A Shadowlander's Dream: Book 1 - A Tale of Shadows (part 3 of 54)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kathryn K Williams

Back to Part 2
Dawn's Break

Nightmarish reality

Jenn wanted to talk more with Kris, yet knew that she should not force 
her friend. More than once during their trip did Jenn find herself 
glancing up at Kris with the intent of renewing their conversation, but 
the words kept getting stuck in her throat. Just as she finally felt 
that she would be able to speak, Kris broke the silence. 

"Is that it?" Kris inquired, nodding at a rather small, white brick, 
office build about three floors in height. 

"Let me check." Jenn reached into her school bag and pulled out a small 
business card, looked it over, and then stared at the address printed in 
large letters on the side of the building, "I guess so..." They 
approached the front door where they found a list, bolted to wall next 
to the door, of people who had offices within. Jenn skimmed down the 
list and compared the names on the card. She stopped on a name near the 
bottom of the listing "Doctor Driscoll _ Psychotherapist _ 201".  She 
tapped the glass, then looked up at her friend with intense worry in her 

"I'll be right behind you." Kris supported, opening the door for her 

Jenn took a deep breath and stepped into the hall. The first thing she 
noticed was how stale the air smelled, it appeared dead to her, as if 
only sadness and pain existed within these walls. Jenn felt Kris’s hand 
lightly set upon her shoulder and she sensed a small amount of ease come 
over her. They found a set of stairs immediately to the right and Jenn 
set one foot on the stairs, abruptly a cold shiver rush through her. She 
all of a sudden didn't want to be there, nevertheless she knew if she 
didn't get this over with then everyone would hound her until the end of 
her days. Taking another deep breath she mounted the stairs and climbed 
to the second floor where they found room 201. Jenn set her hand on the 
steel knob of a large grey door and opened it. Inside only one small 
desk could be seen within the tiny room. Two doors were on the left wall 
and a coat hanger stood between the doors. Apart from that there didn't 
seem to be anyone or anything of interest in the room, it was almost as 
if no one ever entered the room at anytime and it held an empty quality 
to it. Jenn rechecked the number on the door they had just entered when 
one of the doors inside the room opened.

"Jennifer North?" A man's voice queried from behind Jenn. 

"She is." Kris informed setting a hand on her friend's head, "I'm just 
here as emotional support." 

Jenn turned around to see a very short man in a brown suit, thinning 
brown hair atop his head and a pair of bifocals hanging around his neck, 
"Would you please enter then." He gestured to the door he just appeared 
from then addressed Kris, "You can find a place to sit in the waiting 
room." He offered pointing to the next room. 

"Jenn, I'll be right out here if you need me." Kris supported as she 
moved towards the waiting room.
Knots twisted in Jenn's stomach that she once again she pushed deep 
inside of herself, "Alright." Jenn acknowledged as she was ushered into 
the other room. The sight of a long leather sofa was unsettling to Jenn 
for some reason. She also noted a little round red oak end table, with a 
small yellow lamp upon it, next to a grand leather chair and an 
impressively large glass cabinet filled with crystal statues that Jenn 
found herself being towards.

"You like them do you?" The doctor inquired with a smile as he shut the 
door behind him.

"My mom used to buy me some when I was younger," Jenn stood mesmerized 
by the way the cabinet's lights made the crystal sparkle, "but I don't 
know what happened to most of them."

"How is your mother?" The man sat in the leather chair and laced his 
fingers in front of himself, letting the girl continue to gaze at the 

"I don't see her very much." Jenn answered not really paying any 
attention to the question, "It doesn't matter. She never listens when 
she is around anyway." 

"I see." The man listened carefully, "She tells me you are having 
troubles sleeping."

Jenn realized that she walked right into his trap; he managed to get 
Jenn to lower her guard without her even noticing. Quickly she turned 
away from the cabinet and sat down on the coach, it squeaked against the 
bare skin of her legs and stuck uncomfortably, "I just had a couple of 
nightmares. Nothing for everyone to make a fuss about." Jenn was careful 
of how to respond this time. She did not want to let this man get into 
her mind. Who knew what could happen to her if she opened up too much, 
more then anything she was not going to tell this man about her most 
recent dream experiences, for fear of what he would do to her. 

