“Saturn’s rings: endless”
Captain Kaori Chuunaru had been kept very busy since the terrorist incident aboard the Space Station. Of the few still alive (and the fewer still left in one piece), she had to arrest, process, and imprison, and once that was finished, she was asked to lead a preemptive attack into their main base. Chuunaru swept them away like dust, killing and arresting hundreds more; not a day passed before she was pulled out to solve a labor protest that had turned ugly. She joined up with three other Captains to quash the Green Eagle pirates once and for all, prevented the destruction of a vital Lennethium factory, and even helped negotiate an Elshyrin territorial conflict. This would have exhausted any normal officer, but Kaori pressed on tirelessly, motivated by an unknown source that gave her such raw energy.
Whatever dishonor she had allowed herself in the Space Race had been overshadowed by her accomplishments, and her superiors took these labors into consideration when they proposed a promotion to the military council. They argued that, while Chuunaru was still young and inexperienced, her actions had given her strength and reputation, so much so that people’s faith in the UCM was gradually being restored. Astor agreed that in spite of Chuunaru’s age, a promotion was long overdue, but she would first have her superiors reward her with a vacation while she deliberated.
“Once she’s finished with her current mission, I mean,” she added. Kaori was patrolling Helios 6 right now, on the lookout for Orihalcum smugglers. Gas planets were known to thrive with the rare, floating material, and Helios 6— Saturn to the natives— was one of the largest. Coincidentally, its moon Dione was a resort spot, so perhaps Chuunaru could stop there once she completed her search.
“It’s settled, then,” Astor said to Kaori’s superiors. “Inform the Captain of these developments and relieve her accordingly. A reprieve is the least we can do for her.”
“I understand, sir. Thank you for informing me. I will report once I’ve completed my run.”
“The Instinct will relieve you at 0600 hours tomorrow, which should give you time to have a relaxing breakfast. Dione is a good place to unwind; you deserve it.”
“I don’t feel tired, sir, but it’s an opportunity I won’t pass down. Again, thank you for everything.”
“It wasn’t my doing, Captain,” he replied with quiet pride. “You’ve been working hard. Take your time relaxing, and congratulations— premature congratulations.” Kaori let out a deep breath, then resumed her work. She found the main transmitter and turned it on.
“Attention, crew, this is your Captain. At 0600 hours tomorrow, the Neo Yamato will be relieved of its duties and will dock at Dione. You will be given shore leave for approximately one week, unless noted otherwise. This does not give us permission to slacken our duties, so stay sharp and keep an eye out. That is all.”
Kaori didn’t realize how weary she was until she got to her hotel room and laid down on her bed. The next thing she knew, it was 1500 in the afternoon: she had slept for six hours straight and didn’t even realize it. After reviving herself with a shower and a late lunch (she was ravenously hungry), Kaori stepped outside, squinting in the artificial sunlight. The star called Helios was so distant that it cast no natural light upon Saturn or its moons; there was no “day” here, only perpetual night, and only a small orb the size of a period in the night sky indicated there was ever a sun at all. For outsiders unadjusted to being so far away from a star, walking underneath artificial sky and daylight was eerie, but Kaori was unaffected.
Only six of Saturn’s moons were populated; the rest were either too small or too prone to intense meteor showers from the planet’s legendary rings. Titan had the greatest population (and size), but it had been devoted to Saturnian research and exploration, along with Mimas; Iapetus was only half-populated, while Rhea and Tethys were used solely for their massive ice deposits: miners lived there year-round harvesting the precious material. Dione had craters with ice deposits, but most of its surface was livable, provided certain constructions were created. Thanks to the abundance of frozen water, people could eke out a relatively normal existence on Dione, even though everything— from the temperature to the sky to the beaches— was made by hand and not nature. Since the Helios system was one of the largest in the known galaxy, tourist spots were hard to come by in the outer worlds, and so Dione, in spite of its general mediocrity, was one of the best. Merely touring the moon by herself consumed the entire day, and when night came, Kaori found herself exhausted once more. After a quick, simple dinner and a ride on a bus, she went back to her hotel and slept until dawn.
