<Have you heard?> the first message read. <A free-will was rendered off-line.> it was quickly answered. Within moments, a whole series of messages was displayed there. <Killed, you mean.> another response. <Why?> was posted next. <Killed a human.> was the almost reluctant answer. <I'm beginning to worry about the Chasers.> another commented. <Currently, they only chase lawbreakers.> was posted. <But what if that changes?> was the pointed question. <Was it the android hater that did it?> another asks. <No, a new officer.> "Do the free-wills know that you've accessed their communication system?" Gwen asked as she leaned over Beth's shoulder to read the posts. She carefully drank from her morning cup of coffee, trying to complete the process of waking up. "I'm never quite sure," Beth admitted. At Gwen's odd look the redhead elaborated, "I route my link through multiple system hubs, and I think they buy my cover story, but it's hard to be certain. I mean, I was really surprised that they use such a simple system." "Well, nobody else seems to have caught on to this," Gwen pointed out. She looked a bit rumpled, her suit not a crisp as it usually was. "You're right about that," Beth admitted as she logged out. She got up to stretch, and Gwen could read the slogan on her T-shirt: Hot, ready, and good to eat! "You really should try to dress better for work," Gwen sighed, but a little smile teased at the Asian woman's lips. "What?" Beth tugged at the hem of her shirt. "I thought that I looked pretty good in this," she complained pleasantly. Gwen rolled her eyes at that. "We've got a minor situation to deal with," she got back to the reason she came into Beth's work area in the first place, "and Kate's off duty today. I want you and Jen to go out and handle it." Beth sighed, "I hate field work." Gwen smiled and shrugged, "Goes with the job." She finished off her coffee, "And you do get to work with this advanced computer system, so don't complain." "My baby," Beth agreed, giving the console a little hug. Jen stepped in and gave both of them cheerful smiles. The blue-eyed blond was dressed in her full uniform and looked stunning, her clothes all crisp with ironed creases. The two officers gave her a glare for looking that good this early in the morning, and Jen stopped, "What?" "Never mind," Gwen sighed. "Jen, you and Beth need to move out," she said, "I'll send the information to you en-route." "Yes, ma'am," Jen saluted crisply. "Got it, boss," Beth casually waved as she grabbed her police jacket from the back of her chair and her sidearm. The two headed out to the vehicle bays and checked out a cruiser, then headed out on the road. "You've seen Kate's car?" Jen asked Beth curiously. Beth gave a short laugh, "Yeah, the poor thing." A soft chirp, and data began to scroll down the onboard computer. "Hmm, the financial district," Beth quietly noted even as she programmed the destination into the guidance system. "So why did she do that?" Jen asked the question she had been wondering about for days. Lobotomizing an automated patrol car was a pretty odd thing to do, in Jen's opinion, so she wanted to know what she was dealing with. "Not my place to say," Beth clamed up suddenly. She quickly scrolled through the data-file, "Possible hostage situation," she noted, "with one perpetrator." Jen drew her sidearm, carefully handling the barely familiar weapon. She checked the chamber and then took the safety off before sliding it back home. The car reached the building and slid into a vehicle lift, and then the automated systems carried them up to the level where the crime was taking place. As they continued to rise, Jen commented, "This must be a pretty powerful company. We've already passed the sunshine line." "Yeah, you get real daylight in the windows up here," Beth smirked. With a sly look she asked, "Thinking of changing jobs?" "Not likely," Jen answered her shortly. The lift stopped and the car slid out onto the elevated street. Police vehicles were scattered all about, but nobody seemed to be doing much of anything yet. Obviously, they were all waiting for the experts to arrive. 'Instead, they got us,' Jen thought to herself with a rueful smile. Beth climbed out first, then Jen followed as she walked over to the officer who seemed to be in charge. "What's the situation?" she asked as she flashed her id at him. The poor officer obviously didn't know where to look, the front of her tight shirt or the id she was holding. But he quickly got a handle on it as he explained, "A accounting 'bot seems to have taken over a wing of their offices." "Is it armed?" Jen asked crisply. He seemed a lot more comfortable dealing with the uniformed officer as he answered, "Not that we could tell." Before she could ask, he added, "It doesn't seem to be all that violent, but it's pretty determined to keep them there." "All right," Jen found herself taking charge, "keep the bystanders back, and let me know where they're hold up. We'll take it from here." Beth smiled at her oddly, but kept her mouth shut as the people were pulled back. They went in together, carefully making their way down the hallway when Beth asked, "So who did you piss off to be transferred to the Chasers, anyway?" Jen drew her gun out, cradling it in her hands as she answered, "Actually, I requested to be sent to the Chasers." Beth gaped at her, and Jen frowned, "I've always wanted to be able to help people, and to me the Chasers are the best way to do that." Beth smiled slightly, "And I thought all the idealists had died out." Jen was about to shoot back an reply when they reached the room that the police said the android was in. She peeked around the corner, carefully, and blinked in surprise. What looked like a room full of executives, and a single dainty little accounting 'bot lecturing them on filing the numbers to her correctly. "Gee, I wonder if we should save them?" Beth asked. Jen pushed her back gently, then boldly knocked on the door. "What are you doing?" Beth squeaked. The android answered the door, looking at them quizzically, "Can I help you?" Jen brought her gun up smoothly and fired, hitting the android right in the middle. It jerked, then dropped to the floor, accompanied by a loud cheer from the trapped executives. They streamed by the two Chasers in a rush to get outside, leaving them alone. "No head shot," Jen shrugged, adding, "you don't have to tell me twice." She put the safety on and slid her gun home. "And to think I was going to sneak in," Beth said, staring down at the fallen android. She looked up at Jen, "Next time, tell me if you're going to do something like that. I'm sure a surprise like that isn't good for my heart." "I'll try," Jen smiled. "In writing, maybe," Beth said. 'Maybe she's more suited to the Chasers than I thought,' she sighed to herself.
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