Neo Comet Swordsman Setsuya: Second Origin (part 9 of 18)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kaiser

Back to Part 8
Ten Sekai Sentou Kyousou (Part 1)


Water Gardens of Yagul, Island of Creation

Aarin swept the free dangling blonde bangs from his face. It was early 
morning. He needed to keep his sights on the fight. Since it would be 
taking place here, in the so called Water Gardens of Yagul. The 
Englishman stepped forwards and looked around the place. It was actually 
quite beautiful. A huge garden built into the very back of 
Neuschwanstein Castle, full of lush greenery and marble statues. But 
most important of all; it was filled with many artificial water 
fountains, sprinkling the maze-like pathways with gentle drops of water. 
The water itself was diverted from a lake on the other side of the 
Island called Poseidon's Tear. It was a calming place to be. And 
especially with that bright sun up in the sky, giving a heat that made 
ready for battle all those about to participate in the tournament. 
Fighters were stationed at separate arenas dotted along this island. The 
Water Gardens of Yagul was one of them. Just as Poseidon's Tear was. All 
Aarin really needed to do was wait for his opponent to arrive. 

But who would it be?

Aarin had to admit that was hoping for a fight with Setsuya. This might 
not have been the best place but that was the main reason that Aarin had 
come here. To Ten Sekai Sentou Kyousou. After leaving the funeral of 
their late master; it was decided that the next time they met they would 
be ready for a new fight. One that would settle their old scores once 
and for all. And although Setsuya seemed a little distracted right now, 
Aarin was sure that Setsuya would want the same thing. Well, whoever 
came, Aarin felt more than ready. The young man looked to his left at a 
large statue of a goddess. It had a trail of water gently sprinkling 
from its mouth. While he paid attention to that; someone paid attention 
to him. 

"...Fighter confirmed as tournament Entry No. 4... Aarin Highland... 
wielder of the Wind Soul Sacred Sword... student of the Yuuga School of 
Japanese swordplay..."

Aarin looked back over his shoulder as something called out his vital 
statistics. "Who on earth would know all that about me...?"

A figure stood behind Aarin. On the other side of the Water Gardens. He 
was tall, and clearly male. Looking to be about twenty-something years 
of age. Dressed in nothing but a pair of baggy white slacks, open white 
shirt and a long link of golden chains secured around his neck and under 
his arm. His hair was swept back, the colour of jet black, while his 
bangs hid from view his eyes. Aarin took note of the fact that this man 
was unarmed. That was a little odd. This was a weapon's tournament after 

"Well, nevertheless," Aarin pointed Wind Soul at the man, "Are you my 
first challenger?"

The unknown Fighter looked up from the slouched position his head had 
lulled into. He looked over at Aarin with a rather vacant gaze and then 
parted his lips slowly and calmly, speaking at rather... mechanically. 
"...I am your opponent for your first match. I am Zero-Two. Second of 
the Zero Series. The Reliability Test of the Second Model will begin 

Aarin blinked. "...What on Earth are you talking about...?"

The one called 'Zero-Two' didn't seem to register that last question of 
Aarin's at all. Zero-Two held out his hand and stood still for a moment; 
giving his soulless eyes fully to the Englishman he was chosen to fight. 
Nothing happened for the first few seconds. And then streaks began to 
appear at Zero-Two's hand. Aarin became alert; taking note of his 
passive mannerisms and the pink streaks of energy at his arm. Was he a 
Magic User? Aarin had anticipated at the beginning that a magic user 
would get involved in the tournament. After all, they were the ones who 
had helped to build the Safe Zones, even if people shunned them. What 
kind of magic had Zero-Two mastered, if this was in fact, magic? The 
strange character's arm still glowed with the brightness of the pinkish 
energies around it. Then that energy took on a physical form. It shot 
along in length from Zero-Two's hand into the shape of a sword. It was a 
long sword-shaped acumination of energy; flashing its pink light over 
Zero-Two's body. 

He spoke again, in that lifeless manner of his. "Moldova Sword... 
activated. Now preparing Attack Pattern Alpha-Omega to defeat the 

In that second, Zero-Two rushed from his still position to attack Aarin 
across the Water Gardens. He zoomed ahead with great speed and yet his 
face remained as calm and as tranquil as ever. Aarin's eyes widened as 
Zero-Two neared him. Something was not right about this guy. There had 
to be something wrong with him. But this was absolutely no time to think 
about it. Aarin had to fight and proceed to the next round in the eager 
hopes of challenging Setsuya. The English swordfighter drew Wind Soul 
into a guarding position and spread his feet apart for the collision. 