"Would you like to tell me about a few of them?" The doctor probed, 
leaning forward in his chair. 

"I can't remember them." She replied, crossing her arms. 'Not like I'd 
tell you anyway.' She thought to herself. 

"I see . . . " The man opened a drawer under the end table, pulled out a 
small tape recorder and set it on the table, "Would you be willing to 
try something that might help you remember those dreams." He inquired 

"Remember them, how?" Jenn gazed at the recorder, curious as to what the 
man was playing at. Part of her wanted to know more about the dreams, 
while part of her was frightened of the answers they held. Her eyes 
moved to her hands and the image of the blood upon them rose to the 
surface. She shook her head at the thought of that image and placed her 
hands lightly upon her lap again.  

"All I need you to do is lie back on the sofa and close your eyes." The 
man comforted as he placed the player on the table. 

"You are going to record what I say, is that it?" She was beginning to 
feel uneasy about the machine. 

"No no." The doctor explained giving the girl a gentle smile, "This is 
just to play some music to calm your nerves. Nothing more. Now if you 
would lay down and close your eyes for a moment." 

"Okay." Jenn lifted her legs onto the sofa, laid back her head, crossing 
her arms over her stomach and closing her eyes. Maybe if she did as he 
asked everyone would see that there was really nothing wrong with her 
and leave her alone. Suddenly the room filled with the sound of waves 
crashing upon a shore as the tape began to play and the sound made 
Jennifer’s muscles tense up and her teeth clench. Of all the things to 
play why did he have to choose ocean waves? She thought to herself 

"Now I want to you relax." The man spoke just loud enough for Jenn to 
hear him over the recording, "Relax and think about the last dream you 
remember having." The sounds of waves began to fill Jenn's mind as she 
sensed her body begin to tense all the more. “Think back... back to when 
you felt at peace...” The doctor’s voice droned on, mixing with the 
sound of the waves until Jenn was unaware of his presence in the room. 

Soon Jenn could not only hear the waves, but she could feel the mist of 
water splashing upon her skin. The feeling made her remember the beach 
and she could almost feel the water rushing over her shoes and the 
breeze brushing at her cheeks. She opened her eyes to yet again find 
herself faced with the same setting sun that she had seen so many times 
before during that very day. She immediately scanned the coast to find 
the same red haired girl laying face down on the beach before her. Jenn 
ran to the girl's side, knelling next to her and pressed two fingers to 
the girl's neck to check for a pulse. She was warm to the touch and 
there was a faint rhythm coming from the girl's veins.  Jenn rolled the 
redhead over to get a better look at her face when the girl suddenly sat 
up straight and started coughing up fluid. 

"Are you alright?" Jenn asked patting the girl on the back. 

"Lauren . . . " The girl coughed. She unexpectedly looked up, setting 
her eyes on Jenn. 

'Such beautiful bright red eyes.' Those eyes pulled Jenn in with more 
force then Kris’s and Jenn found herself lost within their crimson hues.

"Where is Lauren?" The girl inquired alarmedly, desperately scanning up 
and down the beach, then up a cliff that ran along the side of it. 

"I don't know." Jenn reached out and touched the girl's hand. The moment 
Jenn’s fingers met the girl’s soft white flesh her mind was overcome by 
a wave of images and emotions, images of blood, darkness, and death. 
Jenn reeled back, clenching at the sides of her head wanting nothing 
more then to be relieved of the images that invaded her mind. She 
stumbled and fell backwards into the ocean, slipping on a rock she 
dropped beneath the waves. She struggled to swim, except she found 
herself being pulled under and the more she struggled the deeper she 
sank. She sensed something holding onto her leg and upon glancing down 
she could see a woman holding onto her leg. The woman’s face was charred 
and her arm was mere bone with a few strains of muscle holding her 
together. The woman reached out and grabbed Jenn's other leg.

