Champions (part 4 of 56)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Al Kristopher

Back to Part 3

"Damn it!"

SNAP! There went the sword, or half of it at least. The other half was 
still in Rin's hand, though quite ready for a-crushing from the strength 
of her grip. The broken steel bounced on the floor and came to a noisy 
halt, just a few beats short of the door. The brick wall she had tried 
to strike had a scar, but that was it.

"I'll never get anywhere if they keep breaking on me," muttered Rin, 
examining what was left of her weapon. A sliver of steel, about as long 
as a pencil, was all that was left; the jagged end looked like it had 
been snapped in two by a creature much stronger than the average-looking 
girl called Rin. She growled and threw the rest of her sword away, then 
smacked the brick wall with her palm. It collapsed.

"Hey dad," she called out, "I'm gonna get a new sword. I broke the last 
one. Sorry." She heard her father scream at her, but frankly, she didn't 
care. After all, he was a swordsmith—he could always make more. And he 
did say that he wanted a challenge, so why not create a sturdier weapon?

"Damn it to Hell!"

CRUNCH! The shower knobs twisted off and broke as she turned them. Rin 
hadn't meant to use so much power, but it was so hard for her to judge 
at times. Being gentle was not good enough; she really had to go the 
distance in order to lead a normal life— "normal" being the 
overstatement. She grunted and nudged the other faucet just barely with 
the tip of her toe. It slipped effortlessly into full blast and scorched 
her with a burning-cold rain of water. She yelled and screamed for the 
whole ten seconds it took to get herself wet and out. The cold water 
faucet crumbled into pieces as she turned it off.

Wham! Wham! Wham! Rin smacked the once-impervious practice dummies into 
sawdust as she walked past them, one at a time. She shoved a punching 
bag out of the way, sending it hurtling towards the wall, and with a 
sign of exhaustion, fell into a chair and tried to relax. Of course, 
falling into the chair meant also breaking it.

"Damn it," she whined, "what good's super strength when your whole 
stupid house falls apart on you?!"


Rin carefully picked up the new sword her father had made her. Despite 
his anger over losing five in a week, he had indeed set right back to 
work, constructing a more durable weapon. A challenge like that kept him 
busy and, pun intended, sharp, and pushing himself to create the 
ultimate blade (or at least a close-to-ultimate) ensured him that he 
would have a purpose, if not a sane mind, for years. Rin swung it and 
sucked in doubtful air. The dummy would be the first.

Slee, chop! The dummy's head flew off cleanly, and bounced along the 
floor. Things were good so far, but how would it stand against something 
tougher? Rin picked up a grapefruit, hurled it in the air, and swung 
vertically as it fell. Swish, plop! Two perfect halves landed on the 
floor, the juice just now starting to run.

"Cool," she admitted. Now came the fun part: Rin took a single brick 
from the wall she had destroyed and threw it into the air, much like the 
grapefruit. She swung, and crash! The force of her swing sent the brick 
to the floor, cleaved in two pieces. She checked her sword and noted 
that a very, very tiny chip had been made in the steel. Quickly she 
turned around, slee... wham! Right against the rubble of bricks. The 
blade wedged through and sliced the floor, but looked to be in bad shape 
for it. Rin growled and destroyed the sword against a concrete block she 
kept stored in her training room.

"Son of a bitch," she swore. "Dad! Your sword went bust! I'm gonna go 
outside now and get some food!" She tossed the useless pieces on the 
floor and left her home before her father's verbal insanity could reach 


One hot afternoon, Rin Takamatsu was just minding her own business, 
carrying the entire family's groceries in her hands as she went along 
the sidewalk. There really wasn't anything on her mind, just stuff she 
wanted to do once she was back home, and possibly ways she could repay 
her poor parents for all the trouble she caused them (a kid with 
unnatural superhuman powers can do that). She was walking along and 
chanced into the usual alley that connected the streets to her home when 
she was stopped, surrounded, and threatened.

"Hand it over," said Doomed Thug One.

"Hand what over?" she wondered, sounding bored. He grinned.

"Everything." She put her bags down and cracked her knuckles.