There was a loud clashing sound, followed by the friction of pure energy 
against raw steel. Aarin's right foot shifted back to brace himself 
against the struggle. This guy was actually pretty strong. Stronger than 
he looked in those shallow eyes of his. Sparks of electricity flew away 
from the point of contact as the Wind Soul stood off against Zero-Two's 
Moldova sword. While they held each other to a standstill, Aarin 
searched this man's eyes again. Still, he looked so cold and vacant. 
Even though he was trying to win the standoff; Zero-Two's heart did not 
seem to be in this. And yet his strength was quite commendable. Well 
whatever the circumstances, Aarin had to proceed to the next round. 
Maybe the best thing to do was to just put this guy out of commission 
right now. Aarin grit his teeth and shoved from the joints of his arms. 
The force pushed back Zero-Two and the Moldova. Then Aarin used that 
shift in position to his advantage. The youthful Englishman rotated his 
sword and swept it around his body, in a horizontal motion. The blade of 
the Wind Soul slashed right through its chosen path; in which was the 
Moldova. Wind Soul cut straight through it. The energy sabre was sliced 
into two halves of power, the severed half fading away after losing 
contact with the bulk. Aarin leapt back from the point of contact. As 
did Zero-Two. The man devoid of sentiment jumped backwards from the 
other fighter and landed just in front of one of those circular marble 
podiums. Aarin landed in a similar position. He rose up from his 
crouched landing stance and stood straight up. Now that the Moldova was 
broken there was nothing left to worry about. Aarin kept Wind Soul on 
guard but relaxed himself. 

"...Looks like this fight is.... Huh...?"

Aarin then looked at something odd. There was a slash mark at Zero-Two's 
upper arm. He hadn't noticed it before during the actual attack but his 
sword had slashed at the arm of the other man. And yet he didn't look 
the least bit fazed by it. Even more curious, was the fact that no blood 
leaked from the gash. And yet it looked rather deep. At that point in 
time, a streak of electricity passed along the slash mark. Aarin's eyes 
widened with understanding at the situation. Now it all made sense. This 
guy wasn't even human. He was an android. That had to be it. 

"A machine...?" Aarin debated the idea in word, "But I thought that such 
machinery was rendered useless by the electromagnet waves of the Genesis 
Comet. This thing must be a product of the Shougatsu Financial Group. 
But I had no idea that they were in possession of technology this 

Zero-Two spoke more of its soulless data-babble. "Moldova damage at 
78.5%. Rerouting energy from main processor to Plasma Generator."

Aarin's eyes then turned to the half-slashed Moldova sword at Zero-Two's 
hand. It faded into nothingness; just as it had been created. Then 
seconds later, a new one popped up, just as healthy and full of vitality 
as the first one was earlier. Now Aarin knew that this was not magic at 
all. But energy generated from inside the Zero-Two android. He 
definitely had to be more careful around this thing now. Who knew what 
kind of powers it had. 

"Moldova at full power," Zero-Two swung Moldova behind him and got into 
a fighting stance, shifting his feet apart and turning its shoulder to 
face Aarin, "Now beginning process of Special Technique no. 1, Vanish 

The Zero-Two android flicked its 'hair' back over its shoulder to rest, 
and then  looked ahead at Aarin. But all the mechanisms, gears and 
computer chips active in its body were concentrating on their own 
issues. All of his computer parts began working in sync for the special 
technique that Zero-Two hoped to use on Aarin. And it worked. There was 
a flash of a glow in its 'eyes' as it stood there before the 
disbelieving Aarin. A sparkle appeared at the head of the robot. This 
sparkled passed over its body and kept going downwards until it reached 
his feet and the Moldova. But Aarin gasped as he saw what the results 
were. As soon as the sparkle passed over a body part, that body part 
vanished from view. It was completely impossible to see anything of him 
when the sparkle dissipated. Though Aarin had no idea how it happened, 
Zero-Two completely vanished from view! He could see hide nor hair of 
it. Not even the bright pink glow of the Moldova could be seen. 

Aarin blinked. "Teleportation? There is no way!"

