The Student and the Goddess (part 4 of 20)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by slayer girl

Back to Part 3
      Erin wanted to believe that she had a horrible dream about... snakes and some weird 
lady! Alas, she was sure it was not a dream as she started to come to on the couch.

      Abby just stared at her second favorite lesbian duo (Eveon and Mina were her first) as 
they sat next to each other, cuddling on the appropriately named love seat. "So, you went 
after a demon to save this girl here, but you don't think it's a demon and you decide to 
bring this poor woman here because...?"

      Krystal just looked over at Isaka. She wasn't sure why her lover had taken them to 
Abby's house either. "Considering the fact that we're dealing with something much more 
serious than a simple demon, Krystal's apartment would be to close and too easy for her to 
find. Your house is much better."

      Abby just gave her a blank look. "Really. So you chose my house so your love nest 
doesn't get destroyed? How very kind of you."

      Krystal blushed a furious red. "I'm sorry Abby! It's just... well, we need a place for 
her to rest and my place wouldn't be too great."

      The blonde woman just ran a hand through her long hair. "I get it. You'd wake this 
poor soul up with all your shenanigans," suddenly, the older woman looked quite reflective. 
"Makes me think of when Terry was alive. Me and him used to tell Eveon that all those sounds 
were really just the boogey man."

      Krystal's face almost turned purple and Isaka grimaced. "Please, Abby. I do not want 
to hear about your straight sex adventures." She just rolled her red eyes. "Well, I'm pretty 
sure it's the boogey man's fault that my daughter likes to eat-"

      Luckily for everyone in the room, Erin took this time to wake up and fall off of the 
couch. That was the second time that she had woken up in a foreign place. She let out a none 
too dignified groan and looked up.

      Having been entranced earlier by the mysterious woman in the chamber, she had no clue 
who Krystal or Isaka were, but... "Abby? Wha...? I just... I just had a crazy dream, but... 
what am I doing at your house...?"

      Abby took a second before she recognized the girl. "Erin? I haven't seen you in 
years," Abby helped her off the floor and back onto the couch. Krystal and Isaka exchanged 
confused looks. "I would ask you how you're doing, but seeing as you were rescued by those 
two; it can't be too good of a story."

      Erin directed her attention to the other two women and realized what Abby meant. "Oh, 
that means it did happen..." she whined out before her voice changed to one of gratitude, 
"Thank you so much for saving me!"

      Krystal smiled. "Oh no problem, but I didn't know you knew Abby..." Abby just nodded 
and sat next to Erin. "Yeah, she moved away a few years ago, but she used to baby sit Eveon 
and Mina." Isaka was really amazed at how small the world was... however, there were some 
important issues to focus on.

      "That's nice, but Erin," The mentioned woman turned her head towards Isaka, "Why would 
such a... being be after you?"

      The young woman let out a long sigh. "I was kind of hoping you guys could tell me... 
This is such a nightmare!" Erin's tense mood was interrupted when her stomach decided to 
growl. Her face burned in embarrassment, but Abby just started dragging her to the kitchen. 
"How about we get you something to eat..."

      The clock struck midnight and Krystal just looked over at Isaka. "That woman wasn't a 
demon or... well, nothing I've ever encountered," the blonde woman said, laying her head on 
Isaka's shoulder. "Another thing that bothered me was... when I hit her, I didn't sense any 
life," the demon murmured.

      "Really? But she wasn't an undead creature, so...?" Krystal murmured and started 
biting a nail. "Maybe a solid apparition? I've never encountered something like this..." The 
lovers exchanged worried glances. It was one thing to take an opponent you knew, but another 
to try and fight an unknown entity.

      "I know!" Krystal exclaimed, grabbing out her cell phone. "Seth used to study 
demonology and other strange things in his free time. He should know how to help," As 
Krystal began dialing her ex-boyfriend's number, Isaka couldn't help but be suspicious of 
why she still kept his number.

      However, Krystal got a bit of a surprise. "Hello," a sweet, distinctly female voice 
said. Krystal just blinked before remembering she was on the phone. "Hi? Umm... is Seth 

      The girl on the other line giggled. "Hi Krystal! It's been a while but I would never 
forget your voice. It's Tycara, in case you were wondering." The blonde had indeed been 

      "Why are you answering his phone?" This peaked Isaka's interest and the demon leaned 
in to listen.

      "Oh, well Seth is sleeping like a baby, so I decided to answer it for him. I was about 
to go to sleep before you called..."

      Krystal let out a nervous laugh at the death glare in Isaka's eyes. "Um, are you... 
uh, at his apartment?"

