"I'm bored..." Faye moaned out, lounging on her bed. "Again? I thought the God of Flames was keeping you occupied?" The red head looked up at the Goddess of Parenting before sighing. "No... it wasn't working out for either of us. You know how tired I get after a while. No one keeps my interest." The Goddess of Parenting, a kind woman with brown hair, sighed. "It's because you're running through all the gods like candy. Even some of the goddesses. I think you need to settle down." Faye pouted. "You're the Goddess of Parenting. Of course you think that... I can't help it if everyone fawns over me. I'm the Goddess of Love; any person who sees me is charmed immediately unless they are in love with another." The Goddess of Parenting got up from where she was sitting and just stroked Faye's head. "Oh, you're like a child sometimes. You've taken so many to your bed and none can satisfy you. Isn't that a hint?" Faye snorted. "Whatever. I'm hard to please..." ***** It was later that day when Faye first met her. Every once and a while, grand meetings would be held for all the gods to converse on the state of humanity. Their duties as gods were to serve and help their people of the world; that was their only reason to live and their only source of power were the prayers of the people. Faye smiled as she walked down the hall. She could tell some of the other gods were already smitten by her appearance. She loved the attention, but... She looked around to find herself a potential lover. Without a lover, she was bound to get lonely and agitated. Luckily, the meetings were all over, so it was time to mingle. As she continued to walk, something caught her eye. Faye stopped. There was a goddess walking the direction opposite of her. Her yellow eyes were downcast and her facial expression was indifferent. A snake was loosely draped across her shoulders and neck. Faye was intrigued. There were lots of gods and some she had yet to meet. The other woman was quite a ways away so Faye continued to walk, confident. As other gods passed her, they greeted her or indulged in some chit chat. When the goddess with the snake was close to her, Faye stopped. She expected a greeting of some sort or recognition, but... The goddess walked right past her. Faye froze. No one had ever disregarded her like that. She was the Goddess of Love and one of her abilities was her charm that no one could resist. Even if someone was in love, she could still charm them to some extent... "Excuse me," Faye said, as the goddess was now a few paces past her. The woman turned around, seeming a little confused, but still indifferent. "Yes?" Faye turned around to stare at the woman. She had dark green hair and intelligent yellow eyes, like that of a snake. She waited patiently for the goddess to say hello or something... A few moments passed and Faye spoke. "Aren't you going to say anything?" The other woman tilted her head in confusion. "No." Faye gritted her teeth, but stared right into her eyes. She'd met people that were hard to charm, so... She concentrated on enticing the woman in front of her because she wasn't in love with anyone and there was no way Faye could let her walk off. The snake woman just stood there, her expression unchanging. "...if there is nothing you need, I believe this is a waste of time." Faye stood there, gaping, as the woman turned around and walked off. She wasn't sure how long she'd been standing there, staring at the retreating back of the woman when the Goddess of Parenting came up to her. "Faye? What's-" The red head interrupted her friend. "The... the nerve of that woman! How dare she disregard me... I am irresistible...!" Faye said, obviously stunned. The Goddess of Parenting just looked down the hall. "Oh, that would the Goddess of Serpents. She keeps mostly to herself, but she's rather powerful. She controls snakes, which in turn controls rodent populations and oversees the balance of nature." Faye was only partially listening. The Goddess of Serpents? She wasn't going to let her go without finding out why she'd been refused. ***** Erin laughed. "So that's why I had those dreams... you would always come bother me when I sat by the river." Faye rolled her eyes and looked away. "So? I was a spoiled brat since I'd never met a person who said 'no'. I was curious..." ***** Faye once again meandered over to the river. It had been a few weeks and she'd gotten little out of the Goddess of Serpents. All the love goddess had managed to do was apologize to her for being a brat. Faye sighed. Was she really that annoying...? She was surprised to see the goddess wasn't there, but... The snake she usually wore around her neck was lounging by the riverside. "Hello there," Faye murmured, sitting down next to it. It rose up its head and she held out her hand. She giggled as it affectionately rubbed against her palm. It seemed to be much more amiable than its master. "He likes you. That's rare." Faye nearly jumped at the calm voice of the snake goddess. "What's his name?" She asked as the snake slithered over to his master. "...Posh-Posh." Faye laughed. "What a silly name! Who names a snake something like that?" The other