It left Aarin vulnerable. He unknowingly let his guard down. He lowered 
the Wind Soul out of disbelief. But the moment he did this; a sharp 
trail of pinkish energy slashed through the air and went on the attack. 
Aarin noticed it from the corner of his eye but was too late to block or 
counter it. He grunted and winced in pain as the beam trail sliced 
across his abdomen, drawing blood. It cut right through the loose shirt 
that Aarin had been wearing. He wouldn't have expected that someone 
could have landed a blow during the first round and so he had not opted 
to wear any armour of any kind. The Englishman gripped his wounded abs 
and circled away from whatever had attacked him. He stumbled backwards 
from that point, and kept Wind Soul at the ready. But he still couldn't 
see anything. As far as Aarin knew; he was alone in the Water Gardens of 

Then it dawned on him. "...That technique that the android mentioned. It 
was not teleportation. That machine can cloak itself from human sight-"

A second streak appeared in the air as Aarin said that. But this time he 
was ready for it and aware. He slashed back, blocking the attack which 
by now, Aarin knew to be Zero-Two slashing at him with the Moldova. Once 
the attack was blocked; Zero-Two was completely hidden from sight again. 
And Aarin could not afford this disadvantage. But it occurred to him 
that Zero-Two's invisibility technique was not invincible. There was 
still one weakness it had that allowed Vanish Water to be countered. 

The young man smiled. "...Just might work."

Aarin heard the shuffle of footsteps. That was the signal. The English 
swordsman crouched to the ground and bolted off it. He leapt upwards and 
reached a peak in his jump seconds later. Once this was achieved, Aarin 
backflipped midair and rotated so that he landed foot first into a 
certain thing. One of the circular water fountains that had been lined 
across the labyrinthine cobblestone paths of the Water Gardens. Aarin 
was drenched with the upward flow of the water but did nothing to 
complain. The water was his key to winning. And just as Aarin had 
predicted, the invisible Zero-Two went on the attack. But this time it 
had fooled itself into a trap. The moment it attempted to lunge at Aarin 
through the up-falling spring of water, the drops bounced off and on its 
body. The collision of the android through the water gave way to a 
makeshift image of it stalking through the fountain. And because of this 
Aarin knew exactly where it was. The Englishman grit his teeth and 
reacted, twisting Wind Soul around so that it was aimed straight at the 
attacking image of Zero-Two. The blade shot forwards as swiftly as the 
wind and struck the robot. Aarin could tell by the sound of sliced 
metal. Zero-Two seemed to freeze on the instant that it was hit. And 
then the cloaking powers it had were negated. The Zero-Two model Android 
returned to its former visibility inch by inch, revealing the machine in 
its entirety. Not to mention the image of its chest being skewered by 
the Wind Soul Sacred Sword. Aarin roughly withdrew his weapon from the 
metallic carcass of Zero-Two and watched it fall off the water fountain 
onto the ground. Dead. Or at least unable to function. Aarin hopped out 
of the fountain himself, stepping onto the stone grounds of the Garden. 
He was soaked. But at least he had won his match. 

"...Hmm," By nothing more than his questioning instinct, Aarin looked 
back at the broken Zero-Two model, "I am forced to wonder. Just what are 
the Shougatsu Financial Group up to? I can feel that there is more to 
Ten Sekai Sentou Kyousou than meets the eye."


The Forest of Forgotten Prince (West Side), Island of Creation

Step, step, step. 

Step went the pitter-patter of Ingrid's sandaled feet as she walked 
across the uneven grass of the Forest of the Forgotten Prince. She was 
dressed up fully for this tournament, unlike her brother. The girl had 
hitched together both the feminine plate of armour around her upper 
torso (called the Andromeda plate, which had been carved with the symbol 
of the wealthy Highland family, the White Raven) and the plaid white and 
blue short shirt around the lower half of her beautiful body. Aside from 
that she was wearing her russet-tone wrist gauntlets. That was the dress 
code she had taken for today. Decked out for pure battle. And she had 
every intention to win this whole thing. With the Lightning Tooth sword 
at her side as well as the Oradea Shield, Ingrid never felt more ready. 
The girl continued to step through this Forest. She had been told a 
little bit about it before the tournament advisors helped her get here. 
Apparently one of the Princes of Spain once vanished in this forest. 
When it had been part of the Spanish Mainland. There was some confusion 
on just what happened to that Prince after he got lost in this forest, 
but his memory was wiped clear from the slate of Spanish History. Hence 
the name 'Forest of the Forgotten Prince'. An old story but it was one 
of the novelties that made the Island of Creation so appealing to 
others. Probably one of the reasons why the Shougatsu Financial Group 
had gone out of their way to own it. Ingrid tried to block those 
thoughts out of her head though. She had to concentrate on the upcoming 

