Champions (part 33 of 56)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Al Kristopher

Back to Part 32

Their temple destroyed and their spirits waning, the Battle Diva 
Enforcement team was in need of a pick-me-up as their van drove across 
the barren highways. Once they got over the initial shock of being 
driven from their home, they started formulating ideas on where to go 
next. Siren suggested heading towards the MERCS headquarters, which had 
housed her for a few days before she joined up with the Divas. Most 
everyone liked the idea—except for Thunder-Claw and G-Force, none of 
them had a real home to go back to anyway—and so it was decided that the 
team would travel to MERCS and ask for a place to stay.

"They usually charge you something, though," Siren warned them. "They're 
non-profit, so they deal in favors. We're probably going to have to do 
several things in order to help." Thunder-Claw agreed.

"I guess that might be why they call themselves mercs, because anyone 
working for them could be considered a mercenary. So do you girls still 
keep your name or what?"

"Meh, we'll see," shrugged BK Power. The group talked about what they 
were going to do once they got there and how they were going to recover 
their assets and start over. They also needed to pay back the ones 
responsible for attacking them, but Bubblegum Black suggested getting to 
know their new traveling partner first.

"I am the Purple Spoon Man," he announced, "but you already knew that. 
Like you, I am a superhero, and I have the power to manipulate spoons to 
whatever I like, as you saw me do in the tournament and that brawl back 

"That's a weird power," noted G-Force. He shrugged.

"I didn't choose it, it chose me."

"Oh. How did you find us?"

"Oh, I, uh...well, I sort of became infatuated with Miss Cobra there and 
followed her..."

"Say what?"

"I-I can't help it, miss!" he exclaimed, waving his hands around. "I 
have a weakness for beautiful women. Of course, all the ladies here are 
very beautiful, but you are by far the prettiest!"

"Sorry, pal," she snorted without a bit of remorse, "but I'm not into 
men. I prefer women." The Spoon Man cried out in misery and whined, but 
his lament was brief and soon he was back to asking all the other girls 
if they were available. Even Xianq Shou, the only one genuinely 
attracted to men, declined harshly. Something about him being too old.

"Nonsense! Age is but a number!"

"Not to me!" she exclaimed. The hyperactive girl clung to Thunder-Claw's 
arm and added, "Besides, I already have a boyfriend."

"Who, me?"

"Yeah, of course!" Thunder-Claw blushed and stammered.

"Uh, n-now hold on, Xianq, we never discussed this before..."

"C'mon, be a team player! Whaddya have to lose?"

"My income," he stated weakly. Xianq laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Let's be a couple, come on. We're both old enough to start dating, and 
it's not like our friendship would really be ruined."

"Yeah, go for it!" exclaimed G-Force, giving her friend a playful swat. 
"I keep telling these girls you two would look great together anyway. 
Why not?"

"Could we please keep on focus?" he sighed. "We need to figure out what 
we're going to do about everything. Xianq, you're the financial brain of 
the operation; start trying to think of a negotiation we could make with 
the leader of this place. Alyssa, you've been there before, so you two 
should collaborate."

"Party pooper," muttered Black, even though she knew he was right. They 
resigned themselves to their tasks and took most of the ride there to 
formulate something. Meanwhile, the poor Spoon Man—Haanz Glücklig, he 
introduced himself as—was grieving over his losses and simultaneously 
looking over a map he had brought with him.

"We're in the middle of nowhere, you know. How in the world did you 
girls get from place to place?"

"With a really, really fast car," answered Kris.

"Oh. Well, if you want to know, we're probably approaching close to this 
MERCS place. At the rate of speed we're going, factoring in the scale of 
this map, I'd say we're almost there. MERCS headquarters is much closer 
to where the action is, so no doubt you all can respond to calls of 
distress easier."

