“Rinako... are you sure you wanna do this?” With a firm face, Rinako attached a silver necklace and let it come to rest on the nape of her neck. Ayane gave it to her, back in the old days. Rinako hadn’t worn it for over two years but now she felt like she had to. It would let her know that she had her love’s support in defeating Zanga. Currently, she and Minato were in their dorm room, preparing for the fight ahead. Today was the day. One week had passed since his challenge was extended to Rinako. Now it was finally time for the Ikatsuji girl to settle the score. This was unlike any battle she had ever fought. Never before had she felt such anger, such fury burning within her soul. Yet she was still so deceptively calm. Rinako had been training hard for this, and threw that time she felt herself strengthening very rapidly. The brown-eyed woman was reaching a whole new level. But Minato was worried. She couldn’t explain why she was worried, but she was scared for Rinako. Something was brewing inside her sister, but Minato just couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Rinako fastened the bow of her school uniform. Usually, she would have worn a Gi for a fight outside of Tomeishuu High but this fight felt so... personal. Not only was she defending Ayane’s honour but also Tomeishuu itself. It felt right to wear it. While preparing herself, Rinako continued on. “You’re not talking me out of it, Minato. I’m going to destroy that guy.” Minato pleaded. “I’m worried about you, sis. This isn’t like you. You know how strong this guy is too, he’ll be dangerous.” Rinako eyed herself in her mirror. “Y’know, I’m getting real sick and tired of hearing people moan on and on about how strong the guy is. I’m not backing down, Minato. I’m gonna finish this. He can’t get away with what he did and I’m the only one who can stop him. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” “Rinako, you do know that Ayane is much better, right?” The CBL girl’s head jerked. Ayane was a lot better. And it made her very happy to know that she was. But every time she heard that, it weakened her desire to fight Zanga, which had to happen. He had to pay, even though Ayane was recovering. All the same, Rinako was ready now. It was time. “Lets go.” ********** “They’re finally here.” Shizuku, Ranji and Zanga watched intently as there targets stepped into focus. They were at the usual place for duels outside of the schools; that dreaded open stone arena behind Mizube Ai Park. On the other side from the Kyoto New Force Strikers, Rinako stepped through the small opening between the trees to enter the much larger, yet isolated place. Rinako scowled at this arena. This was where Ayane was defeated. And soon enough her bright brown eyes were filled with rage as she caught sight of Zanga, eying her with that focused frown of his. The Cross Blade Lancer’s leader was ready to go over there right now and skip the pleasantries, but a staying hand on her shoulder kept the girl from flipping out. It was Mishizu’s. “Take it easy.” She said. “Don’t let anger cloud your judgement.” Rinako just nodded difficultly and waited. While she calmed herself, Izumi, Minato and Natsumi stepped through the small gap into the secluded area. Normally, Rinako would not have allowed Minato to watch a fight like this, but she was far too distracted to really have paid much attention to this. Izumi wasn’t supposed to be there either. This was technically a Cross Blade Lancer fight, however she was there to watch for Zanga’s movements. If Rinako was defeated then only she and Mishizu could stand against him. Hopefully, that wouldn’t have to happen. Natsumi and Minato took a seat on the slight hill on the side of the grassy up growth around the stone arena. Izumi stood upright, with Mishizu just to right of her, a few metres apart. Ranji and Shizuku noticed this and backed away from Zanga, to stand on their side of the grassy surroundings. Rinako stepped forwards onto the stone arena, locking her mystic eyes on the man who defeated Ayane. She had only seen him twice, this was the second time, but it felt this was their first meeting. The two fighters stepped before each other, staring fiercely into the other’s eyes. Zanga suddenly spoke. “...So you are the oldest daughter of Ikatsuji Genzo, are you?” Though she was still angry, Rinako set aside some of this anger to address that. How did her know her father? “How do *you* know that?” Zanga beamed a grin. “Because he was the only person my master could not defeat. My master... Ietsuna Minamoto.” So it was true. Zanga did know Seiryoku o tsukaihatasu ken. That art was the bane of her family and her fighting style. It just made winning this fight more important to Rinako. Not only would he pay for hurting Ayane, but also in doing so, Rinako would do the one thing her father could not. Overcome a fighter of the Burn Out style. While Rinako wrestled her thoughts in a consuming reverie, Zanga just spread his legs out, clutched his fists and focused his attention on what really mattered. With Rinako’s defeat, the whole of Tokyo would shake at his name, and the Burn Out style would return to its former glory. “Once you are dealt with,” Zanga started quietly. “The good name of the ‘illustrious’ Ikatsuji family will go down in flames and Tokyo will be mine. Now lets begin.” {For you, Ayane....