Project Angelus (part 30 of 32)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by slayer girl

Back to Part 29
      The world inside the gate was immense and shining brightly. The ground was stable, 
but there were a few oddly covered trees with leaves that looked like liquid. Eveon, 
however, didn't have time to focus on her beautiful surroundings as she watched Adrian 
struggle with Mina.

      "You're so unruly for a Death Doll!" he said before throwing her into a tree. Eveon 
watched, horrified as Mina smacked into it headfirst, the mask not even breaking. She fell 
over and the blonde immediately ran towards her.

      Adrian stepped in front of her, smiling. "Don't worry - even if she's hurt, you can 
use the power of the Creator to bring her back."

      Eveon frowned as she felt apprehensive. "I... I don't want to be God. I just want to 
save Mina," she repeated.

      He started walking towards her. "You can't have one or the other. You have to be the 

      She looked down at her right hand... it was reacting to her surroundings and she 
gazed up at the dark sky. Eveon gulped as she felt a pulse of power around her.

      "As the Key to God, you are also deemed to be the perfect vessel for her... you have 
the desire and that desire will summon her spirit into you," Adrian explained as he came 
closer. "Tell me... aren't you ready?"

      Eveon glared up at him, moving away. "Aren't you listening to me? I don't desire it 
at all!"

      He kept coming towards her until she was backed up against a shimmering lake. "You're 
just stalling," Adrian murmured, watching as the Key to God started to react even more. 
"Are you ready?"

      Eveon barely had time to react when he grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and 
shoved her head into the water. She tried to scream, but the water that flowed inside her 
lungs was unlike any water she'd inhaled... she wasn't drowning...?

      Adrian pulled her up and said, "This is her life water. If you're going to be so 
obstinate about this, then I suppose this should help prepare your body."

      Eveon continued to flail as he pushed her under again, this time not pulling her up 
after a few seconds. She grasped at the sand beneath the water as she felt a great pressure 
on her. The Key to God was flaring and she knew... she knew that it was over.

      Adrian brought her back up and she collapsed to her knees. He pulled her hair to yank 
her head up. "You see that," Adrian asked pointing to a structure in the middle of the 
lake. "That's where the Creator rests."

      Eveon looked, trying to gulp in air. It was a strange tree like branch rising up out 
of the water, holding an enormous bluish orb. It seemed to glint and shine, much like 
everything around her. Eveon felt her right hand burn and she took a deep breath as the 
energy began to spiral around the orb.

      Adrian smiled and let go of her ponytail. Eveon fell back to her hands and knees, not 
watching as the spirit began to form on the lake, vaguely in a humanoid shape with massive 
pieces of energy around it. "Perfect," the blonde man said, laughing quietly to himself. 
"And no one to interrupt."

      Eveon sat up and decided that maybe... maybe it wouldn't be so bad...? She could save 
Mina and then she could defeat Adrian with all that power-

      "Eveon! Stop!"

      Adrian whirled around, displeased, and Eveon slowly turned, shocked.

      "Don't listen to him!" Mina shouted, wrestling with the mask on her face. "You don't 
need to become the Creator!"

      She finally got it off and threw it to the side, her blue eyes clear and distraught. 
There was a nasty bruise on her forehead, but she was otherwise fine. Adrian gritted his 
teeth. "Did Pandora betray me...?"

      Eveon half ran, half dragged herself to Mina, almost tackling the girl. "I thought 
you were gone," Eveon said, starting to cry.

      "No, no... I'm fine," she whispered. "Stop crying... we need to leave. I... I don't 
know why he wants you to be God, but it's not safe."

      "How did you overcome Pandora's spell?" Adrian asked, obviously annoyed.

      Mina held Eveon protectively. "It took me a while to break free, but... Eric gave me 
a shot and told me to pretend I was her puppet if I woke up."

      Adrian let out a sigh before he started laughing. "Of course! Eric... trying to 
sabotage me always... he injected you with Dark's blood, didn't he? I suppose her angel 
blood must have counteracted Pandora's spell over time."

