Lost and Found Spectral Situations Alyson took another bite of pasta. The flavour made her taste buds dance and she savoured every last bit, not even noticing as the sun drifted towards the horizon, nor did she pay any attention as the streetlights begin to turn on one at a time. She was not even aware when someone entered the building until a shadow fell across her plate. She stopped her hand with the fork before her mouth and slowly looked up to see a large cloaked figure standing in the doorway to the restaurant. The figure stepped into the room without making the slightest of sounds. It more slid across the floor then walked as it approached Alyson's table. "Well, look what we have here." The shadow said, "If it isn't little Dalfort, Drake's adoring sister." A smile could be seen from under the hood of the cloak. Alyson swallowed the last bits of food in her mouth, set her fork gingerly upon the plate and straightened her posture, "Akaime." She glared at the man while one of her hands dropped down the touch her sword. "I'm impressed." Akaime drew back his hood then pulled out a chair across from Alyson and sat down, "You enjoying the food?" He asked, looking over the other plate of pasta that sat before him, "It looks good." He picked up a fork and poked at the food. "What are you doing here?" Alyson demanded, taking a napkin and dabbed at her mouth. "I should be asking the baby hunter the same thing." He took a bite of the pasta and dropped the fork in disgust as he picked up a napkin and spat out the food into it; "Food just doesn't have the same flavour to it anymore.” He said miserably as he balled up the napkin and tossed it atop the pile of spaghetti, “So, where is that brother of yours?" He inquired with a glance around the room. "If I had a choice he would be far away from here." Alyson declared with a scowl, her grip on her sword tightening all the more. "I would not bother with that." He said composedly, he pulled off his hood and pointed at the hole in the side of his head, "Your lover already tried that and it didn't quite work out to well. I must say that it did sting quite a bit and I had some fun trying to lose those angels, but a little red headed girl helped guide the way back. Do you happen to know where she is right now?" He asked with a smile. "Red head?" Alyson gave the man a curious look, "Why would you be interested in her?" "So your brother never told you." Akaime seemed amused by this notion as he leaned back in his chair, "Now that is very interesting indeed." He started to get to his feet, "I'd like to talk more but I have business to attend to. Enjoy your meal." He pulled his hood up and proceeded to leave the restaurant when Alyson called out. "What is my brother up to?" Alyson asked, standing to her feet and knocking her sword to the ground. Akaime glanced at the sword then to the girl and smiled maliciously, "Wouldn't you like to know." He quickly turned his back on Alyson, "Why don't you ask him yourself?" He left the café laughing. Alyson stood where she was, confused by the man's words. She quickly snatched up her sword and ran out the door to find Akaime was nowhere to be seen. ******* The silence of the Academy walls was beginning to take its toll on Cherilyn's young mind. She was too afraid to venture into the strange town that now surrounded the area and yet the nothingness of the school was not much of a comfort either. She had spent the last hour sitting upon the steps of a stairwell in hopes that someone would pass by. After the first while she was almost certain that no one was going to show up. She began to fear that she truly was alone in this new world and still she stayed where she was. Her mother used to tell her when she was little to stay still if she got lost and someone will find her, however at that moment she was unsure about her mother’s words. With no clock to tell time by, all the clocks she did find seemed to have stopped, Cherilyn was finding the minutes were felling like hours and she began to lose track of time as well as her mind, just when she felt as if she would start to cry again she heard a door open from the floor below. Hastily, she got to her feet and leapt down the stairs in time to see one of the classroom doors closing. Excited at the prospect that there was another life around Cherilyn broke into a run. When she arrived at the door she could hear the sound of her own heart pounding in her chest. She didn't care who was behind that door as long as it was someone she could talk with or if she was lucky maybe they knew where the others had disappeared. Shaking with anticipation she reached out and took the knob in hand. Her hand felt clammy and a small ounce of worry entered her mind, but she shook it away. Anything would be better then this silence. She turned the knob and entered the room. At first the room looked as empty as any of the others. Then Cherilyn heard the faint sound of sobs coming from a behind the door. She closed the door to find Tanya curled up in a tight ball, quivering and crying. "Tanya!!!" Cherilyn cried out in excitement. She dropped to the ground and hugged the girl only to fall to the ground. She sat up again, confused by what had just happened. Cautiously, she reached out to touch her friend. Her hand passed right through Tanya's body and the girl didn't even seem to react to Cherilyn's presence, "T... Tanya..." Cherilyn began to shake in fear. This was worse then she could ever imagine, "TANYA!!!" She called out again. Yet no matter how much Cherilyn tried the girl just didn't react. Tears started to roll down Cherilyn's cheeks as she began to realize the situation before her. Her worst fear had come true. She had found Tanya, but Tanya could not see, hear or feel her. Cherilyn balled her hands into fists, "It's unfair!" She cried, "Why... why... why?!?!" She punched at the floor over and over again. Her frustration with the silence had turned to anguish as she curled up as close to her friend as she could without passing through her and let out a tired sob. ***** To be Continued...
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