The Misadventures of Holly-Raine (part 7 of 8)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kaiser

Back to Part 6

Stage Seven: Holly gets her Girl 


Today was one of those rare days on which Cassie had a genuine, 
awe-inspiring smile on her innocent face. To the naked eye, it might not 
have meant much. But to anyone who knew Cassie well (few as they were) 
it was a good sign. There was nothing for her really to be cheerful 
about. Shannon was still on her case in her usual relentless manner and 
Cassie was no closer to admitting her feelings towards Holly-Raine. But 
there was one thing that was making life easier for the timid blonde.

The friendship that had been given to her in the form of Alyshia 

School was over now. The last bell for the day was run in its usual 
boring way; but was received with the kind of zeal you'd expect from 
high school kids. Cassie & Alyshia walked home down one of the four main 
streets that cleaved outwards from the block that Atlantic High happened 
to be on. As it happens, the two of them lived rather close to each 
other. Neither lived extremely close to the school but it was enough to 
walk to for today. And as they strolled down onto one of the now busy 
high streets, Cassie couldn't help but steal a few glimpses of her new 
friend. Throughout the  day they had been talking and getting to know 
each other. As it turns out, they had a fair amount in common. Neither 
were very politically inclined but defined themselves as liberals. They 
liked the same kind of music (anything of easy listening) and had the 
same taste in food (Italian). But more importantly, Alyshia had stood up 
for Cassie against Shannon and her posse. This earned Cassie's respect 
in so many more ways than one. Of course, Alyshia had now made herself 
an enemy of Shannon Marson, which was not a good thing. But the taller 
blonde had the kind of courage that allowed her to let that little 
detail roll off her back. 

Cassie sort of envied that. 

As the two walked home, Alyshia just happened to notice the mousy Cassie 
peering with a little glimpse at her. Something that she couldn't help 
but inquire about. "...Is everything okay? You seem a little... up in 
the air."

Cassie smiled softly. "Yeah. I just... wanted to thank you for what you 
did for me."

"...What did I do?"

"You stood up to Shannon for me," The shorter teen replied, "...I'm 
really grateful. I could never do something like that myself..."

And to that, Alyshia just chuckled. "Sure you could. And you don't need 
to thank me. Like I said before... I'm not exactly Shannon's biggest 
fan. If I hadn't said something today I guess I would've done some other 

"Well thanks anyway. I'm glad you're my friend."

Which was the one comment that held real weight for Alyshia. The taller 
woman pulled a proud little smile of her own and tightened up a bit. She 
was glad for her friendship with Cassie too. Maybe more than Cassie 
understood herself. The polite young girl wasn't like most of the others 
at Atlantic High. Cassie was genuine. Though she was less than life in 
so many respects, the mild blonde held such an air of honesty that it 
was easy to look past it. Soon enough the two of them came to a 
crossroad on the bustling street that they were walking through. This 
was were they turned to get to their neighbourhood. But today Cassie had 
other things to take care of. Both Cassie and Alyshia stopped when they 
came to the edge of the street and turned to each other.

"I guess I'll catch you later," Alyshia spoke first, "You're getting 
your braces removed today, right?"

Cassie shortly nodded to her. "Yeah. It seems like ages since I've lived 
life without them. I can't wait to finally get them off."

Though Alyshia thought that Cassie looked fine as she was, she could see 
that Cassie wanted to get those steel contraptions out of her mouth. It 
was the source of a lot of her teasing, the brunt of which came from 
none other than Miss Shannon Marson. Cassie herself had a really pretty 
face, and the removal of her braces would probably add to it. And in the 
best case scenario, allow Cassie to feel a little bit better about 
herself. With that said and done, the two young women waved to each 
other and went their separate ways. Cassie gripped her book bag and then 
strode down the opposing street towards her dentist. In her lateness 
this morning she had almost forgotten that she had an appointment with 
him. Thankfully a conversation with Alyshia in the morning had reminded 
her of the fact. In the fifteen minute walk to her dentist, Cassie 
turned a street into a more private lane. It was a shortcut she 
remembered that cut into a street square. It was far quieter here. And a 
few people came here every now and again to feed the pigeons that 
flocked to the square every now and again. Though she took this path, 
she did not expect to run into someone she knew. Which is what happened. 
Cassie stopped and looked on curiously, gazing towards the line of 
benches at the centre of the square. And sitting there was none other 
than Cassie's English teacher.

Miss Blake. 

"What's she doing here?" Cassie thought to herself. Though nobody knew 
where Miss Blake lived, she knew at least that it was nowhere near here. 
But Cassie took a deeper inspection of the older woman. There was 
clearly something on her mind. Her face was looking out into the 
distance with a heavy distraction that definitely meant something. A 
couple pigeons sauntered around her boots and denims, plucking up little 
bits of crumbs that they could find and Miss Blake didn't notice it at 
all. Being the kind of girl that she was, Cassie walked right over to 
her teacher with small, questioning look across her face. She had more 
than a few minutes to kill before she had her dentist appointment 

The English teacher didn't notice Cassie's approach until the girl was 
standing a metre from her in speech. "...Miss Blake...?"

That was the one thing that managed to break her out of her reverie. The 
sound of a familiar voice in her ears. The older woman looked up to see 
one of her best students, Cassie Robbins, with somewhat of a curious 
look on her visage. 