} Rinako clutched her fists. “Lets go!” This was it. The two stared each other down, and shortly, Rinako was thinking out her pattern of attack. Since this guy was so strong, it would do Rinako no good to face him head on. One edge Rinako had over Ayane was that now she had an understanding of this man’s strength and could use it as a weapon in this fight. He would learn what it meant to fight an Ikatsuji... No longer was she doing to leave this on its own, Rinako leapt towards Zanga, her body hissing through the chilled early morning air. She branched out her arm in a straight angle, narrowly attempting to hit Zanga’s jaw. Zanga himself just grinned. It was a foolish mistake to try and attack him like that. Did Ikatsuji learn nothing from Yosukube’s defeat? He quickly brought up his right arm to defend himself, and Rinako’s punch was nullified. He swiftly smiled at Rinako as an insult for such a performance, but before he knew it, her second fist was rooted into the rook of his abdomen. Rinako quickly swerved to one side of her adversary, pulling her elbow back and bringing into down on the unguarded back of the Slash Fang warrior. Zanga let out a surprised grunt, and was pushed forwards as he felt Rinako’s elbowing driving into his back. When his feet stopped moving from the force, he looked back at Rinako through those blood red eyes of his and smiled. Rinako resumed her fighting stance and kept her eyes on Zanga’s movements. This was how she was going to defeat him. Fake him out then strike at his weaker openings. Soon, Rinako’s feet were doing all the work she needed, making a b-line straight for Zanga, drawing back her fist as if to punch him. He watched the girl near him and instantly swung his leg around to kick at her cranium as soon as she came close enough. He was not wise to Rinako’s plan at all... The fiery young woman quickly crouched down to the cold stone ground, Zanga’s leg swinging a good three inches over the highest strand of her hair. While her opportunity was fresh, the eldest Ikatsuji sister extended her leg, pressing her palms into the ground, then span in place, her leg whipping along the floor in a circular motion. Zanga was still retracting his leg from the previous kick at the time, so he had no way avoid this. His large but lissom form crashed into the stone, roughly scratching his back. Rinako quickly stood up, keeping her watchful eye on his next move. Over at the sides, Mishizu and Minato were already cheering Rinako on, while Izumi and Natsumi stayed fairly restrained. The others were beginning to believe that Rinako could really do this but Izumi was still worried. She didn’t like Rinako, but Izumi did not want to see her lose to an outsider either. {You’re a good fighter, Ikatsuji.} She thought. {But anyone who can put the boss in hospital is more than just good...} Zanga stood up from his floored state, wiping the dust from his ivory white jeans. That was fairly skilled move for such a young woman. Zanga himself was only 18 years of age but he knew that Rinako’s talent for fighting was unique. It would make battling her that much more... interesting. Before long, Rinako came at Zanga again, her skirt thrashing about her thighs as she dashed at him. When they got close enough together, Rinako attacked Zanga with a firm roundhouse kick aimed at the temples, which was narrowly avoided by Zanga’s evasive retreat. While he sidestepped out of the way, Rinako leaned forward and struck him dead on the chest with an elbow strike. Zanga dropped his guard from the surprise, much to Rinako’s delight. Now there was an opening. Rinako quickly grabbed a hold of Zanga’s neck, letting herself fall backwards. Her opponent was pulled down with her, and while she was descending, Rinako tucked her legs between her chest and Zanga’s. As Rinako’s angelic frame hit the stone ground, Rinako quickly pulled her legs further up and pressed the soles of her shoes into his abdomen. Soon after Rinako let out a hearty cry of strength and pushed her leg upwards. Zanga was tossed over Rinako in one fluid movement, and his body was sent sailing into the dusty ground across from the Ikatsuji girl. Her elegant palms made contact with the ground again, and Rinako pushed herself off of it into a standing position. That full body throw of hers; ‘Kutsugaesu’ (Demolish) was designed by herself and Ayane, back in their training days. It was Rinako’s way of saying that Ayane was with her in this. Feeling a kink in her neck, Rinako rubbed it with her hand, still keeping an eye