"Fight you for it," she said, nearly smiling. Doomed Thug One, and his 
partners, Doomed Thugs Two through Five, all laughed and pulled out 
guns. Number Three shot first, aiming right at her heart, and hit her 
dead center. She just staggered as if pushed mildly and dusted herself 

"Hey, careful," she muttered, "I just got this suit cleaned." Number 
Three stared at her, gawking in horror, and fired off more rounds at her 
chest. They sent her buckling, but hurt little more than pinches. She 
sighed and slapped him in the face, sending him flying at least two 
meters. The others decided it would've been better to run as cowards 
rather than die as thugs.

"Fools," she muttered, but Rin really owed it all to the armor she wore 
so casually. She shucked it off and took a glance at it. It was dented 
in five places, but otherwise fine. "Man," she remarked, "dad's gonna be 
pissed about this." She put it back on, covered it up with her "holey" 
jacket, and jogged the rest of the way to her place.

"Dad," she called, "I'm home!" He came in polishing a large china dish, 
and frowned. The holes in her jacket had somehow increased since an hour 

"Again, Rin? How many times do I have to tell you?" And together they 
said in one voice, "‘Don't go through the alley, you'll only get mugged. 
I don't care if it is a...'"

"Shortcut," he finished, muttering. He snorted, feeling tempted to smash 
the plate over his daughter's head, even though he knew it would do no 
good. Superhuman strength or not, there was just no way of cracking that 
stubborn skull of hers. "Well," he grumbled, "did you at least remember 
the groceries?"

Rin felt a stab of guilt and forgetfulness pierce her impenetrable 

The groceries! She had left them in the...

"Aw, crap."


It had been that way for six years with Rin. What an odd life: you wake 
up one morning after living twelve years as a peaceful girl, and all of 
a sudden you can bench 200 pounds and run as fast as a car. It certainly 
made every day hard for her: the delicacies of youth now being crippled 
by overwhelming force, the frustration of having to relearn every aspect 
of life, the way everything seemed so fragile—not to mention being 
banned from tournaments and competitions because of the unfair 
advantage! She naturally grew up gruff, angry, and confused, and felt 
distanced from all humanity, even her family.

Her parents had tried to do their best and hammered into their 
daughter's head that she was meant for special things, that she had been 
set aside to do something extraordinary, and that her purpose in life 
was to help others, to make life easier, and to promote safety, peace, 
and harmony for all.

"Harmony schmarmony!" she would scream, "I can break cars in two and 
you're telling me I'm supposed to promote world peace?! Whaddya want me 
to do, start wearing tights and run around with a goofy catch-phrase?!" 
She'd usually storm away afterwards, but couldn't hide since it was so 
easy to find her (mom knew to look for the broken doors and holes in the 
wall). It wasn't really as if her power was beyond control; it just took 
a lot of patience and effort. She had to try hard not to exert unnatural 
force when doing anything, which made everyday life a chore.

Of course, things like mowing the lawn, moving furniture, and 
miscellaneous works of labor were a breeze, and Rin soon found out that 
her "special gifts" attracted all kinds of attention, good and bad. She 
ultimately decided to gravitate towards the good kind, since she 
reasoned she had caused enough trouble already just going through her 
teenage years. It felt pretty good to get paid for doing things she was 
forbidden to do at home, and using her power was encouraged, not asked 
politely to go into hiding.

Little by little she paid her parents back for past destruction, and 
little by little she racked up more debts caused by accidents and her 
illicit temper. Life was going smooth and normal, but Rin wasn't the 
type to have a smooth and normal life. On the contrary, if things had 
kept on going the way they were, her life would stagnate and become so 
pointless that she would have an outburst and go insane. In truth, the 
only reason she stayed home...

"Dad! I broke another sword! I'm gonna take a nap!"

...Was to find an accommodating weapon. And so, the story resumes...