A weak smile was pulled. "...Cassie? Sorry, I didn't see you there. I 
guess school's out for the day then, huh?"

The younger girl nodded and took a seat next to her teacher on the 
bench. "Yes, it is. But... can I ask you something, Miss?"

"We're not in school now, Cassie. So you can just call me 'Linda'."

As weird as addressing her English teacher by her first name was, there 
was little Cassie could do but accept that. "Okay then... 'Linda'... is 
something wrong?"

Linda looked downwards at the rim of her ebony-tone boots. "What makes 
you say that?"

"Well... you just seem a little... distant. And nobody saw you in school 
today. Even though I don't have English until tomorrow, I figured that 
you must have been ill or something."

A tiny little laugh came from Linda after hearing that. "That's what I 
like about you, Cassie. You're a lot more perceptive than you give 
yourself credit for. Since we're not in school... and... I really need 
someone mature to talk to... I suppose I can tell you something about 

Cassie listened on curiously as Linda continued. "Last week I figured 
something out about myself. I have someone I really care about. Someone 
who's warm, intelligent, kind, and lets face it; gorgeous. But for some 
strange reason I didn't feel like I could... commit myself to that 
person. And part of me still isn't sure about it. So I guess I'm just 
trying to figure out why... kinda pathetic, right?"

Well this was out of the blue. Out of all the teachers at Atlantic High, 
Linda Blake was the one who seemed least likely to have relationship 
problems. At the vibrant age of 26, she was by far the most popular 
teacher at school. Mostly because of her magnetic personality and her 
great (perhaps unnervingly so) understanding of modern youth-culture. 
She was charismatic, easy-going, and maybe a little bit too lenient, but 
had a strong sense of what her kids needed in her lessons. Which was why 
it surprised Cassie to see 'Linda' so confused. But something made her 
want to help her teacher out of this. Some people like to call it 

"...Why... do you think... you're afraid to commit yourself to this 
man?" Cassie asked. 

Linda then looked back at Cassie with complete confusion after hearing 
that. Just until she remembered that her students all thought that she 
was straight. One thing she still couldn't do was admit to the high 
school populace was that she was a lesbian. Even more so the fact that 
she was dating another teacher. She was less afraid of the reaction of 
her kids, and more worried about the reaction of their parents. 

"...I guess..." Linda began in reply, "...I'm worried that if I take 
things too far... I'll screw up somewhere down the line. And I care too 
much about this 'person' to do that to them. This could be the one. 
And... where would it leave me if I messed it up...?"

In her paralysing crush on Holly-Raine, Cassie had grown to be far more 
insightful than most people her age. It was a careful trait that not 
many people could see in her. But it was there. And her mild but 
intelligent words were speaking it out loud. "...Well... I suppose you 
can't really see what the future will bring. And you might mess things 
up... but... isn't worth the risk if it means... happiness with someone 
you... really liked?"

It was as simple as that.

Linda loosened and gave a surprised look at Cassie. And it had just 
finally hit her. This wasn't a matter of pretences and thinking twice. 
It was a matter of courage. There was a wonderful woman out there 
waiting for her. And sure, Linda could spoil everything if they did 
commit. But wasn't it worth it to at least try? The grim tyrant of 
realization descended on the English teacher. Everything that she had 
been told was right. And strangely enough... it took just an intuitive 
young woman to make her see it all for what it was. A wide, real and 
pretty smile crossed over Linda Blake's face. One that showed to Cassie 
that she had said the right things.

"You're a smart girl, you know that?" Linda claimed brightly. 

The timid Cassie abruptly blushed and looked downwards. "Thanks. My Dad 
says that to me all the time. But I don't know what... good it does me."

It was then that Linda's smile fell. Some of her own adult 
perceptiveness began to return to her. She knew what that comment meant. 
Linda wasn't blind. She knew that Cassie was one of the unpopular crowd. 
And though she herself had never been something you could out rightly 
describe as 'unpopular', the older woman knew how hard that was. To be 
isolated. And it was a shame. Because a girl like Cassie deserved to 
enjoy these years of her life. And a lack of popularity wasn't Cassie's 
only problem. Linda could plainly see the kind of crush that Cassie had 
developed for Holly-Raine. Often Cassie would absentmindedly draw little 
love hearts with she and Holly's initials in them, or stare at her from 
behind in classrooms. Thankfully Cassie had enough control over herself 
to not let her fellow students pick up on these feelings, much less 
Holly-Raine herself. But it was clearly an issue that needed to be 
resolved soon. If Cassie didn't get used to rejection now, it would hurt 
FAR more in future years. Because the chances were that this would not 
be the last time that she fell for a woman she couldn't have. And Linda 
was all too familiar with that kind of pain.

However, she tried to be supportive about it. "...You should make a 

"Huh?" Cassie blinked, confused, "...What are you... talking about...?"

"...I know how you feel about Holly-Raine Johnson," Linda looked at her 
honestly. Cassie curled up with sheer embarrassment, which Linda quickly 
tried to alleviate, "Don't worry, it really doesn't bother me. And I 
won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. She's a nice kid. I can see 
why you like her."

Cassie had long suspected that Linda might know something about her 
feelings (she had dropped enough hints here and there) but it was true 
after all. She knew. And though she was still a little cagey about her 
crush on Holly, she trusted Linda enough to talk about it to her. Truth 
be told, she had been dying to tell someone about it all. 

