Dreaming of Another Day (part 17 of 27)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kathryn K Williams

Back to Part 16
Kris smiled at the eagle as she recalled that shot. She didn't think she 
could accomplish it ever again and get away with it. She hadn't played 
much pool in the past couple of years. Actually she didn't feel like 
bothering much now that her father was gone. When she was released from 
the hospital she discovered that her mother had divorced her father due 
to his drinking problems. It was not like Kris missed the bastard, but 
he was the only father she had. Her smile turned to a frown. Part of her 
really wanted nothing more than to be able to toss that necklace away. 
She hated the man so much for the things he did to her. The nightmares 
he caused, but a part of her could not get up the strength to pull the 
necklace off. It was as if the moment she held that eagle all her rage 
for the man seeped away.

"Kris, you alright?" Sarah queried giving the girl a concerned look. 

Kris let go of the necklace, "I was just thinking of the past." Her eye 
twitched as she tried hard to control her emotions. 

"Come on Kris!" Tanya called out, "I haven't played you in years." 

"Wait!" A boy in his early twenties called out, "We were going to play 
next." He signalled towards another boy the same age next to him.

"In that case," Tanya smiled slyly, "Let's make a game of it." 

"Boys against the dykes." The other boy concluded, "How boring." 

"Don't underestimate us." Tanya glared at the boys. 

"No fighting you three." Jeff shouted, "That goes for you too Tanya." 

"Jeff, you are no fun." Tanya sulked, "And they were insulting us 

"Then play a fair game." Jeff offered "You know the rules. No fighting. 
I don't want to have to call Kevin in here." 

"Fine." One of the boys grabbed a pool cue, "Then we'll play a quick 

Tanya started to set up the balls, "Hey Kris, why don't you break?" She 
asked with a smile. 

"Yeah, let the girls break." A boy teased with a snicker. 

"Okay..." Kris agreeded reluctantly as she looked over the cues. All the 
numbers on them had faded from use so she was having troubles finding 
the right weight for her. She picked up two cues by the middle, closed 
her eyes and let them sway back and forth before setting one back up and 
grabbing another. She repeated the motion. 

"What is she doing?" Sarah quietly asked Tanya. 

"Testing the weight." Tanya replied as she added chalk to her cue, "Kris 
only likes to use a 16 ounce cue. The type her father taught her with."

"Ahhh.." Sarah admired, pretending to understand what Tanya was saying 
and went back to watching Kris pick up yet another cue. 

"Hurry up, would you?" One of the boys yelled annoyed. 

Kris twirled one of the cues in her hand, "Alright already." She 
snarled. The one thing she couldn't stand is being rushed in a pool 
game. She walked to the end of the table and placing one leg close to 
the table she stretched her other far behind her, raising it off the 
ground. She got so used to playing pool while balancing on one leg that 
she found it hard not to continue even though both her legs could now 
touch the ground. She took a breath and stuck at the cue ball sending it 
jumping slightly off the table into the center of the balls scattering 
them across the table. Two stripes dropped into pockets, "We're 
stripes." She proclaimed. 

Kris felt a sense of ease fill her. It was like the sound of the balls 
and the feel of the cue in her hand calmed her nerves and she started to 
relax a lot more. Between herself and Tanya they managed to keep ahead 
most of the game. Kris started to get in a better mood with each ball 
she sunk. There was something satisfying about the sound of a ball 
dropping into one of the pockets that made a smile form on the girl's 
face. Part way through the game she handed the cue to Sarah, "You try." 
She proposed to the girl, with a grin. 

"But I don't." Sarah protested, violently shaking her head, "I can't." 

"Sure you can." Kris took the girl's hand and pulled her around the 
table, "I'll help you." She moved Sarah so she was standing next to the 
pool table, "Now you see that red striped ball over there?"

"The one with the eleven on it?" Sarah asked, "You want me to hit it?" 

"Yep," Kris grinned, "The cue is in a straight line with the corner 
pocket. An easy shot." She wrapped her arm around the girl while holding 
the cue, "Now hold onto the cue like this." She then leaned over the 
table causing Sarah to do the same, "Concentrate on the center of the 
cue ball. Then shoot." Sarah did as she was instructed and pulled back 
the cue a little feeling Kris's hand still lightly on the cue guiding 
her movements. She aimed at the ball and hit it with all her might 
causing the cue ball to fly across the table, crashing into the eleven 
ball causing it to guild into the corner, bouncing a few times on the 
sides from the force of Sarah's shot then stop just on the edge of the 

"Dammit." Sarah cursed watching the ball come to a final stop, "I almost 
had it." 

