A Shadowlander's Tale: The Lingering Shadows Within (part 1 of 15)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kathryn K Williams

Note: This is a side story from my Shadowlanders Series, however it is a 
stand alone short that does not require reading A Shadowlander's Dream 
in order to understand. For those who have read the Shadowlanders 
stories it will open up more insight into the mysteries of the 
shadowlands and the worlds there after. Enjoy. 


As I lay upon the icy marble floor with this frosty mist drifting over 
my head I think to myself. Did the pills really opened the door to this 
dreadful place or my own mind. Maybe by telling you the tale of how I 
got where I now lay you will understand my ponderings and watch out for 
the warning signs that are all about us. 


I trudged along the dark downtown street of the small town of London 
with only the light of the street lamps to guide my way. If you could 
call that strip of shops, downtown. It comprised of two square blocked 
of three story high buildings with shops ranging from tiny fast food 
joints and seedy bars to jewellery stores next and pawn shops. If one 
was visiting London they might walk right past the downtown district 
without even being aware that they had passed on through.

I watches as a plastic bag was picked up by the wind and tumbled along 
the centre of Main street. At this hour one would have thought this to 
be a ghost town if they did not know better. The streets of Downtown 
London rolled up around six o'clock at night, leaving only the bar and 
club folk to peruse the streets. There was barely a soul out at such a 
late hour and I was glad to find it that way, because I did not want to 
bump into anyone along my way. Even with its population of three hundred 
thousand the city held strong to its small town feeling and one was most 
likely to run into someone they were trying to avoid if they ventured in 
to the downtown district during the light of day. It was as if everyone 
knew you in some way or another and the more you wished to be left alone 
the more people popped up out of the wood work to greet you with a pat 
on the back and ask you how your dreadful family was doing or even 
worse, to remind you that your poor mother was missing your presence. 
This is why I only risk coming to venture out of my home after the sun 
had long disappeared behind the horizon and all the people returned to 
their homes. 

One would wonder why I would choose to hold my place of business in such 
an area if I detested it so deeply. There was a small charm to these 
streets that only a few of us truly admired. Many of the night folk took 
up housing in the many beautiful apartments that had been set up above 
the shops. Homes that did not reflect the dark and grittiness of the 
streets below. Artist of all sorts set up shop in those very buildings 
as they toiled through the cold nights in search of some form of 
inspiration. One would be amazed to find such wondrous havens hovering 
lightly over these dismal streets. I could see the light of a fireplace 
flickering away in one window and wondered what it would be like to live 
in such a place. I was not among the creative minded, but that was not 
my reason for being down in this area. My business dealt with the darker 
side of life in this town. The part that people would rather sweep into 
the back alleys and forget about. Those are the very people I seek to 
protect from the shadows that lingered within the darkest corners of 
this god forsaken town. To bad very few people heed my warnings for then 
there would be a lot less misery on these streets. 

I shivered in the cold, my breath coming out in small clouds of frosty 
air as I pulled my trench coat tight around my neck and glanced up at 
the star lit sky. They twinkles merrily in the black void above the city 
without a care in the world. I wondered what it would be like to have no 
cares or worries then shook the thought from my mind. I could never be 
the type to not care and that would be my curse to the very end. 

The nights had begun to get rather nippy at that late an hour and I 
started to wish I'd brought my leather jacket to work with me, instead 
of this flimsy trenchcoat. The weather in this town never made any kind 
of sense out here. Earlier one would not have been aware that it was the 
middle of January with the warm breeze that swept in from the lakes. Now 
that wonderful lake air had turned frigged as the thermometer dropped 
below zero, causing a lot of people to huddle in their warm homes with 
the windows drawn closed and blankets pulled close around their chins. 
Only a rare few were willing to brave a chance of frost bite on nights 
like this and I was among those crazy enough to venture out. Even if it 
were drizzling rain or tossing snow by the buckets, nothing would stop 
me from visiting my favourite place in town. Anything was better then 
staying in my tiny apartment with only the darkness to keep me company, 
and company of the warmer and softer type was what I was after on that 

