Morbid Tales Of Macabre Curiosity And Deranged Love: Book 1 – One Dark Night (part 3 of 22)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kathryn K Williams

Back to Part 2
The Raven's Keep

Night had fallen quickly over Castle Greystoke. Many of the staff had 
begun to drift off to their rooms as Maria snuck Jamie down to one of 
the servants entrances, "Are you sure you cannot stay the night?" Maria 
asked with pleading eyes. 

"I'm sorry." Jamie apologized as she placed her hat upon her head. It 
was not to say she did not want to stay, she just worried profusely 
about the lord finding her there in the morning, "I have to work in the 
morning. I can't let my boss down and your father wants his paper first 
thing, so I can't just miss that or he may get suspicious, now would he 
not?" She gently stroked the girl's cheek with the back of her hand, 
"I'll be back tomorrow night. I promise." She declared with a smile and 
a wink of her eye.

Maria's eyes dropped to the ground, ashamed that she kept thinking of 
herself and not Jamie's safety, "I'm sorry. I just feel so lonely 
without you." She admitted timidly. 

Jamie's hand moved to Maria's chin and raised her head so their eyes 
met, "As am I." She admitted with a smile, "I love you." She softly 
kissed the girl softly on the lips, then parted and disappeared into the 
night before Maria opened her eyes. 

Maria let out a sigh and touched her lips as she leaned against the 
frame of the door, "I love you too." She whispered lovingly into the 
night air. She stood there for a time taking in the crisp night air and 
gazing up at the stars with love in her eyes.

"Maria?" Her father's booming voice suddenly came from behind her and 
she spun around to see him standing at the door across the hall, "I 
think we need to have a word together."

Maria glanced at the path that Jamie had only recently disappeared down 
and bid the girl a silent prayer that she got out unnoticed.  

Jamie slipped passed the night guard through a door in the wall further 
down the road that Maria showed her long ago. Jamie found if she kept 
close to the trees along the edge of the road the guard could not see 
her as she travelled back to town. She almost did not care if she was 
spotted. She felt like she could walk on air and her heart was with 
overfilled with love. Noticing that she was far enough down the road to 
be out of sight of the castle she quickened her pace and ran down the 
hill back into town. She did not stop until she arrived in the heart of 
town where she entered a quaint little café called The Raven's Keep. It 
was a place where many of the town's artists linger after a not so 
fruitful day of creating. She wove her way around many tables to a bar 
that took up the left half of the room. Behind the bar stood a tall 
woman with brown hair wrapped up in a bun upon the top of her head and a 
long apron covering an even longer dress that was a rich burgundy colour 
with white lace trim. The woman looked up from the glass she cleaned to 
greet Jamie with a pleasant smile.

"Well, if it isn't our esteemed playwright." The woman boosted as she 
set the glass down, "Where have you been young lady." She playfully 
scolded. The Raven's Keep was the only place that Jamie let down her 
guard about her true self. The company of other artist made her feel 
more comfortable and she trusted them not to let her secret out, for 
many of them were the type to bend the bounds of gender like herself.

"Evening Ma'am." Jamie greeted with an equally bright smile. She pulled 
out a stole and jump up to sit upon it. 

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Victoria?" The woman 
demanded giving Jamie a stern glare, "You have lived here long enough to 
remember that."

Jamie took off her hat and set it on her lap, "I'm sorry it just doesn't 
feel right seeing as you are the owner of this place and all, ma'am." 
She muttered in embarrassment. The Raven's Keep served not only as a 
Café, it was also a home as well as a haunt. The top two floors above 
the café had been converted into single bedrooms and gave a place for 
many weary artistes a place to rest their exhaust minds and Jamie had 
been living here since she left home. Victoria seemed to have no quarrel 
with her activities, or looks, and gave Jamie a place to stay out of the 
rain and toil over her writing. She appeared to be rather keen about the 
idea of keeping Jamie's secret and on occasion would playfully tease the 
Victoria let out a sigh, "Just because I take your rent doesn't make me 
some kind of royalty." Victoria corrected Jamie, "I told you to think of 
me as a concerned and overbearing big sister." She said with a laugh and 
ruffled the girl's hair. 