"That'd be nice," said G-Force, slumping a bit. "It would also make it 
easier for me to see my parents. You know, my mom and dad went nuts when 
I told them where I'd be going and what sort of trouble I got into 
afterwards. Hopefully my physical presence will calm them down, if I can 
survive their verbal trashing." Thunder-Claw smiled, touched her knee in 
support, and nodded quietly. They'll be glad to see you, he said.

Not even half an hour had passed before the Divas found civilization, 
and with it, the MERCS headquarters (or just MH for best abbreviation). 
Siren and Bubblegum Black took the lead as they led their team, nine 
strong altogether, up to and inside the building, where a bored, 
plain-looking stout receptionist greeted them. She took their names down 
and asked them to wait in the lobby, where scant distractions took their 
mind off the long road (and the more imposing journey ahead).

It was not long before they got company. G-Force was surprised to see 
her girlfriend, the tall and goofy Rancor, entering the lobby with a 
scraggly girl in her arms, followed by a green-skinned girl with white 
hair. She grinned and rushed to greet the older woman, and while Rancor 
did smile at first, her face was dark and grave. Lurker, the 
white-haired girl, tackled "Beekay" Power first chance she got, and 
Alisti, the scraggly one, screamed to be let down from Rancor's arms. 
Her wheelchair was gone.

"Just hold your horses!" snapped Merry as she set Alisti down on a 
couch. The quadriplegic cursed, but settled in quickly and finally 
smiled, though not brightly. She noticed Skye and nodded politely, 
saying her name through telepathic waves.


Alisti, Skye replied. Both girls were apparently happy to see each other 
and took to a silent conversation. G-Force kissed Rancor once Alisti was 
freed (poor BK Power had to force herself away from Lurker's grip, and 
as usual, Xianq teased her about how red her face was), but Merry was 

"Leave me alone, Sal," she murmured. "I don't wanna be around anybody."

"Oh? Why not?"

"Just go away."

"Merry still mad," observed Julie. She scratched her neck fiercely, like 
a dog would. "Merry in awful mood. Is good, is bad, lots happened, lots 

"What has happened since we last saw you guys?" asked Xianq, sitting to 
join her other friends. "And where's everybody else? Weren't there six 
of you?"

"Originally seven," said Rancor roughly. "One of ours ran away, I guess. 
The others...damn it!" She pounded her fist on a table, nearly breaking 
it, and lumbered away before anyone could stop her. Alisti snorted.


"Easy to see why," Julie added. It would be tough getting the whole 
story from those two, but since Merry Lynn Weathers was in no mood to 
talk, it would have to suffice. Julie started first: "Been long time, 
yes. Long time indeed. We beginning to miss friends, that is you."


"Coming!" hissed Lurker. Alisti grinned sickly. "Any which way, long 
time passed. The Lost was attacked by Seven, and Seven did attack us, 
but many fought. I fought, Merry fought, Alisti fought. But our house 
burned, it was eaten alive by the fire."


"Not all your fault!" exclaimed Julie. She gestured towards the 
reclining girl and said, "Alisti says, she thinks damage her fault. Went 
too far, she said, with powers. There were many enemies there with 
strange powers. Made many feel lazy, or envious, or lustful! Much wrath, 
much pride." The Divas, except for Skye and now the Spoon Man, each 
exchanged a knowing look.

"Wrath and Pride...figures. So they were part of a group of seven."

"Yes, yes!" Julie exclaimed, nearly jumping. "T'was Seven that fought 
us, all seven! I fought two, both girls, both evil. Fought them off, 
went looking for friends."


"Yes, yes, we all fled soon. Alisti's chair was lost, so Merry picked 
her up, carried her the whole time! I not able to find others. There was 
Namie, Shalis, Marissa—don't know where they are now. Maybe lost, maybe 
safe, maybe dead, don't know."

"That's no good," murmured Kris. "But why's, uh...Rancor mad?"