I glanced up at a passing store window to see it was still filled with 
Christmas lights and fake snow. The New Year had long since passed and 
yet very few shops had got around to removing the decorations from the 
front windows. I peered into the darkened rooms within and shuttered. 
They held a bleak and dead feeling to them that made me want to be far 
away from them. I quickly rounded a corner and ventured down a small 
back alley, allowing the shadows to envelope me. Back then I enjoyed the 
embrace of the shadows in this alley way. For some reason it comforted 
me, maybe it was the fact that it lead to my second home that brightened 
the rather dreary mood that had filled me during the day. As I moved 
away from the lights of the downtown streets I could see a new light in 
the distance. A smile crossed my face, making my cheek hurt, but I 
didn't care. I was nearly at my favourite place in the world. The only 
place that I truly felt a home. ‘Our Place'.

Our Place is a small gay club tucked out of sight of the many homophobic 
citizens of our lovely little town, note the sarcasm, I would do 
anything to escape this hell hole and Our Place gives a lot of us just 
that, escape. It was a small sanctuary tucked away from the harsh 
reality of life. I know what you are thinking, what kind of a lame name 
is ‘Our Place'. Well you see, the club had changed hands many times over 
the years and with the exchange of owners came the new names. I remember 
it being called "The Apartment" when I first found it five years ago. I 
had turned twenty and a couple of my friends decided to take me out on 
the town. One of them had heard of a hidden gay bar and thought it would 
be fun to see what the place was like. They all knew I liked women and 
thought it would be a treat for me by taking me someplace where I could 
get hitched. Who would have thought that I would like the place enough 
to call it home. 

Anyway, the name never really mattered, what did was the warm and 
welcoming feeling it managed to hold onto over the change of ownership. 
I was afraid after the last changes that they would alter things too 
much, but I was actually happy with what they have done. They kept the 
music soft and low, added in a couple of sofas and coffee tables, plus a 
small diner that served some surprisingly good burgers, it was no 
Harvey's but it did in a pinch. The touches made the place feel more 
like a home away from home then a bar. It was a pleasant change from the 
other gay club down the street, where the music is so loud that you can 
not even hear yourself think and it was so crammed packed that you 
needed to shove your way to the bar to get yourself a drink. Right at 
that time I needed a place to relax and thought that I might actually 
find the right girl to do the trick there. Who would have thought I 
could have been both right and wrong at the same time.

I came across a set of rickety wooden stair outside of an old brick 
building with boarded up windows. A passerby would not even think that 
there was a lively club filled with even more lively women beyond these 
weather worn walls. I sometimes wondered why they never cleaned up the 
exterior of the building and make it more inviting. Then I remembered 
what happened to my last haunt. They placed a pretty sign out front that 
announced that the place was a lesbian hangout and before we knew it not 
only were pretty faces joining but rather obnoxious and irritating men 
as well. Not to say I'm against men, but these guy were on a mission to 
straighten lesbians out and it was less then pleasant. After two months 
of harassments the place was shut down and we dykes were out of a home. 
I ended up going to the only other club that I knew of at the time. It 
was alright, if you were into sweaty bodies pressed up against each 
other and music so loud that you felt as if your ear drums were going to 
explode. The smoke was the worst thing of it all. I can not stand the 
stuff and even the addition of a outdoor patio did not help, because 
they expected us non-smokers to go outside if we wanted to breath. Sure, 
punish the ones who wished to keep their lungs.  

Back to Our Place. As I was saying before, the stairs leading up to the 
second floor entrance would not have caught the average person's eye. 
The stairs actually looked rather scary and as if it would fall apart at 
any moment. I took hold of the railing and tested it, as I did every 
time I came to visit. The railing was wobbly and not very sturdy, but 
held tight to the stairs. I was certain it would have fallen off years 
ago, but somehow it had held up against even the heaviest of drunken 
individuals leaning over it to puke up their night's drinks. I could 
already see a steaming pile in some snow to my left as I climbed the 
stairs and shook my head. I never understood the purpose of drinking 
until you puke. I guess it is another form of escaping their worries, 
but I will never know because I tend to stay away from the drink and 
stick to soda pop and fruit drinks. I know, I know, what is a person 
like me doing going to a place like this if I don't intend to drink. 
Well, there is more then one way for a person to drown their worries in 
and this is one of the few places that I can acquire my guilty 

