A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (part 6 of 54)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kathryn K Williams

Back to Part 5

Ghostly Academy
Kimberly stopped running after a little while. She looked over her 
shoulder to be sure she lost the girls and let out a little sigh of 
relief. She thought for sure that if she left early enough she would not 
run into anyone else. What were those two doing out here so early? And 
more over why did that one girl stare at her like that? It was as if she 
knew her or something, but that was impossible, she had just arrived in 
town the other day. A flickering memory tried to force its way into 
Kim's mind. 

"No!" Kim cried out, "I'm not believing you anymore." She closed her 
eyes and tried to push the memory away, "I'm too old for this kind of 
thing. I belong here now." She wiped a small tear away with the back of 
her hand, "I belong here . . . " She repeated softly. 

She looked up to find herself in front of a large brass archway, which 
lead to the main ground of the school. Upon the brass archway a phrase 
was embossed, "Welcome to Whispering Hills All girls Academy. Home to 
wayward souls." Something about those words made Kim shiver deep inside 
her core. Beyond the gates was a long path surrounded by many large 
trees. Kimberly started down the path to see a modern day school off in 
the distance. With clean grey brick walls and lines of steel framed 
windows running the entire length of all five floors. It appearance was 
just like your average everyday school, however Kim felt something else 
coming from the building. She squinted her eyes and tilted her head 
trying to figure out what was wrong about the structure. She cautiously 
crept closer, keeping her eye on it. That was when she noticed a huge 
clearing off to the west side of the school. It felt like something was 

Upon reaching the clearing she noticed a plaque peeking out through some 
ivy around the bottom of a tree. The ivy covered up most of the plaque 
at the base of the tree making it only possible to read a few fragments 
of the word upon the plaque’s surface, "In Me____ of _a_ Y___g, l_t ___ 
r_st ____dly an_ her __art _i___ly __ at ___ce." Kim considered pulling 
the ivy away when a cold breeze swept across the grounds carrying a 
string of dead leave with it. The wind swirled around Kimberly's feet 
making the leaves pelt at her ankles and exposed calves. Kim fought to 
keep her skirt from flipping up, and then ran across the school grounds 
towards the front door. The wind seemed to follow her every move, 
chasing the girl as she cut back and forth across the grassy lawn and up 
the stairs to the front door. Kim grabbed the door handle and yanked on 
it, praying that it was unlocked. The doors opened with ease and Kim 
slipped inside, slamming the large door shut behind her, leaning against 
the door as she tried to catch her breath. 

The lights within the school had an eerie yellow glow that gave the 
walls a pale look to them. One of the lights flickered off and on for a 
moment before coming back to life. Kimberly scanned the empty halls, 
feeling even less at ease than she did outside. The school didn't feel 
like a soul had entered its halls in years. If it were not for the lack 
of dust, Kim would have presumed that nobody ever came through those 
doors in eons. 

Nervously, Kim stepped away from the doors until she saw a small sign 
attached to the far wall, which pointed out that the office was off to 
the left. Following the signs through the maze of halls Kim finally came 
to a door with a frosted glass window labelled "Office" in bold black 
letters. She glanced around once more to see if anyone had appeared in 
the last minute, unfortunately the halls were still as silent as they 
were when she first entered the building. Knowing far to well that she 
should at least find out which classes she would be taking while she was 
here, she took a deep breath, reached out and opened the office door. 

"Well hello, aren't we an early riser?" A small, thin secretary wearing 
thin-rimmed glasses remarked as she looked up to greet the new arrival, 
"Is there something we can do for you?"

"Umm..." Kim stepped into the office in amazement. The room was brightly 
lit and appeared lively, although there were only three people in the 
room. Several desks could be seen behind a long front counter. The 
secretary sat in front of a small computer at the counter while two 
other people, which Kim assumed were teachers, were busily working away 
behind a couple of the desks. Kim moved up to the front counter, her jaw 

"Miss?" The secretary inquired again, trying to get the girl’s 

"Umm... sorry." Kim blinked and regained her senses, "I'm Kim... 
Kimberly Harrison... I..."

"Why, Kimberly, we have been waiting for you." The secretary spun around 
in her chair, grabbed a file from a cabinet, then turned back to Kim 
while flipping through the papers, "It would seem your father didn't 
fill out all your paperwork." 

Kim let out a sigh of disappointment, "That is my dad for you." She 
excused with a frown. 