      The spirit behind Adrian was completely formed and remained floating over the lake, 
as though waiting. Mina grabbed Eveon's hand. "We're leaving," she whispered to her.

      "Yeah," Eveon said, wiping her tears.

      "Nice try," Adrian said, pulling out his pistol. "I'm afraid I have to resort to 
deadlier to alternatives."

      Eveon instantly stepped in front of Mina, knowing that she was in the most danger. 
"You wouldn't..."

      Adrian shook his head. "Eveon... if I shoot and injure you, then the power of the 
Creator will overwhelm you in order to save you and thus you become God... However, this 
gun is of high caliber. We're only a few yards away..." He grinned. "You don't want this 
bullet to pass through you and kill Mina, do you?"

      "It's okay, Eveon," Mina said. "Don't... don't give in. I don't care if I get hurt."

      "But I do! Don't you see what he's doing...?" Eveon said, her tone becoming somber. 
"I don't think... No matter what happens, I'm going to become God. She's been pulling at my 
soul the whole time we've been here and I know I can't fight it."

      Eveon held up her glowing right hand. "I'm sorry Mina..."

      "The power will destroy you," the ebony haired girl exclaimed, hugging Eveon from 
behind. "You won't be you anymore!"

      "I'm sorry," Eveon repeated. "I doubt I will remember you once it happens."

      "Good. It seems you understand," Adrian stated, squeezing the trigger.

      The world seemed to tilt as Eveon shoved Mina away and took the bullet to her 
shoulder. She screamed and fell back, clutching the wound. Mina lifted herself up, crawling 
over to Eveon. "Eveon...! You're going to be fine, okay?"

      "Indeed," Adrian said, smiling. "She's going to be more than fine in a few minutes."

      Mina was cradling the crying Eveon to her chest. "What are you-" She stopped talking 
as she looked up to see the massive spirit in front of them. "No! You can't have her!"

      She desperately tried to pick up Eveon to try and run, but the blonde let out another 
piercing cry. "Eveon... please... Eveon!"

      Mina could only watch as the spirit began to smoothly enter Eveon's body, piece by 
piece. Mina pulled Eveon closer, hoping to protect her from the Creator, but it continued 
to go inside, no matter what she tried.

      "You should be happy!" Adrian said, walking over and putting his gun away. "Your 
lover is becoming the strongest being in the world..."

      "Why are you doing this?!" Mina asked, distraught. The spirit was almost entirely 
inside of her.

      Adrian was silent before his voice and demeanor changed - he was calmer somehow. 
"There's someone I need to find and subdue. I need power to do that and the Creator 
possesses the power I need."

      "'re not taking over the world?" Mina asked, tears starting to fall down her 

      "Silly girl - why would I want to put that kind of burden on my back? I intend to use 
the Creator's power to locate that someone and defeat them. After that, I won't need 
anything else," he said simply, watching the spirit go into its vessel.

      "You're sacrificing Eveon for something as stupid as that?!" Adrian didn't answer 
her, but instead slapped her across the face. The power behind made her fall over, 
clutching her cheek in agony.

      "Don't try to pretend to know something you don't understand, girl." He turned back 
to Eveon, the blonde's body glowing. "It's almost time."

      Mina watched as energy seemed to spiral around the gunshot wound, making it 
nonexistent. Eveon started to sit up, clutching her head in agony as the energy of the 
spirit burst out of her body. Mina gasped, horrified at the blood that started seeping out 
of her girlfriend's back when enormous wings came out.

      They were a golden red color and under any other circumstance, Mina would have 
thought them beautiful... six smaller white wings came out as well and the energy 
encircling Eveon seemed to tear at her skin. Her girlfriend was screaming pain... and there 
was nothing she could do.

