"You're kind of stupid," Isaka shouted at the desolate, tiny brick building. Lilith was standing atop the roof, waiting for them. The woman just smiled down at them, even as Tsuru and Krystal drew their weapons. Carmilla positioned herself on top of a shadow beast as Lilith stretched a bit. "I'm not here to fight you," she said, laughing. "Tell me... where's Mina?" They all exchanged glances, suddenly realizing exactly what it meant - Lilith was after their one susceptible comrade. Isaka turned to head towards where they left Mina since she was the fastest, but there was a wall of Death Dolls standing right behind them... they'd moved too quickly and silently for them to notice. "This isn't good," Krystal said. "Isaka, try to get through and we'll cover you!" The demon attempted to disappear into the shadow, but a volley of red energy from Lilith destroyed that plan. She leapt over the Death Dolls, barely making it if it weren't for the combined efforts of Tsuru and Carmilla clearing the way. Taking down the dolls wouldn't be hard, but they were only there for a distraction. "Where are you going?" Lilith teased, flying away to follow Isaka. She continually shot at the demon to keep her distracted as she went towards where she figured Mina to be hiding. Isaka was trying to fend her off with dark energy, but she was no match for Lilith's strange power. Lilith dove down and blasted Isaka off to the side before flying off. "You've got to be kidding me," Isaka spat out as Lilith disappeared from sight. They tried to hide Mina somewhere safe, but... She struggled to her feet and kept running. Mina was unaware of the danger currently facing her as she sat on the table inside a derelict, emptied out trailer. At least... she was pretty sure it was a trailer... She knocked her shoes together as she waited patiently to be picked up. It was annoying to have to stay behind in case of danger, but it was probably for the best. The last thing she needed was to get in the way... She looked up when she heard the sound of footsteps. Mina eased herself off of the dusty table and headed towards the door to see if it was any of the women she'd been traveling with. She wasn't exactly expecting someone to grab the front of her shirt and yank her outside of the trailer. "It wasn't really hard to track down a girl like you," Lilith mused, still keeping a hold on Mina. "You... you're that lady," Mina exclaimed, trying to wrench herself away. "What are you doing?" "You're Eveon's girlfriend, aren't you?" Mina just stared at her oddly. "Wh... what? Why does that matter?" Lilith turned around just in time to see Isaka making her way towards them. "Mina! You better run!" Just as the ebony haired girl was going to explain that she couldn't, Lilith grabbed her and took off for the skies. "Thanks for leaving out here for me to grab!" Isaka did her best to try and find the direction Lilith was heading, but she flew off with a struggling Mina in record time. The demon kicked the ground with much disgust upset that she'd lost Mina... For now, she was going to have to go back to Krystal, Tsuru and Carmilla and tell them what happened. ***** "What are you going to do with her?" Eric asked as Lilith walked smugly by him. "Keeping her in an interrogation room until she's picked up," the young woman said simply. "By who?" Eric bit his lip as she smiled at him. "Solomon will be stopping by to see her..." Eric stared at her smug face before shaking his head. "I'm going to override this decision of yours. There's no way I'm going to let you-" "Ah, but I gave Lilith those orders." Eric turned around to see Adrian walking towards him in the hallway. "And I can override you whenever I want." Eric let out a sigh, knowing there was nothing he could do if Adrian was involved. "You're willing to toss an innocent girl to the fiends?" "It's just a little something to get them motivated. Solomon says he wants both Eveon and her girlfriend really badly," Adrian said, walking over to Lilith. "If we give them that girl, they'll be scrambling to get Eveon to complete their perfect pair." With that, the enigmatic man walked off with Lilith. Over his shoulder, he said to Eric, "Sakura has become the Living Inferno again so I don't think we should be taking any chances." The young professor rolled his eyes before looking down at his clipboard. He should probably go see Dark to start on some physical therapy... "Dr. Ackhart?" He paused and looked up to see a worried Erin. "Yeah?" he asked, walking towards Dark's room with her beside him. "Something wrong?" "Um... about the girl that was brought here..." Erin said, trying to pick her words carefully as to secure Mina's safety and not blow her cover. Eric stared at her, frowning. "What about her? ...how do you know about that anyway?" Eric quickly covered it up. "Faye mentioned it to me." "Right..." he said before looking back down at his clipboard. "What is it?" "...what's going to happen to her?" Erin asked. "She's going to be handed over to the fiends like a lamb to the slaughter," he said calmly. "Quite unfortunate that she would get caught up in all this..." Erin just stared at him as he opened the door to Dark's room. "What does that mean?" He shrugged. "She'll become something called a Death Doll... then when the fiends gain more power, they're going to turn her into one." "And you aren't going to do anything about that?" Eric turned around to face her. "Erin, I understand that since you've been working here, you've been exposed to a lot of things. There is a lot of shit that happens within these walls that breach all moral and ethic codes. There's nothing I can do for that girl if Adrian has decided to give her away," he said, giving his secretary a suspicious glance. "I don't see why you're sticking your nose into this." "She's an innocent girl!" Erin replied a little too loudly before calming down. "You're just going to let that happen to her...?" "Honestly," Eric said, walking over to Dark's bed. "I think she'll be better off with the fiends." Faye was in the room, glancing at Erin to warn her that she was pushing too much, but the snake goddess wouldn't give up. "Wouldn't she be better off free? Or just being held here for the