"Jeennnifferrr..." The woman spoke in a raspy tone. She stared at Jenn 
with dead eyes as she proceeded to pull Jenn deeper into the dark depths 
of the water, "Cooomme baaacckk . . . " Jenn tried to scream, but her 
lungs filled with water, forcing the last of the air out of her body. 

"Jenn, wake up!" A voice called out to her in the darkness, "Jenn, it is 
me, Kris!"

She latched onto the sound of her friend's voice and sat up on the sofa, 
"Kris!?!" She gasped for air still feeling as if she were drowning, 
"Wa...ter..." She managed to croak out. 

"I'm here." Kris held her friend tight, "Do you want some water?"

"No..." Jenn frantically shook her head and struggled to point at the 
end table. Following Jenn's gesture Kris's eyes came upon the tape 
recorder and for the first time she noticed the sound of waves and 
quickly understood. She got up from beside of her friend and hastily 
walked past the doctor, who was now standing against the far wall. She 
grabbed the recorder from its spot upon the table and tore its cord out 
of the wall, putting the infernal sound to an abrupt stop. Almost like 
flicking a switch Jenn started to cough and suck in air again.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" Kris fumed, waving the 
recorder at the doctor in disgust, "What kind of doctor are you?" She 

"I was only trying to help." Frightened, he backed up closer to the wall 
to get away from the angry girl. 

"Well, this is what I think of your help." Kris turned and threw the 
recorder at the glass cabinet, shattering it and sending several of the 
crystal statues crashing to the ground. She grabbed Jenn's arms and 
pulled her onto her back, not letting her eyes off the doctor, "Where 
did you get your degree anyways? A shoe box?" There was hatred burning 
in Kris's eyes.

"You can't just leave here." The man protested as Kris piggybacked Jenn 
out of the room, "Do you have any idea how troubled that girl is? She is 
in need of serious help" He ran to the door to the main room in time to 
see Kris leaving the office.

"Not from you, so just try to stop me!" Kris seethed through clenched 
teeth, and then slammed the office door so hard that the sound rattled 
throughout the building, even shaking the window. With one hand carrying 
their schoolbags and the other helping Jenn hold on, they left the 
building. Kris didn't stop until they were back in the park and set Jenn 
down on one of the benches.

"Thank... you..." Jenn stammered still panting for air, "I still feel 
like I have seawater in my lungs." 

"What was he trying to do?" Kris inquired, looking back in the direction 
they just came from with an unsettling feeling. 

"He said it would help me remember my dreams." Jenn swallowed hard, "It 
just worked too well." 

"I don't know about you, but I do not think it would be a good idea to 
go back there anytime soon." Kris spoke glancing up at the sky, "Hey, 
when did it turn night?" For the first time they noticed that the sun 
had set and the park lights had turned on along the paths. 

"That can't be right." Jenn looked at her watch, "WHAT! We were in there 
for three hours?!?" Jenn exclaimed in astonishment. 

"That can't be possible." Kris checked her watch to see that it was 
indeed seven at night, "That is insane! There is no way I could have sat 
in that little waiting room for that long. There was nothing but 
teenybopper magazines. I would have to resend my prince hood if I read 
all of those."

"Oh shoot!" Jenn abruptly stood up, "Ann is going to kill me. There is 
no way she is going to let you stay overnight tomorrow the way things 
are going." She let out a deep sigh of disappointment. 

"Are we still on for tomorrow?" Kris asked, delighted at the idea. 

"That all depends on if I can talk my way around Ann. She doesn't 
believe that mom already said yes." Jenn clarified as she grabbed her 
bag and started to walk towards home. 

"Well you just haven't let me talk to her yet." Kris proposed with a 
grin as she fell into step beside her friend. 

"Oh no, now we're really in trouble." Jenn rolled her eyes, her visit at 
the doctors moving to the back of her mind.

"Don't you trust me?" Kris asked gloomily, her feelings deflated. 

