The Quest: A Fractured Fairy Tale (part 1 of 5)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

"Bring me the head of Prince Charming!" the Wicked Queen cried out 
angrily from her throne, the members of the court gathered around 
watching anxiously.

"Mo-ther," Snow White sighed out, getting her parent's attention. The 
pale skinned beauty who so resembled the queen in her youth pushed her 
long black hair back as she coolly suggested, "Just bringing him back in 
chains would be enough, I think."

"Indeed," the Wicked Queen nodded thoughtfully, her own black hair now 
carrying a hint of silver. Her red dress clung to a well proportioned 
body, her face still mostly unlined by age.

'Not that mother is really all that wicked,' Snow mused as she studied 
her mother, 'it just seems to be a nickname she chose to embrace.' The 
local kings had begun to call her that name after discovering how 
dangerous she could be in both negotiations and politics. 'Not to 
mention over a card table,' Snow added impishly.

"No," the quiet voice interrupted them. Rose Red was even paler than 
normal, her flaming hair bolder than ever as she said to them gravely, 
"Simply because he rescued me and did not take advantage, does not mean 
we can bring him back here by force."

Snow looked at her younger sister in surprise. "You mean that he didn't 
even try to...." Snow trailed off disbelievingly.

With a clearly annoyed expression on her face Rose bit out the words, 
"He did not even come near me with his... sword."

"Damn, maybe he really is gay," the Queen blurted out without thinking.

Fighting back her sudden tears Rose Red swept from the throne room even 
as an awkward silence fell. Snow gave an exasperated sigh and glared up 
at her mother from where she stood beside the throne, the older woman 
having the grace to look sheepish.

'How could something so simple go so wrong?' Snow wondered as the 
courtiers began to speak up, making suggestions to the Queen.

Everything had started out beautifully with Rose Red being kidnapped, 
too. It was very nearly a tradition in this part of the world that a 
unwed princess would be taken captive, taken up to a mountain keep or 
down to a dank dungeon and there wait to be rescued by the handsomest of 
princes. After the rescue they'd take the long way home, get to know 
each other better, and often the question would be popped before they 
got home.

In fact poor Rose had been getting so impatient for her kidnapping to 
finally happen that she had even begun to hint to their mother the Queen 
that she might arrange something. As Rose often pointed out she was 
already sixteen, practically an old maid, and soon she would be losing 
the bloom of her princess-hood.

'Somehow I doubt that Mother helped arrange for that troll to attack,' 
Snow thought to herself grimly, 'she wouldn't sacrifice guards like 

Once a delighted Rose had been carried away they put the word out that 
they needed a prince, and soon one came. A wandering prince named 
Charming soon appeared at court and despite Snow's misgivings about the 
beautiful blonde boy he had ridden out to face the troll in it's keep. 
Clearly he had beaten it in battle for a few days later he returned to 
the castle with Rose, kissed her good-bye then rode away without a word, 
leaving a devastated Rose in his wake.

"So what can we do?" the queen scowled.

Snow puffed out a breath, adjusting her blue dress a bit uncomfortably. 
"If I can make a suggestion?" she offered.

"Please do," her mother gave Snow a thoughtful look, recognizing that 
expression on her shrewd daughter's face. 'It's too bad that seems to 
make the men less interested in her, not more,' the Queen thought to 
herself glumly.

"Sending armed forces or knights to go find our wayward prince won't 
make Rose very happy," Snow said seriously, "not to mention how it would 
spur on the gossips. But a single rider, one who is a good horseman and 
skilled with a blade, could go and get him much more quietly."

"You have someone in mind," the Queen didn't exactly make it a question 
and Snow smiled, nodding. She put two and two together quickly and 
smiled back as the Queen cautioned her, "It could be dangerous, 

"With a bit of protective coloring it should be fine," Snow reassured 
her. A impish look, "And Rose knows I tend to like riding off on my own 
anyway, so there shouldn't be any trouble."

"Officially," the Queen stressed the word, "I can't approve of my eldest 
daughter going off on adventures, but as long as you don't tell me 
exactly what you're doing it should be fine."

Snow rolled her eyes at the deception and the Queen laughed.

Early next morning in her quarters Rose worked to ready herself for her 
trip, her lady's maid frowning worriedly behind her. "Are you sure this 
is a good idea, ma'am?" Alice asked nervously, her long blonde hair 
shimmering as she helped the princess pack.