The girl looked from one side to the other, soaking up the climate of 
the forest. "So this is the Forest of the Forgotten Prince? It's going 
to be more than tough fighting in a place like this. The thick trees are 
so tightly spaced together that it make it hard to run around. I hope 
that Aarin isn't the one I have to fight in this round. I need all the 
motility I can muster if I want to defeat him."

A twig snapped ahead of Ingrid. The girl looked forwards into the 
parting gaps between the trees ahead of her. Was her opponent here 
already? But she couldn't see anything. There was nothing ahead of her 
except grass, trees and rock. Then Ingrid's ears became alert to another 
sound. The sound of something revolving from behind her. The girl was 
being attacked. She pressed her heels as deep into the ground as they 
would go; then looked upwards. With all her feminine strength she jumped 
straight upwards. Ingrid leapt right off the grassy tracks of the forest 
and into the air, parallel with the branches and foliage that hung over 
the scene. While she was midair Ingrid looked down at the ground. Now 
she could see what she had been attacked with. There was a large polearm 
lodged into the dry soil of the forest. An axe. With a curved edge 
mounted on one side of the pole. Along the pole was the engraved name, 
Blaj Ineu. Ingrid scowled at it and then flipped forwards to the ground. 
About ten paces ahead of the axe, Blaj Ineu. When she landed she looked 
over her shoulder to see who it was who had thrown that axe at her. It 
was a man. A rather large man at about eight feet in height, wearing 
large brown slacks, thick black boots and nothing else. His broad 
muscles gleamed in the morning sun and he swept a meaty hand over his 
firm military cut till it hung loosely at his side. This was the guy 
that Ingrid was supposed to fight in the first round.

Ingrid turned around fully to face him, grinning cockily. "You must be 
my first victim. Well don't worry too much about it. It was just bad 
luck that put you up against Ingrid Branwen of the Highland Family. Try 
not to resent me for your upcoming defeat."

The hulk of a man walked forwards, and gripped Blaj Ineu again. "Well 
you are... very... what is word? Candid? I think that is word."

"So..." Ingrid smiled at him again, "I can tell from that broken English 
of yours that you are not very worldly.  So tell me. Just what is your 
name and what is it that brings you to Ten Sekai Sentou Kyousou?"

"I called Serge,"  He pulled the axe out of the ground, "I work as 
member of Guardian Line. Group hired to take care of job. I come to take 
Four Special Sword for client. Pass sword or I crush you."

Ingrid's sword arm lulled at her side while her shield arm was poised at 
her thin and nimble waist. "Ugh. You are definitely not my type. 
Muscleheads and Demi-goddesses do not mesh well. Especially if you think 
all that muscle will help you win a fight against a member of the 
Highland Family."

Serge swung that heavy axe into an attacking pose. "If not you pass 
sword, then I take sword from little girl. I must complete mission."

Ingrid sighed. This meathead really was working for the Guardian Line. 
Those bastards never ceased to amaze her. The Guardian Line itself was 
an organization of its own that had existed for over two thousand years. 
They were like a group of rather selective people who specialized in all 
sorts of jobs. These jobs could be like building roads and houses, 
marketing, goods retrieval & delivery, combat training, leadership 
training, bodyguarding, and weapons development etc. But they had more 
sinister roles than that. The Guardian Line also took part in warfare 
and assassination. They were (in overall nature) politically neutral, so 
they would side with any faction or political leader, regardless of 
their aims, as long as the one hiring them paid enough. That made them 
lower than scum in Ingrid's opinion. To cast aside your own beliefs for 
financial gain.

The young woman spread her legs, drew up the Oradea Shield and Lightning 
Tooth, facing off with the hulking titan of muscle and flesh, Serge. She 
had to fight him anyway. Unless she did she would not be able to fight 
Aarin. Serge grinned at Ingrid's action and went on the assault. He 
would be wasting no time at all. Ingrid watched as Serge charged her 
from his position. He was stronger than her. There was no way she could 
block any of his attacks with the Oradea Shield. In that way she would 
have to use her speed to her advantage. 