on a rising Zanga. The Slash Fang warrior stood up with an irate look on his face. This Ikatsuji woman was making him look like a joke. Tossed around an arena like a novice. A vein throbbed at the temple of Zanga’s head as he watched Rinako from the distance. That relaxed look on her face was annoying him. She was going to regret that. All of a sudden, the leader of the Kyoto New Force Strikers ran at Rinako, bringing both fists to his side. Suddenly Rinako was aware. This man was changing his approach to the fight. Zanga yelled fiercely and swiped at Rinako with his palm outstretched. Rinako span to one side, completely avoiding this, and while Zanga was distracted by the failure of his attack, Rinako elegantly kicked him in the small of his back. Zanga growled angrily. “Damn you... you fool!” Rinako grinned at the now flustered fighter. “What’s wrong? Are you pissed off ‘cause you’re finally fighting someone who can beat you? You’re just a little kid who’s gotten out of hand with his favorite toy. You’re pathetic.” Slowly, Zanga turned around to face Rinako. Why was this woman running rings around him? She wasn’t that much stronger than Ayane. It was not possible for her to be doing this to him. Unless...? Over on the KNFS side of the arena, Ranji was looking quite pensive. “Control your anger, Zanga!” He yelled. “You’re giving her the edge.” Shizuku looked over to Ranji. “What are you talking about? Are you forgetting his strategy?” “He’s getting annoyed.” Ranji said bluntly. “He loses his focus when he gets exasperated by a fight. He’s giving Rinako the break she needs to win.” Shizuku just smiled and stared back at Zanga and Rinako. “You worry too much. It isn’t cute. And I know how much you pride yourself on your male beauty.” Ranji rolled his eyes. “Don’t insult me, Shizuku. I’m not as naïve as you seem to believe. But of course, we could always test that out on the battlefield... I know how hard it you find it to keep your hands off me.” “Oh, shut up.” Shizuku quipped sharply. Back on the battlefield, Zanga’s blood red eyes opened then shut quite slowly. Ikatsuji was getting over-confident, which was something she should not have been doing. All the same, it meant that she was deluded with herself now. It was time to unleash the big guns. Zanga let himself become still for a few seconds. Very rarely did he use this kind of technique on someone so early in a fight but Rinako’s attitude was bothering him. There was no way he would allow this... mere schoolgirl to humiliate him. A burning Ki set in around Zanga’s fists, his hands were now glowing with a bright white light. Rinako watched this with some curiosity. He was going on the offensive again. That didn’t seem like much of a concern for his fighting style. Burn Out style liked to counter the attacks of their enemies and then finish them off when they lose the majority of their energy. Either Zanga’s training was incomplete, or he made his own adjustments to it. Which also meant Rinako was better off expecting anything. Regardless, the young woman held firm, readying herself for the attack to come. Then Zanga’s scarlet eyes shot wide open as he charged at her. “Anata wa kowai desu ka? Ikuze! Hakai no iki o kirashita!” {Are you afraid? Let's go! Breathless Destruction!} Mishizu, Minato, Natsumi and Izumi gasped in shock when the spiky-haired martial artist tore into Rinako with a chain of devastating attacks. Rinako just lost her breath when she was struck in the stomach, and her face jerked horrifically to the left by the force of a right hook. A palm strike hammered into the shocked girl’s abdomen, and her upper body lurched forwards. Now that Zanga had her in a good position, he continued his ‘Breathless Destruction’ by violently ramming his bullet-like knee into Rinako’s ribs. The girl coughed up a shred of blood, yet still she could only draw in breath whilst Zanga’s elbow collided with her lower back. Rinako did make some desperate attempts to defend herself, but all (weak as they were) were nullified by the speed of Zanga’s blows. “Doko ne ikimasu ka? Goku wa aite imasu!” {Where are you going? Hell is open!} The ruthless chain of blows continued for several seconds, and Minato found herself looking away in worry after hearing her sister’s cries. As hard as it was, Mishizu was managing to keep herself out of the fight, it was something that she had been warned not to do by Rinako long ago. Izumi had her eye on Mishizu. Though she doubted that Mishizu was *that* reckless, there was always a chance that the genius would step in. And Izumi had to be there to stop her. One final punch to the side, and Rinako was grounded. Her body clattered against the stone floor and a trail of dust blew past her. Zanga just leaned over and drew in breath. That little move absorbed a lot of energy. But its results were worth it. The Slash Fang fighter grinned, crossing his arms in certain victory. Sono no sono desu! Anata wa shinda desu ka? {That's that! Are you dead?