Kaori’s weariness rubbed off completely as she rose, exercised, showered, ate, and stepped outside just in time to catch a simulated sunrise. Discovering she had slept most of the day yesterday was a shock, and now she was determined to make up for all that lost time. By now she had explored most of Dione and knew her way around; she visited the shops first, determined to bring back at least one unique souvenir. She took a yacht ride, spotted a manta ray and a manatee, and went scuba-diving, all before lunch. Kaori found a nice outdoor café close to the beach, and since she was on vacation, she decided to attend in her swimsuit (her new swimsuit, no less), which was perfectly acceptable and even encouraged. She felt exposed sitting there in her bikini, still a little wet, but also amazingly empowered, and even a little sexy.
“Maybe doing this once in awhile won’t be so bad after all,” she mused. As she sat waiting for her meal, basking in the heat and warmth of a manmade sun, Kaori thought she saw someone familiar pass by and sit two tables down. She stared intently, trying to clear up the blurry memory of a past meeting. As if sensing her attention, the person turned around, forcing Kaori to glance away quickly. She didn’t need to be embarrassed, though: it was someone she knew fairly well.
“Captain Chuunaru,” the woman announced, rising to join her. It was Shandra Hill, whom Kaori had worked alongside before: once on New Manhattan and once in Centania, during the Race. She relaxed her shoulders and welcomed the older woman to her table. “Fancy meeting you here,” she smirked. “You never struck me as the bikini type, you know.”
“A friend of mine convinced me to go through with it,” she muttered, crossing her arms. Shandra, a blonde somewhere between ten and fifteen years Kaori’s senior, had much more sensible clothing on: khakis and a button-down dress shirt, sandals and a belt, and shades raised on her head. She grinned and backed down.
“I never said you looked awful. It’s a refreshing change of pace for you. You know, I believe this is the first time we’ve met face to face— well, without our occupations getting between us.”
“You’re on vacation too?”
“Yes, a long-deserved one. I had a job on Europa and swung by here to take a breather. You?”
“I’ve been busy ever since that incident on the Space Station. Have you heard abut that?”
“Of course. I’m amazed that everything turned out so well.”
“Hmm, I think you have that niece of yours to thank for that— partially. I heard her group was in the middle of all that. It’s…Rebecca, right?”
“Yes, I’m surprised you remember. Actually, I heard from her before I arrived on Europa. We had a lot to discuss.” Kaori hummed quietly and the conversation dissolved. Their orders came— the waitress was a little confused with Shandra’s change of tables— and they ate in silence. After clearing a third of her plate, Shandra looked up at Kaori and watched her relish her meal. Her eyes were peaceful, her face was calm, and her muscles were loose: classic signs of a woman having a good time. She couldn’t help but smile.
“You look like you just got laid.”
She got a face full of beer for her humor. A coughing, red-faced Kaori apologized and offered her napkin.
“What makes— kff— you say that?”
“Well, you just looked so serene. I’ve seen that face before, you know. I’ve worn it myself.”
“I’m just enjoying a long-overdue vacation,” she muttered. Shandra raised her eyebrow.
“But surely by now you’ve… Ah, so you haven’t! Don’t glower at me! Ever since we first crossed paths, I’ve only wished for your happiness! You’re one of the few military dogs I actually like, so it’s not unusual for me to wish you well.”
“There’s more to happiness than sex,” Kaori grumbled.
“Yes, but love is one of its pillars. Don’t tell me you’ve been so busy that you haven’t even had the opportunity to…”
“I did, once, actually,” she murmured, asking for a refill. “It didn’t go so well.”
“She must’ve been brain-dead to turn you down,” Shandra murmured. Kaori choked this time and took awhile to recover. Shandra just sighed to herself. Chuunaru was a fine woman and an excellent commander, but when it came to matters of the heart, she was a greenhorn.
“And what makes you think it was a woman— ”
“Just observations,” she shrugged. “Am I wrong?” Kaori stewed in frustration for a long time before answering.