"Ghraaat!"  Serge let out some sort of battle cry in his native tongue 
and slashed at Ingrid with Blaj Ineu. The might polearm swept around in 
a half circle motion towards the girl. She was quick on her feet and she 
ducked under the massive swing. Her whole body crouched downwards and 
shot back to avoid the attack. Serge drew back Blaj Ineu and pulled it 
up to above his head, poised to strike a vertical attack. The steel edge 
of the axe came down swiftly. Ingrid saw it coming and darted to one 
side of the strike, as the blade struck the dried up soil beneath them. 
Ingrid rolled forwards and rotated into a crouched position. 

Ingrid grinned at the member of the Guardian Line. "I'm faster than you 
it seems. I told you that muscle would not be enough to defeat a member 
of the Highland Family. You should listen to what I have to say, my 
oversized friend."

Serge swung his axe behind him. "...Girl talks too much. Girl will learn 

The mammoth sized man dragged Blaj Ineu around him and then back to rest 
behind his body in a rather intimidating manner. His face hardened and 
his veins throbbed. He stamped his boots into the grass-covered ground 
of the forest and gripped the shaft of the axe with great new strength. 
Ingrid watched this man as he prepared himself for something. Apparently 
he wanted to end this fight quickly. The girl stood up straight and 
waited for the upcoming attack. She felt she had nothing to fear. After 
all, she was moving at twice Serge's speed. The older man gripped the 
pole of Blaj Ineu with both hands again and then swung it over his head. 
He soon jumped upwards with the axe behind his back, into the morning 
sky. Ingrid looked up. She would have never guessed that someone so big 
could jump so high. Once Serge got high enough, he began to descend 
towards Ingrid and her defences. The young woman watched as Serge fell 
towards her, screaming, 

"Smash Crusher!"

A special attack. Ingrid got her skates on and dashed away from that 
spot. Serge and his mighty axe came down on the ground with an echoing 
crush that forced the nearby birds to flee the forest trees from the 
noise. The axe rocked the ground so hard that Ingrid's own balance was 
threatened. She tripped up from the slight shake of the earth beneath 
her. Ingrid landed on an upraised mound of soil, dirtying her armour and 
shield arm. 

"Oof!" The blonde jerked her bangs out of her eyes, "I'll make you pay 
for that!"

And she would make no bones about it. The young woman rolled onto her 
back. Then curled her knees into herself and vaulted up into a standing 
position with the flip of her legs. Her sandals touched the soil evenly 
again. Serge stood across from her by about thirty feet. There was a 
bright smile on his visage. It seemed that he believed that the Smash 
Crusher had shaken up Ingrid more than she was willing to admit. He was 
mistaken in that belief. The Highland Girl sneered at him in anger. She 
had not intended to use any of the Special Techniques she had learned 
thus far on someone on the first round. But something about that boorish 
Serge was royally pissing her off. Ingrid pulled Lightning Tooth into 
the air and kept her sky blue eyes firmly on the Guardian Line member. 
She stood like that for a brief few moments then reacted. The gleam of 
the sword grew brighter above her. A full rush of adrenalin surged 
through her like the stream of a river. Serge took a deeper look at his 
opponent. She seemed more tense now. What on earth could that mean? 

Ingrid spoke to him with her sword poised and now glowing. "You made one 
big mistake, peasant! Never make a Highland-Borne woman angry! Now I'll 
make you regret the day you ever came within miles of my presence!"

Ingrid called the attack as she swung her swung from above to around, 
"Brave Sabre!"

As the blonde girl violently slashed through the air with the Lightning 
Tooth, the force of the swipe ruptured the air. A vibration of power 
shot through the atmosphere and headed for Serge. Invisible to the eye. 
There was no clear defence against an attack you could not see. The 
gruff older winced in pain as he felt the force of the Brave Sabre smash 
his lower stomach. His eyes bugged out and his hands jerked, dropping 
Blaj Ineu. He fell to his knees in that second. And his thick lips 
parted as he vomited a vat of blood to the grass of the forest. A few 
seconds later he collapsed, fainting from both the pain and the shocking 
suddenness of the Brave Sabre. Ingrid scowled at the fainted Serge. She 
might have overdone it a little bit but that guy needed to be put in his 
place. She sheathed Lightning Tooth in the brown leather scabbard at her 
waist, then fixed the Oradea Shield onto her back. She cast another look 
at Serge. 