"No problem." Kris grinned, "You did good. The first time my sister 
played she scratched the felt and pissed my father off to no end." She 
laughed out.

"You know you are cute when you laugh." Sarah informed before turning 
and running around the table, "You want a drink?" 

Kris watched the girl with curiosity, "Sure. Ginger ale please." She was 
starting to think maybe Tanya didn't have such a bad idea about coming 
over here after all. 

Tanya patted her friend on the back, "Enjoying yourself?" She smirked. 

"Yeah," Kris looked at the floor ashamed, "Sorry I didn't believe you 
about this place." 

"It's alright." Tanya smiled, "And it looks like your friend is enjoying 
herself too." They could see Sarah at the bar, talking with a couple of 
the kids and laughing. 

"She really is confusing." Kris admitted and picked up the chalk to 
apply more to her cue. 

"Life is confusing." Tanya agreed and seeing the boys were finished with 
their shot, "My turn." She patted Kris on the shoulder. 

"Luck." Kris sat down on a tall stool near the edge of the wall and 
watched the game. 

"Here you are!" Sarah approached Kris with two plastic cups in her hand. 
She handed one to Kris while sitting on the stool next to her. 

"Thanks." Kris sipped at the drink. She didn't realize just how thirsty 
she was and nearly finished off the entire cup in one gulp. Kris looked 
up to see Sarah watching the pool match intently. She wondered why Sarah 
had not run away yet. Why she was still sitting at her side. She 
pondered over it when Tanya came over to them. 

"Sorry, I think I messed things up." She said embarrassed.

"Hmmm?" Kris looked over at the table where one of the boys was now 
taking his shot. She could not figure out what Tanya was talking about, 
then her eyes fell on the problem, "Geez..." She rubbed the back of her 
neck, "What have you done." She set her drink down to the examine the 
table more closely. 

"What is wrong?" Sarah wondered, trying to see what it was that the two 
girls were talking about. 

"Look at the corner where your eleven is." Kris answered nodding to the 
far corner of the table.

Sarah did as she was told. Snug against the eleven rested the eightball, 
"Is that bad?" She asked still confused. 

"Could be." Tanya replied with a sigh, "If they go after the eight it is 
likely they will sink our ball and lose." 

"However," Kris continues, "If we go after the eleven then we might sink 
the eight and that is end of game for us." 

"Geee..." Sarah suddenly understood, "What are you going to do?" 

Kris stood up, "I'll take care of this." Seeing the boys finished their 
turn, she approached the table. 

"Good luck!" Sarah called out. 

"I believe in you, Kris." Tanya joined in. 

Kris stepped up to the edge of the table and looked at the game. There 
wasn't much choice left. For the most part the last few balls were 
pretty easy shots. The only problem was that corner. If she took care of 
the corner then Tanya would have no problem cleaning the table. She took 
a stance and prepared to aim at the eleven ball when she felt one of the 
boys approach her.

"Let me help you out." He placed his arm around Kris and started to stir 
the girl away from the corner to shoot at an easier target. He was about 
to place his hand on the cue and Kris felt another slide down to her 
crotch when she suddenly shoved the boy backwards against the wall. 

"Get yer bloody shmegin' hands off of me!!" Kris snarled shoving the boy 
hard into the wall. 

"Kris!!!" Tanya called out running to her friends side. 

"Bitch! I was only trying to help." The boy proclaimed. 

"Don't you ever touch me again." Kris was so angry that she wanted to 
shove her cue so far down the boys throat that it would come out 
somewhere else. 

"Kris, calm down." Tanya urged as she approached the girl. 

"I don't have to calm down." Kris yelled, "This ass not only grabbed my 
crotch, and he thinks I'm not good enough to make this shot." In a swift 
motion Kris pulled off her jacket and tossed it into Sarah's arms. She 
then spun the cue over her head, set it on the table, aimed and shot at 
the corner next to the eleven ball. The cue bounced off the edge 
knocking the eleven into the pocket and knocked the eight out of the 
corner. She then proceeded to sink every stripe that was left on
the table followed quickly by the eight ball. When she was done she 
handed the boy the cue, "Don't every touch me again." She snarled. 