“No.” Shandra backed away and decided to sympathize with her.
“Want to talk about it? I understand heartbreak fairly well. Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me.”
“It’s personal,” she grumbled.
“I understand,” she replied defensively, “I’m just offering to listen. I’ve got my share of horror stories if you want us to be even.”
“I’ll bet they’re not as humiliating,” she mumbled. Now Shandra was intrigued. She leaned forward and pushed her glass of beer aside.
“Now you have to tell me.”
“And you’re sure you’re okay? You weren’t hurt at all?”
“Of course not,” Chandra replied, smirking cleverly. “With a body like this, I was able to have my way with those people. I seduced my way to safety and stayed hidden until it was over.”
“That sounds like something you’d do.” Kaori Chuunaru managed to smile, even though Chandra also flustered her. It had been awhile since she had seen the exotic beauty…and then there was that conversation she held with Yeriman… “Well, I’m glad you’re safe. Oof…the same can’t be said about me, though.”
“Oh, goodness, were you hurt? Let me take a look!”
“It’s nothing,” Kaori muttered, “just some bruises. I got kicked pretty hard in the stomach during the confusion, but this suit saved my life. Help me take it off, would you?”
“Certainly,” Chandra said, her voice trembling. Once the armor was removed and stored away, Kaori sat on her bed and stiffened as Chandra lifted her shirt. There was a very faint purple blotch on her abdomen.
“This looks awful,” she whispered. “Let’s see if we can’t make it better.”
“That’s not necessary,” Kaori muttered, but it was no use arguing: Chandra had already leaned in and kissed the battle-wound. Kaori felt like her sight was stolen away as bright lights flashed in her eyes, and they became stronger and louder as Chandra gently lifted her shirt further, unfastening her buttons and exposing more skin. She half-kissed, half-massaged the wound, and even though it was still tender, the pain was completely masked by this seductress’ care. Kaori knew she would not be able to resist Chandra’s advances; in fact, she would welcome them. She knew that it would stir controversy, put her character into question, and might even throw her position into jeopardy, but oh…she didn’t care, she didn’t care! This felt so good, and she would never have an opportunity like this, and she wanted to believe in her feelings so much…
Her shirt came off, leaving Kaori to stare at the pleasure unit in her plain white brassiere. Chandra’s clothes piled around her knees as she gently laid Kaori on her back and crouched down, trailing her lips up the ecstatic woman’s body. This was it. It was really going to happen. Kaori stared into those expressive green eyes for a timeless moment before pressing her mouth against Chandra’s honeyed lips, drinking deep from a forbidden pool.
“I love you,” she whispered. Chandra smiled in spite of her mounting conflict and reached around to unhook Kaori’s bra.
“I love you, too.” Then all of a sudden, the dream was broken, the fantasy was finished, and Kaori was left in the cold. She opened her eyes slowly, not sure if this was a game, and was surprised to find Chandra crying. Myths abounded that pleasure units were “only machines”, something like sexless robots that were created for military vessels to curb sexual misconduct amongst officers. That some were more human than their creators envisioned— or even that they could show emotion, and go against their programming— proved that these were no mere machines, but living creatures, with fears and dreams all their own.
“What’s wrong?” Chuunaru asked, instinctively reaching out to her. At that moment, there was nothing inhumane about Chandra at all.
“Isn’t this pathetic?” she sobbed, her voice shaky as she wiped her face. “A pleasure unit who doesn’t want sex— who questions her existence.”
“Everyone does at some point,” Kaori attempted. Chandra smiled sadly and shook her head.
“Up until now, I’ve loved the look, the smell, and the touch of other women’s bodies. Whether I massaged them, modeled for them, made love to them, or just cooked for them, I was happy. There was nothing wrong with what I did. That’s what I thought, anyway— but then someone told me something I don’t think I’ll ever forget.”
“What did they say?” Kaori whispered, putting her clothes in order. Chandra sniffled and looked deep into her eyes. No mistaking it at all: there was no separation or distinction between them. Skin or silicon, they were as human— or rather, as hnau, intelligent beings who governed themselves based on personal choice— as human as anybody else.
