Guardian Angel Remastered
I learned this later--- after I did some research on the topic.
The blade jumps upwards, Keikos arm holding it tight as it reflects
the downward swipe of her opponents hunting knife. The weapon, normal
by most standards though wielded by a strong adversary, shatters
against the mystical cursed blade of Yamanaka, the 7th Judgment.
Theres this legend, in the waking world or in fictionalities, about
this small village in what is known as China (I cant pronounce the
Chinese name, but its dream counterpart in the Realm of Dreams is
called The Dreaming Continent in common) theres a legend of this
mystical ring.
Keiko spins on her heels, whipping her blade about fully to catch her
opponent midriff, ripping into him splattering his blood everywhere.
Since he was a Darkling this was a fatal blow, it would not resurrect
or wake up from this. It was for all intents and purposes quite
dead once the blade impacted and went through it.
This ring, not like the legendary one ring of LotR fame, was not
really a ring at all but some sort of crystal paperweight thingee.
Anyway, its said that whoever can see the light within this ring
will be blessed by a guardian angel--- the spirit of the moon if you
will--- who will protect them from harm.
As the Darkling drops, its body disintegrating, something shiny
catches Keikos attention.
But then again, before today, I would have told you that whoever came
up with that concept was probably on crack or something stronger---
Keiko scoops up the object and looks at it. Eck? Why did it swallow
this crystal paperweight? (Strange thing to find after gutting
something like that).
---then again that was before all this happened. And believe me--- I
wish it hadnt happened.
(Note - This is an alternate Elseworlds style fiction and doesnt
reflect Yamanakas current role in Card Captor Sakura Remastered)
Keiko feels the weight of her day weighing down on her as she slowly
trudges up the stairs to her apartment. For gods sake why dont they
ever fix the damn elevator--- eh?
Something was sticking out of her doors mail slot as she reached her
floor. Better not be junk mail--- last thing I need right now---
(bends over and picks it up) ---its from Nina.
Inside the envelope is a holo-postcard which Keiko sets to play while
she washes the strange crystal object she picked up earlier in the
sink. Im in lockdown again with the gang! Sure its for Spider-Man
but I bet well be here for months past that. You know these things,
they last forever!
Were about to see Star Wars Episode II which is cool. Theyre
finally inaugurating ti and that took this side of forever! I mean,
all the waiting! I think I nailed Eliza in every part of this complex
by now with all the time we had and such!
Wouldnt doubt it--- (holds crystal up) ---just about clean---
(sits down on couch drying the crystal with a towel as she listens and
watches the images from the card).
Been doing this snazzy review thing for this dandy view called Die
Anime Girl! (Its really up there stuff, you have to see it to
believe it! Love my work on it, I think its my best to date!) Well,
thats that. The movie is starting soon. So take care and do something
about that abysmal thing you call life.
Jerk--- (sighs) ---just because Im not doing it 24/7 like a crazed
animal doesnt mean I dont have a comfortably healthy--- (?) ---I
thought I cleaned this stupid thing! (shakes it abit) ---cant be
blood, its too black even for Darkling blood, and it doesnt feel
like theres liquid in it--- (?) ---theres reflected light---
(looks up) ---but the lighting is facing the wrong direction to
reflect into---
The light grows stronger, and brighter, until it reflects a strange
long haired woman in stranger robes inside the crystal. YEOUCH!!
(Keiko tosses the ring away, jumping back abit (which doesnt get her
far because she was already sitting down on her couch when she tried
to push herself backwards)).
The very woman she saw in the crystal forms before her.
Greetings,. Master.
(blank expression) ---- (blinks) ----eh?
Are you OK, Master?
--- (draws closer) Youve seen far too much I Dream of Jeanie,
havent you.
Never mind. (Keiko stands up working off the kinks of her earlier
shock (trying to look cool as she does this) while pacing about the
strange newcomer). Uh---hi?
I am the Guardian Angel Shao Lin.
--- (looks out window) ---shouldnt you be in cherub form or
something? Its dark outside. (no reaction) Guess not. So----
(stops, regards her words for a second) ---youre a Guardian Angel,
What does---
It means like the Moon in the sky. I accompany my Master and protect
you. My name is Shao Lin. Please call me Shao.
Keiko takes Shao by the arm and leads her to the balcony outside of
her apartment. Look up.
