, that second was enough. Suzuka blocked the energy bolt and was already moving at the shooter before she even recognized the redhead holding the gun. Pulling her arm back at the last instant, the raven haired woman destroyed the pistol instead of Rashel. As the woman stumbled back from the exploding gun, Suzuka grabbed her left arm and wrenched it behind her back, forcing Rashel to her knees with a pained cry. Suzuka frowned at the woman, she didn't think any of the women that Gabriel had in his little harem would have had enough initiative to seek her out. She glanced about, hoping to find something to tie the woman up with. Suzuka was again surprised when Rashel's foot kicked out, knocking her own out from under her. As her arm was released, the former Inspector tried to grab Suzuka's neck. She had wasted several minutes after seeing her Master killed by this woman before her shell personality decided on a course of action, to kill her in return. Twisting as she fell, Suzuka saw Rashel's hands reach for her neck. Too late to knock them away before she hit the deck, Suzuka allowed the slim hands by, grabbing her wrists the second her arms finished absorbing the shock form the fall. The assassin was startled by the diminutive woman's strength and began to worry when the shiatsu points she hit had no effect. Desperately trying to get some leverage, Suzuka rolled the two of them over. Her vision was starting to fade when there was a flash of light, and suddenly, she could breath again. Coughing several times, she waited for her vision to return. When it did, she saw Rashel sitting against the containers wearing a confused and slightly scared expression. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you too badly did I?" The red head asked. Suzuka rubbed her throat while studying the other woman before finally responding. "I will be fine. I take it you no longer wish kill me?" Rashel blinked at Suzuka several times before violently shacking her head. "No. I... I'm not sure how I was freed, but... no, I don't want to kill you." "That's nice to know," She replied dryly. The two women slowly got to their feet, both looking for signs that their brief fight had attracted any unwanted attention. Seeing only the robots, still loading the spacecraft, Suzuka relaxed slightly before glancing at the floor for Masamune. Seeing the blade lying between herself and Rashel, Suzuka looked at it curiously. Deciding to shelve her question until a later time, Suzuka lifted the katana and turned to Rashel. "Do you know where Aisha is?" "Aisha is the Catarl Catarl woman with you?" Seeing the raven haired woman's nod, Rashel bit her lip. "She's... probably in the Professor's lab being... 'conditioned' by him." Suzuka's eyes narrowed as thoughts of introducing Khan to some of her families more exotic, and painful, methods of killing flitted about her mind. "Take me there." *** Finding the lab doors locked with a code Rashel did not have, Suzuka tried one of her own keys. The doors to the lab were bent then blasted inwards by the coolly angry assassin and her Soul Edge. Marching in, she saw the two lightning casters that had knocked her out before aiming at her. As the purple energy lanced toward her, she lift Masamune and reflected the bolts right back at the casters. The devices buzzed and sparked, the energy coursing along the frames before they both detonated in an impressive shower of sparks. Rashel blinked and looked at her. She didn't even see the other woman's arm move! Recalling what she saw, or rather didn't see, of her fight with Gabriel, Rashel swallowed. Seeing the room go from clean and polished to cracked, ripped and energy scored, literally, in a heartbeat, was a very sobering testament to the power her companion possessed. "KHAN!" Suzuka's voice echoed within the chamber without response. Suzuka looked around the darkened room before spotting the door on the left wall and heading to it, Rashel hurrying after the assassin. The door slide open without complaint, Suzuka was thru it before it finished. "Aisha!" Seeing the fierce woman laid on the table, her skin pale even thru her thin coat of fur, was almost too much of Suzuka. She hurried to her side, hand instantly at her neck to check for a pulse, as Rashel examined the displays. Suzuka sighed in relief upon feeling the soft but steady beat beneath her fingertips. Her immediate concern assuaged, Suzuka reached for the visor-like device wrapped around Aisha's head. "Stop!" Suzuka's hands froze as she looked at Rashel, not speaking but clearly wanting an answer. "She's still in phase one, but according to these readings..." The Inspector trailed off, looking very worried, before she resumed. "She's been at the end phase one for almost thirty minutes." "What dose phase one mean?" Suzuka demanded. "Phase one is personality submergence." Rashel closed her eyes, painful memories floating far to close to the surface of her mind then she liked. "The subject's ego is undermined, resulting in a near comatose state that aids in the formation of a 'shell personality' while the core personality has retreated from the outside world." Suzuka was impressed with the girl in front of her, she was obviously reliving a very painful time, yet it was not interfering with her duty. The tall woman walked silently over to Rashel and placed a comforting hand her shoulder. "How do I stop it?" Rashel shock her head. "It's too late, Aisha's personality has been driven to submission, if... if we stop it now, she'll be comatose." "How can I bring her back then?" "The professor... the professor likes... the method he used on me was... was being forgotten..." "Forgotten?" Rashel nodded. "I overheard him telling Mas... um... Gabriel once that sentients defined themselves by their interactions with others, the only way to truly kill someone was to remove all trace that they existed in the first place. In... our case, that was our memories of others. Aisha... Aisha is at the end of phase one, she currently believes that no one knows her. That is what this machine dose, it creates a world based on the... subjects own memories and strips them from her, leaving her with nothing." "Where is Khan?" Suzuka demanded. Rashel looked around, as thou the scientist were hiding in a corner. "He should be here, especially if Aisha is in this thing." Suzuka walked over to a set of displays. "Can you get an image of the hanger?" Rashel looked at the keypad and typed a few commands. Soon, the display in front of the assassin blinked to life. Rashel looked up after hearing Suzuka swore softly. Glancing at the display, she saw why. The ship was gone. "The bastard already left!" Rashel hit the counter. "A rat always knows when the ship is sinking." Suzuka lowered her head; a reflection off Masamune caught her eye. Heading back to Aisha, she placed the blade in her hand. Rashel looked on silently before finally speaking. "What are you doing?" Suzuka sighed and retrieved the blade. "Failing, apparently. I think Masamune is what freed you earlier." Rashel blinked. "The sword freed me?" "One of the properties of a Soul Edge is that it heals the one touching the handle. When we rolled over, I think you touched it and it healed you." Rashel thought about that before nodding "That makes sense. But in my case, I was actively fighting against the shell personality. It must have found the conflict inside me and removed the shell personality. Aisha doesn't have a shell yet thou, there was no conflict for it to heal." "I know, but I had to try anyway." Rashel nodded, bending back to the console and trying to find a way to help Aisha. Suzuka gazed at the Catarl Catarl woman, her hand slowly running thru her white hair. Memories of their times together flashing through her mind. As her eyes drifted to the device keeping her in a false world, she thought about what Rashel said. Then she noticed a second band hung on a hook next to the bed. "Rashel..." The red head looked up. "Yes?" "What if she was told there was someone who remembered her in there?" Rashel's eyes narrowed as she thought. "It... I suppose that might work... but the program can't be altered while it's running." Suzuka faced her, a fire burning in her dark gaze. "So send me in." She said pointing to the second band. to be concluded The story will conclude in Outlaw Star: At First Glance Part Three: Possessions See you then!
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