} Rinako slowly managed to heave herself up, groaning a little. Her cheek had been cut, patches of blood speckled the side of her mouth, and there was a throbbing ache at her ribcage. None of them were broken, but a few must have been bruised internally. {Dammit!} Rinako thought. {How did I get in this shape so quickly?} Right now, something had to be done. Rinako released the grip she had around her lower abdomen and inched over to Zanga as best she could. She awkwardly tried her hardest to punch him; her fist fell short of its mark when Zanga’s body dashed to one side of her. Very quickly. Soon enough he was right behind her, whispering scathing comments into her ear. “You are just as weak as Yosukube.” Rinako gritted her teeth at the mention of her love’s name, and swung the back of her fist at him. Zanga speedily ducked this attack, hooking his arms around Rinako’s waist while doing so. Now she was in position for another blaster from the Slash Fang’s repertoire. “Yosukube no you desu! Ikioi! Roketto tsuki saigai!” {Just like Yosukube! (Momentum) Rocket Moon Disaster!} The purple-haired girl was dragged off her feet as Zanga pulled her over his body. Like a folded-up accordion, Rinako’s head and lower back were thrust into the cold, dusty stone ground. He easily released his grip around her waist; let her body loose, and slowly Zanga stood. “The ‘mighty’ Rinako Ikatsuji.” He said mockingly. “You are worthless just like that Yosukube girl. The legend of Rai shou en ken will die at my hand. And the whole of Tokyo will know that the Kyoto New Force Strikers were the ones that finally took you down.” Over on the sides, Minato was seriously worried. “Oh god... Rinako.” Natsumi held her girlfriend tight. She had to watch this play out. If Rinako really was the... “It’s okay, Minato. Rinako can pull through this. We just have to believe in her.” Izumi’s eyes were vigilant. {Ikatsuji’s in a bad way. If she doesn’t pull off a serious move soon...} It was a wonder how she was doing but Rinako was already standing. Just like Izumi, she knew she had to do something special and soon, or she’d get overpowered by this soulless behemoth. “Ayane... kore wa anata ni desu...” {Ayane... this is for you...} Rinako set her in an exact position, and held her hands to her sides. It was time to tip the scales. The Ikatsuji girl slowly shut her honey brown eyes, and focused herself. Zanga took note. The girl was tapping into her Chi, obviously to produce a Chi-related attack. Before long she was cupping her hands to gather up power, and her body begun glowing with bright lavender energy. The blood-eyed young man across from her just stared on, waiting for her next attack. But he would not wait long. When she was ready, Rinako instantly pushed both arms forwards, splaying out her palms to fire. “Rai shou en ken wa himitsu no gijutsu hyaku-ichi yo! Atsuryokuha!” {Rai shou en ken's secret technique 101! Pressure Wave!} The arena was filled with a bright lavender light as Rinako’s blazing variation of the Atsuryokuken, the ‘Atsuryokuha’ (Pressure Wave) shot out from her spread palms. A blast of raw Chi surged through the crisp air, ready to wipe out Zanga. He gracefully dived out of the way; the Atsuryokuha cleaved a charred ditched through the stone floor. In the direction of Ranji and Shizuku. Ranji’s eyes went wide. “Look out!” He and Shizuku tumbled out of the way, avoiding Rinako’s blast of energy. She just ignored the minor explosion and thrust herself back at Zanga, striking at him with a fierce elbow rush. Zanga guarded his chest with both arms, and then piled on more powerful attacks with lightning efficiency. He landed one heavy punch that made Minato cringe. He scowled at her. “Weakling! You are nothing to my power! Just like the Yosukube woman! And it didn’t take much to dethrone her, eh?” Zanga grabbed a delirious Rinako by the hair on the back of her head, and smashed his fist into her face with the other. This continued in a repeated sequence of strikes, that Zanga effectively named ‘Renzoku Kaze’ (Series Wind). All through the blows, he threw more harsh quips at Rinako. “You’ll be joining your in the ward, Ikatsuji.” Zanga said, punching Rinako firmly in the stomach. “You’ll be in a worse state than your miserable friend. How did it feel, knowing that you could do nothing to protect her from me? How did it feel, knowing that *I* was the one who destroyed her? How does it feel, knowing that you cannot stop me! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!” Rinako collapsed to the ground with one final punch. She was defeated. But something felt... different within. Something just snapped inside her. Not from the defeat, but from Zanga’s taunting words. “Just like the Yosukube woman!” “You could do nothing to protect her!” “I was the one who destroyed her!” The fist of the leader tightened, her nails almost digging into her flesh. This man hurt Ayane. Then he accused her of being unable to protect her. A dark anger enveloped Rinako. It wasn’t anything familiar to her, but she had felt traces of this rage for the past few days. Almost like instant evolution, Rinako’s muscles tightened up, her blood flow picked up pace, and force of her natural Chi was set ablaze. Over on the grassy side of the arena, Minato and Natsumi watched this with fearful looks in there eyes. What was going on here? Minato felt her heart beating much faster. “I... I don’t like this. Something is wrong I know it... something’s happening to Rinako...” Natsumi stayed quiet. She could feel the Shunshibaru crystal emitting heat within her pocket. It was reacting to Rinako’s energy signal again. She had to be the Seal Child. What else could it be? That dark burning within Rinako did not die away; she could feel the striking waves of lightning-hot Chi sinuously gushing through her veins. But as this new feeling took over, her mentality sought seclusion to accommodate it. Zanga stared arrogantly at Rinako; unaware of the change that was taking place within her. Or the effects it would have. As soon as Rinako stood upright and gazed eye to eye with her enemy, Natsumi knew that something was wrong. Her normally bright brown eyes were replaced with pure white ones, no pupil in site, just those haunting ashen eyes... And the new sound of her voice. It sounded almost... apocalyptic. “Now...” A darker Rinako articulated gloomily. “You’ll be tasting that sweet blood of yours... you insignificant bastard!” Natsumi’s eyes went wide... “Oh god! Aerolust!” Minato was confused. “Aerolust? What’s that?” “N-Nothing...” Natsumi tried hard not to sound suspicious. She didn’t want to hide things from Minato, but it was better for her if she did not know about that side of Natsumi. But that wasn’t the issue. The issue was Rinako... or what used to be Rinako... {Is she possessed by Aerolust? She must be. But I don’t think it has a hold over her yet. Even so... it isn’t safe here... I still haven’t found the Seal Child... I was sure that Rinako was the Seal Child... the crystal reacted to her. But if she isn’t the Seal Child, then who the heck is? And why did I-} Natsumi’s thoughts were cut off by the sound of Zanga’s scream. The Slash Fang warrior yelled in terror as Rinako’s fist crashed into his ribcage. Even though it was only one blow, it was obvious that it had cracked one of his ribs. Still, Dark Rinako just grinned, savouring his agony. “Enjoy that did you?” The possessed girl said. “Just like you enjoyed kicking the crap out of my girlfriend? Well you should be happy to know that more is coming your way, you son of bitch.” Zanga didn’t even have time to think about the ‘girlfriend’ remark, as his jaw snapped to one side with a fierce punch from an incensed yet amused Dark Rinako. Nothing could stop her. Instantly she grabbed Zanga by his spiky hair, in the exact same way he did to her, and thrust her knee up into his face. The KNFS leader’s face was smashed up by a deadly chain of knee kicks, knowledgeably designed and executed by D. Rinako. Ranji and Shizuku gazed in wonder, while Izumi and Mishizu looked on fearfully. Rinako was winning but... what was happening to her? Before his nose was shattered, Zanga stepped back. He had only been hit a few times but he felt... terrible. Already. {W-What... is she?} He thought desperately. There was no way he could lose after coming all this way though. Zanga had sworn an oath to his master, Ietsuna. That he would go to Tokyo and defeat the last two students of Genzo Ikatsuji. The conquest of Tokyo’s underworld was just a fortunate bonus. Avenging his master’s honour came first. Zanga dragged his arms back and prepared for his ultimate attack. He would take down Rinako, once and for all. Between his cupped hands, a vacuous bright green energy began to develop. That sorrowful breeze in the background was now overshadowed by the sparkling sound of inner Chi fusing with the microbes of the atmosphere. D. Rinako watched on in amusement. There was no fear or doubt in her eyes. Now that the Aerolust had its hooks into, it felt like there was nothing she could not do. After a few more seconds of energy gathering, Zanga was ready. “Korosu! Ore no kobushi wa tachiageru! Lust Breaker!” {Kill! My fist rises! Lust Breaker!