Cassie sighed longingly. "...She's just so beautiful and sweet and 
pretty. I can't get her out of my head. When I'm at school, or at work, 
or at home. All I can think of is her. But she hardly even notices me. 
It's like I have a sign on my face that says 'please ignore'. I can 
hardly get her to even talk to me."

"...Then I guess you just have to ask yourself," Linda began, "Is what 
you're feeling going to go anywhere? If you keep it to yourself... it's 
just going to get harder and harder on you 'til it reaches a boiling 
point. You could tell her... you could find a way to make her notice 
you. But if you do tell her how you feel... then you'll have to be 
prepared for the consequences. It's like they say, 'love don't come 

The young teen pressed her hands into her lap. "...I want to tell her. I 
really do..."

Considering Cassie's lack of popularity, running the risk of admitting 
her sexuality seemed less of a problem. After all, she was already at 
the bottom of the barrel when it came to school status. But doing so 
might just intensify the teasing she was already suffering with, rather 
than simply adding to it. Which was why Linda had some misgivings about 
making that move. But all the same... Cassie's feelings had to be 
resolved. Even if it meant experiencing something she'd rather avoid. 
The English teacher pulled the smile back onto her lips and spoke;

"You go get her, Cassie. Buy some new clothes, mess around with your 
hair a bit. Then admit what you feel. I don't know what'll happen, but, 
if you ever need someone to talk to then my door is always open."

Something that Cassie was thankful for. The teen stood up from the white 
marble bench and looked over to the path that led to her dentist's 
surgery. But not before showing her teacher her new smile of intent. 
"Thanks for talking with me."

"No problem." Linda replied wholeheartedly, nodding. 


"Jar of Flies... SAP... combo album..."

Summer mulled over the CD choices in the rock section. And as usual with 
an aficionado of 90's rock music, the first thing she did was check out 
any albums  composed during that time. The first band she took her look 
at was Alice in Chains. Dissolved as they were, their work really struck 
a cord with the teen. As usual Jenny was just a short ways away from 
her, trying hard to pretend that Summer was less a fan of this kind of 
music than she made herself out to be. It was a vain hope of course. 
Jenny couldn't count the amount of rock albums that Summer Andrews had 
so neatly organized in her room. 

Whilst checking out the track list at the back of the CD, Summer turned 
to Jenny. "Hey Jenny, over here."

The young woman whom had been called on walked over to her friend and 
took a glimpse at the track list along with her.  The names of each song 
did so much to capture the imagination. "Rotten Apple... Nutshell... I 
Stay Away...? Summer, what is it with you and this stuff?"

"Ah, stop moaning," Summer retorted, "You'll learn to love it, trust me. 
Never put down a classic. By the way, where's Holly?"

Acknowledging that; Jenny peered over her shoulder and looked to her 
left. Across from them in another aisle of this music store was 
Holly-Raine. When it came to music she was more of the Pop/R 'n B type, 
something that Jenny associated with... but Summer did not. But on 
closer inspection of Holly-Raine, she could see that the cinnamon-haired 
girl was really excited about something. Ever since lunchtime, Holly had 
had a spring in her step. She was generally a bright person anyway, but 
this was different somehow. Jenny had never seen Holly so excited 
about... anything before this. It was infectious, because Jenny could 
feel her own smile brightening when she thought about it. 

"Looks like Holly's pumped about something," Jenny offered to Summer, 
"She's been in a good mood all day."

Summer scanned through the CD shelf, replying absently with, "Really? I 
hadn't noticed."

"Yeah," Jenny continued, "Hmm... I'd say since about lunch, I guess. 
Right after she met that friend of yours... what's her name? Sharon?"

It was then that Summer froze. Her eyes suddenly became a bit more alert 
and far more stern, taking actual note of what Jenny was telling her. 
The rock-lover stood upright and looked over at the aisle that 
Holly-Raine was standing in. Taking a far better note of all the 
eagerness that Jenny had been describing. She was right. Holly did seem 
more cheerful. But the mention of Sharon Daniels' role in that good 
cheer was holding strong in Summer's mind, allowing for some... 
frighteningly accurate suppositions to stroll through her brain, 

Summer blinked. Almost nervously. "You think... it has something to 
do... with Sharon...?"

"Dunno. It's not like she's short on anything in life in the first 
place, right? Maybe she's just having a really good day or something. 
You know how up and down she can be."

But that really didn't do anything to ease this new found concern that 
Summer had. The idea that something was going on between Sharon and 
Holly-Raine was seeming... more and more likely. She really didn't know 
what Sharon's orientation was; but she was damn sure of Holly's. It 
seemed to Summer... like something was happening between Sharon and 
Holly. And it bothered her. She didn't know why... but it did. 


The time had come for a new set of student reports to be sent out.

It was in Debbie's best nature to be honest. And to be honest was not 
always kind or forgiving. And she wasn't the type to gloss over things 
either. Which was probably the reason so many of her students did not 
expect a warm response with Debbie Harding's reports on their behaviour. 
But then... her mind was so far from focused on this... that anyone who 
would have seen her right now... would have had to believe that she 
should have put this work off. As she sat at her computer unit in the 
setting of her characteristically tidy bedroom, she surmised that this 
really wasn't a good time. 