"That was the Brave Sabre," She said sternly, "The primary technique of 
the Roundsman style. You are in no way worthy of such a move. But no one 
insults a Highland and gets away with it. In particular a member of the 
Guardian Line."

It looked like both of the Highland siblings were through to the next 


Kuji Bay (Eastside), Kuji, Neo-Japan

And so came that time again. 

The time to say... goodbye. 

This day had rolled around quickly. Both Julia and Simon were packed 
before morning, and they had both sent in letters of resignation to 
their employers. Now morning was upon them and it was time to leave. 
After all the Scottish duo had been through, they were finally going 
home. Ayame joined the two of them as they came to Kuji Bay. The three 
of them stood on the crowed peer of it, the ship they were taking 
already docked. It would be departing in about an hour. But the 
passengers would be getting on any time now. Ayame stood astride Julia 
and Simon as they took in the sights and smells of this bay. It would be 
the last they saw of Neo-Japan, maybe forever. Perhaps that was the 
reason they wanted to get a final glimpse at this country. Though Ayame 
couldn't really relate to the sentiment. After all those two had been 
through to get this far, she would have thought that Julia and Simon 
would be glad to see the back of this country. 

Julia held her suitcase before her with both hands and turned a little, 
to Ayame, who stood next to her at the front of the dotted crowds. "I 
can't believe that after all this time it's finally over. I'm finally 
going home. To see my Grandpa. To see all my friends and smell that 
fresh Scottish air."

Simon nodded his agreement. "Yes. It is hard to believe. I didn't think 
I'd even see you again, young one. Now we're actually leaving Neo-Japan 
together. Everyone will be so pleased to see you when we arrive. Maybe 
we should get moving from now."

Ayame, with both arms crossed together, followed in speech. "...Don't 
let me keep you. The two of you should enjoy this and go. I think the 
pair of you have had enough of my world for a lifetime."

"Yes," Simon nodded to her, then reached into his pocket with his free 
hand (the other one holding his suitcase). He pulled out a wallet. A 
rather weighty one. Which he presented to the Dark Katana with thankful 

"What's this?" Ayame asked, taking the wallet into her hands. 

"Another 5,300 credits," The elder McAmish replied, "I know it's not 
much considering what you've done for Julia and I for the past three 
months or so... but I hope that it shows you how indebted we feel we are 
to you. Thank you, Ayame."

The Neo-Japanese swordfighter nodded, smiling. "You're welcome, sir."

It was at this time that Julia realized she was meant to be saying her 
goodbyes. While Ayame stuffed the wallet of cash into one of her own 
pockets, the Scottish girl squirmed a little. Part of her didn't know 
what to say. After all, how can you put into words what you feel for the 
person who rescues you from nearly a year's worth of captivity? Of all 
the people that Julia had met in Neo-Japan, Ayame was the one true 
person that Julia could call a friend. Maybe even more so than she would 
have thought possible. The two young women locked eyes with each other 
and stared. Julia had no words. And no smile either. If there was any 
reason to stay in this country, it would have been Ayame. And Ayame 
herself couldn't believe she was saying goodbye to such an unbelievable 
woman. When she thought about the end of this mission... did she ever 
really picture it like this? When the silence between them started to 
grow in length, the Dark Katana rested her gloved hand upon Julia's 
shoulder, pulling a weak but disturbingly emotional smile. 

"You take care of yourself," She put forth, "I wouldn't like to think 
that I've been protecting you for so long that you throw in the towel 
the second you leave my sight."

Little tears began to well up in Julia's eyes. Despite the fact that she 
was a year older than Ayame, the brown-haired girl certainly didn't seem 
to be so, emotionally. "I going to write to your apartment in Nagoya... 
I hope that you'll... keep in contact with me..."

Ayame bobbed her head to that. There was no way that she'd lose touch 
with Julia that easily. Though Ayame had told herself a million times 
not to get emotionally involved with clients that she was working with, 
or for, it couldn't be helped with someone like Julia. To know her would 
be to understand the reasons why.  But the second that Ayame parted her 
pinkish lips to reply to that, something felt... off. It was like her 
senses were warning her of something. She took an urgent look to the 
face and turned around, looking into the crowds for the cause behind 
this. Both Julia and Simon noted the change in Ayame's expression. 

And Simon spoke upon it. "What's the matter?" 