} Zanga pushed his hands forwards and unleashed the sparkler-emerald blast of energy known as the Lust Breaker. That compressed energy came at D. Rinako very quickly, enveloping her with incoming green light. Yet still, the dark schoolgirl held firm, waiting for the energy shot to strike her. Mishizu’s eyes went wide. “Rinako! Run!” D. Rinako did not run. She remained as she was and the Lust Breaker hit her, exploding on impact. Minato let out a terrified yell as her sister was enclosed with that furious bright jade energy. Ranji, Shizuku, Minato, Natsumi, Mishizu and Izumi all looked away to prevent from being blinded by the awesome power of the Lust Breaker. Zanga looked on with a bright smile, knowing that Rinako would have been knocked out by the strength of his best attack. Soon the rocks tossed into the air and the whipped up dust died down, and the smoke surrounding the blast point faded away. Then Zanga’s smile degenerated into a shocked gaze as a figure was standing tall and proud amidst the last few traces of smoke. It was Rinako. Her school skirt was shredded and aside from the few cuts she had gotten before her transformation, D. Rinako was pretty much unharmed. All three of the Kyoto New Force Strikers were completely unprepared for that. Zanga was just plain incredulous. How could his legendary Lust Breaker be defeated so easily? D. Rinako’s grin widened. “What the hell was that supposed to be? A term of affection? Sorry, son. I’m spoken for.” She then cracked her knuckles. “But I have these two fists who’d love to meet you. Say hello to Nishi (West) and Minami (South). They say that they want to be stained by your blood. You’ll indulge them, won’t you?” Zanga froze in shock. In just a few seconds, Rinako had become stronger than him. But how? His questions went unanswered because Rinako, on a power high, charged towards him, forcing her seductive yet destructive leg into his battered ribcage. Zanga coughed up a little blood and fell to his knees. D. Rinako was completely un-caring of how weakened her adversary had become so quickly. She brutally kicked him once more in the ribs, making him roll over onto his back. D. Rinako leapt up into the air and landed on top of the blood-eyed guy. He was mounted very quickly; furthermore, D. Rinako raised her clenched right fist into the air. D. Rinako grinned demonically at her fallen opponent. “You hear that? It’s the sound of destiny crying out for your bones to be scattered into the winds!” After bellowing a sinister yell, D. Rinako pounded her face with relentless force. Punch after punch was landed on Zanga’s jerking face, its conditioning getting worse and worse with each strike. Ranji was dumbstruck. “My word... Zanga...” Mishizu’s eyes were filled with worry, confusion and fright. Rinako was never this... excessive. Something was wrong. This wasn’t like her. “Rinako!” She yelled. “That’s enough! Stop it!” But D. Rinako was far beyond hearing anything that Mishizu or the others could say. Her relentlessness was beginning to shock even Izumi. The possessed CBL leader struck at Zanga again and again and again, the damage was so severe that a trail of his blood was spilling onto the stone floor. Minato could not hide her surprise and horror. “Rinako! What are you doing...?” One last blow finally broke Zanga’s thick jaw, with a gruesome cracking sound. She retracted her hands quickly, already soaked in the downed fighter’s blood. But with this, D. Rinako began losing her grip on her sense of human decency. Her catastrophic new voice screamed hoarsely once more, echoing around the arena. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” D. Rinako dismounted a now unconscious Zanga, and her lifeless eyes tracked over to Ranji and Shizuku. They were her next targets. Minato could feel this. Something was up with her sister and she had to do something about it. Before she knew it, Minato was on her feet and making a dash for her older sister. Natsumi was now alert. Rinako was dangerous in that state. “Minato!” She yelled. “Don’t go down there!” Minato didn’t bother to look back. “I have to help her!” The concerned young blonde quickly made her way over to D. Rinako, to stop her from attacking people that were not at fault. She got beside her zombie-like sister and held her wrist to hold the CBL leader back. “Don’t hurt them, Rinako.” Minato began. “They haven’t done anything wrong.” D. Rinako looked back on Minato. She wasn’t even aware that the blonde girl was her sister. And Minato was beginning to doubt that this thing was still her sister. Those eyes... they didn’t belong to her Rinako. It was almost as if... something was trying to take control of her... “Arrgh!” D. Rinako grunted loudly and shoved Minato to one side. The girl was of no use to her. Her pure white eyes then focused on Ranji and Shizuku like a Deer between the crosshairs. “Gyaaaah! Atsuryokuha!” Instantly she drew back her hands and then pushed them forward, firing another (but much more powerful) Pressure Wave. It was like a flaming missile that sought out its targets. Neither Ranji or Shizuku bothered to say anything, but rather they cleared out of that patch of grass quickly, both darting either side of the shot. It exploded in a haze of lavender spirit fire, the flames dancing along in the face of the cool morning air. Ranji looked back at the blast point of the Atsuryokuha. “What strength... she’s even stronger than Zanga now... but how is this possible?” He whispered. As soon as he managed to stand, he felt warm breath on his shoulder. He