Shao does as she is told.
See the moon?
No. Is it a new moon out---
There is NO moon. This is the Realm of Dreams. (Lunaris, the Dream
Moon, stays in light orbit facing Elsespace so its not visible at
Never mind--- you just stand there and let me know the instant you
see the moon. Alright? Keiko turns and walks back inside, Have a
nice life. (locks the door tight) Nice kid. No brains since she
could stand out there all night and not see Lunaris. Heck, shed
probably starve to death out there--- or end up a cast member in
Showgirls 2--- or both (given her dumb luck Id opt for both).
Master, what is you---
ACK!! (Keiko spins about to find Shao behind her (inside the
apartment)) Didnt I just---!!
Master, what is your name?
But I---I--- I locked you outside and--- (stops) Keiko Yamanaka.
Does it matter?
(This conversation is a bit awkward)
Your telling me. Keiko remarks blandly.
Thats such a beautiful name. (And who are you speaking to?)
---thanks--- (and ignore me, Im just talking to the narrator).
Ahem--- (changes subject) Thanks. Id compliment my parents on your
compliment on their selection of my name mind you but for the fact
Dead? (at this point Keiko grabs Shao and just moves her to the
couch to sit her down) No, they moved to Florida to play golf, drink
Florida Premium Orange Juice and hang around Disneyworld with the rest
of the walking damned. OF COURSE THEYRE DEAD!!
Is Disney world a place of the damned? Are there souls in torment in
Only if your dumb enough to actually visit. Though mind you its not
as bad as the hell known as EuroDisney or Tokyo Disney--- (sighs)
Whats your point?
Master Keiko Yamanaka---
---from now on, no matter what happens--- I will protect you.
At this point Keiko didnt know whether to laugh, or laugh until her
lungs froze and she began to choke from the extreme seizures from
laughing too hard. ---say what---? (Keikos thoughts) Dont laugh,
dont laugh, keep a straight face, dont laugh--- dont laugh--- think
about something else--- think about The Rock in the Scorpion--- hell,
no, Id never stop laughing at that rate---
Uhm--- you really dont need to---
This house seems to have so little security.
Its an apartment. And I do just---
And that must be the doorway.
Keiko looks on in disbelief. Yeah, right. Why dont you let yourself
out while your at it. Im sure the alley cats can put you up for the
night--- they need a singing companion out there. (sighs) What the
hell--- (a few minutes and a quick link to cyberspace yields
information on the subject).
Waking Century 13th (time relative to normal time)
Goal - Create Guardian type breeding combining angel/dreaming DNA.
Subjects - Shao Lin (Original/Angel) (Chinese peasant girl ascended to
Angel, predating first known Angel of Gender (male or female) (Joan of
Chandler Lazarus (deceased human, passed over to heaven, defected to
Realm of Dreams).
Both defected to be together (married 1275WWT (Waking World
With proper spells two became sexually capable of breeding children
First daughter (Shao Lin the 1st) became guardian angel prototype.
11 more Guardian Angels were born (bringing about the birth of the
Guardian class of protectorate in 1375) before project was scrapped.
Reason - Unknown.
Original 13 Shao Lins are still alive to today, as well as mates,
offspring and relations.
However, rumors persist of a 13th Shao Lin. File follows.
Shao Lin the 13th - Born from the rape of Shao Lin the 7th by the
Darke Raven (Calistro, 15th Century). Shao Lin the 13th is to date the
only Shao Lin born between light and darkness.
Present whereabouts and status of Shao Lin the 13th - Unknown.
Is she the 13th Shao Lin then? Keikos thoughts are a jumble as she
lets the information sink in. 12 Shao Lins. Then along comes a
13th--- born between light & darkness. Could this be---
Master Yamanaka---
Keiko. And why are you still here?
Now youre safe!
Thats nice--- go away.
I have booby trapped the entrance!
Yeah, yeah. Thanks--- (takes a few seconds for it to sink in)
---YOU WHAT?!?
(sound of cannon fire and chaos outside) Looks like we caught one!
What--- the--- hell---? (finds two strange things sitting on a
cannon guarding her front door)
That is Shaki. I can bring out traditional Chinese Zodiac spirits
from the Shitenrin.