The secretary skimmed over the files with a smile, "That is alright. 
This will only take a moment then you can go put your things in your 
locker and find your classes."

"Okay." Kim acknowledged still a little worried. 

"For one it doesn't say here why you transferred." 

Kim flinched, "The kids thought I was too... weird... and well..." Her 
voice drifted off. 

"That is okay." The secretary soothed and give Kim a warm smile, "You 
don't have to explain. Kids can be cruel." She reached over the counter 
to touch Kim's hand only to have the girl pull her hand away. 

"I'm sorry... I..." Kim held her hand close to her body, "I..." Her eyes 
darted around. 

"It is alright dear. I won't hurt you." The secretary cooed softly, "If 
you could come back here and we'll get this silly paperwork finished, 

Kim nodded slowly and moved around the counter to sit in a small chair 
near the secretary. 


Jenn arrived in class just as the second bell rang. She placed her hand 
on the back of her chair as she panted to catch her breath. She and Kris 
had spent part of the morning relaxing under some trees and she felt so 
at peace next to Kris that she nearly drifted off to sleep when they 
heard the school bell ring in the distance. She found herself having to 
run to make to class on time.

The classroom door opened and the teacher entered. In his hands he held 
an open file folder. Without so much as a glance up from the file, he 
spoke, "Class, could you please take a seat so we can begin? I have an 
announcement to make." He said as he walked over to his desk and set the 
file down, allowing the students rushed about getting into their seats. 
Only when he was sure he had everyone's attention did he continue to 
speak, "It would seem that we have a new student to add to our fold." 
The class burst into more activity, each of the girls excited about who 
the new student might be. The teacher again waited for the class to 
quiet down, then he turned to the door, "You can come in now."

Jenn's eyes widened as the red-haired girl stepped into her class. It 
was like some strange dream, however if it was, she didn't want to wake 
up. The girl slowly approached the front of the class and stood beside 
the teacher. Jenn felt her head fall forward and she caught it with her 
hands under her chin and elbows balanced upon her desk. The rest of the 
class was also stunned silent, almost like the mere presence of this 
girl trapped them in some kind of spell. 

"This is Kimberly Harrison," The teacher informed, "and seeing as she 
missed the first month I'd like you all to help her get caught up with 
her studies. Now, where do we want to seat you?" He scanned around the 
class as hands shot up from all around and girls begged the teacher to 
seat the new girl next to them. Jenn watched in amusement as each tried 
to talk above the other trying to convince the teacher they were the 
right person to help the new girl out. Jenn found this was the most 
amusing thing about going to an all girls’ school. No matter what, the 
moment a pretty face entered the class everyone was interested. It made 
it hard to figure out who was really 'interested' and who was just 
playing games. She was disturbed from her musing by a voice calling out 
to her. 

"North?" The teacher repeated, "Jennifer North would you be willing to 
take Kimberly here under your wing?" Jenn glanced around, not sure if he 
was really talking to her, "You're ahead in class so she should not be 
too much of a burden on you." He stated with a warm smile. 

Jenn abruptly stood up, "YES! Thank you!" She cried out in excitement, 
taking a quick bow, which she rarely did and felt embarrassed at doing 
it at that moment. The class started to laugh causing Jenn to blush and 
stammer as she stood up straight, "I... I mean, I have... no problem 
with helping... her out... that is..." 

"Good," The teacher concluded, then he turned to Kimberly, "If you would 
take a seat next to Miss North we can begin class." Kimberly unhurriedly 
walked down the row of desks and sat across from Jenn, whom found 
herself staring in disbelief at her luck. Jenn didn't even notice as the 
teacher started the lesson, nor did she observe May as she stared at 
Jenn with disapproving eyes.

Kimberly felt a shiver run up her spine causing her to cringe in her 
seat. She hated all this attention; all the staring made butterflies in 
her stomach release from their cage and wreck havoc on her nerves. It 
felt as if at any moment she would throw up and all she could do was sit 
perfectly still hoping that time would tick by faster.

"Hey, are you feeling alright?" Jenn whispered across the aisle, 
noticing that the girl seemed to be short of breath. 

"I'll... be... fine..." Kim swallowed hard trying to catch her breath, 
"This always happens." 

Jenn returned to her books, keeping one eye on the girl.