“She told me that the way I lived my life was not really love at all. I went from woman to woman, giving my heart out, engaging in one sexual adventure after the other. She told me that was not true love, and that my actions would make me feel empty before long. O how right she was. I soon realized I never really cared for any of them— not by more than the time we spent together, anyway. As lustful as I might be, there’s never going to be anybody that I…love.
“Even if I thrust myself into your arms, Kaori, I can’t really love you, because I’ll just leave you behind for another conquest— and then another— and then another! They have a word for that, Captain! They call that kind of person a whore! And that,” she hissed chillingly, “is not something I wish to be. I do not want that at all. So please excuse me for wasting your time and trailing you along. I can’t be with you because I won’t be able to control myself— because you deserve better— and above all, I want to experience real love, the kind I will never know. I’m sorry.”
Kaori let her go without saying a word.
“Oh, Chuunaru…how awful.” Shandra didn’t mean to sound pitiful, but she couldn’t help but feel for the young woman. “That’s one nasty precedent. I’ve never heard of a pleasure unit refusing to have sex— especially if she had you! It must’ve been faulty wiring.”
“No, I can understand her decision,” she murmured maturely. “And now that I’ve had time to mull it over, I realize she made the correct choice. I was being blinded by my passions and fell victim to meaningless desire. It wouldn’t have gone anywhere anyway. If it had been anybody else— I mean, someone I actually had a chance of sharing my life with— then yeah, I’d be more depressed. So don’t give me that look, please…even though it is a little humbling.”
“Well, she must have been an exceptional unit to act so prudently towards her partners. And I see what you mean. I’ve thrown myself at strangers too hastily at times, and I’ve regretted it almost every time. I don’t think I’ve ever been with anybody I really loved.”
“Then let’s toast to confusing relationships and regrets made on both sides.” Tthey smiled and raised their glasses, then finished their meal and went for a walk. Kaori didn’t want to dwell on her sexual abortion, but now that it had been brought up, she couldn’t help but think about it. Then again, in her line of work, it was unheard-of for officers of higher rank to ever really “find” someone to love: it would always and forever be business first with her. Nobody deserved to be thrust aside “for later”, even if the lives of thousands or millions were at stake.
That’s right: Kaori would never know true love as long as she put her duty first. She had spent a large portion of her life coming to terms with this truth, and now accepted it unflinchingly. And Shandra… What about her? Did she feel the same? Or did she struggle on in spite of the evidence stacked against her? She didn’t look defeated or resigned to her fate. Her face was as serene as Kaori’s— possibly because she was enjoying herself as well.
“Thanks for this,” Kaori smiled, relaxing even further. “I’m glad to have some company. It’s not often I allow myself to loosen up.”
“You call this loose?” Shandra muttered, smiling subtly. She took her sandals off and waded into the artificial ocean, groaning in disappointment. “It’s nothing like the real thing. It’s been years since I’ve felt real sand and surf on my toes.”
“I grew up near the ocean, you know— Okinawa of Japan, Helios,” Kaori gestured. She smiled and kicked a little water on her companion. “This stuff is an insult to the real thing. Whoops.” She stumbled into the water and got back up. “Darn, I’m tipsy. You did this to me on purpose, encouraging me to drink all that beer.”
“Good thing you were wearing a bikini!” she grinned. Shandra was also a bit lightheaded, though she could handle her liquor better than Kaori. She tripped and got her khakis wet; Kaori laughed and threw a bigger handful of water at her. “Hey, go easy! I’m wearing normal clothes.” Kaori had a beautiful smile, though, and Shandra couldn’t help but mirror it. She gave Kaori a gentle push which, in her condition, sent her falling into the water. She laughed quietly and knelt down to help her up, but instead, Kaori pulled her down with her, soaking her. They both laughed and blushed a little as they realized just where this romp led them to. Shandra reached out and wiped away a few strands of Kaori’s wet hair.
“You know,” she whispered with as much clarity as she could muster, “maybe we could help each other out.”