"No," Snow said to her frankly, "but that's never stopped me before." 
She frowned as she noticed what Alice was trying to pack, "Just 
traveling clothes, I thought I said. A long lacey gown doesn't really 
work for spending days on horseback."

"You won't be stopping in at any of the local courts?" Alice asked her 
in surprise. She smiled shyly as she softly suggested, "I understand 
that Queen Cinderella is holding a ball soon, as is Queen Beauty. Both 
have sons that would make good matches....."

"You know I don't like that sort of thing," Snow answered her crisply, 
grabbing several pairs of dark colored pants and folding them into her 
saddlebags, "and to be honest I can't stand those two butterflies." 
Ignoring her maid's appalled look she stuffed matching shirts into her 
bags as she asked, "Can you find my heavy cloak?"

"Here," Alice hefted the bundle of brow cloth and held the princess' 
short sword in the other hand, "and I assume you'll be wearing this, 

"Thank you," Snow smiled wryly, hearing the tone of disapproval in 
Alice's voice. Her sword belt buckled on over her black pants, her 
simple red shirt crisp against her skin.

"I still can't believe that a princess of the blood would go out dressed 
like this," Alice shook her head with a sigh, her own dress swirling 
around her legs, blue eyes widened with distress. "What would your 
people think?"

"Oh they're used to me by now," Snow said dryly as she adjusted the 
braid that Alice had tied back her hair in. She smiled at the maid with 
surprising gentleness, "I do appreciate all your efforts at civilizing 
me, even if they are a little annoying."

"Of course," Alice said as she helped settle the traveler's cloak around 
Snow's shoulders, "you knew as soon as I was hired why I was brought 

Snow laughed, "My mother may be subtle, but she's been despairing of my 
behavior for years, ever since I ran away from home and worked in that 
mine with the seven dwarves when I was younger." She grabbed her bags 
off of the bed and slung them over her shoulder, pausing a moment when 
she saw Alice hesitate, "Yes?"

Alice stepped forward and gently kissed the taller woman on the cheek, 
her breath stirring a few loose strands of Snow's hair as she said, 
"Good luck."

Snow looked down at Alice in surprise, "What was that for?"

"You looked so much like a young knight about to embark on a quest," 
Alice explained as they walked to the door to Snow's suite, "I couldn't 
help myself."

A faint blush colored Snow's cheeks as she smiled, "Thank you." With 
that she was off, striding down the hall with her cloak swirling, sword 
softly thumping against her side.

The queen's Councilor fell into step beside her, Jack's blonde hair 
falling into his eyes. Once known as an adventurer and giant killer he 
had retired, but there was still a dangerous twinkle to his eyes. "That 
rude beast you prefer has been saddled up," he cheerfully reported as 
they walked to the courtyard, "and we did it with only two people being 

Snow sighed as she reminded him, "You know that I'm the only one who can 
saddle or bridle him without trouble."

"You should see what happens to the stablehands when I even mention the 
name Rosebud," Jack chuckled, "it's positively hilarious seeing the 
looks of terror on their faces."

"You are a very evil man m'lord," a smiling Snow said as they walked 
past the guards and out into the cool morning air. The great stallion 
tied up to a post glowered at everyone until it saw Snow White, only 
then did he whinny welcomingly as she untied him and put her saddlebags 
into place. Approvingly she noted the previsions and supplies had 
already been attached and she hoped that Rosebud hadn't been too viscous 
to the poor kitchen boys.

"I'll never get used to seeing that," Jack remarked as the frightening 
beast acted like the gentlest pony around Snow. Giver to her as a foal 
Snow had raised the horse, even nursing it back to health when Rosebud 
fell ill one winter, and the horse loved Snow dearly. Of course it hated 
everyone else, but that was considered a acceptable trade off.

"Tell mother I've gone," Snow smoothly pulled herself up into the 
saddle, "and keep an eye on Rose Red for me. I don't think she'll do 
anything too stupid, but I want to be sure."

"Of course," Jack executed a graceful bow before asking her, "and how 
long do you think you'll be gone this time?"

"I hope only two weeks," with a nudge of her heels and a tug of the 
reigns Snow turned the stallion towards the gate in the outer wall as 
she continued, "but I may be longer, it depends on how the hunting 

"Good luck," Jack called as Rosebud took off, mane and tail streaming 
behind him like a flag as he carried Snow White off on her quest.

Onwards to Part 2

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