"Thinks it her fault," replied Julie, her face now just as serious as 
Merry's had been. "Merry went wild after taking Alisti and I to safety. 
Went back to kill the Seven! She found man with wrath, fought him long 
and hard. Wrath soon destroys whole house by himself, uses Merry's anger 
on her! Merry survived, but she thinks she may have killed Namie, 
Shalis, and Marissa. Feels terrible. Not her fault. I say they live!"

TOUGH, agreed Alisti. ALSO... SEVEN... DEAD?

"May be true," noted Julie, bringing her feet up so her hands could hold 
them (Kris stared hard at this very cute act). "Maybe all Seven are dead 
thanks to Merry. The day could bring good news or it could bring bad, 
don't know. Only thing certain is we are alive. The others, I don't 

"Sounds like our story," said Mora, and together with the others, she 
told Lurker what had happened to them—how members of the Dead Zodiac had 
came and attacked them and destroyed the temple. Lurker reacted very 
emotionally and even bristled at the mere mention of more villains.

"I fight them too!" she snarled. "Hurt Beekay, hurt friends, they will 
not live long! I promise you that!"

"You can't fight them alone, kid," Cobra warned her.

"I know! Have friends to help!"

BLAST! Alisti screamed. Julie smiled.

"Alisti help too! They stand no chance!"

"Let's think of offensive maneuvers later," Father Pochanski said. 
Having been silent most of the time, he stepped forth to speak his mind. 
"We should get moving. Whether the proprietor of this establishment is 
ready or not, negotiations should begin soon. Once you are settled, then 
it will be time to think of your next move."

"Not ‘we', Father?"

"I will not stay here. It is not my place. I would actually like to look 
into something. My gut feeling tells me that I will be more useful in 
other areas. I will stay the night, of course, but tomorrow I leave." 
Most of the girls understood this and gave him their thanks, but G-Force 
needed to be explained a few things. The others got up and wandered 
around, looking for said proprietor. They didn't find the Director, but 
they did find an equally-reliable person, the competent and familiar Dr. 

Flanking her were Bloodbane and Pandora the Gambler. Most of the girls 
bristled; Siren stared in awe.

"Well, what a meeting this has turned out to be!" she exclaimed upon 
seeing the group. "So many familiar faces, too. I suppose introductions 
aren't necessary, seeing as how the tournament covered all that. Might I 
ask what a group this large is doing here?" Having gone over what they 
would say in the car, Alyssa and Xianq stood forth as representatives 
and bowed.

"Doctor, I've come back to ask a great favor of you."

"Oh, why hello, Siren! These your friends?"

"Yes. You see, it's sort of like before, when I needed a place to stay. 
My friends here would like to ask the same courtesy."

"Oh...dear. That would be incredibly inconvenient. I mean, so many 
people working for us would be more than welcome, and I'd take you all 
happily if conditions were different, but I'm afraid we don't have 
enough rooms to go around. There are only four available, plus mine, and 
we can't put but four to a room, at the very most."

"Oh, I will not be staying, good doctor," said Pochanski with a nod. 
Kamaguchi's mouth twisted in thought, and after taking a head count 
(coming to eleven), she seemed more enthusiastic.

"That makes things slightly easier. If you all don't mind sharing rooms, 
then I'd be happy to accommodate you. However, some of you may have to 
get acquainted with my silver-haired companion here, and truth be told, 
she's not very good with other people."

"What about Pandora?" wondered Cobra. The Gambler sneered violently.

"I'll take the doctor's room if I have to. Anything beats living with 

"Oh, grow up." Pandora snarled, as did Cobra and a few others, but 
Kamaguchi calmed them down.

"Now-now, I won't have fighting in my place. I'd be happy to let Pandora 
share my room—lord knows I do get lonely—so you don't need to worry 
about whether or not you get along with her. Just miss Shival here."


"Kathlyn Shival," said Bloodbane, her voice indistinguishable. "Don't 
call me Bloodbane. Kathlyn, Kat, Shival, whatever you like. Just not 

"Why, ya hate that name?" The ethereal maiden shrugged.