It had been a hard day. 

For one thing, these student reports were at least a week late. It was 
not like Debbie to be late with regards to anything. She abhorred it. 
But the past week had been so taxing on her that she was beginning to 
fall behind. She had more than a few essays to mark as well. A couple of 
her pupils (obviously the more studious ones) had been asking about 
them. Which made her feel even more guilty for allowing her personal 
relationship and problems to interfere with her career. And thirdly, she 
hadn't seen Linda at all today. Ever since their talk the other day, 
there had been a lack of contact between the two of them. It was hard on 
Debbie in the worst way. For all she could really think of was what 
Linda's answer would be.

Would she commit...?

Or was it over...?

In all efforts of keeping the peace, Debbie had decided not to see Sammi 
anymore until Linda had made her weighty decision. The last thing anyone 
needed was for Linda to get the wrong impression again. But how long 
would it take for her to make up her mind? It was around 9.00 on this 
warm Monday evening. Debbie assumed that Linda would have come to her 
with her choice in the morning, just before classes. But she was absent. 
She had asked some of the other teachers what was happening in that 
issue; and apparently Linda had phoned in sick for the day. But Debbie 
knew better than that. Either Linda had not made up her mind and was 
staling for time, or she was purposefully avoiding the History teacher. 
And Debbie dreaded to think what it might mean if the latter were true. 
Her worrying over this whole thing made her think twice about writing up 
these reports right now. There was no way she could give a fair 
appraisal of her student's performance and behaviour patterns when she 
could barely think straight herself. The long-haired woman quickly saved 
the report she had managed to work on so far and exited her 
word-processor program. The small plastic wheels of her chair rolled 
backwards as she stood up. And she walked out of her bedroom in nothing 
more than an oversized sweatshirt that cascaded around her thin waist 
and thighs in gloriously domestic fashion. The teacher made her way to 
that kitchen of hers. And as usual when she had a problem that was 
bothering her, Debs made herself a cup of coffee. As soon as her bare 
feet were slapping against the cool flooring of her kitchen, she was 
putting on the kettle and busting out a mug from one of her many 
cupboards. She plucked at one that took her fancy, a cup with the 
Japanese Kanji of 'Sakura' (Cherry Blossom Tree) on it. Then she pulled 
open a drawer, took out a teaspoon, grabbed her jar of coffee beans and 
exchanged some into the mug. After a short wait the kettle was on the 
boil. She poured the now steaming hot water into the mug and grabbed a 
small container of French cream from her refrigerator. Adding the cream 
to mix and using the teaspoon to stir it all into readiness, Debbie took 
a sip of her hot coffee and strode back out into the lower corridor of 
her house. Rather than go back upstairs and make a vain attempt at 
writing a report for work, she turned to the left and into her living 

Debbie flopped onto her black leather couch and sighed. Right before she 
heard the jingle of a bell. Which she knew to be her pet kitten Edward 
(named after Edward the Confessor, the so-called 'quintessential' 
English Monarch). The baby cat hopped up onto her lap with a petite 
'meow!' and settled there. Debbie pulled a smile and stroked her pet 
under its warm chin. Though she wasn't exactly at the high point of her 
life right now, she was glad that she had bought Edward from a friend. 

And whilst stroking Edward, the doorbell rang.

The tired History teacher looked to her left, out the door and down the 
hall. Who could that be? It wasn't a late hour but she just didn't feel 
like talking to anyone. As rude as it was, Debs simply ignored the 
doorbell. Until that person rang again. And again. And again. Until it 
became plainly obvious that whoever it was would not be leaving any time 
soon. Debbie let off an exhaling breath and stood upwards, just as 
Edward jumped off her lap in response. She walked through the lounge and 
the hallway. When she reached the door she began un-bolting it and then 
swung it open to reveal the one person she wanted to see most.


The two locked eyes with each other for an extended moment. Not really 
saying anything. Just looking on at the person who had been able to stir 
up so much emotions in them. That silence was maintained until Linda 
pulled a bashful smile and asked;

"...Aren'tcha going to invite me in?"

Whatever silence Debbie had been roped into was now over. She shook her 
head as if to get her thoughts together, then gave way for Linda to 
proceed. "...Yeah, sure. Come on in."

Linda did just that and walked in, ruffling her jeans jacket. It was 
still quite warm out so she didn't mind wearing it. And once Debbie 
closed the door behind her; a new layer of silence emerged between the 
two of them. One that was occasionally broken by the small jingle of the 
bell upon Edward's collar. But for Linda, the time for being silent 
about this thing was over. 

She was beaten to the punch, however. "So, you're not sick. I suppose 
you have some other explanation as to why you didn't bother to turn up 
for work?"

The English-teaching blonde smiled sheepishly. "...Yeah. I guess I still 
had a few things to figure out for myself. Then I kinda realized... how 
obvious it was all along. You're right, you know. I think at the end of 
the day... I'm not as mature as I'd like to think I am."

