A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 2 - A Tale of Sorrows (part 50 of 67)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kathryn K Williams

Back to Part 49
Kim kicked her feet behind herself as she lay next to Penny, she found 
her new life in the house was not as bad as she thought it would be and 
their studies were not displeasing either. She did received a crack 
across the knuckles with a wooden metre stick for getting a math 
question wrong, but other then that the lessons were easy. They were 
taught some math, science and now were reading a chapter of "One Flew 
Over The Cuckoo's Nest". Each girl took turns reading a paragraph at a 
time out loud while Penny snuggled in close to Kim as they shared the 
same book. Before they knew it the sun started its decent across the sky 
and Ma'am set down her copy of the book.

"Okay girls." Ma'am clapped her hands to get their attention, "Time for 
bed." She stood to her feet and started to retrieve the copies of the 
books from the girls when she came to Kim, "Kimberly, you can keep that 
copy overnight." She told the girl, "Try to catch up to the rest of us 
quickly and do not stay up too late." 

"Alright, Ma'am." Kim politely agreed and stuffed the paperback in her 
overall pockets. 

"Wash up and I'll come check on you in a moment." Ma'am ordered as she 
guided the girls to the stairs when there was a knocking at the door, 
"That must be the boys. Come on, up those stairs." She patted the last 
girls upon the butts to get them to hop up the stairs. 

"The boys?" Kim whispered to Amber as she tried to get a peek at the 
door before heading to their room only to find the front door was out of 

Amber let out a depressed sigh, "I was hoping that they would not show 
up today." Amber muttered, hauling her feet up each step as if they were 
made of lead, "I hoped that you would get at least one day of sleep in 
this house before the nightmare begins again." 

"I don't know. So far things seem alright." Kim remarked, holding 
Penny's hand as they walked down the hall to their room. 

"You have yet to meet our brothers." Sarah stated dismally. 

Kim took one last glance down the stairs; she could hear the sounds of 
voices chatting down the hall but could not distinguish what they were 
talking about. She was curious to learn what these brothers of her's 
were like and considered venturing back down to find out when Penny 
pulled on her hand and she turned to see Penny shaking her head in 
disapproval, that familiar fear in her eyes.  

"Come one you curious puss." Amber teased, "We need to brush our teeth 
or it's off to the basement for us." 

"Alright." Kim allowed herself to be pulled into the room where Caitlin 
and April were already busily brushing their teeth, "I don't have a 
tooth brush." Kim stated watching other others. 

"You can borrow mine." Penny offered. 

"You sure?" Kim inquired uncertainly, "I mean you might get my germs." 

Penny laughed, "You don't have germs." 

Amber stared at Penny, "Wow!! I've never heard you laugh before." She 
stated in astonishment. 

Penny blushed, "Yes, I have." 

Sarah shook her head, "No, Amber is right." She glanced at Kim and 
smiled, "I thought you two were getting kind of close." She said with a 
snicker, "First you are sharing the bed with her and now your 
toothbrush, shame shame." 

"It's not like that." Penny exclaimed a bright blush covered her entire 

"Ahhh... You're blushing." Amber pointed out. 

"Cut it out!" Penny jumped at Amber and the two girls tumbled to the 
mattress giggling and laughing as they tickled each other. 

Suddenly Ma'am appeared at the door and glared down at the girls, "That 
is enough horsing around girl." She demanded. 

"Sorry Ma'am" Penny rolled off of Amber and got to her feet. 

"I'm sorry, Ma'am." Amber apologized and sat up on the mattress. 

The woman scanned the girls for a moment before speaking, "Remember to 
wash your face and brush your hair before going to bed."

"Yes, Ma'am." The girls piped as one. 

The woman pulled out a toothbrush from her pocket, "Here Kim, I forgot 
to give you this." She handed the girl a toothbrush still in its 
package, "Now brush up and get some rest. Goodnight girls." 

"Goodnight, Ma'am" 

The woman nodded and gave the girls a smile before closing the door and 
locking it. 

Sarah grinned at Penny, "Too bad, Kim won't get to use your toothbrush." 
She teased. 

