Blood, Sex, and Magik (part 25 of 27)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 24
Alice Sinclair fought back laughter as she watched
Johnny Depp in full pirate gear running for his life
from ravenous cannibals. His facial expressions alone
were worth a giggle from the black haired woman...

ring ring

Reaching over Alice picked up the phone, a smile on
her lips as she kept an eye on the TV and asked,

"Hey." Jess Drake's voice was gently amused, "What are
you doing tonight?"

Alice sighed happily, "Sitting on the couch in my
jammies, watching Pirates."

Jess laughed, "I saw that. Just wanted to see how you

"Is there trouble again?" Alice asked, picking up a
undercurrent in Jess' speech.

"Not yet," Jess said, "in fact, I'm trying to head
some trouble off."

"Be careful," Alice said quietly.

"I'll do my best," Jess promised.

Jess hung up the phone, reaching up to run a hand
through her now dark brown hair. She had lightened it
with bleach then dyed it the almost oaken brown, her
black roots mostly hidden beneath the new color.

"Why the new look?" Rose asked, the somewhat scruffier
brown haired woman looking at her warily. Her skin was
oddly pale and her eyes were unusually sharp, almost
dangerous as she scanned her surroundings.

"Thought it was about time," Jess answered dryly. She
walked by Rose to grab her coat from the rack nearby
the front door to her tattoo parlor, "So, run this by
me again, Wolfie."

"Don't call me that," Rose scowled as the walked

"Would you prefer puppy?" Jess asked as she locked the
door then set her mystic alarms. She had a dangerous
reputation, but Jess wasn't going to stupidly rely on
it alone.

"I'd prefer you call me by name, mage," Rose said with
a sigh.

"Sure Rosy," Jess said agreeably.

"Arrgh," Rose threw her hands in the air, stomping
along while Jess chuckled.

In a much more serious tone Jess said, "Do you really
think you could tail me and I wouldn't pay you back?"

"Point," Rose sighed.

"Now," Jess said in more business-like tones, "what's
going on?"

Rose sighed, looking off in the distance as she
collected her thoughts. "I recently began to be aware
of other wolves in town," she said quietly.

"And this is a problem?" Jess asked.

"It is when their pack leader is ambitious," Rose
sighed, "and wants to establish a territory here..."

"This isn't going to be a friendly moving in and
meeting with the neighbors?" Jess asked, feeling her
stomach tighten.

"No," Rose shook her head, "he wants to drive the
residents of a small enclave out... by brute force if

"Great, just great," Jess muttered, thoughts racing.
"We need to swing by my apartment first," she said
firmly, stopping them then leading Rose across the
crowded street, horns blaring.

"Should I..." Rose hesitated.

"Come on," Jess said firmly, "besides, you probably
already know all about it from when you and your
friends were tailing me."

"I know where it is, yes," Rose answered with a shrug,
"though I have to confess we never found anyone who'd
let us in."

Jess smiled slightly, "Weren't able to con the
building's manager into letting you in?"

"He's very crusty," Rose recalled, "wouldn't take a
bribe or anything."

"You should have offered more money," Jess smirked as
they almost jogged, "he'd have made a profit and you
wouldn't have found much there anyway."

"You're taking this well," Rose noted as they reached
Jess building. The woman used her key to unlock the
outer door, then they headed through the lobby to the

"I had some time to think about it," Jess said dryly.
They rose the elevator up then hurried down the hall,
Jess unlocking the door and waving her inside.

"Thanks," Rose said as she trotted in, then stiffened
as she head the click of the door lock behind her.
"What...?" she turned to look at Jess.

"Cut the bullshit," Jess said flatly as she put her
key away, "I know the head of the wolves in this town,
and she'd never pull what you're saying." Giving Rose
a flinty gaze she asked, "What do you REALLY want?"

Rise looked around, eyes darting, "But I told you..."

"Little puppy, I warned you last time not to mess with
me," Jess cracked her knuckles loudly in the quiet of
the room.

"What did you do to Lucy?" Rose finally burst out,
lips drawn back in anger.

"Ah," Jess breathed out. "I didn't do anything to your
boss," Jess said calmly.

"Yes you did!" Rose snarled. Her breath was coming in
pants now, eyes narrowed, "This is the first time I've
ever seen her back away from a case..."

"Oh hell," Jess backed up to her kitchen counter as
Rose shuddered, eyes almost glowing a sinister yellow
as she began to change. With a guttural noise Rose
leapt, her body already spouting the first traces of

... when Jess scooped up some pepper from behind her
on the counter top and flung it right into the bestial
woman's glowing eyes. "Ahhh!" Rose cried out in pain
and surprise, her eyes suddenly watering and burning
as she staggered backwards, rubbing at them
desperately and only making the pain worse.

"Sorry about this," Jess muttered as she rushed
forward, ducking under a wild swing.

"I'll rip your heart out for this," Rose snarled,
tears streaking her face.

Jess grabbed at the slightly shorter woman's head,
"All right, maybe not so sorry."

"Wha..." Rose tried to grab at Jess' hands.

With all her strength Jess whipped Rose around and
hammered her head right into the wall, sending
pictures that had been hanging there crashing to the
floor. Seeing she was still up Jess did it again, her
general state of irritability at the whole situation
adding a bit more force to the second strike.

"Urgle," Rose made a incoherent noise as she slid to
the ground.

"Damn," Jess sighed as her knees gave out in relief.

Lucy Yamazaki sighed as the office phone rang, the
redheaded half-Asian woman going over the latter to a
client requesting payment once more. "Boss," her
secretary and man Friday Tom called, "it's Jess Drake.
Claim's it's urgent."

"Drake?" Lucy blinked in surprise. In the week since
their meeting in the office Lucy had deliberately
tried to put that case out of her mind, even though it
frustrated her to leave something like that
unresolved. "Yes?" she asked coldly once Tom
transferred the call.

Jess sounded tired as she said, "Did you intentionally
send Rose after me?"

"What?" Lucy tried to hide her surprise. It was near
enough to the full moon that Lucy had been concerned
about Rose, concern that had developed to full
worrying when she hadn't come in to work this morning.
"Where is she?" Lucy demanded.

"Out cold on the floor of my apartment," Jess said
dryly, "also tied up, because I am not facing down a
pissed off werewolf again. You wanna get down here?"

"I'm on my way." Lucy hung up.

"Boss?" Tom blinked as Lucy rushed by, grabbing her

"Watch the office, I'll be back as soon as I can,"
Lucy tossed over her shoulder as she hurried out.
‘Drake had better not have hurt her,' she thought as
she ran out to her car and jumped in, tires squealing
as she raced off. The trip took only a few minutes but
felt like forever, including the elevator ride.

"I've calmed down now," Lucy felt a flash of relief
when she heard Rose speaking as she reached the door,
"you can let me go now."

"Like hell, you tried to bite me when I cleaned your
eyes," Jess shot back.

"Hey, it hurt," Rose protested.

"Rose, are you..." Lucy burst in... only to find
herself laughing.

"That hurts, boss," the morose and heavily tied Rose
said, sitting at the table with Jess. She looked
terrible, a bit of blood still on her face and flaming
red eyes, ropes binding her to a almost silly degree
to a chair.

"You wanna take custody of her?" Jess asked Lucy with
a sigh.

"Of course," Lucy strode over to Rose's side, her
voice tender as she asked, "are you all right, love?"

"I am now," Rose sighed a bit more happily.

Onwards to Part 26

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