"Alright you two break it up." Kevin approached the pool table, "What is 
going on here?" He listened to the group, then talked to Jeff at the bar 
before approaching the boys, "Okay you two. I think you are getting to 
old for this group." He signaled with his thumb at the door. 

"Stupid dykes." One of the boys spat. 

Kevin smacked the back of the boy's head, "What do you think you are 
doing?" He roared, "We come here to get away from homophobic comments 
like that. They are our sisters and have as much right to be free of 
intolerance as you two do. Now get out of here before I toss you both 
out." He ordered. 

The group applauded as the two boy were ushered out of the club. Kris 
felt herself begin to shake and staggered towards a chair near one of 
the small tables. She sunk into the chair with one arm wrapped over the 
back of the chair and her butt nearly sliding off the edge, more like 
she was melting in the chair then sitting. She stared at the ceiling. 

"That was brave of you." Jessica congratulated from behind Kris. 

Kris opened an eye and leaned her head over the back of the chair to see 
Jess and Clarence sitting at a table behind her, "I don't like being 
touched or being treated like a child." She informed coldly. 

Tanya approached the table with Kris's cup in her hand, "You forgot your 
drink. Sorry about those losers." She excused sitting across from her 
friend with Sarah pulling up a chair between the two of them. 

"They are just jerks." Jessica said pulling her chair closer, "I never 
thought anyone would stand up to them. I don't even think they were 
really gay." 

"I'm not sure." Clarence explained from his spot next to Jessica, "I 
know one of them was at least bi." 

Jessica turned to Clarence with a shocked look on her face, "Don't tell 
me you..." 

"Me... no way." Clarence defended, "I heard one of the other boys did."

"Well they are gone now." Tanya sighed in relief, "What were they 
thinking touching Kris that way?"

"They were always cocky when it came to pool." Clarence noted, "I think 
they only came because of the free pool for the youth group." Clarence 
waves his hand about, "So many idiots come and go." 

Kris half listened to the conversation. She closed her eyes and took a 
few deep breaths to calm herself down. She was almost certain that she 
might have really hurt one of them if no one showed up. When she opened 
her eyes she saw Sarah watching her closely, "What?" Kris asked 
straightening herself in the chair. 

"You are amazing!" She said in awe, "You knocked all the balls in so 
fast I could not see some of them." 

"When Kris get's angry she is very focused." Tanya exclaimed proudly. 

"Only when it comes to pool." Kris lessened now feeling a little calmer. 

"Or any sport." Tanya corrected the girl, "The year that boy pushed you 
before Track causing you to scrape your knee you got Three first place 
ribbons." She remarked. 

"I couldn't let them win." Kris established starting to stand, "Where is 
the washroom?" She suddenly asked looking around the room. 

Jessica pointed towards the door that they entered through, "Back the 
way you came. Back where Kevin is lurking. Take the stairs down and you 
will see it on the left." She explained, still smiling. 

"Thanks." Kris waved to the group as she followed the instructions. She 
found the restroom with ease. There was only one room with the word 
"Unisex" written across the door. Inside however she found two bathroom 
stalls. She quickly finished her business and washed her hands. Before 
leaving the room she splashed water on her face. She was feeling much 
better as she mounted the stairs back up to the club room. 

Upon reentering the club she found Sarah cheerfully chatting with a 
couple of girls. Kris found herself rooted to her spot watching the 
girl. There seemed to be a glow to Sarah that Kris had not noticed 
before. She shook her head and walked over to the bar. 

"How you doing Kris?" Jeff asked sipping on a cup of coffee, "Enjoying 
yourself I hope." 

"Sort of." Kris sat at a bench near the bar, "It is better than I 
expected." She admitted.

"Sorry about those boys earlier." Jeff apologized, "I must say you 
handled things rather well." 

"You spend a year in the psycho ward and you learn to deal with idiots." 
Kris set her head on the bar so she could see Sarah. 

Jeff followed the girl's gaze, "Is she your girl?" He inquired 

"I don't know what we are." Kris sighed, then rested her eyes on her 

"Anything you need to talk about?" Jeff inquired, "I'm here if you need 
anyone at all."

"Thanks, but no thanks." Kris mumbled from the depths of her sleeve, "It 
is complicated. I just need to rest my head for a moment." Kris herself 
was not even sure what she was thinking. She felt like her mind was 
swimming in mud and she wanted nothing more then to hide, however she 
knew that was not possible in a place like this so she just rested her 
eyes for a moment until her thoughts cleared a little.   