"No, it's not that. I just fear for poor Ann." Jenn tried hard not to 
start laughing, "You'll probably kill the girl with that charm of 

"If that is the case then it would be in self defence." Kris confirmed 
with a laugh. 

"How do you figure that?" Jenn asked curiously. 

"It is a lesbian rule. Have you forgotten to read your handbook?" Kris 
inquired with seriousness that Jenn was almost certain the girl believed 
her own words. 

"I think I missed the part about killer lesbian charm." They both 
laughed as they started towards Jenn's house. 

Just as Jenn expected they found Ann waiting for them on the front porch 
with her arms crossed and a scowl upon her face, "Do you ladies have any 
idea what time it is?" She probed furiously, "I do have assignments I 
need to get done for college you know and can't spend all my time 
standing around here waiting for you to stroll home at any time you 

"No one asked you to be my parent!" Jenn snarled as she came through the 
gate at the front of the house. 

"Your mother asked me to watch over you and the house while she was 
away." Ann defended herself.

"My mother never had the time to change my diapers when I was a baby so 
what would she know about taking care of me." Jenn could feel her anger 
boiling up inside of her, "and for your information we were at the 

"The doctor called hours ago." Ann turned her fury on Kris, "I hear your 
friend here made a real mess of things too."

"I don't think you understand what happened." Kris set her tranquil eyes 
on Ann's as she approached the stairs, "Let me say that that man was 
only out to harm Jenn. He had no intent to help her in any way 
whatsoever and if I had not stepped in he would surely have hurt her or 
even worse." Kris kept her tone gentle, she didn't show a hint of anger, 
never once did she let her eyes veer from Ann's. Moving forwards ever so 
slowly she continued, "Now would you want the pleasure of explaining to 
Jenn's mother as to why her only daughter is resting in a hospital?"

Ann's eyes flickered as she tried to think of someway to back herself 
up, "N.. no..." She began to back down when she remembered that she was 
older than Kris and tried to reclaim her ground, "Of course I don't want 
her to get hurt, but that doesn't change the fact that she didn't call 
and leave a message or anything." She reaffirmed.

"I'm sorry that would be my fault." Kris reached the top of the patio 
stair, here eyes held their grip on Ann, "I was so worried about Jenn's 
well being that leaving a message completely slipped my mind. You see 
she has been feeling ill all day long and I have been watching over her. 
The school knew she was with me and with her mother away I forgot that 
there was someone else watching out for my friend as well."

Ann blushed deeply as she noticed just how tall and boiishly handsome 
Kris was, "Well, that is..." She started to stammer. The more Kris gazed 
at her, the hotter Ann felt, "Next time make sure to call, alright?" She 
gathered her notebooks from the porch table and started down the steps. 

"Bye Ann!" Jenn yelled out after the girl. 

"Oh and Ann?" Kris called out before the girl could reach the gate. She 
turned around, trying hard not to look Kris in the eye, "Would it be 
alright if I stayed over tonight and tomorrow?"

"Uhhh...sure..." Ann agreed as she started to get into her car, "Night, 
girls." She dumped her books onto the passenger's seat before jumping 
into the car herself.

"Thanks, Ann." Kris grinned triumphantly, "Have a good night."

The girls watched Ann's car disappear into the distance. The moment it 
was out of sight Jenn burst into laughter. 

"You are just evil, you know that?" She teased between giggles. 

"I am not." Kris replied defensively, "I just told her the truth." 

"Oh, and what would you call that thing you did with your eyes?" Jenn 
inquired knowingly. 

"I cannot be held responsible for my eyes." Kris stated, trying to hide 
a grin. 

"Thanks again." Jenn smiled warmly. 

"You are very welcome, my lady." Kris replied while taking a deep bow. 

"My hero!" Jenn kidded, laughing, "You sure you won't get into trouble 
if you stay the night?" 

"Me? Never!" Kris assured in amusement, "Being here with you is more 
important than what my family thinks." 

"I can see if Ann washed any of my extra night tops." Jenn stepped into 
the house holding the door open for her friend; “You can borrow one if 
you like.” She offered. 