Kim closed her eyes for a moment and took a couple of short breaths, 
pushing the emotions deeper inside of herself. Her breathing began to 
steady, but she still felt flushed. When she opened her eyes, she 
glanced over at Jenn. Was it a mere coincidence that this was the same 
girl from that morning? There was something about the girl that Kim felt 
was unusual and she could not help but take a glimpse at the girl from 
time to time during class. She could see from Jenn's eyes that she was a 
troubled sleeper and Kim began to wonder if this girl struggled with the 
same dreams that she too had. Kim shook the thought from her head. She 
had already decided that this time around she would not get involved 
with anyone. It would be safer for everyone. 

Time passed by and the lunch bell finally rang. Girls started to spill 
out into the halls and chatter with friends about the night before. 
Kimberly quietly picked up her things and ran out of the class. One of 
the first things she did before heading to class was to make a mental 
check of where the closest washroom was. She had become so accustomed to 
these ritual panic attacks and knew the best means of stopping them. She 
pushed through the washroom doors and rushed over to the sink to splash 
water on her face. The cold sensation broke through the nausea and 
washed the butterflies away. She grabbed a paper towel to dry her face 
and prepared to face the world once again when she heard the door swing 

"So who might you be?" An angry voice echoed off the walls. 

Kim slowly removed the paper towel from her face to see May blocking the 
exit, "Who me?" Kim asked in a confused, quiet voice. 

"It is interesting to say the least." May sneered as she placed a finger 
under her chin in thought, "Kris, I can understand, but you are 
unexpected. How did you get here?" She demanded, glaring at Kim.

Kim backed up against the sink, "I... I don't understand what you mean." 
Kim searched for a means of escape. 

"Don't make me laugh." May scorned, stepping away from the door towards 
Kim, "You know very well that you don't belong here."

"I..." Kim was becoming very frightened of this girl, "I'm telling you 
the truth, I don't know what you are talking a_" Suddenly May rushed 
forward and struck Kim across the face knocking her to the ground. 

"LIAR!" May yelled, "You better stay away from my Jenn you hear me." She 
kicked Kim in the side causing the girl to crumble into a ball, "Know 
this, if I even see you around Jenn I will make sure your days here are 
a living hell." She left the room, slamming the door behind her. 

Kimberly coughed as she pulled herself to her feet, holding her stomach 
securely, "I'm sorry." She mumbled, "I'm truly sorry." She staggered to 
her feet and looked at herself in the mirror again. There was a large 
red mark covering her right cheek that she knew would grow to a bruise 
soon enough. She touched it and winced. It stung, but she had worse 
beatings dealt to her by her own father. She splashed a bit more water 
on her face when she heard the washroom door swing open again causing 
her to jump. 

"There you are!!" Jenn exclaimed, delighted to find the redhead. 

Kimberly spun around and stared at the girl for a moment, almost as if 
she didn't recognize who was talking to her, when she finally spoke her 
voice was almost a whisper, "Oh, Jennifer, was it?" She asked, cringing 
against the sink. 

"Jenn, actually." She corrected with a smile that turned to a frown when 
she noticed the mark on the girl’s face, "Are you alright?" She stepped 
closer to the girl. 

"I... I'll be fine," Kimberly, stammered, trying to cover up the pain 
she was feeling, "I'm sorry. Thank you for trying, but please; you don't 
want to be my friend." 

Jenn could see sadness in Kim's eyes as she spoke. She noticed that Kim 
was jumpy so was prepared when the girl turned to rush past Jenn out the 
door, however Jenn grabbed Kim by the arm, "Wait! All I was doing was 
trying to be frien-" before she could finish her sentence Jenn sensed 
her hand beginning to tingle. She looked up at Kim to see the girl was 
staring back at her, both peering into each other's eyes. Jenn suddenly 
observed Kim’s light red eyes and recalled her dream, "It is you..." She 
concluded softly.

"Let go!" Kim cried out in panic, and tried to break free of Jenn's 
grasp, "You don't know what you're doing!" Now she was almost in tears 
and all of a sudden the walls of the washroom began to melt away.

"What the?" Jenn glanced around her as her surroundings shifted. No 
longer did they stand in a dingy girl's washroom. Now two high brick 
walls of a long dark alley enclosed them. Above them a full moon's 
bright light provided the only means of illumination. Along the walls 
windows slid into place, boarded up with strips of plywood that hung off 
their nails. Several puddles formed on the ground below their feet and 
there was a faint smell of a passing storm in the air. The girls had 
very little time to get their bearings when something moved at the end 
of the alley. Jenn squinted in the pale blue light to see where the 
thing went. "What was that?" She startled as more shadows shifted in the 
darkness. A dark shadowy mass started to form as it swiftly moved along 
the ground then up the walls and disappeared.