"I'm Kathlyn Shival. Now who will I room with, doctor?" Dr. Kamaguchi 
was fond of random order, but several girls insisted on being together, 
for company and cooperation if nothing else. Alisti and Skye got their 
own room together, provided they make space for one other who would soon 
live with them; Cobra, Lurker, and G-Force also got a room, and Sally 
was happy to find that her girlfriend had, by random chance, gotten the 
fourth spot (Rancor was of course still upset over what had happened, 
but she did manage to smile). Siren became roommates with Kris and 
Xianq, which she was used to anyway, and a fourth was along the way; 
that left the last room for the men (Bloodbane, or Kathlyn Shival as she 
preferred, already had a room to herself). Thunder-Claw got stuck with 
the Spoon Man, but he knew it could've been worse.

"Take your time adjusting to your new quarters," Kamaguchi announced 
once arrangements had been decided. "Feel free to make use of the 
facility. Most everything here is open to residents and the general 
public, but there are certain doors that are off-limits. These will be 
locked carefully, so don't worry about accidentally stumbling into them. 
If you have any more questions, please ask my friend and personal 
assistant, Miss Miyamoto. I will be busy for most of the day. I hope you 
all enjoy your stay at MERCS." She smiled, bowed, and walked away, 
leaving the congregation to bask in her wake. Cobra made a face, mocking 
Kamaguchi's closing schmaltzy statement.


Alisti was happy (or as happy as she got) that she wasn't rooming with 
somebody who would treat her like a freak. Skye was loving and gentle, 
and had mental conversations with the erratic girl as they (or really, 
she) set up the room to their needs. Julie had called Yui Miyamoto and 
asked if she could fetch a replacement wheelchair for Alisti (since 
neither of the two roommates could speak well), and while it was coming, 
the two got to know each other better. Skye obediently assisted dressing 
and feeding Alisti, and even helped give her a bath, which was more like 
a chore and less like an erotic experience than most people would've 

Their third roommate moved in a few hours later, just when things had 
started to settle down. She had to be goaded into the room by Yui 
herself (along with the wheelchair, to Alisti's relief), and was so 
painfully shy that she didn't even speak or look at her roommates. 
Alisti regarded the young, scraggly girl with indifference; Skye at 
least smiled at her. The girl's name was Joyce Jameson.

Three of the Battle Divas, more or less half of the team by that point, 
were lounging in their room quietly when their last roommate came 
calling. She knocked politely; Xianq was closest to the door and went to 
greet her. The two girls smiled at each other and instantly knew they'd 
be good friends: this one was young, enthusiastic, and quite pretty, and 
Xianq just felt better by being around her.

"My name's Aura Valeria," she said, waving to the others. "I've not been 
here long, so I guess we will all be on the same page."

"Kristen Masterson," said she, waving back. "Xianq you know; this is 
Alyssa Hunter."

"Hello," said Siren. Aura produced an awkward smile.

"I have to ask, just out of curiosity: are any of you gifted with, 
uh...strange powers?" The girls looked at each other, then at their 

"You could...say that."

"Most everybody in our group does," added Kris. "We're called the Battle 
Divas. There are three others who were on our team—five if you count the 
two men, I guess."

"Oh, I see. Well I'd love to meet them. So what are you doing here?"

"We were chased out of our home by this pack of villains," Siren 
explained. "Most of em' we could've dealt with in time, but two..." She 
shivered, out of anger and fear. "I don't see how we could've..."

"Let's not talk about that!" exclaimed Xianq, taking Aura by the arm. 
"We should go get something to eat and hang with our new friend. I dunno 
about you girls, but I'm starving!"

"For cake and ice cream, I'll bet," said Siren, snickering as she ribbed 
Kris. Xianq snorted and led Aura outside. They made one stop before 
going into the MERCS cafeteria, the room where Alisti, Joyce, and Skye 
were. Aura had a friend she wanted Xianq to meet, and coincidentally, so 
did Xianq.

