"Carey?!?" Kris exclaimed, "What is she doing here?" "Who's Carey?" Natalie inquired wishing not to be left out of the conversation. "My insane little sister." Kris explained while running a hand through her hair in frustration, "She was in charge of murdered souls until she snapped and started manipulating people to kill each other for her. She thought death was a game and she was always trying to gather more souls then the rest of her sister combined. She was finally forced to leave the Halls for tampering with lives. That was centuries before I was banished." "Geez." Tanya shuddered at the thought, "Why would she be here? And where's Jenn?" "She probably has Jenn." Kai explained dismally, "We have to find her before Carey kills her." She began to leave the washroom when Kris grabbed the girl by the arm and pinned her to one of the washroom stalls, "Hey! You are hurting me!" She cried out. "Quiet!" Kris snapped at her sister, "You knew Carey was here all along, didn't you?" She snarled, "DIDN'T YOU?!?" "I had a feeling." Kai admitted, nervous of her sister's anger, "I hoped it wasn't her. That it was just the shadows acting up." Kris slammed the girl against the stall, "LIAR!!" She countered, "You know that an angel and a shadow feel differently. I may have not been one for awhile but I remember that much." "Kris?" Tanya set a hand on Kris's arm, "Aren't you over reacting." "You would not understand." Kris stated, never letting her eyes off her sister, "First Gwen shows up with a gift of Jenn's memories, and then Kai here appear the very next day and is acting rather friendly around Jenn." She glared at her sister, " I should have known something was up because these girls never appear unless there is some ulterior motive. So tell me the truth dear sister. Why are you really here?" Kai let out a sign of defeat, "Gwen told me to watch over you." She explained bleakly, "She saw Carey was moving about the woods recently and she figured Carey must have been heading for you. Probably in an attempt to get on father's good side or something." "So you decided to watch over us, is that it?" Kris inquired sceptically. "I knew you wanted nothing to do with me so I figured I would get close to your friends to see what they knew." Kai continued, "I didn't want Carey interrupting you new life. I thought she would come after you. I never thought she would attack your friends." Kris let Kai go, "She wants back in the family." Kris remarked miserably, "She has been trying to find a way for years. She probably planning bring Jenn's soul to father." "What?" Natalie exclaimed in shock of this news, "She plans to offer up Jenn as a gift to your father? Why would she do something like that?" Kris lowered her head in shame, "Because I refused to do it when Father commanded me years ago." She stated bluntly. "So what do we do now?" Tanya inquired, "We can't just allow her to bring Jenn to Death himself." "We won't." Natalie declared glancing down at Kai, "Can you take us to the Death's Corridor?" "Are you insane?" Cherilyn interjected, "No one ever returned from there." "I can." Kris stated and knelt before her sister, "I need to ask a favour. Can you take me to Jenn?" She inquired anxiously. "Sure." Kai said confidently, "But I am sure your dream walking friends will get there first." "Dream Walking friends?" Tanya inquired even more confused then before. "Those red-haired girls." Kai explained simply, "I felt them enter the dream world soon after I got the feeling from this building. If we are luck they will get to Jenn first." "And if we are unlucky Carey may take them along for the ride." Kris remarked dismally. "I hope they know what they are doing." Tanya commented. Kris placed her hand upon a mirror and it sunk into its surface, "I'll bring them back." She stated confidently as she crawled across the counter and into the mirror. Kai gave the girls a quick smile, "We'll bring them back. Don't worry." She quickly followed her sister through the same mirror. "Take care." She waved before pulling her hand through the mirror. "I will never get used to this." Cherilyn stated as she watched the mirror ripple for a moment then return to normal. "I only wish I could help them." Natalie remarked miserably. "You could help us move." Tanya hinted with a shy smile. Natalie stretched, "Show me to the boxes." ***** To be Continued . . .
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