The what? (Shao Lin points at the paperweight) Oh---
A little more typing (while still linked reveals----
I have ordered them to attack anyone who does not live--- (Keiko
picks the little creatures up and glares at them) Do that again and
Ill see if either of you tastes like CHICKEN!!
The two look as if shes kidding, only to stop, realize shes NOT
kidding, then disappear, and takes their weapon with them. Eh? (Shao
Lin looks about quite disturbed) I didnt ask them to leave.
Im asking, though. So pack up your troubles (and mine while your at
it) and---
Ill go secure the next room. (she disappears into the bathroom)
---well, I have had some troubles with voyeurs filming me
showering--- (maybe shell kill them).
Are you still here? Keiko sighed, exasperated with the whole
Yes. What can I---
You can drop dead.
Anything else, Master Yamanaka?
Keiko--- never mind. Stop calling me master before I decide to make
you my pet you--- (Keiko sighs as she rifles through the channels
trying not to think about her troubles. Clearly Command wouldnt be of
much else at this moment either.)
Earlier (and one call to Command Tokyo)
Youve got to be kidding me!Keiko huffed, looking at the screen with
a stern expression, She could be Britney f-ing Spears for all I care!
Im NOT hosting her in MY APARTMENT! No way!
Guardian Angels for the most part keep a extremely low profile. Its
hard to find one these days. This one being so open about her status
and seemingly employing dark magic as you noted is a significant sign
that she must be the 13th Shao Lin.
And thats important because---
Shes a daughter of a Darke Raven. The power she must wield must be
enormous! We need to know more about her, and the kind of power
potential she has. So, for the time being, we want you to keep her at
your place until you gain her trust, then---
Thats no problem. Its her gaining my trust---
---just until we can find a way to have her tested and trained to see
her full potential. Besides which, youll be a positive role model for
her! After all Guardian Angel types only come out for pure souls and
you must have a soul as pure as snow!
Or shes just bored and I was the first sucker she saw.
Doesnt work that way. Look, just keep her in there and well do the
rest. Command, out.
If it would have helped, Keiko could have put the screen out with her
fist--- but since she would just have to replace it anyway (and have
to communicate with them in any case) she left the screen be.
She went to her couch and started watching TV with a vengeance just to
work off the stress.
Thats when she returned from her venture into the bathroom to secure
And where we are at present with this situation.
What the hell do they know anyway, bunch of paper pushing idiots---
(sighs as she tries to look around her new house guest) Hey! Down
in front! Im watching TV here!
Whats this?
Its called a TV. Now sit here and watch the idiot box with me--- do
something useful at least.
For the longest time she sits there transfixed by what she sees,
though she was still in front of Keiko and hadnt moved to the spot
next to her yet. This gives Keiko a little time to think. Why am I
bitching her out? She cant help being stupid, shes the product of a
ridiculous century after all---- still--- (steals a peek at her face)
---she is kinda cute. And I really havent had a significant other in
a long time---
Oh! Theres a dog!
Keiko shuffles herself in her seat, feeling herself get a little
excited by her excitement. Speaking of dogs I feel like one in
heat--- dammit--- Im getting hyped and I couldnt stand her one
minute ago! I cant stand her one minute and the next I want--- oh no,
not going there! (closes eyes) Not going there! Not going there!
Wow! And a man!
Keiko frowns inwardly, ---great, shes straight--- killjoy.
It must be so crowded in the box for a man and a dog to be in it.
Its just an image. An illusion for entertainment. A picture show if
you will---
But Shao Lin is too transfixed by the show to listen.
And she does have a nice--- (closes eyes tight and curses herself)
---I knew I never should have added the Spice Channel to my service
last month!! Damn Im a sucker for bargains!!
Its Keiko. For the last time my name---
Master Yamanaka! Run! If he shoots that Tensha, you could be---
Ill disarm him then--- (holds up remote) ---no pro---
LOOK OUT MASTER YAMANAKA!! (she pushes Keiko down onto the ground,
flipping the couch over in the process (she was in a panic and really
overdid it))
For the longest time (by Keikos reckoning) they just lie there still
and quiet. As they lie there Keiko shuts her eyes, grits her teeth,
and whispers one thing. Dammit.
Her arms wraps around Shao Lin, squeezing her, relishing this close
intimate contact.