Mora Johsen, the Cobra, stretched out on her bed and muttered something 
about taking a nap. She dozed off quickly, but who could blame her? 
After all the things the Divas had been through, every one of them were 
exhausted and ready to take things easy for once. They would have their 
chance, but it would be a short one—they needed to plan out their future 
in time. While Mora napped, Julie Smith wandered outside, too bored to 
stay in a small room like that. Sally and Merry had a heart-to-heart.

Sally was beginning to seriously love her tall, funny girlfriend. At 
first it was simply a physical attraction (and also her penchant for 
older women), but after being with Merry, Sally could see other sides, 
other dimensions of the tall girl that were just as endearing, maybe 
even more so. She was stronger and older, yes, but a kid at heart, and a 
very loveable one at that. Granted, she had a temper, and it didn't take 
too much for it to go off, but for the most part she was docile and 
kind. Today, though, seemed to be a bad day, regardless of how gently 
Sally caressed her sweetheart's hand.

"I'm sure they're all okay," she attempted, wanting to comfort her 
girlfriend. Merry snorted.

"What do you know? We barely escaped on our own. Besides, if they were 
alive, they'd get in touch with us, wouldn't they? Shalis alone could 
reach us easily, and Marissa has some kind of advanced ESP. They're 
dead, Sally, and I killed them."

"You didn't kill—"

"I did!" she snapped, her face contorted in anger. "I killed them! If I 
hadn't gone back and picked a fight with that guy, the building wouldn't 
have been destroyed. What's worse is...I left Marissa behind. I rescued 
Alisti from that guy but left her to die. I wanted to go back for her, 
but when I couldn't find her..." She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing a 
few tears to run out. Sally tentatively touched Merry's shoulder, 
knowing it would be unwise to push her too far.


"Don't touch me!" she barked, jerking away. "Just leave me the hell 
alone, Sal. Just leave me alone, like everybody else whose lives I've 
ruined! It'd be better for you anyway!"

"Merry!" She turned and ran off, soon becoming lost in the distance, 
leaving poor Sally crestfallen. Before long she felt a hand touch her 
own shoulder, and smiled when she noticed it was her oldest friend, the 
benevolent Thunder-Claw.

"Hey. It's been awhile since we've had a chance to talk in private."

"Oh...yeah, uh, sorry about that. I've neglected you."

"It's okay," he shrugged. "Xianq keeps me busy." She grinned.

"She really loves you, you know. She even told me. I really do think you 
two would be great for each other."

"You're not just saying that because we're both straight and old chums, 
are you?" She grinned again, shyly looking away.

"Well, partially."

"Meh. I dunno. I mean, part of me still sees her as that young girl I 
knew in middle school. I don't know if I can have a romantic 
relationship like that."

"Stop worrying so much!" she advised him, rubbing his shoulder. "You're 
going to make yourself sick, like you always do. So what's wrong with 
dating an old friend? Nothing, in my opinion. I'd date you if I was 
straight and you were about three years older."

"Oh, gee."

"I'm serious! You're a great guy."

"Maybe. I dunno. I mean, when she pressured me like that in the car, I 
just thought she was taking things too fast." Sally smirked.

"Tell me, Steve, how long has it been since you two met that one day?"

"You mean that mission we took? I'd say a month or two."

"Don't you think that's a long enough time? Look at me and Merry. We 
barely knew each other an hour before we decided we'd date. So what 
other excuse do you have? She's a beautiful, fun, energetic young lady."

"Energetic would be putting it tamely," he noted with a smile. "But, 
maybe you're right. I guess if she's serious, then I'm serious too. And 
speaking of girlfriends..."

"Oh, right." Their happy smiles faded into sobriety, their noise became 
muted. Sally leaned forward and combed her fingers through her hair.