"That would be great." The door closed behind Kris as she stepped into 
the house and she locked it.

"Make yourself at home." Jenn suggested as she kicked her shoes off into 
the closet and stepped into the living room where she hit the stereos 
play button filling the house with the sound of Lilith Fair, "You want 
anything to eat? I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Jenn 
informed as she disappeared through a second door out of the living room 
and into the kitchen. 

The house was like a small maze and Kris found it hard to keep an eye on 
where her friend had vanished, "Could I get something to drink?" She 
asked as she added her shoes to the closet and examined the large living 
room. A massive entertainment unit was set in one corner, with a large 
flat screen television taking up the middle, while an "L" shaped couch 
surrounding a small square coffee table. The stereo was set between the 
two entrances to the room and the far wall was covered entirely by a 
large shelving unit filled with movies and CD's. Through one of the 
doorways she could see Jenn running around a kitchen island as she 
grabbed a couple of glasses from one of the many cupboards and set them 
on the counter before opening the large refrigerator. 

"What would you like to drink?" Jenn called out, "We have milk, root 
beer, orange juice and some tomato junk."

"Orange will do for me." Kris answered, leaning against the doorframe, 
"Don't you feel lonely, all alone in this huge place?" She wondered 
while scanning the room.

Jenn closed the fridge and set the juice on the counter and stared at 
the glasses, "Sometimes it's nice." She was trying hard to fake being 
happy, but her face wouldn't let her.

"And other times?" Kris pried. 

The phone abruptly rang, "I'll get it." Jenn turned to go after the 
phone knocking the juice over which caused one of the glasses to fall 
off the counter and smashing on the ground, "Crap!" Jenn rushed for a 
cloth while trying to avoid the mess, "Ummmm..." The phone continued to 
ring and Jenn became flustered, as she felt torn in two directions. She 
stared down at the broken glass and began to tremble. 

"Here, I'll help with that." Kris came in aid, taking the cloth from 
Jenn, "Why don't you get the phone?"

"Th… Thanks!" Jenn ran around the island and out of the room. 

Kris looked down at the mess and let out a small sigh before picking up 
the juice container and wiping the counter dry. By the time she was 
finished Jenn had returned, "Where is your dustpan." Kris asked looking 
around the room. 

"In the closet down the hall to the dinning room." Jenn pointed to yet 
another door around the side of the fridge. 

"Thanks. "Kris hopped over the mess, found the closet and grabbed a 
broom and dustpan. When she returned she found Jenn leaning against the 
wall with her arms wrapped around her stomach, "Are you alright, Jenn?" 
Kris wondered setting the broom down next to the fridge, "Who was that 
on the phone?" 

"It was no one important." Jenn tried to force herself to smile, but she 
could not hide her trembling hands, "Just someone wanting to know if we 
needed our carpets cleaned. If we only had spilled the juice in the 
living room." She began to laugh, "Wouldn't that have... have been 
something else..." She was laughing so hard that she started coughing to 
the point that she was choking, she curled up in the doorway as tears 
overtook her, "I'm... sorry." She choked on her sobs, "I'm sorry. I'm 
sorry. I'm sorry." She repeated over and over again.

Kris dropped to her friend's side, "It is alright. I'll clean the mess. 
It is no problem really." Kris proposed trying to reassure her friend.

"I'm... sorry..." Jenn clung to her friend's shirt and cried, "I just 
can't stop crying all of a sudden. I don't know why." It felt like a dam 
burst inside of her and all of her emotions were pouring out in one huge 
wave of sadness. She curled up in her friend's arms and let out a 
painful wail that sent her into another wave of coughing, "I'm so 

For the next few moments Kris held her friend and let her cry while 
stroking the back of the girl's head, "Let it out. Just let it out." She 
whispered into Jenn's ear, "I will not leave you. I will not tease you. 
I will always be your friend." She kept repeating those words until Jenn 
fell into a fitful sleep.


To be Continued...

Onwards to Part 4

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