I stopped on the third step and stared up at the landing ahead of me. I 
took off my fedora and ran my hand through my mop of ragged blonde hair. 
Why did I keep coming back here anyway? I should have gone back home and 
got some sleep. I had a lot of work in the morning and getting lost in 
this place wasn't going to help matters. I was about to turn around when 
I heard the sound of a door open above me and saw a faint yellow light 
pour across the stairs. Someone stepped out onto the landing but did not 
head for the stairs, curious to know who could be up there I climbed the 
last of the stairs.

I came to a small square landing at the top of the stairs with a wooden 
railing along the edge and a makeshift awning overhead. There was a 
burly woman in a heavy parka standing in front of a steel door at the 
end of the landing. Her fur surrounded hood was pulled over her head 
covering her face in shadows. The moment I came into view she pulled the 
hood off to reveal the face of a tough looking woman with long curly 
black hair. Most would be intimidated when they saw this woman, I know I 
sure was the first time I met her, but after getting to know her they 
would realize that she is rather kind and loving person. 

"Brenda!" The woman called out to me with a wave of her beefy arm, "I 
was beginning to wonder if you were going to show tonight." She stated 
with a warm smile.  

"Hey Julia," I returned the bouncer's smile and gave her a quick hug. 
She returned the hug and I thought I heard my ribs crack in several 
places. I covered up the pain and continued to smile as if her strong 
embrace did not effect me. To say Julia was butch would be an 
understatement. She shorter then me, and I stood 5 foot 7 inches tall 
and 130 pounds so I want not much to look at myself, and well built 
beyond belief. I was sure if she wanted to she could lift me off the 
ground and toss me over the railing with the slightest of ease. I'd even 
heard rumours of her doing so to many disgruntle partons that got out of 
place. At the same time she had more compassion in her then I've seen in 
any other lady around here and I knew I could come to her if I ever had 
a problem and she would be more then willing to listen. A real friend, 
"You know me. All work and little play." I explained with a laugh.

Julia gave me a knowing look and chuckled, "Yeah, right... you always 
try to find a way to squeeze in a little play in every now and then." 
She stated with a wink.

I could feel myself flush and pulled the brim of my hat over my eyes to 
hid them from the woman, "Yeah... I guess I can't keep that from you." I 
admitted sheepishly. Everyone here knew I was a harmless flirt and they 
tended to tease me about the fact. Only lightly, all in fun. 

"How is the Private Eye work treating you?" Julia inquired curiously as 
she lit a cigarette. 

Now usually I would just answer with a shrug because most people were 
just trying to make conversation, but when it came to the people from 
Our Place I found myself being a little more open. They were like family 
to me after all and considering that my really family really didn't want 
anything to do with me I clung to any kind of family I could find. 

"It's alright I guess. I'm just finding it hard to deal with all these 
suicide cases as of late." I remarked with a sigh, "I wise I could get 
to these kids before they end their lives, maybe I could help them in 
some way. I don't know." I scratched the back of my head in 
embarrassment of my rambling. I tend to not know what to say at times 
and when I do say something I never know when to stop. I try to keep 
things as short as possible because I don't want to spread my dreadful 
life onto others. I'm not your ordinary P.I. for I tend to investigate 
the more unusual cases. As of late I've taken it upon myself to keep 
track of all the missing children and suicides. It is something a lot of 
people would rather not chat about and so I keep my mouth shut about the 
facts of my job. 

Julia frowned at the mention of suicide, "This town is always killing 
people." She stated miserably, "It's as if the town eats at your soul 
and it is amazing any of us survive at all, you know? I can understand 
why so many kids can't handle life, but I wish there was more we could 
do for them."