shot back around to see the darkened Rinako standing menacingly behind him. She made no quirky snap or comment, just clamped her hand around the dark-haired boy’s neck. His stylish glasses fell to the floor, and Shizuku looked on in terror. Ranji was struggling to breath. “Ranji!” She yelled. The young Kyoto New Force Striker could not respond to Shizuku’s cry of fright, he was struggling just to keep himself conscious. As much as he suffered to free himself from D. Rinako’s grip, Ranji could not do so and he passed out from the lack of oxygen. An inexpressive Rinako tossed the boy to one side without any effort what so ever. Mishizu and Minato could only look on, as D. Rinako was about to strike down Shizuku. “Atsuryokuken!” Just before she could attack Shizuku, a cluster of sharp sapphire blue energy suddenly knocked D. Rinako back. Minato, Mishizu, Izumi and Natsumi looked over to the entrance to this area, and they where more than shocked to see who it was. Ayane. With her hands burning with residual Chi, She was still clad in her hospital smock; the bandages around her forehead were flowing in the breeze like a banner. She would have been much happier about the defeat of Zanga if she weren’t so consumed by what Rinako had devolved into. That emotionless creature was not her angel. And only Ayane could get her back. D. Rinako looked over to the one who shot her down, but the slightest of twinges went off in her heart from seeing Ayane. The tiniest bit of Rinako that was not consumed by Aerolust was singing to the angels for her love’s safety. But the overwhelming side of her that was overcome by the Aerolust saw nothing but a challenge. Ayane lowered her hands and slowly walked over to her troubled angel. “R-Rinako? It’s me, Ayane. You do not have to do this... I am okay.” Ayane came closer. D. Rinako’s resolve was wavering. “You must please listen to me. This... is not like you. I can help you though. I love you so much. Please just let me help you...” The real Rinako’s voice was starting to come back. “A-Ayane...?” The girl in question nodded, still getting closer to D. Rinako. “Yes. It’s me. There is nothing to worry about now. I am here for you. I swear I will always be there for you.” And that tight hold the Aerolust started to have over Rinako begun to fade. Her love was here, and it was beginning to fade. “Ayane...” Before she knew it, D. Rinako was wrapped in the loose but caring embrace of Ayane Yosukube. The phantom of the Aerolust then died down and relinquished its grip on Rinako, bringing the young woman back into reality. Her newly returned honey brown eyes looked up into Ayane’s soft gold ones. “A-Ayane? W-what are you doing here? What’s going on? What happened to Zanga?” Ayane smiled. “One of the SBA girls called me an hour ago to see how I was doing. She eventually told me that you would be fighting Zanga today. I was worried. I had to be here for you, just like you wanted to be there for me.” Rinako just let herself fall limp in her love’s arms. “For me... here for me... Ayane...” Minato, Izumi and Mishizu slowly approached the two lovers to see if everything was okay. Natsumi stayed back, and took the Shunshibaru crystal out of her pocket. It stopped glowing entirely. That probably meant that Aerolust had escaped from Rinako’s body. Normally she would have been worried that it could possess someone else, like Ayane or one of the Kyoto New Force Strikers, but she doubted that was possible just yet. It must have taken sometime for Aerolust to gather up the energy to possess Rinako. It was obvious that Aerolust still lacked the energy it needed to fully control Rinako, and now that it had been expelled from her body, it also meant that it would take sometime before it could re-awaken itself. {We’re safe for now.} Natsumi thought. {But how long will that last?} While Mishizu, Rinako, Minato and Ayane huddled together in their relief from Rinako’s recovery, Izumi walked over to Ranji and Shizuku who were still astounded by the explosion of power they had just witnessed. “Listen here, you two.” Izumi hissed. “Take your friend over there, get him to some place where he can recover. You lost the damn duel. Now piss off.” Though Shizuku scowled back at Izumi, Ranji took that on board and dragged his female teammate over to their leader. They had lost the duel and as the rules stated, the Kyoto New Force Strikers had to leave immediately. Minato hugged her sister, happy that she was back to normal, but confused by what was happening here. “What happened Rinako? Why did you do all of that?” Rinako absently shook her head. “I’m not sure. I don’t really know what happened. I was feeling so angry during the fight something just clicked and I blanked out. The next thing I know, Ayane is holing me. What the hell happened?” Natsumi then walked up to them. “I... I think I might be able to explain that.” ********** One Year Later... ********** Rinako Ikatsuji grinned