Penny flushed again, "Leave me alone." She demanded, seeing that April 
and Caitlin had finished with the sink she took Kim by the hand and 
headed for the washroom, "Our turn!" She announced before the other 
could protest. She quickly closed the door so the others could not enter 
and leaned against it. 

Kim giggled as she looked at Penny, "You really are cute you know that?" 
She stated, "Even more so when you are blushing." 

"Don't you start!" Penny glared at the girl then broke into a smile and 
laughed, "I really am glad you are here. I don't know why but I feel 
safe around you." She explained as she stepped up to the sink and turned 
on the water.

Kim smiled back at the girl, "I'm glad I'm here too." She said as she 
opened the toothbrush package, "If not I would have never got to meet 
you." She watched as Penny splashed water upon her face and picked up a 
bar of soap. Kim's heart raced as the fact that they were alone together 
in such a small room began to set in. She licked at her lips as she 
tried to control her emotions. All day long she was struggling with 
urges to touch the girl. When they were laying together in the living 
room she had to control a temptation to place her arm around the girl's 
waist and pull her in close. She could not understand what would make 
her feel this way. She was only eleven and had only kissed a girl once 
before as far as she could remember. What was making her feel the need 
to kiss this girl? She rubbed her head in frustration; feeling tears 
well up behind her eyes. She shouldn't be feeling this way and yet she 
could not take her eyes off of Penny. 

Penny dried her face and glanced at Kim, "Is something wrong?" She 
inquired, noticing how intensely the girl was watching her. 

Kim shook her head and rubbed her eyes, "I... I'm sorry..." She stepped 
back until her leg bumped into the tub. She suddenly wanted nothing more 
then to be out of that room, she did not trust herself so close to Penny 
and did not want to hurt the girl. 

Penny approached Kim only to have the girl recoil, "Kim?" She worriedly 
looked in the girl's eyes, "What is wrong?" She lightly placed a hand 
upon Kim's hand. 

The softness of Penny's touch broke the dam inside of Kim's heart and 
she started to cry, "I'm sorry." She sobbed, the desire to kiss Penny 
was growing so strong that it made her stomach hurt, "I'm sick..." She 
stated through the tears. 

"Did you eat too much?" Penny probed placing a hand to Kim's head in an 
attempt to check the girl's temperature.

Kim's mouth quivered against the girl's touch and she felt as if her 
chest was on fire. She stared affectionately into Penny's eyes and 
softly touched the girl's cheek, "I... I'm sorry..." She whimpered then 
quickly leaned forward to place a kiss upon Penny's lips.  

Penny was taken aback by Kim's actions and step back from the girl, her 
eyes filled with bewilderment. She blinked at Kim a few times as if she 
was trying to figure out what just happened then shook her head, 
"You..." She lightly touched her lips and stared at Kim, "I... it really 
was you... at the ball.... You kissed me." She stammered in disbelief. 

Kim's face contorted as she tried to hold back another bout of tears, 
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you..." She reached out towards the 

Penny rubbed her head in confusion, "You're my prince..." She stated in 
confusion, "My prince is a girl..."

Kim gave a weak smile, "I..." She could not find her voice, it felt as 
if a vice was clamped down upon her heart and twisting it. She clenched 
at her chest and let out an anguished sob, "I'm sorry..."

Concern overcame Penny and she rushed to the girl's side, "Kim!!! What 
is wrong?" She inquired anxiously.

"I hurt you..." Kim mumbled, "I never wanted to hurt you." 

Penny shook her head in disagreement, "You didn't hurt me." She said 
pulling the girl into her arms, "You never hurt me. Just... surprised 

Kim gazed into the girl's eyes, "R... really?" She inquired nervously. 

Penny let out a sigh, "I always thought my prince would be a boy and he 
would rescue me from this place." She remarked, and then glanced down at 
Kim, "I guess I should have known better considering the way my sister 

"Sister? The girls out there?" Kim inquired. 

Penny shook her head, "Jessie was my real sister. We were together for 
as long as I can remember..." She face grew long, "Until today." 

