Outside of the Dorms, in the middle of a grassy field out front of the Whispering Hills School, lay Nicole, Natalie's little sister. She had been lying there for several hours as the winds played with her short black hair, tossing it around her young face. Not long before she had been attacked a wave of intense energy that hit her full force. She had been in the middle of art class when an unexplainable surge of emotion filled her heart and mind and several of her classmates suddenly crumbled to the ground, starting to wail for no apparent reason. The teacher rushed from one child to another in an attempt to soothe the girls, however was at a loss as to what to do. After a time the teacher decided to dismiss the class for the day and told all the children they could stay in the class if they wished or they could return to their dorm rooms. Not having a dorm room to return to, being one of the few girls who lived outside the academy walls, and not feeling like going home yet, Nicole decided to take a walk around outside in hopes to gain some control over herself. At first she found herself struggling against the deep emotions that tried to force themselves to the surface of her mind as she gathered her sketchbook and pencils. She stumbled as she began to leave the class and needed to hold onto a desk for balance. "Nicole, are you going to be alright?" The teacher had inquired in a concerned tone. Nicole could see by the look in the woman's eyes that even she did not avoid the attack unscathed and was as shaken as the children around her. "I... I... I am a... alright..." Nicole stammered faintly, trying to not let her feelings gain control of her. She was not going to allow herself to be imprisoned here like her sister. She would prove to everyone that she was stronger then Natalie and that she did not need anyone, "My head just hurts. C... can I go home..." She requested. "You should try to stay on the school grounds until we figure out what just happened." The teacher suggested, "You should probably see Amy before leaving too." Nicole shook her head in disagreement, "I'll be alright." She stated confidently, "I just need some air." "Alright then, you be careful." The teacher insisted, and then ran off to attend to her other students. On her way out of the school she found many girls standing around in the halls, several hugging one another, others crying, all confused. Nicole hastily moved through the building until she stepped out into the afternoon sun. Even the clear blue sky and soft cool breeze could not vanquish the aura of sorrow that had descended over the Academy grounds. An unusual silence spread across the ground with the sound of the occasional sobs from off in the distance. Nicole found a spot under a tree and rested her eyes, trying hard to battle the invading feelings that tried to enter her mind. Slowly she felt herself calming and after a time she slowly opened her eyes to peer up at the sky. Clouds could be seen circling around the academy grounds like soft fluffy vultures, the sight of which gave the small girl an unsettling feeling. She sat up and scanned her surroundings to find the sun was slowly setting in the distance, turning the circling clouds an purplish colour, and many of the girls appeared to have returned to their dorm rooms. With another glance up at the clouds Nicole got to her feet and started her way across the field, towards the Western Dorms. Two girls exited the dorm and passed by the little girl without notice, "I can't believe she is dead." One of the girls said to the other. "I never got a chance to talk to her." The second girl remarked, "She always kept to herself and wasn't much of a talker." Dread began to fill Nicole's tiny heart and she picked up her pace, shoving her way through the main entrance and stumbling into the lobby. There she found several girls standing about the lobby, quietly whispering to each other. A couple glanced up when Nicole entered and watched the little girl as her eyes darted around in search of a familiar face, but found none. A tall blonde broke free of a group and approached the girl. "Are you looking for someone?" The girl inquired gently. She considered asking for her sister, but reconsidered it, "A... Alyson..." Saying the first other name that came to her mind. "I think she is in her room." The girl replied. "Thank you." Nicole bolted for the stairs, taking them two at a time. ***** To be Continued . . .
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