Debbie was almost afraid to ask this, but, "...What... did you 

And Linda had been going over this moment a billion times in her head. 
But she figured it was better to show her answer rather than say it. She 
reached into one of the small pockets of her denim jacket. And pulled 
out a small velvet box. The eyes of the dark-haired Historian widened 
when she recalled exactly what that box was. Linda smiled brilliantly 
and opened the box; removing the contents. The commitment ring that had 
been bought for her at the very beginning of this scenario. The one that 
had caused this rift between the two of them. Linda shoved the case back 
into her pocket and clasped Debbie by the hand, who herself was actually 
short of breath from the meaning of this. 

"I know this ring was bought for me, but..." Linda slowly slid the 
sapphire-adorned ring up the wedding ring finger of Debbie's left hand, 
"...I think it looks a little better on you. I know I've made a lot of 
mistakes up until now... but I'm willing to make this work. If you're 
willing to give me another chance."

Tears were already forming in Debbie's eyes. "...So does this mean..."

"Yeah," Linda affirmed, nodding, "...I'm... kinda in love with you, 
Debbie Harding."

That pretty much summed up everything that Debbie had felt for so long. 
For so long she had been waiting to hear those words escape Linda's 
lips. So much that she was now stuck for words. But her moment of 
stunned surprise dissolved into sheer delight as she flung herself in 
Linda's arms, the tears finally leaking from her eyes amid all the 
chuckles. Linda wrapped her arms around her love, so happy to finally be 
able to hold her again. 

Debbie stifled her sobs as best she could, to speak. "I love you so 
much, Linda..."

Not that she doubted that fact from the beginning. Linda pulled back a 
little and observed Debbie's authoritative yet elegant face. Saturated 
with tears and mirroring the kind of happiness that she suspected was 
very apparent on her own. The smile on Linda's face then melted away as 
she pressed her lips warmly into those of her Debbie's. The History 
teacher accepted the kiss with all her pent-up emotion, breathing 
heavily, her spine almost trembling, weaving her hands into those blonde 
shoulder-length tresses of Linda's. The two kissed and remained as they 
were. Just enjoying each other. Enjoy the closeness that had been put in 
jeopardy for so long.

The closeness that they now had their whole lives to enjoy.  


It wasn't very chilly tonight. 

Which was probably the reason Holly-Raine had opted for wear that didn't 
provide much in the way of warmth. The honey brown-haired teen stood 
just outside the chosen movie theatre for her and Sharon. Most people 
were entering now, as the mid-evening matinee was just about to start. 
Even so, the young woman was very excited about this. The main reason 
she had arrived about ten minutes early tonight. And she had chosen to 
wear clothing that suited her vivacious mood accordingly. A rather small 
black top that she had just recently bought, one that just about cut off 
below the out line of her breasts. Completely exposing her midriff. The 
lower half of her body had gone for an equally short black skirt that 
ended halfway down her thighs. On her feet were a pair of lengthy black 
leather boots that had been purchased after school with Summer and 
Jenny. And one little thing to top it all off, a silver necklace that 
blended in well with the whole 'dark' image she had pasted on for 
herself. Though not as revealing as some of Holly-Raine's other choices 
of clothing, she still had to hide the whole get up from her Dad. 

And so she waited. But Holly didn't wait long. Bang on time, Sharon 
Daniels made her great appearance. Holly's smiled brightened as she 
watched the other girl encroach from the length of the road. Sharon 
dressed as she usually did (from what Holly had asked Summer) a casual 
wear involving sheered jeans and one-tone tee-shirts. Today was no 
exception to the rule. But there was a kind of glow to the other girl 
tonight. Maybe Holly just saw what she wanted to see, blinded by her own 
lust and feelings... but... for what it was worth... she did see it that 
way. Sharon walked up to the slightly shorter woman and grinned. 

"Nice night, huh?" She asked directly, "Feel like watching a movie?"

There was some far different on Holly's mind... but for now, "Sure!"

The two then went inside, following the velvet ropes of entry. There was 
no line tonight. And neither girl could come up with a reason for that. 
But it didn't much matter. All Holly-Raine could think about was the 
fact that she was about to spend time alone with this beautiful human 
specimen they called Sharon. Though a person less excited would not have 
thought of this as a date, Holly did consider it as such. A belief that 
was cemented when Sharon paid for the both of them. Most of the time 
when Holly saw a movie with Summer and/or Jenny, they each paid for 
themselves. Not Sharon it seemed. And when a couple of guys began to 
make glances at them while they lined up for popcorn, Sharon made a 
point of avoiding them. It didn't take much for Holly to read the signs. 
More so were offered when they decided to pick the movie to watch. 
Nothing looked great anyway, but Sharon had made sure to put forward 
plea for a certain horror film. Holly wasn't the horror type. But she 
knew what reaction timid girls had (not that she was timid herself) when 
watching them with their dates. The usual routine of 
'get-frightened-and-then-curl-up-in-your-date's-arms'. It was a 
brilliant ploy for closeness from both sides of the equation, no matter 
how corny or old-fashioned it was. And Holly-Raine couldn't help but 
assume Sharon's intention was to use it for that purpose. 

Because of this she agreed to watch the horror flick. 

It was perfect.

This way Holly could fake her terror and use it as an excuse to get 
closer to Sharon. 

