Blood, Sex, and Magik (part 17 of 27)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 16
Jess Drake reached over to the phone, the black haired
woman hesitating for a moment before picking it up.
She dialed the number quickly, listening to it ring,
then after a moment it was picked up. Alice Sinclaire
spoke cheerfully, "Sisterhood Bookstore, how can we
help you?"

"It's Jess," she said softly.

Her voice dropped a bit to keep anyone nearby from
hearing as Alice said coldly, "I don't want you
calling me here at work, Drake."

Jess flinched at the other woman's tone. Taking a
steadying breath she said, "I was hoping we could get
together and talk."

"I think you had plenty of chances to talk to me about
what was going on before now," Alice's tone was
positively glacial.

"I never meant to hurt you," Jess was a little
surprised to hear her own pain so clearly apparent in
her voice.

There was a long moment of silence from the other end,
so much that Jess wondered if she had just hung up.
Finally Alice said softly, "I can't forgive you yet."

Jess fought back sudden tears, silently cursing her
weakness. "Call me when you're ready," was the best
she could get out.

"I will," Alice promised and did hang up, this time.

Jess put the phone back in it's cradle then she sighed
softly. Things were a mess between them, and all of it
was her fault. Eve though she knew Alice was very
straight laced Jess had continued on with her usual
lifestyle, including a bit of sleeping around. And of
course once she found out about it, Alice was shocked.

Jess smoothly got up from her living room table,
shaking her head. 'It's not all your fault,' she tried
to remind herself as she dumped out her half finished
cup of coffee into the kitchen sink, 'Alice never
asked you to change, either.' She opened her fridge
and grabbed a banana as she thought wryly, 'Who am I

Walking over to the door she pulled on her boots,
hopping a bit to get one on, then grabbed her coat
from where she had hung it up last night. Out she went
into the hallway, sliding her arms into the sleeves
after she locked the door, her red T-shirt tight
across her chest as she moved. Downstairs then
outside, the humidity high as she felt the coming

"Suits my mood," Jess muttered and set off at a steady

It wasn't the best part of town she walked through but
it wasn't the worst either, in part due to her own
efforts. There were prostitutes every now and then,
but no pimps had ventured into this part of town for
awhile, much like the hard drug dealers. Pot was about
the worst thing sold around here, Jess having made it
clear to the city's dealers that she'd make then
regret selling anything else.

Jess looked around then frowned, realizing where her
footsteps had carried her reflexedly. Sisterhood
bookstore lay about a block away, but Jess wasn't
going to go there. It wouldn't be fair to Alice to
visit her place of work, and she hated the idea of
making a scene. Turning she walked down one of the
many alleys, stepping over a few sleeping street
people as she continued on.

"Hey Jess," Lane smiled as Jess emerged from between
two buildings, the beautiful and subtlety androgynous
figure looking down at her warmly.

"Lane," Jess smiled back, feeling just the slightest
bit uncomfortable.

Lane had been clearly on her way to or going home from
somewhere, her short blonde hair falling around her
face in a carefully shaped wave. Her breasts were
hidden by her fine clothes, but they were well shaped
and perky. Half in shadow her face was lovely,
delicate and almost elven. And tucked away in her
panties was a piece of male equipment.

"Pardon me for saying so," Lane reached out a graceful
hand to push back some of Jess' black hair, "but you
don't look so good."

'Is it that obvious?' Jess thought a bit angrily, then
shook herself. Part of her was tempted to just tell
Lane that it wasn't her business, but.... "Girlfriend

Lane fell into step beside Jess, the two heading off
in the direction of Jess' tattoo parlor. She looked
down at Jess thoughtfully and asked, "Why?"

"Keeping secrets," Jess answered, "or maybe not coming
clean quickly enough."

"I know how that feels," Lane smiled wryly.

Jess nodded, "I guess so." The sun tried to break out
through the clouds above them, but they were too
thick, cutting the rays off. "When do you tell?"

Lane shrugged slightly as she explained, "I suppose it
depends on what I want from them. For friends I see
how it goes, honestly, but with those I want to be
closer to... I'm as truthful as I can, as soon as I

"It must be scary," Jess commented as she casually
nodded to one of her neighbors, "risking rejection
like that."

"You never get used to it," Lane quietly agreed with
her, "but I think there's no other way to build a real

They reached Jess' tattoo parlor and she unlocked the
door, her expression thoughtful as she dispelled all
the protective enchantments. 'And if I had been more
honest with Alice would we have avoided that fight?'
she wondered. Changing the subject she gestured
towards Lane's shoulders, "How are they doing?"

Lane looked amused at Jess' changing the subject but
she let her get away with it as they went inside.
"They're fine," she reassured Jess, "I can pull the
wings back in as needed."

"A useful little stunt," Jess took her jacket off as
she turned the lights on, hanging it up then going
around to check up on the girlie pictures that hung on
the walls and in the front window.

With a slightly impish smile Lane leaned up against
the counter as she said, "Are you going to be busy

"No appointments," Jess replied as she looked at the
elegantly dressed woman, "why?"

"I was thinking of getting another tattoo," Lane
conceded, "one on my arm this time."

Jess brightened, clearly glad to be back at work.
"What sort of design?" she asked.

"I was thinking about a merged version of the roman
male and female symbols," Lane sketched in the circle
with an arrow and also a cross attached in the air."

Jess had to shake her head in admiration, "You don't
hide at all, do you?"

"Hiding means that you're ashamed," Lane said it
gently but firmly, "and I've never been ashamed of who
and what I am."

"Fair enough," Jess got out a sketch pad from behind
her front counter and began to draw, sketching the
symbol that Lane wanted. Together they ran through a
few variations and settled on a design that she liked,
then they got to work.

This time they used the normal tattoo gear up front,
rather than slipping into the back room for the more
occult gear. Lane casually stripped herself of her
blouse, sitting down in the reclining chair, her bra
protecting her modesty well enough. With her usual
care and precision Jess worked for the next few hours,
needle and ink marking fair skin in red and a delicate
blue. Finally she showed her work and Lane sighed

"It's lovely," Lane purred softly, her smile honest.

"My pleasure," and Jess realized it was. The work and
the focus it had required had stilled her restless
thoughts for awhile, leaving her with an odd feeling
of peace. Carefully she cleaned the skin around the
tattoo then applied a bandage to protect the sensitive

Lane wrote out the cheque after she finished dressing,
including a more than generous tip. "If there's
anything I can do to help," she met Jess' eyes from
where she stood a moment in the doorway, "please let
me know."

There was nothing hidden in that, a direct offer that
came from a place of human caring. "Maybe one of these
days I'll do that," Jess answered with a warm smile.

"I'm glad," and with that Lane was gone.

Jess pulled her surgical gloves off then washed
normally, her own expression thoughtful as she
considered what they had been talking about earlier.
"Honesty," Jess said to herself as she dried her skin,
"maybe it is time."

Onwards to Part 18

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