The rest of the night seemed to drag on. Kris spend most of the time 
sipping on a ginger ale while switching between watching Sarah to Tanya. 
Both girls seemed to be having a great time chatting with different 
people. Kris found it hard to follow any of the conversations. Her mind 
was so muddled in her own thoughts that she didn't even realize how long 
she had spent sitting at the bar until Sarah approached her. 

"Hey Kris," Sarah said as she hopped across the bar to where the girl 
sat, "Why are you sitting there looking so glum?" 

"Maybe I like to be glum." Kris suggested bluntly. 

"I'm sorry." Sarah nervously stepped backwards, "Aren't you having any 

"I'm sorry." Kris jumped off the stool, "I'm just tired." 

Sarah looked at her watch, "Oh my it is getting late! I have to get 
going." She suddenly hugged Kris, "Thanks for having me come along." 

Kris felt herself cringe at the feeling of Sarah's body pressed so close 
to her. Slowly she relaxed and hugged the girl back, "Thanks for 
coming." Kris agreed softly. 

Sarah quickly pulled back, "I... I'm sorry." She stammered. 

"No worries." Kris smiled shyly. She almost didn't want Sarah to let 
Sarah go. It had been so long since being hugged like that and she had 
forgotten what it felt like. 

Sarah smiled that the girl, "I'll see you tomorrow then." She started 
towards the door. 

"Do you know the way back?" Kris asked worried that the girl might get 

"Yeah." Sarah replied, "Jess said there was a bus stop around the corner 
that will take me home so I should be fine."

"Give me a second and I'll walk you." Kris ran off to find her jacket 
hanging over the back of the chair Tanya was currently sitting in, "Hey 
Tanya, I'm going to walk Sarah to the bus stop." She picked up her 
jacket and started to pull it on. 

"Wait." Tanya finished off her pop and set the cup down, "I'll come with 
you." She got up and bid her farewells to the kids she was talking with. 

Kris started back towards where Sarah stood with Tanya closely in tow, 
"Tanya said she wants to come too." 

Sarah grinned at the girls, "I get my own escort?" She giggled, "You two 
are too kind."

Kris rubbed the back of her neck, "I guess you could put it that way." 
She blushed. 

Tanya wrapped an arm around Sarah, "We couldn't let a pretty girl like 
you walk around in the dark alone now could we?" She said with a broad 

Jessica suddenly was hugging Tanya's arm, "How come you never offer to 
walk me?" She pouted. 

"You have Clarence to protect you." Tanya countered trying hard not to 

Jessica looked over at the boy, "He needs me to protect him." She 
snarling at the boy. 

"And you do such a good job at it." Tanya laughed, "I couldn't take his 
body guard away now could I?" 

"Now you are being mean." Jessica pouted more. 

"Tanya, we need to get going." Kris urged getting annoyed with Jessica's 
constant pouting. She and Sarah started towards the door.

"Sorry Jess, I have to get." Tanya patted the girl on the head then ran 
after Kris before the girl could pout some more, "I'll see you later." 
She called out to Jessica as she fell into step behind her friends.

"You are hopeless." Kris teased Tanya as they left the club. 

"What do you mean by that?" Tanya countered. 

"Never mind." Kris shook her head smiling. The group of them walked 
around the building until they came across a well lit road with a bus 
stall it. They all ran across the road and huddled in the bus stall. 
Sarah found a bus schedule attached to a lamp post and read it before 
joining the others. 

"It should be here anytime." She panted slightly. 

"Not much of a runner are we?" Kris smirked. 

"My parents made me play piano more then play outside." Sarah defended. 

"Is that the real reason you skipped gym class?" Kris asked. 

"Oh! The princess skipped class?" Tanya grinned. 

"Who said I was a princess?" Sarah growled crossing her arms. 

"Tanya, will you stop teasing the girl." Kris ordered sternly. 

"I'm sorry." Tanya tried hard not to laugh, "She is just so much fun to 
tease." She moved closer to Kris, "Just like someone else I know." 

"Cut it out Tanya." Kris pleaded. 

Sarah couldn't help herself from laughing, "You two are funny. Thanks 
again for inviting me out." 

Tanya beamed, "Does that mean you'll come out again?" 