Rin Takamatsu was not asked to dress up very often, but when her mother 
called her out and requested that she bring her very finest into the 
attic, she complied with a measure of curiosity. Wearing a pink 
ceremonial kimono, her hair tied with her best ribbon and her feet bare, 
she stepped up into the highest level of the house and saw her father, 
dressed in his favorite white kimono, a long katana sheathed by his 

"Sit," he told her. Rin crossed her legs and perched on the floor. His 
wife sat beside him, dressed in a light-blue, and picked the blade up. 
She handed it to her husband in a very ceremonial act, and he held it 
aloft before his daughter.

"Rin Takamatsu, O my daughter and heir of my flesh, you have driven me 
to many things," he began solemnly: "Anger, fear, confusion and doubt, 
but also love, and jealousy, and the hard work that has produced this!" 
With a small jerk, he uncovered a section of the steel, branded with his 
personal signature, Family Takamatsu. His wife held half the sheath as 
he slowly uncovered more of it, presenting it with dignity and quiet 

"This sword," he proclaimed, staring at its long slender magnificence as 
it came further out from its quiet hiding place, "is my strongest yet, 
the accumulation of many years of hard work, study, failure, and 
success. In part, O my daughter, I have you to thank for this, for now I 
know by a fact that this completely...incapable...of being 
broken!" With a final slee of the steel, the blade became utterly naked, 
and Rin examined it with a kind of wonder. Truly, even from a visual 
perspective, it had a stronger look to it, as if bricks and concrete 
could no longer affect it.

But there was only one way to find out.

Rin stared at the brick wall, and the brick wall, for its part, stood 
there quietly and accepted its fate with the dignity that best befitted 
brick walls. She took the sword in her hand, swung, and felt a jolt of 
happiness overtake her nerves and curl her mouth into a smile. The brick 
wall had a fine chunk of it completely severed, with the other piece 
neatly on the floor. She touched the edge of the wall that had been cut 
by the sword and noted how oddly smooth it felt. She then looked at the 
sword and noted, with a full smile, how perfectly intact it was—and 
perhaps ready for more.

Rin Takamatsu went outside and cut down a tree.

A redwood tree.

She said thanks to her father, paid him everything she had except for a 
few spare units to live off of, and left her house in search of 

She had become the Ronin.


Rin had no real purpose in her life—save people from danger and evil, 
she guessed—but even as she wandered aimlessly throughout the world, she 
became rather sidetracked one ordinary day, four months into her 
journey. The distraction came up quickly and asked very suddenly to go 
along with her, and since she felt the need for company and was such a 
helpful person, she agreed and gained a traveling companion. Well, two 
companions, really, but she didn't count the panda.

As always, she had been minding her own business that day. Fittingly, 
she had just come from buying a very impressive and inexpensive sushi 
dish, and couldn't wait to find a peaceful arbor or lake to dine next 
to. The open country was before her as she walked, but the peace of the 
day was interrupted by the sound of fighting. Feeling a little itchy for 
battle, Rin squeezed her sword and ran towards the source of the noise, 
but found that her services were quite unnecessary. She just needed to 
avoid getting burnt.

The girl was small, lightweight, and had black hair tied into pigtails, 
and she was frankly kicking their sorry tails everywhere. The girl 
wouldn't have lasted in a bare-handed combat, but when anyone is up 
against a pyrokinetic, even if the odds are nine to one, their opponent 
doesn't need a big body. A ring of fire surrounded the girl; little 
balls of flame were raining down on all nine of the men, and for a 
moment, Rin didn't know who to hit first. After all, who was pestering 

"Uh, hey!" she shouted, but she had to scream thrice to be heard. "Hey! 
HEY!!!" The girl stopped, and instantly the fires died down as she 
turned around and gave Rin a cute, inquisitive look.


"Were you...bullying those men by any chance?"

"No," she said evenly, "they were after me." Rin's eyes bulged. Oh. That 
made sense.

"And defended yourself. From them. All nine of them."

"Yes, of course." One of the survivors started to scamper, but the girl 
wheeled around and sent a fireball hurling towards his back. It struck 
him square in the spine and sent him flying. He stayed down and didn't 
bother to budge again; the girl resumed looking at Rin.