"Oh! Which reminds me." Jamie reached into her pocket and pulled out the 
gold coin, "Here is my rent, ma'am" She handed the coin to Victoria who 
stared at it in awe.

"My lord, Jamie." Victoria took the coin from the girl's hand, "I knew 
you were mixing with some high class people, but this is unreal." She 
watched the way the candlelight reflected off the coin in amazement, 
"You know this is good for half a year's food and lodging."

"I guess I have simply impressed the good Lord Greystoke enough, ma'am." 
Jamie said with an uncaring shrug, "He is simply a generous man is all. 
It is his wife you have to look out for." Jamie stated with a shutter at 
the memory of the only time she ran into the woman. Lady Clara Greystoke 
was a tall, elegant woman that held an odd manner to her. Clara was an 
unusual kind of lady, an eccentric inventor of sorts, always intrigued 
in the workings of the mind and body as well as a keen interest in 
unorthodox science. Maria once told Jamie that the woman was known to 
labour the long nights away in a basement lab. All Jamie knew was that 
her eyes looked dead and felt like they could pierce her very soul. The 
woman's very gaze gave Jamie nightmares from that day forward and she 
wished to never stumble upon that woman's path ever again.

Victoria leaned across the counter to look Jamie in the eye, "Is 
newspaper delivering all you are up too?" She asked fearfully, "Tell me 
the truth now. They are not doing strange things with you up there, are 
they?" She interrogated the girl.

"I tell you. I am fine, ma'am." Jamie stated nervous by the way Victoria 
stared at her, "I'm seventeen now. I have been on my own for four years 
now." She stated clearly, trying hard to not let the woman's glares 
affect her, "I can handle myself."

"I really hope so." Victoria stood up and looked at the coin again, 
"Castle Greystoke is not a place for a girl like you to get messed up 
in. I hope you know what you are doing." She gave the girl a wry look. 

"Is our little Jamie getting herself in trouble?" A rather beautiful 
young woman with short dark hair and a white strapless gown inquired as 
she approached the two. Jamie thought the woman looked like she belonged 
at a ball and not in a dingy café like The Raven's Keep.

"It is nothing, Elizabeth." Jamie protested, even more abashed by all 
the attention she was receiving, "Really, there is no need to worry 
about me." She repeated with an irritated sigh.

Elizabeth stepped closer to Jamie and leaned close to her shoulder, "I 
see." She said with a smile, "You made love tonight didn't you?" She 
inquired, her smile turning into a wicked grin.

Jamie spun around and gave Beth a wide-eyed look, "I have not!" She 
violently shook her head in protest.

"Then you are still a virgin?" Elizabeth interrogated, her grin widening 
the more Jamie squirmed in her seat, "Am I right or am I wrong?" She 
asked curiously. 

"I..." Jamie turned a shade of crimson and buried her face in her arms 
on the counter. 

"Jamie!?!" Victoria gave the girl an appalled look, "Is that how you got 
this coin?" She held the coin out before the girl's face, "Please tell 
me you are not following Elizabeth's path?" She pleaded with the girl.

Jamie quickly lifted her head, "NO, MA'AM!!!" She cried out in alarm, 
"It's not like that. I would never sell myself."

"What is wrong with being in my business?" Elizabeth asked defensively. 
Beth was one of the most called for courtesans in the area and she had 
clients from the grandest of royal courts to men, and women, of the 
highest social standing, "I am an artist just like the rest of you." She 
added feeling rejected by her own friends.

"I would not think they were putting down your profession my sweet." 
Said a man in a black suit and white scarf. Bandages covered most of his 
head leaving only one eye peering out at the women. He also was missing 
both hands; one was converted to a hook while the other was simply a 
stub covered in more bandages.  He held a canvas tightly under one arm 
while his paints and pallet were tucked under the other. 

"Samuel!" Elizabeth spun around and planted a kiss upon part of the 
man's exposed cheek, "Jamie is in love!" She announced gleefully. 