      "Oh, yeah. I'm in his bed right now and goodness! His aftershave smells so good!"

      Krystal suddenly forgot that a fuming demon with a big sister complex was right next 
to her. "I know! It's always all over his sheets... I used to steal his clothes because it 
smelled so good. I wonder what kind he uses..."

      "Yeah... it's so... mmm. I just-"

      At that moment, Isaka had had enough and yanked the phone from Krystal. "Tycara, you 
little-! What did I tell you about boys and sleepovers!?"

      "Eh... not to, right," came the slightly confused, though naïve voice of Tycara.

      "That's right! I swear, if he touched you at all, he is going to wake up a girl. And 
don't think I don't know the dark magic for that spell, little missy!" Krystal just gawked.

      "Nononononono! You can't turn my sweet, strong, manly Seth into a girl!"

      "Yes I can and I'm about to teleport right over there and castrate that-"

      "Isaka! He's sleeping on the couch! Seth was up studying in the library with me... so 
we went back to his place and he let me sleep in his bed. We didn't do anything..."

      Isaka was silent. She really, really, REALLY wanted to try out that spell, but... "Are 
you sure? Because you know how I feel about-"

      "Yes, he was helping me with... oh, I'll tell you later. What did Krystal want?"

      Isaka suddenly blushed bright red, realizing she had hissed all those things at Tycara 
none to discreetly in front of her, now, wide eyed girlfriend. "Oh, she uh... needed to talk 
to Seth. We... encountered a strange enemy and we don't know what to do."

      "Oh, okay. I'll wake him up and we'll head over to- where are you?"

      "Abby's house."

      "Really! I'm excited - do you think she can make me a midnight snack?"

      "Tycara, just hurry up and bring your stupid boyfriend."

      "Hmph, I can't believe you thought he was a pervert. He's not like you - he doesn't 
try and sleep with every girl he sees."

      "What?! I do not - umm... alright, well not anymore! I-I'm a demon with a huge sex 
drive; I have a reason!"

      Tycara just giggled and hung up.

      Isaka flipped Krystal's cell phone closed. "You have a huge sex drive?" The demon 
looked up to see Abby quirking an eyebrow. "Er, umm, it's not um..."

      Erin looked like she about to faint again. "D-don’t look at me like that, Erin! I-I 
promise I'm perfectly safe and... and..."

      That was when she noticed Krystal staring at her, even more wide eyed than before. 
"You can turn Seth into a girl?"

      Isaka gritted her teeth and swore that Tycara was going to get it. 


      "It's like a mini reunion! Except, where's Eveon and Mina?" Tycara looked around the 
living room as though the two girls would show up.

      "They're on some school trip together. Something about a sleepover at the museum," 
Abby murmured. "At least they won't be up to no good since they're in a public place." The 
older woman took a long sip of her coffee. This was going to be one hell of a night.

      Tycara sat down in one of the chairs and smiled brightly at Isaka. For some odd reason 
the demon looked like she wanted to kill her... The half angel, half demon hybrid merely 
shrugged it off as Seth sat down next to her.

      "Um, so... h-how is Eveon? I've been meaning to ask," Erin stuttered out, having 
already devoured three club sandwiches made by Abby.

      She just laughed... and laughed and laughed. Seth sheepishly rubbed his head while 
Tycara smiled. Krystal looked away, embarrassed while Isaka grinned toothily and said, "Oh, 
she's just fine Erin. Probably a little different than you remember." Erin felt like she was 
missing out on something important.

      Suddenly, Seth spoke up. "Krystal? What is it you wanted to ask about?"

      The blonde woman straightened up. "Erin was kidnapped by some entity. It was a woman, 
for sure, who had control of snakes. The only problem was she wasn't human, demon, or 
angel-" Isaka snorted at the thought of the woman being an angel. "When Isaka landed a blow 
on her, she couldn't sense her life force."

      The young man rubbed his forehead. "Well, it's obviously an apparition, possibly 
without a physical form... even if you could hit it... Where did you fight her?"

      "Oh, in a nearby forest, in some underground shrine or palace structure," Krystal 
responded and then Erin spoke up. "When I... encountered her, it was in what looked to be a 
special chamber with an altar in the middle. She... I couldn't control my body and found 
myself in the middle of the room. She said she'd been waiting so long and she-she- ugh! She 
had slits for pupils and these - these long fangs! It was so scary," Erin murmured, "then, 
I... fell into a daze."

      Seth sat there, thinking long and hard. "I brought a few of my books with me, but it 
sounds like... well... how strong was this lady?"