“What do you mean?” Her heart started to race; she felt warm in spite of the water.
“Just…maybe…I could show you just how good it is— you know, what you’re missing out on. I mean, you wouldn’t be doing it with a stranger. I like you and I care about you. Maybe for once, I could feel what it’s like, too. It’s certainly something to think about— and I have no idea where this is coming from, but…I mean, if you’re interested…”
“Y-you’re not serious,” Kaori muttered, glancing away timidly. “You’re drunk, Hill: we both are.”
“I am serious,” she said, although it was true she wasn’t entirely sober. “I’ve actually thought about it. I won’t force you, of course, but I think it would be great for both of us.”
“It couldn’t even work out,” Kaori floundered. The more aroused she got, the more objections she tried to pose. “You’re a bounty hunter and I’m a military figurehead. We might even end up fighting each other in the future. It’s…not like I’m repulsed, but…”
“I know what you mean. We both have separate worlds we live in. I’m not saying we could make a relationship out of it. Just…think of it as a one-night stand that carries over. We’re both on vacation, right?” Shandra slipped away and helped Kaori stand. Having their sea-soaked bodies pressed so close together had fired their lusts and delayed their sanity, and now the clear air was coming back and they had some time to reflect on what had happened. To curb this clarity, Shandra suggested they go to her hotel room to change clothes. Kaori had a feeling there was an ulterior motive behind this offer, but she was too tipsy, too excited, and too curious to refuse.
Without the slightest hint of bashfulness, inhibition, or hesitation, Shandra unbuttoned her shirt as soon as she stepped inside the hotel room. Kaori was still in her bikini; she didn’t expect to be caught so vulnerable, and was assaulted by fright and glee, both sensations originating from the same possibility. Was she going to be seduced? Was this Shandra’s way of “sealing the deal”? Had their frolicking on the manmade beach been an excuse to get close, get undressed, and explore a world they had only dreamed about? How far back had Shandra been planning this, or fantasizing about this moment? Kaori remembered all the beers Hill pushed on her, and the way she peeled her own defenses down with that story of failed love. More than any other thought, though, Kaori kept saying, “this is really happening” in her mind, and, “she really means to go through with it.” That she didn’t run, or raise a curtain of modesty, or even feel an objection to the moment was indication enough that she really did want this.
“I am going to be seduced by a beautiful, strong, exciting woman,” she thought, and it paralyzed her with joy. Shandra Hill was not the kind of person she would be ashamed of throwing herself at: she respected her and even liked her. And why not? Even for a night— even for a moment— didn’t she deserve this? Kaori kept her sexuality in check because she knew distractions were fatal in her line of work, and relationships rarely stood up to the rigorous schedules and demands. You could be killed or transferred at any moment; nothing was certain. You could only count on constant change and one-night stands. The Director was an exception, of course, but hers was also a marriage of convenience: she and Iona were partners and lovers. Kaori knew that this would be the best chance she ever had of ever getting close to anybody, and even though she was still nervous, she was glad to accept Shandra’s invitation.
But words are slow: Hill had barely freed the last button on her shirt when Kaori made her decision. She suddenly realized her guest would have nothing to change into, and smiled feebly. “Sorry, I guess we should’ve gone to your place instead. But you can borrow something of mine if you want. We look like we’re about the same size.”
“I’ve made a decision,” Kaori replied spontaneously, and not very smoothly. “I…want to…um… Hill— I mean, Shandra, what you said earlier, what you suggested… I, uh, think that… I think I’m ready for…uh…”
“I can’t help you unless you tell me,” she replied, smiling with great delight. She knew what Kaori meant but wanted her to proclaim it. “You have to say exactly what you want.” She took a deep breath.
“I want us…to be lovers. I want to…kiss you. I want to hold…you, and…sleep next to you. M-maybe…you know…we could take a shower together and— ”
“All in good time, my sweet Captain,” Shandra whispered, approaching her in soaking, sand-crusted clothes. “I want you to enjoy every minute…every second…every touch and glance. I don’t want you to forget any of it. You deserve to feel real love and real caresses, not to be fucked in three minutes like a whore. I’m going to be slow and sensual…and you’re going to beg for a release…and then I might give it to you, or I might not. It all depends.”