Goddess I feel so old! Keiko yells at herself in her thoughts, Like
some desperate pervert who cant stand not having some! SO WHAT?! Its
been 4 years since she died--- I cant stop thinking about it but--- I
dont want to be--- I need something--- make me feel--- (looks into
Shao Lins eyes) ---like Im a woman again. Its my life so why cant
I get over it--- move on--- fall in love---
By now she pulls herself up, looking at Keiko. Are you OK?
---no--- (her hand reaches up and gently cups Shao Lins face as she
stares into her eyes) ---I---
SANDY!! (Shao Lins attention has spun back to the TV).
Keiko faints (which wasnt too hard since she was already flat on her
Master Yamanaka! Sandy got that bad man!
I must give Sandy a treat!
Keiko rolls over face down and sighs. Weird Al was right. The signs
of Jupiter does indicate Ill be spending this entire week with my
face down in the mud--- sorta.
Master, may I have the sweets here?
Help yourself. And its Keiko. Just Keiko---(sighs) ---whatever.
Have fun
Thats strange. Where did Sandy go? (commercial break, but
regardless, Keiko had enough entertainment for the time being). If
you need me Ill be drowning myself in the bath.
Thats a good way to drown your sorrows away, Master.
No, I meant LITTERLY drowning myself--- if that was possible which it
doesnt seem to be ever since I had that aquatic breathing spell cast
on me in 1745 which never seemed to wear off--- whatever.
Keiko leaves her guest behind, waiting patiently for Sandy to return
for her treat. Seconds later, Here, Sandy. Its a treat. Its
actually my Masters, but---
Just as well. She was trying to give Sandy chocolate.
Sure enough, three attempts at self drowning leads nowhere. She did
learn one thing though from her experimental suicide attempt. (So
thats what fluoridated water smells like.)
As she lies back in the tub, splashing the water absentmindedly, her
thought vocalize as she ponders her present situation. Figures. If it
didnt work four years ago, it wont work now (and I threw myself into
Tokyo Harbor too). (Keiko traces a few lines in the water as she
soaks) ---goddess, I wanted her so badly I couldnt think. I just
wanted to hold her--- kiss her--- goddess--- (shakes head) ---Ninas
right, I need a legit girlfriend. At least a serious full time lover
before I end up driving myself crazy with this strange guardian girl.
I mean, I cant have her. Shes too out there to even consider
starting a relationship with, and what do I tell her? Oh by the way
Im a lesbian and Im feeling like experimenting with you because I
havent been with someone in a few years and you look like quality sex
partner material? Eck. Thats a sure way to drive her away--- (even
her remote controlled boat didnt make her happy as it sputtered about
the bath) Whatd she say if she was here right now
Master Yamanaka.
Yeah. Shed start with that but thats a given. What else--- (stops)
---oh no. (huffs her breath) Dont you know its impolite to
teleport into somewhere without--- (stops) ---
Its dangerous for you to bathe alone.
---you cant be serious--- (face freezes in place despite the fact
she cant see much yet since Shao was obscured by the smoke of the
teleport spell) ---are you trying to get in her naked?!? Are you---
Shes wearing a bathing suit. Keiko almost faints from shock, but
somehow doesnt.
When your bathing your not armed! Youre an ideal target for ass---
Katana. (holds up sword she usually keeps at the side of the bath,
then swivels over and clicks open a secret compartment in the side
wall) Glock (the infamous plastic gun though its not completely
plastic because the damn thing would shatter under heavy usage if it
was all plastic), Desert Eagle (Israel model, my favorite), Smith &
Wesson, Globek pulse gun (24th Century).
Oh. Your well--- (Keiko reaches out and touches her arm) Bathe with
me anyway?
Not to protect me--- just because?
She steps into the tub, only to find herself holding Keiko as she lays
her head against the girls chest and closes her eyes. Just hold
me--- and dont say a word.
The rest of the bath is spent in her arms, resting silently against
her as she enjoys the brief warmth of their bodies together wondering
why she wanted to be this close to her--- yet no answer comes to her.
Maybe later--- but, for now, just being in her arms held this close
was enough.
Keiko wakes to find herself flat on her back on her couch, dressed
once again.