      Adrian was smiling as the girl started to float up, a strange glowing circle with 
symbols appearing below her feet and a strange disk like halo forming behind her head. The 
leftover energy that wasn't inside of her swirled around her body to cover her nudity and 
the rest formed six petal like shields surrounding her. The man knew that this was just 
Eveon's initial form - that in reality, the Creator's ultimate power would span a large 

      "Now... Eveon..." he called out softly. "You are probably in so much pain that you 
can't recognize anyone, but I need a favor."

      "Don't listen to him!" Mina screeched out, walking over to the Creator. "He's trying 
to use you!" She stopped talking as she heard the click of a gun. Adrian was pointing his 
pistol at her.

      "I suggest you sit down. Eveon is currently in a state of nonexistence... a being 
filled with power. She can't understand who we are so if I ask her to do something, she'll 
mistake me for an advisor and do as I say."

      "That was your real plan, wasn't it?" Mina asked, angry. "To make her into some... 
some power plant and just use her?! You were too scared to become God yourself-" Adrian 
shot at her, barely missing by an inch.

      "I don't want to kill you... not in front of Eveon," he said with a smile. "But if I 
shoot you directly in the head before you can scream, she won't notice."

      Mina was shaking as she looked over at her... girlfriend? Was Eveon even conscious of 
herself anymore? Her purple eyes were open, but she seemed to be staring listlessly at the 
ground. Adrian turned back to Eveon. "Now, as I was asking-"

      Adrian didn't get a chance to finish before flames roared at him. He stepped back, 
drawing his sword in annoyance.

      "Eveon...!" Alice called out, upset. Sakura was standing next to her, alight with 

      "How could you do that to her?!"

      Adrian shrugged. "Maybe if you married me and provided an able angel womb, we 
wouldn't be here."

      She charged at him mercilessly and Alice followed right behind. Adrian frowned, 
knowing he was no match for both... but he kept his own fairly well against them. His 
swordsmanship was enough to keep him from getting hit, but not enough to win.

      Adrian needed a distraction, so he sent wave of energy right at Mina. Sakura tensed 
up and went racing immediately after it. He laughed to himself, knowing that his old tricks 
always worked...

      "Do you really think you can beat me, Alice?" He asked. "I am your teacher after 

      She said nothing, but charged with her own power overtaking her. Adrian blocked, 
highly amused. "You're much stronger than Lilith... I hope you don't mind if I borrow that 

      Before Alice could realize she'd fallen into his trap, Adrian tripped her and caught 
her around her waist. Sakura stopped and turned as Alice screamed, the core being removed 
in the same manner he'd done to Lilith.

      Mina, in the mean time, ducked, awaiting her inevitable death. Instead, she heard the 
sound of the energy clash with something and looked to see a shield right in front of 
her... one of Eveon's shields.

      The Creator was holding her head in pain as more energy erupted from her body, 
forming into different seals and swords. The shields began to multiply as well as her power 
started to increase. "Eveon... Eveon! I know you're still there!"

      Mina had to ignore the battle as she ran to her girlfriend, trying to think of a way 
to reach the floating Eveon.

      Adrian dropped Alice to the ground, happily holding her core. Sakura stared at him in 
disgust, her scythe at her side. It didn't take long for them to resume their fight, Adrian 
holding the core to draw on its powers and Sakura using the flames of Purgatory to combat 

      Mina cautiously stepped on the red circle of symbols beneath Eveon's feet to find a 
way to get to her. She let out a slight shriek as she began to float up in the air, 
stopping right in front of an agonized Eveon. She was still holding her head in pain. "It's 
alright..." Mina whispered, grasping her around the shoulders and kissing her on the head. 
"I love you, Eveon." But she could only watch as the power continued to erupt violently 
from Eveon's body. They were so high up and she didn't know what to do...

      "Please," Mina whispered. "Whatever you are... God, whoever, please don't do this to 
Eveon! Don't put all this power into her!" She held Eveon closer, feeling the power pulsate 
beneath her girlfriend's skin. 

Onwards to Part 31

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