As she talked she kissed Kaori’s neck, caressing her calloused hands over the younger woman’s skin. Her muscles were firm and well-defined— strong, but feminine, stronger and more feminine than Shandra herself— she wondered if she would be able to control her. Right now she had the upper hand. Chuunaru was a virgin, a flower not yet blossomed, and was under the loving scrutiny of an experienced woman, who knew exactly where, and when, and how to pleasure her. Her lips pecked Kaori’s shoulders and her hands forced Kaori’s wrists against the wall, pinning them so she was utterly helpless. Familiar noises of delight and joy trickled from her soft lips like liquid gold, melodies of encouragement, of acceptance, of a long-sought desire now finally in her grasp. Shandra knelt down and obeyed her most lustful desire so far, licking Kaori’s tummy until it was covered with her saliva. She let go of her wrists just long enough to remove her shirt.
There was no need to restrain her arms: Kaori was a very willing student and resisted the urge to take control: she would let Shandra do as she pleased, for now. She wanted to tear all their clothes off, get naked, and wrestle on the ground— but that could not happen, not yet, because it wasn’t what she needed. She cried out as she felt a woman’s lips touch her cleavage, her chest, her shoulders, and her arms: Shandra made oral love to her fingers and rubbed her soaking brassiere against Kaori’s bikini top. Kaori reached around and squeezed Shandra’s bottom, but her hands were restrained again as Shandra grinned and, very slowly, reached her tongue out to encircle Chuunaru’s gaping lips.
“Shandra, please…kiss me. Kiss me, please. I can’t take it anymore.”
“Ssh.” The touch of her sultry breath was electrifying. Kaori couldn’t describe what was happening to her. The best she could come up with was a kind of destruction, a deterioration of a part of herself— something integral and definite was being taken away, replaced with another something that would irreversibly change her. Kaori had only known dim, quiet, fleeting pleasures until now, and few of them had been physical. Long baths, fine meals, the embrace of friends, beating the wicked into submission (she was perfectly permitted to enjoy hatred towards evil)— and now sex, which trumped them all and drove her deliciously insane.
By this time, Shandra’s khakis had been discarded as neatly as the mood offered, so the lovers were now equally exposed. After Kaori was worshipped with extensive kisses, she saw a pattern emerging: Shandra was revealing herself first for Kaori to drink in. This theory proved correct as their eyes met in smoldering lust, and Hill removed her brassiere, exposing wonderfully firm, rounded breasts, their rosy centers protruding with need. She did not even touch Kaori as she disposed the final veil, standing before her naked and beautiful, so still and strong that she resembled a sculpture more than a lady.
The short patch of blonde hair surrounding her womanhood drew Kaori’s attention as she gazed longingly at the Art; she had never seen another woman fully nude before. The vision was so exquisite that she would have been satisfied to stare all day long, studying her lover’s body with care, if it were possible. But of course, she was granted greater privileges than this, and soon— as Shandra approached her like a lioness stalks its prey— she was surrendered to her passions and stripped bare. Kaori tried to match her lover’s brazen shamelessness, and if she had known how deeply Shandra was affected by this front, she would’ve been greatly encouraged and might have taken the lead.
Now came the real heaven. A pleasure so strong it became painful— or pain so glorious she adored it— these contradictions took over and pummeled her, even though Shandra was being so gentle, so gentle. Their kisses were beautiful and mesmerizing as they fluctuated from great intensity to slow, seething softness. Kissing someone who is clothed and someone in the nude are two different sensations, so when the two women first embraced and let themselves go, Kaori was astonished. Their skin touched and they seemed to unite as one; then, Shandra went to work, pulling Kaori further and further towards the edge, where she would soon fall into overwhelming ecstasy.