deviously. It was her final year, and exams would be starting soon, but she still had time to do battle in the duel of control. A few metres away from her was Ayane Yosukube, with a contrasting stare of focus on her. Unlike Rinako, she was going to take this battle seriously. They were at their old battleground for the duel of control. It had been one whole year since Rinako’s possession by the Aerolust, and many things had happened in between then and now. This was best summed up when Rinako looked over at the two subordinates, Mishizu and Izumi. Rinako grinned. {Geez. Even when the position of second in command is at stake all they can do is fool around with each other. Geez, who’d have thought those two, would make a good couple?} “Rinako...” Ayane said annoyed. “You should focus on this you know. Leadership of our gang isn’t a light issue.” Rinako nodded with a defeated pout. The Cross Blade Lancers and the Spring Breeze Assassins existed no more. A few months back they had convinced the gang to merge into one group, a gang that had been effectively named the Neo Blade Assassins. Right now, there was confusion as to who should lead the group, so it was decided that the next duel of control would be for leadership of the Neo Blade Assassins. “Well, yeah. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun with it right?” Ayane raised an eyebrow. “Meaning?” “Meaning...” Rinako grinned seductively. “How about a little wager? Just between you and me? Make this a little more interesting?” “Okay. So what do you want?” Ayane asked inquisitively. That sexy grin on Rinako did not go away. “If I win, I want you all to myself tonight.” Ayane just shrugged. “I don’t see anything wrong with that.” “Yes, but you’ll have to get a few things. Some strawberries and whipped cream would be nice...” Now Ayane was confused. “Well... of course. Whatever you want.” “You don’t understand, sweetie.” Rinako said directly. “That’s what you’ll be wearing.” Ayane’s eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Regardless of whether it turned her on not, there was no way she could agree to that. Could she...? “You cannot be serious...” Rinako rested her palms on her waist. “Oh what, are you chicken? Don’t you dare pretend like you wouldn’t like it...” Ayane sighed. “Okay. I agree to that. But if *I* win, I want us to enjoy a nice quiet meal together in a new restaurant up in Shinjuku. Are we agreed?” Rinako wriggled her nose at that. “I suppose so. A bit boring, but hey, I can’t lose either way! So, you ready?” Ayane smiled and took on her fighting stance. “Prepare to hand over control, Miss Ikatsuji.” Rinako took on an equally flawless stance, beaming from ear to ear. “You should be more concerned with surviving this fight, Yosukube.” The two lovers smiled at each other once more and then before too much time passed, the Burning Tiger and the Frozen Dragon lunged into each other for the beginning of a deciding battle. Gone were their previous hatreds and distaste all that was left were the feelings of affection that the two shared. They would do battle to help the other improve and reach new levels. The only sentiments that would exist on this battlefield were the love they shared and the happiness they felt for being with each other like this. Things were finally as they should have been all along. ********** I wake from a nightmare now In the day it haunts me It slowly tears me apart With dreams of a distant love I'm a wandering satellite Somewhere in the wasteland I see you smiling at me A vision out of my dreams Will everything change? Take the pain away Lead me with your light Heading for the sun Leave the sadness behind Crossing oceans dry Yeah My world spinning out of time Won't somebody stop me? I may be losing my way Will you make it right? Take the pain away Hear me as I cry Heading for the sun Leave the sadness behind Crossing oceans dry Deep inside I go Spirit dreams inside Spirit dreams inside What can I do, I ask? There's nothing left to say What can I do, I ask? There's nothing left to say Why am I here? Why am I lost? Where is love? Lead me with your light Heading for the sun Leave the sadness behind Crossing oceans dry Deep inside I go Heading for the sun Leave the sadness behind Crossing oceans dry Deep inside I go Spirit dreams inside Spirit dreams inside Spirit dreams inside Spirit dreams inside ********** THE END ********** Kaiser’s Afterthoughts ---------------------- * Yup. I know, the ending was inconclusive, but don’t worry I intended it to be. I will do a sequel in a few months, since I’ve abandoned the Darkest Body, Brightest Soul sequel. But for now, I’m restarting my fantasy Shoujo-ai with a new story... Magical Sword Princess Aoi! Watch out for it... * Jaggy Love and Spirit Dreams Inside to not belong to me. And if you have any comments or questions remaining about this story, feel free to e-mail me.
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