"Something feels off," Ayame said, eyes stalking from one side to the 
other, "I can't explain it at all, but... I think you two should hurry 
up and get on the ship now. Quick."

Simon and Julia exchanged confused glances, while Ayame continued to 
feel out the cause of the disquiet in her heart. There had to be more to 
this than just a feeling. There had to be some form of danger around. 
The black-haired woman kept up the search until she took note of one odd 
looking character about ten metres back behind her. His body was 
enswathed with a huge brown cloak  It kept his face concealed in 
darkness despite the brightness of the sun above them. And then Ayame 
looked downwards at the slight gap of fabric in front of that stranger. 
There was a bright green glow there. Ayame's silvery eyes widened with 
surprise and anger. She knew exactly who this was. 

Ayame quickly looked back at Julia and Simon. "Get on the damn boat 

The very second she said that she charged across the port, darting 
between the people in the crowds with pinpoint speed, towards the 
cloaked fiend whom Ayame had picked out from the crowds. Ayame came 
face-to-face with the mystery man, who whipped off the cloak to meet 
with the attack. There was a Plasma Naginata in his hands. The two 
warriors leapt into each other and clashed weapons, Nobunaga bouncing of 
the shaft of the opposing man's pole-arm. The two were forced apart from 
each other by the strength of the clash, and both fighters landed with 
eyes on each other. But now the crowds were free to see the hideous 
creature that was under that cloak. It was the bio-metallic form of Ras 
es-Shamrah. Ayame's eyes narrowed at the beast, while holding a firm 
lock on him. It had been three whole months since their last encounter 
but she had not forgotten this guy. Not at all. The people around all 
gasped and began backing away as they looked at the vile creature, 
exchanging whispers and frightened glances. 

Simon himself was stunned to see Ras. "...What in God's name is 

"The creature that attempted to kidnap me in Nagoya," Julia answered, 
terrified, "Not even Ayame can stand up to it. We only got away from it 
by chance last time..."

It seemed that as more time passed, Ras discovered more of his deep 
hidden powers. The creature's voice had become far more solid and far 
less broken, which caused him to bellow a powerful scream around the 
bay. People as far as two hundred metres away could here the loudness of 
it. Julia and Simon, as well as all others around, covered their ears to 
keep from being deafened by that sound. And by the time his scream had 
ended, Ras es-Shamrah had pulled up his Naginata and was pointing it at 
Ayame. The dense energy that made up the blade was now fluctuating, 
flickering and taking on an even deeper glow. Then a burst of ring 
shaped power was thrown from the blade outwardly, the impact result of 
the energy blade itself being shot in Ayame's direction. The Plasma 
Bullet. Ayame's eyes widened. That blast looked powerful enough to 
finish her off there and then. The Dark Katana rolled to one side and it 
went straight past her, but this also put it on course for Julia and 
Simon. The older of the two grabbed his daughter in a tight hold and 
they threw themselves out of the way of the Plasma Bullet. The emerald 
power shot the collided with the steel/wooded side of the ship that they 
intended on taking home, The Omi-Aorta. There was a compact but fierce 
explosion from the blast point, one that lit up the scene with fire and 
ash. The people who chose to stand back and watch this were now running 
for their lives. Men, women and children began to flee at the prospect 
of a fierce battle ahead. But Ayame wanted to avoid a fight at any cost. 
Her mission was not over until Julia and Simon were on that ship. Until 
then she had to play it for nothing more than Julia's safety.   

Ayame brought up Nobunaga and focused her energy. She had to fight Ras 
in such a way that she lead him away from Julia's path. It would be the 
best way to keep her safe from harm. So she made her move. The 
black-haired woman charged straight at the bio-tech creature, sword held 
before her. Ras es-Shamrah brought up Baga'enka in the same way. But 
made an action with it this time around. 

He slashed downwards in a diagonal motion from the left. Then again from 
the right. Which created a huge X-shaped trail of plasma. It shined 
once, then beamed a thin, invisible shield of power to protect the one 
whom had cast it. Ayame couldn't have seen it. She slashed down at the 
image of Ras but was bounced back violently in the second that Nobunaga 
made contact with the unseen shield. Julia gasped as Neo-Japanese woman 
was thrown backwards across the ground. Her head slammed into a wooden 
crate that had been left in that particular place. Ras jetted over to 
Ayame in pursuit and loomed over the downed swordswoman with Baga'enka 
above him, ready to strike. Ayame's silvery eyes caught on to this none 
to soon, and rolled straight to the side out of the way. The plasmatic 
blade of Baga'enka came down a second later, slicing through the crate, 
which soon exploded from the contact. The boom shocked the few people 
who were still lingering, as embers began flying everywhere. A fire 
reared up. One that joined the fire on the Omi-Aorta's hull in its 
bright orange glow. Ayame squinted at this. Ras es-Shamrah was stronger 
than before. It was clearly learning more of its powers, too. She hopped 
back up onto her feet and gripped Nobunaga with both hands. She had to 
come up with a strategy to stop Ras before it got its hands on Julia. 