goddess looked away. "His mother chose it... and I happen to be his mommy." Faye flushed bright red. So much for not being a brat... "You haven't told me your name, you know," she said, as the snake goddess sat next to her. "You haven't told me yours, either." "I'm Faye, the Goddess of Love." "My name is Erin." It was then that their strange acquaintance started to change. ***** "You know... you haven't taken a lover to bed in a long time." Faye looked up at the Goddess of Parenting. "Oh hush. I just haven't found someone good enough for me." Her friend just raised a brow. "Really. It has nothing to do with the Goddess of Serpents." Faye blushed. "Of course not! And I thought you were the Goddess of Parenting! Two women can't have children..." Her friend let out a long sigh. "You know as well as I do that the gods are trying to change that. As the Goddess of Love, you have no bias to any coupling, correct?" Faye nodded and said, "But I do prefer men to women... but youâre right. It's rather nice that we gods support all ways of thinking..." The Goddess of Parenting let out a worried sigh, "Yes, but there has been rumor of other religions that go against us." Faye snorted. "Right. We live for the people, so why would anyone be displeased with us? We haven't done anything wrong, have we?" "Well, some religions say there is one all powerful god who created the world and the people. Some of our followers have been converted, but... you're right, it's nothing to worry about." Faye smiled and pulled out a robe from her closet. She was planning to go see Erin today... ***** "What are you doing here?" The snake goddess sounded as indifferent as always, but there was surprised look on her face. "I just came to visit you," Faye said happily. She was currently inside Erin's temple. Servants walked about, tending to plants and other things. "Your temple is quite beautiful..." They were standing in the courtyard, for most of Erin's temple was outside. Pillars lined the walkway they were on and the foliage surrounding the temple was quite breathtaking. Erin let out a sigh and smiled. "You're devious, Faye..." The love goddess decided that she rather like Erin's smile. "Oh, love takes me to all sorts of places. I just happened to come by after taking care of business." The snake goddess said nothing, but started walking down the path. Faye froze before trotting after her. "Why do you always walk off so fast?" Erin just gave her a confused look. "Oh. I figured we would go to the dining room to eat and converse." Faye smiled happily. "Alright!" ***** "And you would come visit me all the time..." Erin murmured out, starting to remember. "Then you gave that gift to Posh-Posh." Faye smiled and said, "Yep. I made a collar out of my ribbons and gave him that bell." Erin scratched her head awkwardly. "...our relationship became more serious, didn't it?" Faye nodded. "Yes... yes it did." ***** It was when they were sitting by the river that it happened. Faye and Erin were talking about trifling things, but some point in the conversation, the red head's attention turned to Erin's lips. The Goddess of Love had kissed others so many times before, men, women, those in between; it didn't matter. Yet... She was nervous. So nervous. Faye wasn't sure when it happened, but she suddenly wanted to kiss Erin and to hold her. Even if her friend acted so mature, they were still the same age and... Faye licked her lips. It was then that she realized Erin had stopped speaking and was looking at her strangely. "Faye... are you alright?" The red head nodded, but Erin was looking at her strangely. "Yes... I'm fine... I was just..." Faye cupped her cheek and ran a thumb over Erin's lips. Her face turned bright red and Faye tried not to laugh, but... She couldn't help it. She'd never seen the normally composed snake goddess so flustered before. She laughed until tears came from her eyes and as she settled down, she noticed Erin was rather quiet. "Ah... haha... Erin...?" The snake goddess rose to her feet and started to walk away. "What? Erin, where are you going?" The dark haired woman kept walking. "I am not one to be teased and made fun of." Faye realized her mistake and ran after her. "Erin!" She caught up and turned the other young woman around. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to offend you," Faye said. Erin was looking away, but the red head noticed the pain and sadness in her yellow eyes. It was then that the love goddess realized something. Even though Erin came off as indifferent and strong, she was rather vulnerable and shy on the inside... no wonder she kept to herself. "I'm sorry," Faye murmured again, pulling Erin into a hug. She felt the dark haired woman's arms wrap around her waist and as they pulled away, Faye gently kissed the shorter woman on the forehead. Erin's face went bright red again. Faye made another epiphany. Erin was upset because she wanted... she wanted to kiss her too. Faye smiled gently as Erin looked up at her with shy, embarrassed eyes. She leaned in slowly and Erin closed her eyes. That was the first time they kissed.
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