"I'm sorry..." Kim let out a shaky breath, "I never knew she was your 

"Guess she didn't love me like I loved her." Penny remarked miserably, 
"Or she wouldn't have left me alone." 

Kim stared the girl in the eye, "You aren't alone." She reminded the 
girl, "I'm never leaving you." 

Penny looked into those red eyes with scepticism, "How can you promise 
that?" She asked. 

"I do promise." Kim stated firmly, "I won't leave you and we'll find 
your belt too." 

Penny blinked at the girl, "You remembered that?" She asked insecurely. 

Kim nodded, "I promised I would find it and I meant it."

Tears filled Penny's eyes and she hugged the girl, "Thank you." When she 
pulled back Kim was looking at her with love in her eyes. 

"I..." Kim reached up to touch the girl's face and pulled back, "I'm 
sorry." She tried to control her heart and told it to stop pounding. 

Penny brushed the back of her hand against Kim's cheek causing the girl 
to shiver all over, "I'm not." She leaned forward and kissed Kim. 
Lightly at first, then with more passion, quickly to two girls became 
caught up in the kiss as their tongues touched each other every now and 
then. Penny's fingers moved through the short hairs at the back of Kim's 
head causing her to tremble with pleasure. Kim hungered for more and she 
leaned into the girl causing her to roll onto the ground, the world 
around them forgotten. 

The door suddenly opened and Amber gazed down at them in shock, 
"Penny?!?" She exclaimed. 

Penny quickly sat up and wiped at her mouth, "I..." She glanced from 
Amber to Kim in embarrassment.

"What's taking them so long?" Sarah inquired peeking into the room to 
see the Kim lying on the ground in front of Penny. She gave them a sly 
grin, "Well, what do you know." 

Penny quickly got to her feet; she could feel a flush covering her 
entire body and it made her want to hide, "I... Kim... Ummm...." 

"We will not tell Ma'am." Amber said, giving the girls a reassuring 
smile, "Right Sarah?" 

Sarah shook her head in disbelief, "I never thought Penny had it in 
her." She remarked with a smirk, "I always thought she was the 
straightest one of us." 

Penny sat heavily upon the edge of the tub and placed her head in her 
hand, "What have I done?" She inquired shaking her head. 

Kim set a hand upon Penny's leg, "You've not done anything wrong." Kim 

Amber entered the room and sat down next to Penny, "It's alright." She 
gave the girl a tight hug. 

Sarah smiled down at Kim, "So how does she taste?" She inquired causing 
Penny to abruptly look up at Sarah in shock. 

Kim blushed and lightly touched her lips, "Wonderful." She breathed 
feeling herself quiver at the thought of Penny's kiss, "Like nothing 
I've felt before." 

Sarah knelt beside Kim, "Well just make sure you don't get caught by 
Ma'am." She warned, "She has a thing against gays." 

"Yeah, she will put you in the cupboard if she finds out." Amber added 
with a shudder, "I hate that place, it's worse then the basement." 

Kim gave the girl a perplexed look, "You like girl's too?" She inquired. 

Sarah laughed, "There's an understatement." She giggled, "I still 
remember how angry Ma'am was when she found out too." She said 

"How did she find out?" Kim asked curiously. 

"Jessie kissed her while they were cleaning up the yard." Penny 

"Jessica?" Kim noticed a frown cross Amber's face.  

Amber forced herself to smile and ruffled Kim's hair, "You'd better 
brush your teeth because if Ma'am does one of her surprise inspections 
we could all be sent to the basement again."  

"S... sorry..." Kim quickly search the floor for where she dropped her 
tooth brush and found it still partly in its package and quickly removed 

Penny wrapped her arms around Kim from behind and hugged her, "Thank 
you." She whispered into the girl's ear. 

Kim grinned, "I should be thanking you." She looked at the girl 

Amber smacked Kim on the butt causing her to let out a small squeak, 
"Stop with the gooshy stuff and get to brushing." She commanded. 

"Yes Ma'am." Kim responded and grabbed the toothpaste. 


To be Continued . . .

Onwards to Part 51

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