Kim did not move, petrified with fear, "It's not real. It's not real." 
She muttered under her breath trying to convince herself that she was 
only having another of her dreams.

Jenn gazed at the girl in confusion. "What are you talking about?" She 
inquired when suddenly the sound of footsteps could be heard echoing off 
the walls.

"Well well well... what do we have here?" A tall man in a fleece black 
jacket and black jeans stepped into the moonlight, "Isn't this 
interesting..." He stated as he smiled at the girls out of the corner of 
his mouth. The smile alone sent a shiver through Jenn's spine. His 
deep-set black eyes were devoid of any expression, almost swallowing in 
the small amount of moonlight that fell upon him, adding to the shadows 
cast by the bangs of his shoulder length grey hair that fell over his 

Kimberly started to step away from the man when she felt Jenn's hand 
slip down her arm into her hand and tightens, stopping her retreat. They 
watched in silent horror as the man slowly approached.  As his body 
passed beneath the shadow of an over hanging escape ladder it melted 
into them, almost as if part of his body was more shadow then man. Only 
when his foot came out of darkness to step in the light again did it 
make a sound; a hollow dark sound that rang in their ears. Every time he 
stepped deeper into the shadows until he fully disappeared into the 
darkness completely. Kimberly's eyes darted around in search of any form 
of movement, afraid of where the man could have vanished. 

"Would you look what the angels have sent me," The man's voice echoed 
off the walls. The girls could not see where the voice came from, but 
they could almost feel his words dripping over them. Kim felt a hand 
touch her shoulder, but she was too terrified to even turn around, even 
though she knew it had to be him for she could smell his breath, a blood 
mixed with something unrecognizable that the girl cared not to know of. 

"I suggest you let go of that child, you monster." A commanding voice 
called from the shadows behind them. They all turned around to see a 
figure in a tattered canvas poncho sitting in one of the boarded 
windowsills a floor above them. The person's face was completely covered 
by a hood, under which only a pair of what looked to be red ski goggles 
could be seen as the moonlight gleamed off the visor.

"You have no business here, little girl!" He shouted at the figure. "So 
leave while you still can."

The girl tilted her head, "You don't seem to understand." She sighed 
then pointing at Kim, "Everything to do with that girl is my business. 
Now let her go or_"

"Or what?!?" The man spun around to face his new prey. He spread out his 
fingers out wide and the sound of bones cracking could be heard as the 
man's hands shifted into a set of shiny jagged black claws. Claws that 
looked to Jenn as if there were made of obsidian, "I'll bathe in your 
blood then feed on these girl's flesh." He smiled at the cloaked person 
as he began to move towards her, "And there is nothing you can do about 
it. There never was and there never will b-"

The newcomer swiftly moved and several small objects sliced through the 
air and through the man like a car through fog, creating large holes in 
his neck, chest and head. Kimberly and Jenn huddled closer together. 
While Kimberly covered her eyes with her arm, however Jenn found it hard 
to look away. Her mind reeled, not believing what she just saw. 

The man let out a howl that shook to the girl's very core as he clenched 
at his damaged face in agony. He began to crumble from the openings in 
his wounds and a wind swept past causing the man to dissolve into a mist 
and be blown away with the wind leaving nothing behind, as if the man 
never existed in the first place. 

The cloaked figure jumped down from its place in the window to land 
before the girls, "Are you alright?" A kind voice inquired from beneath 
the folds of the cloak, "Hey, are you going to be alright?" The figure 
repeated, directing her question to Kim in particular.

Kim opened her eyes to find herself face to face with the cloaked 
figure, she caught a faint smell of old canvas drift off of the fabric. 
She held Jenn's hand even tighter then before as she stared at the 
figure's tattered poncho then up to the hooded face. Part of her mind 
told her to speak but her voice refused to work.