Sarah shrugged, "Depends what my parents think." The bus could be heard 
from down the street, "My bus is here." Sarah stepped up to the edge of 
the street. 

"I'll see you tomorrow then." Kris said following closely behind the 
girl as the bus pulled up to their stop. 

"Tomorrow." Sarah waved to the girls then got on the bus. 

Kris waved back as the bus pulled away and watched until it disappeared 
in the distance. 

"We should get going too." Tanya concluded turning to head in the other 
direction when she noticed a car speeding towards them. She could see 
one of the boys from earlier on hanging out the passenger window.

"Fucking Dykes!!" He yelled as he threw something at the girls.

Tanya ducked in time to be missed by one of the projectiles only to hear 
her friend scream as two of them hit her in the side of the head and 
arm, "Kris!!!" Tanya called out in alarm.

Kris hit the ground with her hands over her head. There was something 
sticky running down her ear and neck. When she pulled her hand away she 
could see egg covering her fingers, "Egg?!?" She said in confusion. Her 
eyes became bewildered as she stood up and took off her jacket, slamming 
it on the ground, "Why those bloody shmegin bastards!!!" She screamed 
out into the
night. Part of her wanted to chase after the car only to have Tanya wrap 
her arms around her waist, "Let me go I'll kill them!" 

"Kris, they are gone!" Tanya struggled against the girl's anger, "They 
are gone!"

Kris pulled out of her friends arms, then scooped up her jacket and 
tried to wipe off some of the egg, "Bloody Hell!" She muttered flicking 
egg off her hand. Tears were welling up in her eyes and she began to 

"Let's get home." Tanya put her arm around Kris's shoulder and started 
to lead her back across the street. 

"Idiots..." Kris sniffles. Tears were now streaming down her face as she 
frantically wiped at the egg in her hair. 

"Come on and you can have a shower." Tanya started towards Kris's 
apartment. The trip itself was short, however in Kris's current state if 
felt like it was ten times the distance. Before long they found 
themselves at the front door to Kris's apartment building. Tanya fetched 
the keys from her friends jacket and helped the girl through the door, 
then up to her home. Kris flopped onto one of the wooden chairs the 
moment they entered the house while Tanya ran to the washroom to start 
the shower. 

"The shower is waiting." Tanya spoke softly to Kris trying not to scare 
the girl, "I'll clean your jacket while you wash up alright?" 

Kris simply nodded and slowly walked into the washroom, closing the door 
behind her. She stripped her shirt off, which was now covered with egg 
too, and dropped it in the sink. Then took off the rest of her clothes 
before stepping into the steaming hot shower. The water felt good. It 
soothed the panic that had taken a hold of her heart. She relaxed in the 
water for a moment before washing the gook out of her hair. It was not 
easy to get the slimy substance out of every strain of
hair and she almost cried when feeling it in her hands. Carefully she 
got every bit out, then shampooed her hair and washed up. Kris finally 
emerged from the washroom wrapped in a towel.

Tanya was laying on the futon with her head near Kris, "How you 
feeling?" Tanya asked looking at her friend upside down. 

"Better." Kris walked across the room.. 

"I got the egg out of your jacket." Tanya informed quietly. 

"Thanks." She stepped over Tanya towards the patio door, opened it then 
stepped out onto the cool cement balcony. She got to the railing and 
looked over the city. She could see the moon hovering over head. 

"It is a nice night out." Tanya said joining her friend on the balcony. 
She approached the railing and rested her arms against it. The two 
watched the night sky for a time. 

"Do you hate me?" Tanya finally asked breaking the silence. 

"No." Kris answered softly, "Not hate." 

"Then what is it?" Tanya wondered looking at her friend, "Why do you 
keep avoiding me and pushing me away?"

"Do you remember the day Jenn came to school?" Kris inquried watching 
the moon play hide and seek with the clouds. 

"The day I almost confessed to you?" Tanya inquired, "You mean that 

"I..." Kris bit her lip, "I'm sorry I hurt you. I just didn't 
understand... love..."

"But you loved Jenn." Tanya stated. 

Kris slowly nodded, "I still do... I miss her so much." Kris rested her 
arms on the railing and set her head in them, "I... I don't know what to 
think anymore..." 

Tanya gently caressed the girl's back, "You know I still feel the same, 
don't you?" She ran her hand around Kris's waist. 