      Krystal and Isaka said simultaneously, "Pretty strong."

      "Oh, wow. You two are on the same wavelength," Abby said, unenthusiastically. "Remind 
me to bash in Eveon's skull if her and Mina start doing that. Erin just gave her a confused 
look, seeing as she was still in the dark on how Eveon had changed since she last saw her.

      "I think I know what you encountered," Seth said, trying to find a specific book in 
his messenger bag. "It must have been a goddess."

      Everyone in the room (excluding Tycara) just stared at him. "A... what?" Krystal 

      "A goddess. A long time ago, religions similar to paganism would worship gods and 
goddesses. Since they were so revered by people, they lived on Earth in a physical form. 
When not in their physical forms, their power came from the hearts of the people who prayed 
to them."

      Abby took a long sip of her coffee. "Okay... how come we've never heard of them?"

      Seth finally found the book he was looking for. "Well, their worshippers started to 
turn away due to the religions that are... popular, for lack of a better term, today. Gods 
and goddesses still exist, but many are dead or sealed away."

      "Dead? How would you kill a god?" Isaka asked.

      Seth started to flip through the book, looking for a specific page. "Well, as I said, 
they live in a physical form. If their physical form is destroyed, then they are still left 
with their spirit. However, without worshippers, they're weak in spirit form and can be 
easily sealed or will die off. The people who once worshipped and loved their gods turned 
against them. They saw them as sign of sin and began to eradicate them. They still exist, 
but because very little people know about them, there's little chance for them to be 

      Everyone just stared at the young man as he continued, "Even in a weak spirit form, a 
god, or goddess, in this case would be quite strong and appear as a solid apparition. The 
goddess you fought must have had her original body destroyed, but enough power to still 
fight back..."

      Isaka pointed over to Erin, "So this goddess... why would she want Erin?"

      Seth finally found the page. "First off, you're obviously dealing with the snake 
goddess, or Goddess of Serpents, or however you want to say it. She was sealed away hundreds 
of years ago, seen as a monster because she controlled snakes. She was rather powerful so 
the people sealed her in her temple and left. Because snakes are her servants and believe in 
her, I'm sure that's why she was able to fight you guys, but... breaking a seal wouldn't 
have been easy without someone praying..."

      As he continued his musings, Isaka said to Tycara, "Your boyfriend is a total dork."

      Erin decided to speak up. "Wh-what does this have to do with me? I hate snakes so is 
this some kind of revenge or something...?"

      Seth shook his head. "No... a goddess without a physical form would spend her time 
trying to find her next vessel, not getting revenge so..."

      Everyone in the room gave Erin a pointed look. "A... what? I-I'm not sure what you're 
talking about, Seth!"

      He sighed and continued on. "Did you ever hang around that forest when you were a 
little kid?" Erin nodded her head hesitantly. "A goddess, or god, can be revived should 
their vessel be nearby."

      Erin blanched. "A vessel...? That doesn't mean what I think it means...?"

      Seth gave her an apologetic look. "A vessel is a human that exists for the sole 
purpose of being the physical form of a designated god. A god will relentlessly hunt down 
their vessel because they will have no other chance of survival without it. When a god dies, 
they remain in eternal sleep unless their vessel comes upon them. Or, in Erin's case, her 
constant presence nearby allowed the goddess to break her seal... and when Erin left for 
college," the mentioned girl was getting paler by the moment, "the goddess realized that she 
had little time before she would lose her vessel."

      Krystal bit her nail nervously. "So Erin was born just to be some physical form of 
somebody else? That's horrible!"

      "No, it's not quite like that. A vessel fulfills the other half of the goddess, so in 
a sense, Erin is just as much a goddess herself, except without all the power," Seth said 
matter-of-factly and Abby just gave him a blank stare. "Isn't that contradictory? If she 
doesn't have the 'power' then isn't she just a normal girl."

      The young man shrugged and looked over at the shell shocked Erin. "I'm sure snakes are 
abnormally attracted to you... which is why you're afraid of them, right?"

      The young woman only got paler. "I... this can't be... I'm just normal, right? 
Right...? This is just a crazy... dream..." At that moment, Erin's eyelids fluttered shut 
and her body crumpled on the couch. "Ah, hell, not again." Abby murmured out, barely 
grabbing the girl before she slipped off the couch and onto the floor.

      "Isaka..." Krystal said, looking at her. "Yes?" Silence passed between them, but there 
was an air of understanding.

      "I swear to God I will bash Eveon on the head if her and Mina start doing that..." 
Abby grumbled out, lying Erin down on the couch. 

Onwards to Part 5

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