----eh---? (looks about, only to find Shao Lin staring at her). Is
she really trying to save me? Keikos thought roll on the subject as
she stares as Shao Lin, I know people want me dead, but not this
badly. I feel sorta bad leaving her dangling like this--- (Keiko
sighs inwardly) ---but I might as well level with her and get it over
with. Command will have to pick her up prematurely and deal with her
Uh--- Shao Lin? My life really isnt as dangerous as you think. Sure
its dangerous but thats part of my job. Its just that--- well,
people ARE trying to kill me--- just they never get very far with
those plans so I am usually very safe at home, and at work for the
most part. I have no real enemies and the few I do have would probably
kill you to get at me so Id rather not see you get butchered or worst
because of me--- (gulps) ---so--- what I mean is--- I---
I see.
Im sorry. I just---
Then I must be an inconvenience.
Well--- no--- thats not what I meant---
I understand. Please forgive me for my inadequacy. I shall return to
the Shitenrin, and one day I shall meet another person with a pure
And, like that, she was gone back into the crystal.
---well, Im dead. Keiko laments. Commandll never understand why I
ended up chasing her back into her pocket dimension. (laughs
nervously) ---whats the worst they can do? Talk about censuring me
AGAIN? Heh. Thatd never stick anyway so its not like I care---
still--- (holds crystal up and looks into it) ---I wish she could
have stood for dinner. Not fair--- but--- (touches cheek that only a
few minutes ago rested upon her bosom) ---I wish I got to know her
better. Maybe--- she could have been the one---
Are you lonely?
Damn. Im hearing voices--- heh. Par for the course I guess---
Are you lonely?
For the longest time Keiko says nothing, just sitting there staring
into the ring--- then, finally.
With a final sigh, Keiko puts the crystal down and rolls over on the
couch, closing her eyes.
Master Yamanaka.
Keiko. Keiko. Keiko. (Keiko grumbles as she closes her eyes) At
least call me Kei--- (spins around shocked) ---Shao?
She kneels down, and touches Keikos cheek with her open palm, smiling
in a different way than her usual grin as she does. This time she
smiled a genuinely affectionate smile. If its not a problem--- Id
like to protect you--- would that--- be a problem? Keiko returns the
touch, carefully reaches her hand up to cup Shaos face in turn,
listening as Shao Lin continues to speak, I dont know this place,
but I would like to stay with you. I dont know how to protect you
from being alone--- but I want to try--- if youd let me.
With that Keiko closes her eyes, and smiles a genuinely warming and
heartfelt smile (the first since she met Shao). I want to protect you
too--- my heart and yours--- (Keiko is really on a high cloud nine
now so she has no clue what shes saying, shes just ad-libbing as she
goes). ---stay with me--- my love.
Be my lover--- please? Love me---
Thank you! Shao Lin cries out, looking happy beyond belief.
As they stare at each other, the endless possibilities and moments
that they could share together open before them, and something
beautiful starts to form from what seemed a very awkward situation.
Shao Lin leaps on top of Keiko (knocking the wind out of her) as she
cuddles close to her new lover. IM YOUR LOVER!! Ill protect your
heart forever!
---eck--- you can say that again---
IM YOUR LOVER!! Ill protect your heart forever!
---- (thinks to self) Note to self--- housetrain new lover ASAP.
What was I thinking?! Sure shes cute, and has cuddly breasts, and
nice legs--- but for gods sake her first act of love nearly broke my
arm and a few ribs! (overexaggerating a bit arent we, Keiko?)
Still, if I can live through all the years as a Judgment, I can
survive this relationship--- maybe.
Im just not too anxious to find out what sexll be like with her---
one shock at a time.
Shao Lin - When is Sandy coming back?
Keiko - Same time tomorrow, same Sandy time, same Sandy channel.
Shao Lin - Where did they go? Who are these people and why are they
Keiko - Its a game show.
Shao Lin - What kind of game? Can we play? Whatll we get if we win?
What are the rules? Why arent they waiting for us to answer? Is Sandy
with them? Will they remember to feed Sandy before bed?
Keiko - ----
Future of Guardian Angel Remastered? - What future? You know how
expensive Raijin Comics is on a budget (and I already expend $60-up
dollars a month reporting on TOKYOPOP)! Id say the future is nil, and
most of you might even be thankful for that. Still, if anyone actually
liked reading this (doubt it) if I ever get another Raijin Comics I
might revisit this Remastered thread--- maybe.
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