Shandra’s newfound love for Kaori opened up new emotions and actions for her as well. She did things to this young woman she had never done before to any of her previous lovers. She lavished Kaori’s back with hands and lips; she treasured the undersides of her breasts and arms; she licked her thighs and inhaled the rich scent of her quivering waist. Kaori had no pubic hair to speak of and the sight of her naked maidenhood set Shandra aglow. She groaned as Hill pushed one finger into her rear and her other fingers through her vagina, her mouth suckling Kaori’s nipples, and instinctively clenched her muscles.
“Relax, lover,” she heard the older woman soothe. “Just relax. Let it happen. Relax.”
“Uh…okay, I’ll try.” She covered her mouth so she wouldn’t yell, shut her eyes, and leaned against the wall, supporting herself with her free hand. This was unspeakably good. Double penetration had not been a fantasy of hers but now she was addicted. Shandra had vowed she would not take Kaori’s virginity (in the strictest sense, anyway), but that still left them plenty of room for fun. Eventually she fell over the edge, coming hard on the other woman’s hand, her knees wobbling and her legs crumpling. Shandra gently removed her fingers, sucking on a few, cleaning the others with a rag. She drew close to Kaori and held her as she caught her breath and descended from her nirvana.
“How was it?” she asked gently. Kaori smiled and leaned over to kiss her.
“Better than I could’ve imagined. Better than anything else I’ve ever done.”
“I’m glad.” She caressed the young woman’s hair and, once she had recovered, helped her stand. “I think it’s time we took a shower.” Kaori nodded.
“But then it’ll be my turn.” Shandra smiled foxily and couldn’t wait to see what the young Captain had in store. They wrapped their arms around one another and stared longingly into each other’s eyes until the water was just right, then stepped inside with a squeal: Kaori couldn’t resist slapping her lover’s bottom. Now it was time for the student to show the teacher what she had learned.
Kaori woke up once before dawn to find her lover still asleep at her side, and smiled with contentment as she snuggled close and went back to sleep. The next time she woke, it was already morning, and Shandra was gone— evidently laying out their breakfasts in the next room. The aroma of hotel food was strong enough to get her out of bed; she put one of Shandra’s button-down shirts on and went searching for her lover. Sure enough, Shandra was in the den, and still mostly nude, clad only in her panties. The sight of her was a delight that almost surpassed all of the others. Discovering someone who had awakened a long-dormant part of your personality now suddenly bathed in serenity was ethereal— almost unreal. Kaori silently padded over and embraced the older woman from behind. She had a pleasant scent and Kaori had been well acquainted with it last night.
“Morning to you,” Shandra smiled. There was only fruit on the platter; she picked out a melon and put part of it in her mouth, enticing Kaori to take the rest of it. Chuunaru then chose a blueberry, trailing it over Shandra’s naked skin until she pressed it through her lips. In this fashion they fed each other, never breaking from their hug, milking the eroticism until the last morsel had been taken. Kaori soon assumed the position of domination that had always been hers to inherit, gliding soft fingers over Shandra’s naked bosom as she gasped for pleasure. Slowly she knelt, kissing down Hill’s spine until she met the small of her back. Shandra opened her mouth to cry out as Kaori ran her tongue down the back of her panties, but no sound came out— nothing except a soft croak and a bright flash of wonder that blinded her. Kaori then moved to the front, licking the silky material and driving Shandra ballistic. She fell to the floor and surrendered herself; Kaori peeled the underwear off and gorged on a second breakfast until Shandra released herself, panting and murmuring.
“Very good morning,” Kaori purred as she climbed up her weary lover’s body. Her shirt hung open and her breasts wobbled like the apples of Hesperides, enticing Shandra to take them. Kaori winced and straddled her lover’s face, becoming naked so she could sing of her rapture. It got to the point where she no longer cared who this was or what she was doing; the sex was too wonderful for anything else to matter. She came powerfully and lay wilted in her lover’s warm embrace, idly playing with Shandra’s nipples. They remained at rest until Chuunaru recovered. She gave Shandra an evil grin and, without a single word, maneuvered her body so that both woman could mutually enjoy the other.