Problem was, that when she did watch the movie, she really WAS 
terrified. It was one and a half hours of utter carnage and mass 
slaughter. She did indeed curl up in fear against Sharon. But she was so 
intimidated by what she saw that Holly hardly even noticed the fact that 
she was touching the girl. By the time the movie was over, she realized 
that whatever plan she had cooked up beforehand had just gone up in 
smoke. When she exited the movie theatre she was left with a bitter 
taste in her mouth. Suddenly Holly felt short-changed. Sharon herself 
seemed to have enjoyed the movie. Something that Holly-Raine was 
thankful for. She didn't want Sharon leaving her with a bad impression 
of the night. After that, Sharon decided to walk Holly home. She didn't 
live too far from the high street on which that particular theatre 
existed, so it wasn't much of a walk. The two slowly ambled down the 
road, turning corners until they came to the residential area in which 
Holly lived. 

Holly's parents had gone out for the evening. Unlike most couples in 
late married life, they were just as randy and fun-loving as any of 
their younger counterparts. Something that pleased Holly. Because it 
meant she could have the house to herself from time to time. Better than 
nothing. As they came to the front door of the Johnson Residence, Holly 
had already taken out her keys with a deceptively timid smile on her 
face. And as easy as 1-2-3, the emerald-eyed beauty spouted one of those 
trademarked catchphrases that so perfectly described the intent;

"So... you wanna come inside for some coffee or something...?"

The meaning behind the phase went seemingly unnoticed by Sharon, who, by 
all accounts, retained a kind of casual indifference, shrugging her 
shoulders. "Sure, I guess."

That was enough for Holly-Raine. The young girl stuck the key into the 
keyhole and quickly opened her door, allowing Sharon inside. Once they 
were both indoors Holly turned to close the door. And as she began 
speaking again, she was completely unaware of the change in Sharon's 

"...So how do you like your-"

Before she could even think of finishing her sentence, she was cut off. 
Holly was swiftly spun around and pressed straight into the frame of the 
door with an erratic but gentle thud. And the now serious Sharon made 
her mark clear, thrusting her lips up against Holly's own with a cunning 
swiftness. Holly released a muffled gasp of confusion. Realizing only 
now what was happening. Sharon moaned into the contours of her mouth 
vibrantly, almost painstakingly, pressing her lengthy leg in between 
Holly's thighs with firm strokes. Sharon's hands soon roamed free as the 
two teens kissed, launching up the slender outlines of Holly-Raine's 
sides and then taking a firm grasp. One hand commandingly gripped 
Holly's left breast, the other taking the right. Both shielded from her 
warm touch only by thin black fabric. All the while Sharon's abrupt and 
forceful kiss grew deeper, more sensual and at the same time, more 
demanding. Holly was left seeing stars when Sharon finally pulled back 
from their kiss, slowly, dragging her probing tongue out of the stunned 
Holly-Raine's mouth. 

"Sorry," Sharon breathed lustfully, her thigh still pressing between 
both of Holly's "But I've been waiting to do that all day. God, you're 
so gorgeous. Summer told me you were cute but I didn't think..."

Holly-Raine breathed in heavily, mirroring Sharon's own lust. Holly was 
the type who was in control most of the time. Mostly because the kind of 
women she went after were those who were less experienced than herself. 
But really Holly loved it when a woman took charge with her. To be taken 
by a beautiful woman's firm but soft touch was like another world for 
her. Which was probably why her train of thought was so skewered. But 
she regained enough of her senses to at least respond. "...My parents 
are out..."

"Perfect," Sharon replied confidently, "...Your room will be okay, 

To that, Holly gave a brief nod. Then Sharon slowly backed away from 
Holly, allowing the girl to lead her to somewhere better for this. Holly 
took Sharon's hand into her own and then led her upstairs as quickly as 
she could without looking anxious. They turned a corner around the 
white-painted banister at the top of the stairs and followed along until 
they reached Holly's room itself. As soon as the door closed behind 
them, the two were at each other again. 

Sharon grinned and gripped Holly-Raine's soft facial cheeks, and 
bringing their lips together in one of those searing kisses again. 
Instantly Sharon's lengthy tongue began to prize its way between Holly's 
lips, demanding entry into that luscious little mouth. Holly parted her 
lips purely upon reflex and sighed when Sharon's tongue came in her oral 
opening. Sharon's soon began flicking with Holly's own, mixing saliva 
and lust in a way that Holly-Raine had never experienced before. The 
taller Sharon moaned deeply into Holly's mouth as they kissed. Her hands 
began acting up again. Both wriggled their way around until they gripped 
those twin globes of glorious flesh that made up Holly's cute little 
ass. Though she couldn't have explained it at that point, Sharon had a 
fascination with Holly-Raine's hind quarters that would probably haunt 
her forever. Sharon squeezed at them with zeal, eliciting a curious moan 
from Holly that echoed between two interlocking mouths. 