Kris touched Tanya's arm, "But what if I can never... love again..." 

"I'm fine with that." Tanya stepped behind the girl and pulled Kris into 
her arms. She then rested her head on Kris's shoulder, "I'll always be 
here for you." 

Kris let herself be held. She stared up at the sky, "I'm afraid... 
afraid someone else will die too." A tear rolled down her cheek, "If 

"Why don't you try?" Tanya slipped a hand under the towel running her 
fingers along the girl's tummy and up to her small breast, causing Kris 
to shiver all over. Tanya then gently ran her tongue over Kris's 

Kris suddenly spun around in Tanya arms, "Tanya!" She started to protest 
when she noticed the intense look in her friend's eyes. The towel 
started to slip off of Kris's body and she moved to catch it only to 
have Tanya stop her letting the towel fall to the ground leaving the 
girl standing in her panties.

Tanya leaned over and softly kissed the girl on the neck then moved down 
to lightly lick the girl's nipple causing Kris to let out a slight moan. 
Kris wanted to stop her friend, but couldn't find the strength. She felt 
weak to the girl's touch, then Tanya pulled back to look into Kris's 
eyes, "I only want you." Tanya slipped her other hand along Kris's small 
thighs, "All of you." She said with a broad grin as her thumb traced 
along the girl's panty line and under Kris's panties.

Kris's entire being trembled with anticipation. She could feel her 
entire body desiring Tanya's touch. She suddenly understood the feelings 
that were building up inside of her over the past couple of weeks. The 
need and urge to be held and touched, maybe even to taste. She let 
herself be pulled into Tanya's embrace. Tanya gently pushed Kris up 
against the wall of the apartment while tracing kisses along the girl's 
jaw line. Finally reaching Kris's quivering lips. Tanya stopped for a 
moment with her mouth only hovering before Kris's. Tanya then kissed the 
girl fully. 

Kris could feel a warmth wash over her. She leaned into Tanya, deepening 
the kiss. She longed for this for so long that she felt lost in the 
feelings. Almost intoxicated by the emotions that flowed through her. 
Kris felt Tanya's knee grind into her crotch causing her to break free 
from the kiss and swallow hard. The feeling was exhilarating. She 
clenched onto Tanya's back as the girl applied more force. She then felt 
Tanya's fingers move along the top of her panties and slid into them.

She suddenly became very frightened. The feelings were overwhelming her 
senses and she needed to put a stop to this before things went to far, 
"Stop it!" Kris yelled finally finding the strength to pushing Tanya 
away from her. She wrapped her arms around herself and started to 
tremble, "I don't want... that..." Kris started to cry. She clenched at 
her herself, she felt dirty for even thinking that she wanted to touch 
Tanya and that if she did she would only be making her friend dirty, "I 
don't..." She stammered trying to fight with the urges that were 
steadily building inside of her. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Don't give me that." Tanya sneered, "I saw the way you look at Sarah."

"She is just a friend!" Kris protested, "I don't see her that way." 

"Just like what you said about Jennifer." Tanya raised her voice, then 
crossed her arms and leaned against the railing, "Stop denying it for 
once. You are just like me. Don't play innocent I know you two had sex. 
The way you looked at each other it was so obvious." 

"I..." Kris sat on the ground and curled her legs up close to her, "I 
don't want that..." She mumbled shakily.

"If you say so." Tanya brought her fingers to her nose and smelt them, 
"Your body says otherwise. I can see it in your eyes as well. You hunger 
for it and you know it no matter how much you try to deny your 

Kris froze as tears streamed down her face, "I..." She didn't want it to 
happen, but part of her also didn't want Tanya to stop. She felt so 
frustrated and scared, 'Why did everything have to turn out this way?' 
She thought to herself, "I just want to be held..." Kris muttered.

"Fine." Tanya pushed off the rail, "If that is how it is going to be 
then I'm leaving." She stepped off the balcony back into the apartment, 
stopped and looked back at her friend one last time, "I really do love 
you, you know?" She turned away, "I always have and would never hurt 
you." She walked out of the apartment in silence, "Good bye." She 
uttered softly as the door closed behind her. 

Kris huddled against the balcony wall. She didn't move an inch. When she 
heard the front door close she let out a deep sob of pain. She tried so 
hard not to hurt anyone and yet again she had done just that. Now she 
had lost yet another friend.

To be Continued....

Onwards to Part 18

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