"I guess you saw everything I did, huh? If you're going to tell anyone 
about me, I'm afraid I'll have to burn you too."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not do anything hasty here! I just got here; I 
don't know what the hell's going on! Who are you?! How did you do that? 
I thought I was the only one who...had...powers..." Rin trailed off as 
something else caught her eye. In the darkness of the smoke, she 
couldn't make it out as first, but as it came scampering closer, she 
made a face. It jumped up the girl's legs, climbed into her arms, and 
bawled at her. She laughed.

"What...the hell is that?" The girl gave her a cute pout.

"Haven't you ever seen a panda before? Her name is Captain Cuddles, and 
she's my partner. I saved her and adopted her and everything, so there. 
Say hello, Captain Cuddles!" The panda merely yawned. Rin frowned.

"Uh, hi. You do realize she's wearing a mask and cape."

"Yeah. I gave those to her." The girl smiled and tickled the panda's 
chin, and it wiggled its head around, teasing her finger. Rin felt it 
was high time for introductions, as well as explanations. If there were 
other people like her—other people with powers, that is—then maybe the 
world wasn't so lonely and distant as she thought. Feeling different and 
excluded from everyone wouldn't be so bad if there was someone else to 
share in all that, even if she did carry around a pet.

"I better introduce myself," she said, hiding her sword behind her back. 
"I'm Rin the Ronin. I walk around helping people, so I thought..."

"Oh yeah, uh, sorry. I'm Hsu Kai Lin, but most everyone calls me 

"Kailin? Nice to meet you. So, uh, if you don't mind, could you tell me 
how you got those powers? I mean, up till' now, I thought I was the only 
one who had them."

"You have powers like mine?" She looked at Rin in a new light, 
apparently also realizing that her differences really were not that 
different, that others were going through the same problems, and that 
she had someone to identify with, even if it was a stranger she had just 
met. Rin nodded and demonstrated her strength on a tree, first by 
punching a hole into its bark, then by cutting it down, and finally by 
breaking off some branches with her bare hands. Kailin's mouth hung open 
the whole time.

"That," she gasped when Rin completed her show, "was!"

"Yeah? Well, your power's pretty hot, too." Kailin grinned and laughed 
out loud; her panda "partner" made a little bark and tried squirming out 
of her arms. She let it go, and stood smiling at Rin and her handiwork.

"You know, between the two of us, we could do some damage, at least to 

"First tell me how you got your power."

"What about yours?"

"I dunno," she said, kicking one of the broken branches. It sailed into 
the sky and landed in a forest, of all places. "I guess I was born with 
it. I ‘came of age', so to speak, when I was just a kid, around twelve. 
Course', I wasn't nearly as strong or fast back then, so I guess you 
could say my power grew with me." Kailin nodded, and found a seat on the 
floor, where the panda crawled up and cuddled in her lap. Rin sat next 
to her, getting a howl of disapproval from the animal, and jerked away 
to sit elsewhere.

"Jeez, what's with her?"

"I have no idea. BaoBao's probably just afraid of strangers. There 
there, now, it's okay." She scratched its head and got a loving sigh. 
Rin tilted her head.

"BaoBao? Wasn't her name Captain Cuddles a few seconds ago?"

"It's her alter ego name," explained Kailin. "There's BaoBao and there's 
Captain Cuddles. I call myself Inferno when I don't want to be 

"...Oh." Whatever. "So anyway, you were saying..."

"Right. Well, like you, I was born with my powers, and I managed to 
control them after a few years of...disasters. That's basically it, but 
if you want the whole story, it'll take a little longer."

"Mph, by all means. Want some of my sushi in the meantime?" Rin pulled 
out the dish and offered it to Kailin, who stared at it hungrily. They 
split the meal, with BaoBao picking apart the bamboo decorations 
greedily. Kailin thanked her "new friend" heartily as she began, her 
mouth full of rice, seaweed, ginger, and tuna.


The day is saved, but for how long?

Tune in next time when Kailin, the human inferno, tells a story of woe 
and sadness to Rin.

The two girls decide to journey together, all in the next chapter, 
"Ronin". So stay tuned!

Onwards to Part 5

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