"Hey, don't give up on her," said Steve gently. "Just give her some more 
time to cool off. But let her know how much you love her. I didn't 
exactly overhear that conversation, but I do know that people who are 
lonely or feel guilty need somebody to care for them. Just be there for 
her; you don't have to say or do anything else."

"I know," she said lamely. "I'm one of the few lucky people who have 
both parents still living under the same roof, so I know how to keep a 

"We're in the same boat on that matter," he replied. Sally smiled, and 
in a gesture of friendship, put her arm around his body and leaned her 
head on his shoulder.

"It's good that we can talk like friends...that sort of thing. 
I'm also glad you accept me for my, uh, interest in women."

"Well, it's...the least I could do. And you are a good friend, Sal." 
That was all they needed to say, for the conversation ended and they 
stayed attached to each other for a few minutes before Steve dismissed 
himself. After all, if he was going to be Xianq's boyfriend, he might as 
well make it official.


Kathlyn Shival said with irritation as a knock came at her door, "Who is 
it?" Cobra came in, fresh from her nap but not in a good mood. Shival 
rolled her eyes. She remembered the serpentine woman well. "Oh. It's 

"Yeah, it's me. Think we can talk?"

"There is nothing for us to say. I have a room to myself, so we need not 

"Well can I ask you a question?"

"I already know what it is. You want to know why I teamed up with those 
others and attacked you that one time. I can't tell you that." Mora 
crossed her arms.

"Why, is it some dark secret?"

"I just cannot tell you," she stressed. "Now if there's nothing else..."

"Well what about that time in the tournament?"

"Again, I can't tell you. You wouldn't understand it even if I did." 
Mora sneered.

"You're really making it hard for anyone to like you, Kat or whoever you 

"I don't want anyone to like me. I want to be by myself. If you were my 
roommate, I'd treat you with this same courtesy."

"Some courtesy." Mora snorted and gave a nasty gesture. "So no chance of 
us getting to know each other. Humph, you like being mysterious?"

"I see no point in revealing my secrets to someone that could exploit 
them." Cobra snarled, but she knew that Shival had a good point. Neither 
woman trusted each other, so what good was it to tell each other about 
themselves? Cobra barely trusted her friends and fellow Divas; there was 
no way she could trust this shady character.

"I see. Excellent point. Well...I guess we just say that we hate each 
other. And I do hate you, Shival."

"All right. For the record, I hate you as well—for reasons you cannot 
possibly understand."

"Screw you, bitch!"

"Why don't you just crawl back into the hole you slithered out of?" The 
two would've jumped on each other and fought then and there, but...

"I've got better things to do than waste my time with you!"

"So go do them and leave me the hell alone!"

"Fine, I will!"

"Fine, you do that!"

"Just watch me!"

"I'm not going to stop you."

"DON'T!!!" Slam! Kathlyn winced as the door crashed shut. She grumbled 
darkly, feeling more foul than before.

"Loathsome beast."


Director Taichou watched Father Pochanski leave with a sense of relief. 
Out of all the people there, the middle-aged bald man concerned him the 
most. His mind was sharp and keen to pick up on things, so thank heavens 
he was gone. With him out of the way, the Director could breathe a 
little more comfortably and check up on his ultimate project. Asking 
Sayonada not to let anyone disturb him, Taichou crept into a secret 
room, protected by several measures of security, and made his way to a 
large terminal. He typed in the lengthy password carefully and sighed in 
contentment as the records came up.

Nineteen specimens collected, it read. Current power level: 463,728.

"Those people that came in today will make fine additions," he mused. 
"Very fine indeed..."


Next time: Now that they are alive again, Rin and Kailin are forced to 
work for the mysterious Kissa. However, even this will not stop them 
from going on another adventure! A new friend joins them as they set out 
to reunite with BaoBao, and an old nemesis just might pop up to make 
things more interesting! Will there be darkness or light? Next chapter, 
"The Great Infernos". Don't you dare miss out!

Onwards to Part 34

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