The figure took a step back, "I'm sorry, I keep forgetting I'm wearing 
this." She pulled off the hood and goggles and long blonde hair rolled 
out from under her hood,  "Don't tell me you've forgotten the girl who 
promised to always protect you?" Smiled a girl that nearly the age of 

Kimberly’s eyed darted over the girl’s narrow face until the fell upon 
her eyes. Gazing back at her were a pair of watery blue eyes, blinking 
in disbelief. Kim felt her body begin to stagger forward slowly as 
memories filled her mind, "NATALIE!?!" Tears filled her eyes, "Natalie, 
I can't believe it's really you..." She broke into a fit of sobs, 
"but... you..."

"You know that girl?" Jenn started to say. Kim ignored her as she began 
to pull away from Jenn's grasp. Jenn only tightened her grip on Kim, 
almost afraid of what would happen if she let go, but felt her hand 
begin to slip, "Kimberly, wait!" Just as she released the girl's hand 
the surroundings unexpectedly disappeared and the two girls found 
themselves once again standing in the washroom.

"Nat..." Kimberly glanced around in confusion, her arms still prepared 
to embrace her friend. Ever so slowly they return to her side.

Jenn looked down at her hand bewildered, "What was that?" She asked, 

Kim's head hung low, "Please. Don't come near me again." She hastily ran 
through the doors crying.

Jenn ran after the girl, "Kimberly Wait!" but it was already too late, 
Kim had disappeared.

Jenn stared down at the palms of her hands. 'What is going on here?' She 
was not sure, but what she did know was that it felt real to her. More 
than anything she felt a sense of fear of whatever that man was.

"What was that all about?" A voice called out from behind Jenn. 
Startled, Jenn spun around to see a May leaning against a wall watching 
her. The look on the girl's face was less than pleased as she crossed 
her arms and glared at Jenn. 

"Oh! Hi, May. I didn't see you there." Jenn remarked, blinking a few 
times trying to clear her head of the dark images she had just saw. 

"Don't 'Hi, May.' me." She replied coldly.  "What happened just now?" 
There was anger in her tone, but Jenn ignored it.

"It was nothing. Forget it." Jenn answered still searching for which 
direction Kimberly fled, "Did you see where that new girl went too?"

"It sure didn't look like nothing." May growled ignoring the question. 

"Dimmitt!" Jenn started down the hall, deeply thinking to herself.

May fell into step beside Jenn, who was now looking at the floor as they 
walked down the hall, May's face turned from anger to concern, "You sure 
you're alright? I mean, she didn't do anything to you, did she?" May 
glanced back down the hall.

 "I'm fine. Just peachy,” Jenn stated sarcastically, "Let's go; the 
others are probably waiting for us."

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach Club Hen’s room. Upon 
opening the door several of the girls within shouted their greetings to 
Jenn and May, yet Jenn didn't seem to notice. Kris stood when she heard 
her friend's name and smiled, but when she saw the long look on Jenn's 
face the smile instantly faded and she rushed to her friend's side.

"May, did you get into another argument with Jenn?" Kris gazed at May 

May didn't return Kris's look as she set her lunch down, "Don't blame 
me. I found her like this. I think it has to do with the new girl." She 
informed as she sank into a chair. A few of the girls peered up out of 

Jenn slowly walked past Kris and flopped into her recliner and stared at 
the ceiling. Kris sat on the arm of the chair, still watching at May, 
"New girl?" She inquired, puzzled. Even Kris had to admit to herself 
that the idea of a new girl entering the picture was interesting news, 
"I wonder if she's the redhead from this morning." 

"I know her!!" Tanya exclaimed excitedly, "Everyone in school is talking 
about her! She has long red hair and eyes that seem to pull you in when 
you look into them! Hey, do you think that maybe it is love at first 
sight? Don't you think that Jenn and her would make a cute couple, May?" 

"Tanya! Don't you even think that!!" May grumbled angrily. "There is no 
way Jenn would ever be interested in an insane unstable nutcase like 
that girl." 

The room filled with a loud bang as Jenn's hands came crashing down on 
the top of the shelf next to her. All the girls were struck silent as 
they waited to see what Jenn would say, but instead of speaking she 
simply stood up and started to leave the room. 

Kris glared at May, "Nice one. It's not like she's deaf you know." 

"Jenn..." May began to speak. 

Jenn stopped at the door, but did not turn around. "Maybe us 'Insane 
Unstable ones' should stick together." And with that she left the room 
and slammed the door behind her, leaving the girls alone in the silence. 

May stooped in her chair, trying to hide from the other girls' glares. 


To be Continued...

Onwards to Part 7

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