But Ras did not give her the time. He hauled off and made the first 
move. Ayame stayed alert as the monster came at her with a downwards 
swipe with Baga'enka. The Dark Katana dodged the strike, rushing to one 
side with a flick of the ankles. Ras grunted from behind that metallic 
mask, and then did the same thing. Ayame dodged again in the opposite 
direction of before, which presented an opening to Ras' ribcage. The 
fierce Neo-Japanese slashed straight at that point with the very tip of 
her blade. Nobunaga simply sparked a trail of friction as the sword 
skidded off the polished armour of the bio-mechanical organism. Ayame 
stepped back, dumbfounded. And that was opening that Ras was looking 
for. The bio-beast swung the butt of Baga'enka around him. It smacked 
into Ayame's face with a sickening thud, blood kicked straight from her 
lips. The young woman staggered back from the shock of the strike and 
fell, dazed. 

Julia's heart raced. "Ayame!"

But Simon's concerns were far more troubled. Ayame was down. Which meant 
the last defence of Julia was himself. And though it frightened him to 
the core... he had to protect his innocent little girl from that toxic 
animal. Simon huddled Julia behind him and stood before her, 

"Stay behind me, Julia!" The older McAmish ordered. 

"D-Daddy?" Julia's voice was beginning to break into sobs, "W-What are 
you doing...?"

There was a thin pipe on the ground next to Simon's feet. It had rolled 
there from the crate that Ras had destroyed in attempting to hit Ayame. 
Simon kept his eyes on the beast, but lowered downwards and gripped the 
pipe, taking it with him. He had to protect his little girl. Seconds 
later he was charging straight at Ras, bellowing with all the zeal you'd 
expect from a proud Scotsman. Ras watched as Simon came for him with the 
pipe. Not showing a shred of fear or humanity. Simon reared up and swung 
the metal pipe straight at the bio-tech monster. Ras' form was large but 
not sluggish. He stepped straight around that strike without any effort 
whatsoever. Then time slowed down as it drew back Baga'enka, the glow of 
the blade increasing. Julia watched with utter horror and sorrow as Ras 
es-Shamrah thrust Baga'enka straight through Simon's back, slicing 
through the spine, guts and ribcage, reappearing in the chest with 
geyser of blood. Simon released a dying breath, tarnished with choked up 
blood, while the beaming plasma edge of Baga'enka stuck out of his chest 
at an awkward angle. 

Julia's bright emerald eyes were wide with terror. "Daddy!"

But he was already dead. Ras es-Shamrah remorselessly ripped Baga'enka 
out of the corpse of Simon McAmish, the blood evaporating from the heat 
of the plasma blade. The body dropped to the floor lifelessly. Leaving 
Julia completely undefended. Or so Ras assumed. 

"You bastard!" 

Ras looked upwards into the sky from hearing a female voice yell that 
out. A second later, Ayame's sandaled foot rammed straight into the face 
of the monster. It stumbled back from both the force of the flying kick 
and the suddenness of it, until it fell off the edge of the peer that it 
was close to. Ras es-Shamrah plummeted into the cold waters of bay, his 
weight sinking him down deep into the chilled sea. Ayame landed in that 
moment with Nobunaga sheathed. But her concern switched from Ras to 
Simon and Julia. The youth ran over to the body of Simon, which was now 
being held by Julia as blood began to leak from the wound in puddles. 
Julia held her father silently, tears staining her face, completely in 
shock from that which had taken place. Ayame kneeled down with 
disheartened eyes at the sight.

"...Daddy..." The deep silence was short-lived. Julia's emotions poured 
forth with all their worth. "Daddy!"

Ayame shut her eyes with the loss, hearing all of Julia's sadness. 

Simon McAmish... was dead.

Onwards to Part 10

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