In those few seconds, Sharon broke their lustful kiss again. But before 
Holly gave a little squeal of disapproval, she saw what Sharon was 
trying to do. Those two hands that had been heavily occupied with her 
ass were now on the move again. Reaching up to the small black top that 
Holly had been wearing all night. The brown-haired teen stepped back a 
little then quickly pulled the article off her body, dropping it the 
ground. Then before she knew it, Sharon resumed their kiss, her hands 
taking another possessive charge over Holly-Raine's body. Her greedy 
fingers slowly slid up Holly's bare midriff, then grasped upon those 
small but awfully pert breasts. Freshly uncovered and beaming all the 
beauty you'd expect from someone like Holly. Holly herself moaned again 
when she felt those hands latch onto her bare chest. There was no bra 
under the shirt, something that probably spoke of Holly's intent for 
this moment; but neither of them thought to address it at that point. 
Holly had deeper concerns. Sharon's touch was so possessive and firm. 
And yet so gentle and soft. It was a combination that drove her to edges 
that she had scarcely seen. As she desperately kissed her newest lover, 
Holly began fixing her hands into the rim of her small black skirt. 
Holly pulled it down slowly until it was dancing around her boots. She 
kicked off the skirt as best as she could and then did the same with 
both of her boots. Except for her small white socks and her cotton white 
panties (but lets face it, they were no symbol of virginity when worn by 
someone like Holly-Raine) she was effectively naked. Once those matters 
were taken care off, Holly's hands went upwards into Sharon's mop of 
raven black hair, tightly gripping her head, bringing them as close 
together as possible. 

The clothed Sharon and the un-clothed Holly-Raine began a slow, ambling 
trek backwards to the bed. Once Holly's leg touched the side, she slowly 
leaned downwards to it, still kissing her Sharon, and laid back as best 
she could. Sharon followed Holly's every action inch by every tiny inch. 
And she mounted the shorter girl accordingly. Their kiss broke once more 
as Holly's head collapsed onto the pillow of her bed. The dark black 
hair of Sharon hung over her shoulders, and for a second there; the two 
just locked eyes as they were.

"...Jesus Christ, you're so beautiful." Sharon uttered lustfully.

Holly very much felt the same way. But was far too deep in her own 
passion to speak a reply. But that really didn't matter much. Sharon 
didn't intend to speak for too long anyway. The taller girl crossed her 
arms over the underside of her shirt and pulled it over her head. It 
joined her lover's clothes on the floor, as did the bra that was holding 
back her own breasts. Sharon swiftly unclipped it; her dark eyes still 
locked with Holly's emerald green ones. Once the bra was gone she then 
sank back down on Holly. Lunging at the supple flesh of her neck. Sharon 
nibbled and licked at it, dragging her tongue down in motion. Flicking 
her tongue ever downwards until it danced around her lover's collarbone. 
Holly shut her eyes and simply let Sharon do as she pleased with her. 
She continued softly moaning to herself, feeling the trail that the 
dark-haired girl's tongue left down her upper chest. And it slowly 
descended down between the well-sculptured cleft of her firm breasts. 
Sharon placed butterfly kiss after butterfly kiss upon Holly's right 
mound, inching her way upwards until her lips hovered over the jewel at 
the summit of the breast, that rosy pink nipple. The shorter girl could 
feel Sharon's hot, quick breath lingering over it. And in that second 
Sharon lunged for it with desperation. Holly-Raine bit her lip in 
pleasure, feeling Sharon's teeth latch onto her cerise-coloured nub 
longingly. Sharon bit the small and sensitive tip of flesh. Then 
released it, only to slowly drag her tongue over it a second later. 
Stimulation for response became a shared need as Sharon simply began 
sucking on Holly's nipple as smoothly as possible. A beautiful smile of 
approval was beamed on Holly's face. The way Sharon stroked her tongue 
over her heaving breast was like magic. The free hand of the 
Sacramento-girl clasped Holly's other globe of bittersweet flesh. A slow 
kneading motion was begun, in the same way that Holly had done to so 
many other girls. But this felt completely different for some reason. 
Not just because she was on the receiving end. But for more than that. 

Sharon continued her firm suckle of Holly's right nipple, whilst her 
other hand worked over Holly's other breast with a strangely well 
organized synchronization. Every few seconds Sharon lessoned the 
pressure on one breast to exchange it to the other. And repeated that 
process over and over and over again. Holly's breathing increased while 
she did so. A new sheen of sweat appear over her face throughout this 
moment, giving her face a kind of gloss that correctly displayed how hot 
this all made her. How much she burned for Sharon. And how well Sharon 
pressed her buttons. Now the fluids of attraction began running at 
Holly's womanhood. The cotton panties that had been left on her now had 
a growing wet patch. And the surplus of the smell, that compellingly 
perfect aroma of arousal, was lingering in the air. Sharon slowly pulled 
her mouth away from Holly's breast. It was now covered in a thick sheen 
of saliva, the flesh of the nipple rigidly erect. And fresh new kisses 
were placed upon the area below her chest, just over the smooth stomach 
of the Johnson-girl. All the while, Sharon's right hand remained trapped 
over Holly's other mound. Her tongue soon dipped into the small indent 
of Holly's belly button. She figured it'd look great with some kind of 
jewellery after a piercing, but Sharon correctly guessed that Holly 
wouldn't agree to that. But that itself didn't matter much. The taller 
girl lowered herself down Holly's body until she could glimpse at her 
wet panties. Sharon smiled and brought her left index finger against it. 
Then ran its tip over the wet patch, which happened the curl over the 
outline of Holly-Raine's nether-lips. Holly moaned lowly to that slow 
rhythm of up and down. Feeling Sharon's warm breath through the dampness 
of her panties as she observed. While she did that; Sharon's other hand 
lowered to those panties themselves. She hooked her fingers under the 
fabric and pulled the panties off her lover. First off the crotch, then 
down the silky thighs and those lengthy legs, and finally off Holly's 
feet. The soiled article was thrown to the floor like the rest of her 
clothing. Freshly revealing that sweet opening that had been the centre 
of so many women's dreams. 