I nod in agreement. It really did feel like something was eating away at 
our souls. I had been certain since I was small there was something out 
there that I could not quite explain that was causing our youth to 
commit suicide. I even fought against it for a time and in the end 
finally won, but I was unwilling to tell that to Julia. People already 
considered me a bit of a loon and if I let them in on many inner most 
fears of the shadows the linger about the town, then they would surely 
want to have me locked away for good. I mean how do you explain to 
someone that you believe that there is something lingering around town 
in search of young souls to snack on? It is just not something you bring 
up in everyday conversation and now that I was a respected detective I 
could not go around talking about such things. People would never come 
to me with their problems ever again. It was tiresome at times, but I 
learned to just let out a bit here and there so that my own thoughts did 
not eat away at my insides. I was determined that one day I would solve 
this rash of suicides and strange disappearances and have a logical 
explanation to follow. 

Unsure what else to say to Julia I glanced around the landing to see 
another woman leaning on the railing. She had a tight leather jacket 
pulled around her shoulders and long blonde hair that rolled over her 
back in waves that glistened in the light from above the club door. Her 
tight jean skirt peeked out from under the fringe of her jacket and my 
eyes caught a glimpse of her long legs clad in flesh coloured stockings. 
A pair of high heeled leather boots adorned her feet and she kicked the 
snow off the tip of her toe over the railing. As I approached the woman 
I could see that she was in her own world as she gazed up at the stars. 
She did not seem to notice as I moved in closer and slowly slipped a 
hand around her waist. 

"Hey!!" She screamed out in protest and spun around to face me. Her eyes 
took me in and a wide smile quickly spread across her face. "Brenda!!" 
She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. A warm and 
welcoming embrace in comparison to Julia's. I returned the hug and 
allowed myself a chance to steal a whiff of her sweet scent to discover 
that she still did not cover it up with some cheap perfume. I hated it 
when women hide their scent behind a mask of manmade produces. A little 
make up I could understand, but other then that I really can not stand 
much more. 

"Hey, there little lady." I flirted as I pulled back from the hug to 
glance over her features. Her cheeks were rose red from the cool air and 
bright green eyes sparkled in delight of my appearance, at least I hoped 
that was what caused them to sparkle like that, but I knew that was far 
from the truth. I'd looked into those eyes on more then one occasion and 
I tell you they were the type that I could really get lost in, but never 
once did she return my gaze in the same way. So the fact that they were 
sparkling at that moment interested me. That was when I noticed it, a 
multitude of tiny balls of ice clinging to her eyelashes, slight bags 
and an unmistakable depth of pain in her eyes. At once I realize that 
something was bothering my friend and this tugged at my heart, "Beth, Is 
everything alright?" I inquired as I gentle ran a hand through her long 
blonde hair and pushed it behind her ear. I'd know Beth for a few years 
now and she was a close friend of mine. I almost thought I could love 
her if she gave me the chance and seeing that sadness in her eyes pained 
my me greatly. She took my hand in her's and held it to her cheek, her 
cheek was ice cold. Even though I knew she had only stepped out a moment 
ago I could tell that she had been crying and it was her tears that had 
frozen to her skin and made them sparkle so. In turn they made her cheek 
a lot colder then they should have been. 

"I...." Her lips trembled and her eyes darted around as if in search of 
some from of escape. 

"Come inside with me." I suggested as I wrapped an arm around her 
shoulder and she did not protest as I lead her back to the door. Julia 
opened the door for us without a single word, "Thanks Julia." I said 
with a smile and a nod to the woman. 

"Anytime." Julia patted me on the shoulder, "Beth, you take care too." 

"Thank you Julia." Beth replied in but a whisper. This was one of the 
things that I loved about this place. We all understood when one of us 
was in pain. It was a strange bound that many of us at Our Place held 
and I for one was glad to have found such a tight knit community of 
wonderful women. We entered the warmth of the club and Julie closed the 
door behind us. I was glad I decided to drop by that day, but if I known 
where this was going to lead me I might have considered turning right 
around. But I couldn't have done that to Beth, not then and not ever. 
There was that caring curse of mine at work again. This was going to be 
one long night I could tell. 


To be continued


Note: The world of the Shadowlands, Its stories, Characters and ideas 
are a copyright of Kathryn K Williams. 

If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts 
site at: http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/ 

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts site.

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me.

Onwards to Part 2

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