time being?" Eric ran a hand through his messy hair. "Look. If Mina were to stay here, she'd either be used as bait or as an unwilling subject in one of my experiments." He set down the clipboard on the table. "I do have empathy for people, but there's nothing I can do and you'd best not worry about her." Erin was obviously dissatisfied and Eric looked over at Faye. "I'm surprised you found out about Mina Lamet so soon." The love goddess didn't show any signs of distress. "I'm surprised you aren't bothered by it," she replied. Eric was quiet, looking down at Dark who was awake and listening to the conversation. "I am bothered by it. I couldn't even save the girl that I loved because..." He took a deep breath. "I'm Adrian's greatest opposition and he's mine. He has more power than I do so I can't actually save this girl. I would if I could, but you're making me sound like a parrot." "So there's absolutely nothing you can do?" Erin repeated. Eric looked back over at Dark, silent. ***** Hours had gone by and Mina had fallen asleep in the chair she was sitting in. Lilith had handed her over to security guards who placed her in the white interrogation room with one, solitary black orb of a camera. The table was a pristine white color and at chair had a comfy cushion. The door was locked and her only company was a plastic pitcher of water and a plastic cup. She felt like an idiot for getting captured. Mina was sure she jeopardized everyone... especially Eveon. She jolted out of her sleep when the door opened to reveal a pre-goddess looking Erin. Mina stared at her until the young woman winked. "I brought you a snack," Erin said, semi cheerfully, but she was obviously worried. Mina took the crackers gratefully, her eyes flicking to the camera in the corner of the room. Her and Erin couldn't exactly talk under these circumstances. The snake goddess stood facing her, sure to make her face not visible to the camera. After a few seconds, she started to whisper. "Faye's in charge of surveying this room so she's turned down the volume in here. Don't say anything because they can still see your face and don't look at me." The ebony haired girl did as she was told and pretended to be really interested in the crackers. "We haven't found a way to get you out," Erin said quietly. "...I... I'm not sure if there's anything we can do since we can't break you out." Erin and Faye could attempt it, but without Seth and his team in position, they had no chance of getting out alive. Mina ate her cracker with worry. That didn't sound good... "Whatever happens..." Erin started, before pausing. "Just be strong... we're still trying." The door began to open so Erin turned around to see Eric coming in with some form of apparatus. "I need to check Mina's vitals and make sure she's alright before she's transported elsewhere." Erin nodded before Eric held the door open. "I need you to leave, Erin. Can you get me a milkshake while you're gone?" "S-sure," she said, nervous. Mina was staring down at her plate, afraid of what was to come. Was this it? The end of everything? Though it was a stupid thought, Mina wished she could have at least not die as a virgin... Eric seemed to notice her stress as he set down some of the devices on the table. "Don't worry - I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to make sure you're not sick." "What does it matter?" Mina asked suddenly as the door closed behind Erin. "Well, you need to be in tip top condition," Eric said calmly, causing Mina to shudder. Exactly what was going to happen to her? ***** "I feel like such a fool," Isaka said letting out a sigh of frustration. "It's not your fault," Tsuru said calmly. "We all should have been wary when Mina talked to Lilith back at the barn." Krystal rubbed the demon's shoulder, looking off to where Carmilla was standing. The vampire had sent out her shadow beasts to try and track down Lilith, but she was already long gone with Mina. "Erin and Faye should be able to do something, right?" The blue haired woman asked. They were all still by the old building, trying to think of what to do. "We can't tell Eveon," Isaka murmured. "It's best that only Faye and Erin know." Krystal grimaced. "Yeah... Mina's probably going to be used as bait or as a hostage..." "And if Miki's past actions are any indicator, the two of them wouldn't hesitate to run off to save her," Tsuru added. "Oh, but there goes my precious dinner...!" Carmilla whined out. "This is horrible! What if they hurt Mina? What if the Shadow Organization gets Eveon and the power of the Creator?" "I guess we have to hope otherwise," Krystal said, motioning down the road. "We should go rest. There's nothing more we can do here." ***** Eveon had been reading the diary again when she suddenly stopped. Miki, who was watching TV, noticed the sudden lack of sound from the turning of pages. The green eyed girl looked to see Eveon staring off into space, troubled by something. "What's up?" Miki said suddenly, almost making Eveon drop her book out of surprise. "Oh, it's... I just have a really bad feeling about something," Eveon said, putting down the book. "Is it fiends?" Miki asked, looking over at the window. "No... it isn't... It's like when you're worried about something and you're afraid of... like a foreboding feeling," Eveon murmured, struggling with how to describe. "I'm just worried." "I... I guess I kind of know what you mean," Miki said, pulling her knees up to her chest. "I used to ignore that feeling, but whenever I did, something horrible happened. It's better to assume the worst and feel like an idiot than to ignore it and have something horrible happen." Eveon nodded. "Yeah... Mina hasn't called me in a while." Her statement set an anxious atmosphere in the room. "Maybe you should call her?" Miki suggested. The blonde grabbed her phone off of the nightstand and began to call her girlfriend. "If she doesn't answer," Miki started, "She's probably busy..." Eveon nodded, knowing that her friend was trying to allay her nervousness. She could hear the dull ringing over the phone. "Plus she's with really strong people," Eveon added. She was probably worried over nothing.
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