Sharon marvelled at Holly-Raine's labial region, watching the wetness 
glisten in the bright moonlight sparlking through the window. Watching 
that slickness and moisture cling to sensitive flesh. It was amazing. 
Out of all the girls that Sharon had come across in her detailed (albeit 
unseasoned) teen lifetime, Holly-Raine had to rank way and above as the 
most alluring. Sharon had never been this attracted to anyone before. 
The astounded woman leaned downwards a little and planted a gentle kiss 
over Holly's labia, causing the girl to tremble a little. Sharon then 
pulled herself back up Holly's body until they were face to face again. 
The slight difference it height would make this far easier. Sharon's 
right hand still lingered around Holly's vulva, mostly unmoving, simply 
stroking up and down to gather up a little moisture over her index and 
middle fingers. The other hand played with Holly-Raine's light chocolate 
brown hair. Soon Sharon's fingers began to part those moist lips that 
guarded the sought after opening. Sharon poised the tips of her index 
and middle fingers before the damp orifice. Before she did anything; she 
took note of the absence of the hymen. Which either meant that Holly was 
the type to masturbate or she had had sex before. Little to Sharon's 
knowledge, Holly-Raine actually subscribed to both categories, but 
again, that didn't much matter. 

Her rosy pink lips claimed those of Holly's in another passionate kiss. 
Right before she thrust both her index and middle fingers into the 
tightness of her vagina. Holly gasped abruptly into Sharon's mouth. Her 
inner flesh expanded with the sudden addition of Sharon's fingers. And 
her current wetness was all the lubrication needed. Holly desperately 
grasped upon Sharon's shoulders and jerked her hips as Sharon's fingers 
embedded themselves into her. All the way up to her knuckles. Holly's 
toes curled into themselves and her back arched gymnastically as Sharon 
slowly dragged her fingers out of her up to the first joint. And then 
back in again. And the out. And in. And out and in. Until one steady 
pace picked up from it. What were once moans now became rapid pants as 
Holly's inner folds of receptive tissue and wetness were prised apart 
with fast, coordinated thrusts. The girl bucked against those long 
fingers as they plunged in and out of her core, penetrating her vagina 
with amazingly well kept speed and velocity. Sharon broke their kiss 
only so she could hear Holly's cries out in the open. And the teen 
released hoarse shrieks that suddenly filled a quiet room. Sharon tilted 
her head to the side and nibbled upon the creamy, milky flesh of Holly's 
neck while her fingers continued their phallic actions. Holly slammed 
her eyes shut once more and bit her lip to try (in vain) to keep silent. 
But that was in itself was hopeless. A few seconds later more pleased 
screams came from her. And her free hands clasped onto Sharon's 
shoulders. Holly brought Sharon closer to her, so that the dark-haired 
girl's breasts were nestled comfortably beneath her own. And Holly's 
small feet dug into the thin lavender bedspread they happened to be 
lying on. With her wide open mouth and tightly shut eyes, Holly rode 
through the penetration. Her light hips were now jerking back and forth 
through nothing more than the strength and precision of Sharon's 
thrusts. And it continued. Over and over again. Holly's face contorting 
with pleasure, her breathing intense, her body shimmering with that 
beautiful sheen of sweat. All until that fabled dam burst within. 
Sharon's thrusts kept growing in strength until one simply pushed 
Holly-Raine over the edge. The inner muscles of her vagina clamped 
around Sharon's now soppy fingers, as waves of pleasure filled her with 
the blessing of release. Holly trembled with the sudden force of an 
orgasm like none before it. Her whole body convulsed with excitement and 
relentless pleasure, her vagina clamping and un-clamping around the two 
fingers that had probed so deeply and satisfyingly inside her. The great 
flood of female discharge spurted outwards with zeal the likes of which 
neither Sharon nor Holly had ever experienced. It dripped down the 
outline of Sharon's fingers and knuckles, slipping off her hand and 
dripping down onto the bedspread. Sharon slowed down her penetration as 
the impact of Holly's orgasm began to weather with time. Eventually 
Holly's hips slowed their nimble gyrations to a stop. The pressure on 
Sharon's fingers by Holly-Raine's vaginal walls began to lessen, and her 
heightened breathing came back to a nice, peaceful tempo. Sharon then 
stopped along with her, though she kept her fingers buried inside of her 
lover. The now loose and immensely satisfied Holly sighed to herself, 
still feeling a tingling all over her body. And feeling those skilled 
fingers embedded in her moist aperture. Her hands finally released 
Sharon's shoulders and then clawed their way up to her dark hair, which 
was equally matted with sweat from the physical exertion. 

Those pretty jade eyes of Holly-Raine Johnson's then opened once more, 
and so she spoke breathlessly, "...I think I like you..."


Chris Angel says,

* I'm back, baby! It's weird. I've been struggling to get around to an 
update for months. And then one day I just woke up, read my notes, and 
started typing. Simple as that. Ah well. 

* The next chapter will be (if everything goes to plan) the last chapter 
of the Misadventures of Holly-Raine. After that I'm working on the new 
'Misadventures of Kandi' which I think I mentioned back in Chapter Five. 

Onwards to Part 8

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