A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 2 - A Tale of Sorrows (part 26 of 67)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kathryn K Williams

Back to Part 25
Cherilyn sealed the last of her belongs into a box and sat heavily upon 
her bed. She glanced around the room at the six boxes containing her 
life, "It really isn't much, is it?" She remarked with a sigh. 

Tanya sat next to her friend and gave her a tight hug, "I am proud of 
you." She whispered into the girl's ear, and then leaned back, "Come on, 
let's get some lunch." 

The three girls exited the room and walked down the long quiet halls of 
the Eastern Dorm, "It really won't be the same living somewhere else." 
Cherilyn stated sadly, letting her hand run over the wooden walls of the 

Tanya gave the girl another hug, "No, but it'll be much better." She 
stated enthusiastically, "I heard they are planning a slumber party for 
Halloween. We can curl up under the blankets and cuddle without anyone 
questioning us."

"I... umm... ahhh.." Cherilyn stumbled over her words then took a deep 
breath and tried again, "Is everyone there really gay?" She finally 
managed to ask. It was something that had been bothering her for a while 
and she was rather curious to know the answer. 

Jenn thought for a moment, "The girls I know defiantly are." She 
remarked thinking about Kris, Jessica and Kima, "The others I am not 
sure of, but there seems to be enough that have an interest in girls, 
but that doesn't say much." 

"Oh great." Cherilyn glared at Tanya, "Now I'll have competition." 

Tanya raised her hands defensively; "Don't categorize me with those 
other girls." Tanya protested, "I don't sleep around." 

"Have you slept with anyone yet?" Cherilyn grilled the girl, "Are you 
still a virgin?" 

"Of course I am." Tanya bowed her head in dismay, "What is with the 
interrogation all of a sudden?" She inquired miserably, "I feel like I 
am being tested to see if I can be your girlfriend. You were the one who 
tried going up my skirt remember? I should be asking you the questions." 
She remarked giving Cherilyn a wry look.

Cherilyn blushed and glanced at Jenn then back to Tanya, "I was just 
teasing you. Did you have say that so loud?"

"Don't worry about me." Jenn replied, "Apparently Tanya and I have very 
few secrets." She blushed at the thought of Tanya hearing her make out 
with Kris. She found her mind going to thoughts of Kris more and more 
since entering Tanya's room. She could not get the girl off her mind and 
it was starting to frustrate her. She suddenly felt something strange 
overcome her heart. It felt as if something was watching her and she 
could feel their eyes upon her. She searched the hall until her eyes 
fell upon a washroom door. She could feel something strong emitting from 
that room, like a memory trying to break free of the closet it was 
locked within.

"What is it Jenn?" Tanya asked glancing at the washroom then back to the 
girl, "Is something wrong?" 

Jenn slowly opened the door to peek within. Inside was like any other 
girl's washroom, with white tiles covered the floor and the lower half 
of the walls, sinks and mirrors lined the right hand side while stalls 
lined the other. However something beyond the human eye seemed to have 
attracted Jenn's attention and she felt compelled to enter. She took a 
tentative step inside and scanned the room in search of what ever called 
out to her.

Tanya and Cherilyn cautiously followed close behind their friend, eager 
to know what had drawn their friend within. A shiver ran across 
Cherilyn's back causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on 
end and she leaned over Tanya's shoulder to whisper into the girl's ear, 
"Isn't this...?" She inquired to afraid to finish her own sentence.

"Shhh..." Tanya reached out to take Jenn's arm only to find the girl 
rooted to her spot, her eyes fixed on the last stall door, "Are you 
alright?" Tanya nervously inquired, wanting desperately to get out of 
that room. 

Jenn took a tentative step closer to the stall, pulling her arm out of 
Tanya's grasp and reached out towards the door when it suddenly swung 
opened and slammed shut again, and then again. Panic rose inside her 
mind and her stitches began to twitch as she watched the door slowly 
swing on its hinges. She clenched her wrists in an attempt to calm the 
twitching when the door suddenly stopped half way opened. Cautiously 
Jenn crept towards the stall, something inside of her told her not to 
open it, to close it and walk directly out of the room, just run away 
and leave. Jenn stared at the door for a moment as she tried to summon 
the strength to break free of its hypnotizing embrace. 

"Jenn?" Tanya called out softly in an attempt to reach the girl's mind 
but not loud enough because she feared the way her voice echoing off the 
wall, "Come on, Lets get out of here." When Jenn turned to look upon 
Tanya, she could see a mixture of fear and panic in those eyes. Jenn's 
hands were trembling and she kept glancing from the stall door and back 
at Tanya as if she was in search of some kind of answer. 

Jenn could feel a lump building up inside of her throat and her palms 
felt sticky with sweat. She needed to know what was behind that door and 
why she would be so afraid of opening it. Taking a deep breath she 
placed a hand upon the door.

"J... jenn..." Tanya stammered, "D... don't..." She warned.

But it was already too late; the force beyond that metal door overcame 
Jenn's mind. She did not seem to hear her friend's pleas as she pushed 
the door open to find it empty, nothing but a white toilet and writing 
on the wall stood before her. Jenn let out a relieved sign at the sight 
and spun around to lean against the divider between the stalls. Her 
heart was pounding wildly and she needed to catch her breath. She eyes 
closed tight in an attempt to calm her mind and told herself it was all 
her imagination, there was nothing to be afraid of. She let out a 
nervous laugh and opened her eyes. The room had changed around her, its 
stark white wall were now yellow with age and several naked light bulbs 
swayed over Jenn's head by chains, causing shadows to dance around the 

"T... T... Tanya?" Jenn stammered, spinning around to find herself 
entirely alone. She rushed for the door in an attempt to escape the room 
only to find it securely locked, "Hello!?!" She cried out as she pounded 
upon the door, "Someone open the door!!!" She frantically screamed as 
the panic overtook her mind.

"They are not coming." A voice said from behind Jenn. 

Jenn slowly turned around to find herself face to face with May's 
smiling face. Her face was pale and she wore a green skirt and blouse 
that were smeared in mud and speckles of blood. Jenn's mouth opened and 
closed as if she were trying to speak, but no sound emitted from her 

May tilted her head at Jenn curiously, "Don't tell me you've forgotten 
your best friend?" May's smiled broaden at Jenn. 

"M... may...." Jenn slumped again the door and watched as her dead 
friend slowly crossed the room. 
"I have been waiting for you." May's grin widened as she approached her 
friend, "Waiting so very long."


To be Continued . . .

Onwards to Part 27

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