Samuel carefully placed the canvas upon the bar, "Good going young lady. 
Who would the young man be? One of the residence of Raven perhaps?" He 

Jamie's blush only deepened and Elizabeth responded for her, "Actually 
knowing our young Jamie I would presume that he would be a she, am I 
correct?" She said reflectively with a hand upon her chin.

"How did you...?" Jamie raised her head; stunned that Elizabeth would 
guess her deepest secret.

Elizabeth tapped the side of her temple, "Trust me." She stated then 
leaned close to Jamie, "I can smell her on you." She whispered. Jamie 
could feel herself overheating and nearly fell off of her stool, "Oops." 
Beth grabbed Jamie by the arm before she fell, "Maybe I went too far. 
Victoria could we have a cold drink here." She inquired. 

"Coming up." Victoria quickly filled a glass with water handed it over 
to Beth who took the glass and placed it under the girl's lips. 

"Come on drink up." Beth coxed as she tipped the glass ever so slightly 
to get Jamie to drink. Jamie swallowed a few gulps before Beth pulled 
the glass away, "Are you alright?" She asked concerned for her friend's 
well being. 

Jamie took a deep breath then glared at Elizabeth, "Do you have to tease 
me so much?" Jamie snarled at the woman. 

Beth stepped back from Jamie, "I am sorry." She apologized, "You are 
just so adorable when you blush. I did not know you would faint like 

Jamie turned to Victoria, "Ma'am, Do you really think I would sell 
myself off?" She pleaded, "Do you not believe me?"

Victoria looked at the coin then back to Jamie, "You really got this 
from Lord Greystoke?" She asked again, "For the paper?" She demanded.

Jamie nodded, "I have been delivering his paper for the past year. I 
just never told anyone because I knew you would take things the wrong 
way." She explained feeling worn out by the interrogation. 

"Then who is the girl?" Victoria asked curiously, "Jamie, I need to 
know. Usually I'm not interested in others activities, but you are 
different. I worry about you and what if this girl gives your secret 
away." She stated with distress in her eyes.

"Maria would never-" Jamie cupped her hands over her mouth but it was 
already too late. The cat was out of the bag so to say. 

"Young Lady Maria Greystoke?" Samuel asked, shock by this outcome, "I 
never thought that she would... I mean..." He stammered, "Were the 
Greystoke's not trying to find a fiancée for the girl on her sixteenth 
year?" He remarked aghast. 

Elizabeth blinked, also stunned by the news, "Well, I would have never 
thought it possible. She is such an innocent child. To think she has 
been sneaking around behind her father's back like that." She sat down 
heavily upon a stool next to Jamie. 

Victoria shook her head in dismay, "How long has this been going on 
for?" She asked even more unsettled then before. 

"Only nine months, ma'am." Jamie bowed her head in shame; "We would meet 
out back of the castle until today when she took me up to her room." She 
explained uncomfortably.

Elizabeth rubbed her face with her hand then turned to Jamie, "Listen 
love." She always called Jamie 'love' when she was giving her one of 
those serious talks, "Maria is a noble and you are a newsboy. You live 
in two different worlds. It will never work out. She will find a man and 
toss you out like the trash." She stated with a disappointed sigh, "It 
just won't work out."

Jamie jumped to her feet, "She will not!" She cried out. It was not like 
she had not thought about that before. Many times she found herself 
laying sleeplessly in bed worrying about what might become of her love, 
"You have no idea what Maria is like." For some reason having Victoria 
point it out to her made her defensive and angry. She needed to protect 
Maria from these rumours and in her heart she believed that Maria would 
not leave her, "She loves me and we will be together. She promised me." 
Jamie declared proudly.

"As one of her toy servants maybe." Samuel stated bluntly. 

Beth hit the man in the arm, "Samuel!!" She snapped, but it was already 
too late. Jamie had already fled up the stair to her room and locked the 
door behind her. Her sobs could be heard drifting through the 
floorboards. Elizabeth was about to head up the stairs when Victoria 
took hold of her arm and shook her head. 

"Leave her be." Victoria stated helplessly, "She needs her space."


To be continued...

Onwards to Part 4

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