I think I’ve created a monster, Hill grinned to herself. The two women nearly went at it for the whole day, one making up for lost experience and the other fulfilled beyond hope. The only thing that concerned them was that they might never again reach this sensational height, and that singular horror drove them to greed, resuming their lovemaking until they were physically incapable of moving. Sleep came easy but the morning would bring a change of pace to their routine. When Kaori awoke again, neither sight nor sound (nor smell) of Shandra Hill remained, and loneliness and fright took control. Shandra was not so cruel as to leave her hanging, however, and entrusted Kaori with money for her hotel room and a note of explanation. Kaori knew what it was going to say but read it anyway.
By now you’ll notice I’ve left you to continue my lifestyle. We both understood that this encounter could not last for more than a few days, and we were willing to cherish the short time together. You have made me happier and more fulfilled than anything I can recall, save the comfort of my remaining family, and for that you will have my eternal gratitude and love. A woman like yourself will no doubt find even greater and worthier love than my own; my only regret is that I can never give you what you really deserve. I do hope our paths never cross in violence, but if they do, I trust you will do the right thing. I’ve left my share of the hotel bill, and a few spare clothes (we never had much use for them did we!?), but after that, you’re on your own. Take care, my friend, and may we both find the love we deserve. Until then, I shall do all I can to “fight the good fight”. I know you won’t disappoint me on your end.
Affectionately, Shandra
She folded it up and kept it. Shandra’s clothes fit her better than she expected, and Kaori decided to keep them as she returned to her own hotel and lived out the rest of her vacation in a relaxed state. Once she returned to the ship, her subordinates noticed the change and were happy for her, although the secret of her euphoria was never discovered. No sooner did the Neo Yamato lift off from Dione’s orbit and part from Saturn did another “urgent call” come in, as if it had waited until just after their vacation ended. Kaori quickly cleared out the haze and adapted a more businesslike stance, but even now, she looked like another person. After all, she kept her smile in spite of the heavy workload before her.
“Neo Yamato, prepare for Lennethium warp— and for every other horizon we are destined to travel to.”
It had been a wonderful vacation, but now it was time for Shandra to get back to the real world. She hadn’t meant to stay long, but sometimes people simply had needs that schedules and obligations could not supersede. Kaori deserved no less, though she certainly deserved better— but at least now she had some idea of what it was like. Maybe in the future, she could find that special someone. In any case, Shandra now had other matters to attend to. Talking with her niece had opened several revelations, not the least of which was the condition of her brother, Franklin. Shandra had tried to love him, but in the end she was forced to show pity and despair; at least now he could rest in peace. That meant her sister-in-law was no longer bound by marital obligations to wait for him, or even to stay on the Marlin Colony. She could at last be free, and Prince Mishkin was the chariot that would bear her hence.
“I’m coming for you, Kaylee darling— and oh, we have so much to talk about.”
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Preview of next chapter
Sati: Hey, is it my turn next?
Kyle: Not yet. I hear you’ll get your shot on Gaea’s moon.
Sati: Aww…I wanna have my moment NOW!
Marsa: You’ll be lucky if you get a few pages in this story! I only showed up a few times! People probably don’t even remember me!
Lord Demise, Jr.: That’s nothing! I barely got a few paragraphs in! Boy, secondary characters get no respect in this story!
Astor: That’s because the author’s trying not to plug his own characters too much. Anyway, an emergency on Mars has suddenly come up, and the crew of the Dauntless is the only one that can handle it. Any “Doom” fans out there?
Marsa: I pray for their success.
Ferrara: You know, I’m sure I could help save the day. I mean, I might be their rival but I’m not evil or anything! My lover’s a frickin’ princess, for Pete’s sake!
Lord Demise, Jr.: Tune into the next chapter, “Red Planet: the crimson flowers of death”, to see even MORE secondary character neglect.
Kyle: Actually, I heard the Jackal and Changera make an appearance.
Lord Demise, Jr.: Gurk!!
Sati: And sweet Ferrara might swoop in, too!
Ferrara: Awesome!
Lord Demise, Jr.: (groan) Me hate you all.
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